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The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
14 Jun 2010   #31
absolutely none of this stuff has been proven to be linked to DNA

Have I ever said it's about DNA? I call someone a father because he acted like a father for me, not if his DNA is same same as me...
14 Jun 2010   #32
They are all polish jews. I've already checked the source.
opts  10 | 260
14 Jun 2010   #33
How do you know that the guys in the picture are Jewish? Did you check if they were circumcised?
14 Jun 2010   #34
No I've checked the blog from these pics were taken ;)

here you have:
rychlik  41 | 372
14 Jun 2010   #35
"Poles are always BAD" and "Jews are always GOOD".

I agree 100%. Said it before and will say it again- Jews are a nasty race. I've had experience with a couple of older Jews and it re-confirmed my belief that they are anti-Polish. I'd rather deal with a German and a Russian any day of the week.
opts  10 | 260
14 Jun 2010   #36
Please, if you mean it, if you think the rift between Poles and Jews should be mended, post below

Of course, the rift between Poles and Jews should be mended. I read that about 10% of Poles living in Poland have a Jewish blood and they do not know it.
vetala  - | 381
14 Jun 2010   #37
No I've checked the blog from these pics were taken ;)here you have:

Lol, what a blog!
opts  10 | 260
14 Jun 2010   #38
I'd rather deal with a German and a Russian any day of the week.

You do not speak for all Poles. I never had any problems with Polish Jews.
I did encounter some problems with American Jews who never had been to Poland.
There good and bad Jews and there are good and bad Poles.
I feel closer to Jews than Germans or Russians.
14 Jun 2010   #39
but on a personal level, that we can each say individually "I forgive you", and mean it.

I appreciate what you are trying to do, SB. To be honest, I've been thinking
about doing something to tighten the ties between Poles and Jews for a long time.
Like starting a local Polish-Israeli Friendship Association, promoting Jewish culture
and celebrating common Polish-Jewish history. Of course, it would be on a local,
very small scale, but if everyone worked locally on a small scale it might be
a beginning of something bigger. Who knows. I'm waiting for two of my friends
to finally come back from immigration and we will probably start something along
those lines.

But even if one can't (or doesn't have enough time to) actively promote Polish-Jewish
friendship, there's always something that can be done. Like subscribing to "Midrasz"
magazine for example...

...Ronald S. Lauder Foundation is withdrawing from Poland this year and "Midrasz" will
lose their financial support, so every little helps.

if you think the rift between Poles and Jews should be mended

I don't think there is a substantial rift between Poles and Jews. Sure, Poland still has
some anti-semtic Neanderthals and there are still those Jewish chutzpah boys in America,
but apart from that I think that both Poles and Jews are waiting for a revival of Jewish
life in Poland and re-establishing stronger Polish-Jewish ties. I strongly believe that it will
happen eventually.
Matowy  - | 293
14 Jun 2010   #40
Have I ever said it's about DNA? I call someone a father because he acted like a father for me, not if his DNA is same same as me...

I am speaking generally, in terms of this discussion, this forum, and how this forum reflects peoples real mindsets.

Said it before and will say it again- Jews are a nasty race.

Say it as many times as you like, you'll sound stupid each and every time.
f stop  24 | 2493
14 Jun 2010   #41
I can't bring myself to even read this, after that stupid title.
Saddest nations??
Are Jews a nation?
Really, saddest nations? Sadder that ummm.. Somalia, Afghanistan, Chechnya? Really??
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
14 Jun 2010   #42
There is so much fail in this thread I can't believe it.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
14 Jun 2010   #43
I never had any problems with Polish Jews.

What he said, except to add that I've never had any problems with any Jews (unlike certain other people I could mention) and I've always been treated well by them. I certainly wouldn't be moving to an area which is 40% Jewish if I had problems with them!

Poland would benefit significantly by allowing a few hundred thousand Jews back into Poland. Everyone knows that Poles are useless at business, and Jews are clearly the opposite. Instead of enabling Jewish business and finance skills to turn Poland into an economic force to be reckoned with, Poland seems to prefer to accept the same number of Africans instead; who also have "business skills", but not the kind anyone wants!

