The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by 1jola  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 14 / Live: 1 / Archived: 13
Posts: Total: 1875 / Live: 401 / Archived: 1474
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes

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30 Apr 2010

I'm interested to know more about your way of thinking

and I thought you were here to tells us that no documents are secret and let's talk about something else, which you have done.
30 Apr 2010

In the late thirties and then officially in 1939-1941, Stalin made sure Hitler had enough grain, fuel, raw metals, and was well prepared to invade Russia in 41. Stalin was also well prepared but for an offensive war which he didn't get to carry out as planned.

Stalin's contribution to the Nazi war effort was significant.
30 Apr 2010

It is the headlines that matter to headline believers. The headlines soon will be: Poles Difficult as Ever: Not Happy with the Generous Russian Release of 10% of Katyń files, or Poles Stalling World Love-in.
30 Apr 2010

Not to disturb your off-topic chat but Russia has not released any new documents. Again, out of the 183 volumes of the 1999-2004 investigation into the Katyń shootings, 116 volumes remain secret. They just made public the documents already given to the Polish side in 1992 by Yeltsin.

Out of five pages of posts and not one critical reader. Interesting.

Here is what they released:
10 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

It seems to me that there was a culture of erring on the side of completing the mission vs. safety, what do you think?

You site one example and call it a policy? To me, it does at the moment look like there was pressure to land not to delay the comemorations. Perhaps a deadly mistake, we'll see after the investigation. I have ignored so many "Safety First" in the AF that didn't result in death but it could have. At NASA it was even worse. It was never the policy to ignore the safety rules, but they were, are, and will be ignored because of the "mission".

Safety first is a good slogan, which boils down to going always by the book. Not in the real world though.

Why was he given clearance to land when there was such a low ceiling and no ILS? The pilot of an approaching aircraft is in charge of clearing himself to land? What do you think?
9 Apr 2010
Life / How would you describe the Polish sense of humour? [66]

or Polak, Niemiec i Rusek, etc.).

I've heard Polish Vietnamese ten-year-olds tell these jokes, but I think joke telling has suffered generaly in Poland. There used to be lots of great political jokes which went away with the absurdity of socialism, and are replaced with dumb blond jokes and such.
20 Mar 2010
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

Ask your Polish friends if they like May Day parades? First, ask them if they know what it is. Then, ask them if they felt their time in the army was a waste of money? I bet they felt it is not cool to be in the army and there are braver people than they who should defend them. Your two Polish friends are not the Polish people.

When you are old enough and apply yourself, you will have a subject at school callled Probability and Statistics; you will understand then.
20 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

No. Burning 1600 people in the 140 m^2 barn is not a small potato and deserve to be remembered.

Around 300. Your wild figure comes from Jan Gross and his book Neighbours, but you already know about him:

Also, the Jewish American political scientist Norman Finkelstein said: "Neighbors bears the unmistakable imprint of the Holocaust industry. By Holocaust industry, I mean those individuals and institutions exploiting the Jewish genocide during World War II for political and financial gain


Have your ever seen a barn? Have you ever seen a a group of 1600 people? No need to reply. This is just so start thinking for yourself.
20 Mar 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

I prefer British English mainly because I don't like pronounciatio of "r" in AmE.

There is an absence of "r" in many parts of New England, as there is in East Anglia. When pronouncing "Park the car in the Harvard boatyard," you will not hear any Rs.

Many Poles prefer BrE and think they have a British accent, because it's "better." I nod in agreement and try not to smirk too much.
8 Mar 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

Where did this regiment operate then...? did Poland colonise Africa as most other nations did...?

It tried to establish colonies or settlements abroad, but not in the traditional colonial sense. It was largely a failure. Some info here:
7 Mar 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

He is serving in the Liga Morska i Kolonialna. Here are more troops:
The League was founded by a great man, general Mariusz Zaruski,
Murdered by the NKVD.
7 Mar 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

If there is a foreign legion , can you get me one of those little caps with a flap on the back....i have always wanted one...?

This is your lucky day. This pre-war Polish soldier's kepi is even adapted for riding.
3 Mar 2010
Life / Polish folk remedy for styes? [12]

I always thought it sounded better in Polish, but I can't remember it!

It goes "Nie miała baba kłopotu, kupiła sobie prosię." Here you have lots of other Polish sayings:

A old Polish remedy for styes is to rub the infected sore with gold, usually a wedding band.
17 Feb 2010
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

I understand what you are saying. Maybe I should crack open a history book or two. Sorry if I sound ignorant lol.

It is usual for North Americans to publicly display ignorance, especially in regards to history or georgraphy. The thread tittle should have been: Feeling ashamed of my complete ignorance of Polish history. Sokrates will quizz you later, so be diligent.
16 Feb 2010
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

There is no indication that he knows anything about Poland. He is ashamed of something but doesn't make it clear what it is. The stupid politicians is just a distraction.

What is it Sebastian you are ashamed of? Be more specific.
16 Feb 2010
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Its strange because All of my friends, whether they are Italian, Romanian, Czech, Greek, Swedish, French, they are all proud of their nationality but I'm not and I hate it.

Let's say you are an above average Canadian, and can actually locate Poland on the map, now, read a few books on its history and stop complaining. Be a good Canadian.

Now guys. Please don't flame me. But as of now I am not too proud of being Polish and its bothering me and I don't like it. I know I may sound stupid, but what's bothering me is that Poland is being run by a bunch of idiots.

You are trolling?
7 Feb 2010
Life / Why so many Poles use a second hands clothes? [110]

Why so many not feel ashamed to wear pants or socks after some other people?

You should only feel ashamed if you stole clothes. There might be a time in your life when you will shop at second hand stores only. You will remember this thread, no doubt.
22 Jan 2010
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

These Sienkiewicz novels can be read here:

In Desert and Wilderness
Knights of the Cross
Quo Vadis
Without Dogma