And if anyone wants to flame me... well, I have a big nose and very dark hair, so flame away, I'm entitled to my opinion :p lol

I think that both Poles and Jews are waiting for a revival of Jewish life in Poland and re-establishing stronger Polish-Jewish ties.

I'll second that.
convex  20 | 3928
14 Jun 2010   #44
Poland would benefit significantly by allowing a few hundred thousand Jews back into Poland.

I'm not sure Jews want to come to Poland. If they did, they would do it. It's not like they're being kept out. They just don't want to be here..
shush  1 | 209
14 Jun 2010   #45
I dont know where all you people got experiences with Jews - i certainly dont know anyone who would be Jew (i m talking about BEING a Jew, not about the situation when someone thinks a person is Jew coz has big nose etc). Of course I've seen them on the streets etc but have never spoke to any. I guess most Poles have the same experience as me (none) - there were lots of Jews in Poland but not any more.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
14 Jun 2010   #46
I dont know where all you people got experiences with Jews

Leeds, Manchester and London, mainly - there's lots of them over here.

I'm not sure Jews want to come to Poland. If they did, they would do it. It's not like they're being kept out. They just don't want to be here..

Not surprising, really. But I am convinced they would be good for Poland if they did go back.
shush  1 | 209
14 Jun 2010   #47
Leeds, Manchester and London, mainly - there's lots of them over here

Yes but i meant Poles living their whole life in Poland.
14 Jun 2010   #48
I'm not sure Jews want to come to Poland. If they did, they would do it. It's not like they're being kept out. They just don't want to be here..

There are some ppl who wish to be here but where forced to leave Poland during PRL. Now they dont have neither citizenships nor feel being welcome.

I dont know how many Jews consider Poland as home but I heard that some have real grudge towards Poles so I wouldnt expected them to be running business with a positive social impact (it is easy to make business and give nothing in return to the society).

Btw NorthManc I wouldnt say that Poles dont have business skills... its just that the law, regulations and taxes which arent conductive to run business. My dad was running own business but import from China has killed it...

Yes but i meant Poles living their whole life in Poland.

I met some briefly via internet... I mean Polish ppl of Jewish descent living in Poland...
George8600  10 | 630
14 Jun 2010   #49
Aren't there thousands of Israel, Hillel, and Jewish forums on the internet for these?

It was a thing of the past and now it's over. The current Jewish census in Poland is less than 5,000 people. What we should be worrying about is the surge of Ukrainians and Germans into our country.
Ironside  50 | 13044
14 Jun 2010   #50
Isaac Singer. This person made major inroads into bridging the cultural gap and worked extensively on commonalities.

Actually I don't think so!
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Jun 2010   #51
Well, you are free to think that. His heart was in the right place and he worked hard until his death in Florida in 1991. RIP Isaac.
14 Jun 2010   #52
What we should be worrying about is the surge of Ukrainians and Germans into our country.

Country, city: Chicago, IL
Do you speak Polish?: A little.

Is there really such a huge surge of Ukrainians and Germans into the USA?
Ironside  50 | 13044
14 Jun 2010   #53
Well, you are free to think that.

I read his book and I didn't like it. So false and arrogant. Anyway it was some time ago, but no, I didn't like it!
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Jun 2010   #54
I didn't like The Pianist the first time I read it either but.....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015
14 Jun 2010   #55
Is there really such a huge surge of Ukrainians and Germans into the USA?

We are all over them! :)
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
14 Jun 2010   #56
Shame on the Pope, and the Papists who believe in this wicked and perverse religion.
If you do not repent and leave this false Church, you will all end up in Hell. Mind my words.

From this blog..

No I've checked the blog from these pics were taken ;)

14 Jun 2010   #57
Yep I've noticed. Southern reads it...
Ironside  50 | 13044
14 Jun 2010   #58
I didn't like The Pianist the first time I read it either but.

It wasn't fiction like in Singer case,
shush  1 | 209
14 Jun 2010   #59
Isaac Singer's books are great! I love them! I wish i could get his autobiographies though. And it is not easy to get any of his less famous books, tbh.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
14 Jun 2010   #60
Many of you will think: "Not another Polish-Jewish thread again"

Ja, ja, another...What rift is this you are referring to?

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