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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Crow  154 | 9463
26 Jan 2018   #31
russia is back and hopeuflly we polaks real polak polaks can become part of the emoire again like we were before ww1.

Please, don`t say that. See, we Serbs have our own plans and that includes Poland. We want partnership with Russia, care for global Slavic interests and all that but Russia already have Eurasian Union. So, if we Poles and Serbs join efforts we can create Intermarium. Let we too have something where we rule. See?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
26 Jan 2018   #32
@ktos, you're correct! The topic is about politics, not beverages:-)
Crow  154 | 9463
2 Sep 2018   #33
I think that Poland finally profit from Russia`s strength. Poland is much safer since Russia discovered new nuclear technology- Nuclear Propelled Cruise Nuclear Missile, what effectively marks moment when world started open transition from Uni-Polar to Multi-Polar world.

I am all for friendship between Poles and Russians. Neutral relations between Poles and Russians are already satisfactory to Serbian interests.

more > Russia's Nuclear Powered Cruise Missile, by Jeffrey Lewis >>>


War against Russia became impossible. Crucial world powers agreed to transit world on Multi-Polar path. We see this happening all-around us.

And we Slavs did it. We liberated world. With granting to the world Multi-Polar option, we did it. At least created real condition for freedom. What would mankind with it is another question. But I am optimistic.

As for Poland. Multi-Polar world was salvation in last moment. For that credit goes to Russia. If this could repay some old Russian debt, some old injustice from Russians done to Poles, let it repay it.

Sarmatia is eternal! Eternal and inevitable. Remember that
Spike31  3 | 1485
28 Oct 2018   #34
I am all for friendship between Poles and Russians.

There is no hostility between regular Russians and Poles. The same can't be said about the governments.

I've got nothing against common Russians but despise former KGB agents-turned-politicians such as Putin.

Many Russian visits Poland thanks to semi-open border policy z Kaliningrad Oblast.

Those Russians are having a good time in Poland
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Oct 2018   #35
I've got nothing against common Russians but despise former KGB agents-turned-politicians such as Putin.

What specifically did he do to hurt the Russians?
29 Oct 2018   #36
Who cares what he is doing to Russians ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Oct 2018   #37
Spike31 does. So I am curious why he despises a man he never met.
Women despise men who abuse them. Men despise men who beat them or falsely accuse them of crimes they never committed. So, a logical question is why would Spike31 despise Putin.
Spike31  3 | 1485
29 Oct 2018   #38
Spike31 does. So I am curious why he despises a man he never met.

I've also never personally met Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot or Che Guevara and yet I despise them all for their actions.

And no, I don't think that Putin is as bad as any of those aforementioned persons.

Yet, he still is a former KGB agent (he claims that are no "former KGB agents" - once an agent you're an agent for life) and only the most ruthless and unscrupulous people worked for Soviet special agencies like KGB, NKWD or GRU.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Oct 2018   #39
I've also never personally met Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot or Che Guevara and yet I despise them all for their actions.

Exactly. Their actions would be criminal under the US laws.
KGB had radio operators, too. And intelligence gatherers. And other support employees. Just like the CIA and Mossad.
Back to Putin. What specific indictable deeds are Putin's? Please, keep in mind that I am not a woman or a child, so "I just don't like him" will not work.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Oct 2018   #40
It is also from these two societies that most Jews throughout the world today originate!
Both Poland and Russia especially have ACTIVE, VIBRANT Jewish communities, often composed of both local as well as even "foreign"-born Jews who returned to the land of their direct ancestors.

By contrast, the former Soviet satelites, presently the Baltic States, are but a virtual graveyard for Jews.
The comparison speaks for itself, I think:-)
Spike31  3 | 1485
29 Oct 2018   #41
KGB had radio operators, too. And intelligence gatherers. And other support employees

Putin was not a 'support employee' but an active field agent in East Germany.
I understand that he has got some substantial following, even outside of Russia, of people who falsely perceive him as a 'defender of conservative values'.

Ronald Reagan was a conservative. Margaret Thatcher was a conservatives. Putin isn't much more than a 'former' soviet KGB agent
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Oct 2018   #42
Correct, little other than the proverbial "glorified messenger boy" for HIS boss, the Kremlin...and of course, the KGB. He was a toady and a lickspittle then, and he hasn't changed his spots since. Add to that, a bully through and through!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Oct 2018   #43
Putin was not a 'support employee' but an active field agent in East Germany.

What specifically did Putin do as "an active field agent in East Germany" that is criminal?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
29 Oct 2018   #44
Here is an interesting link about Putin in the GDR...he didn't do much though....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
30 Oct 2018   #45
Thanks. I read it and my question "What specifically did Putin do as "an active field agent in East Germany" that is criminal?" has been answered: he gained 12 kg on German beer. Holy cow! That criminal!

And, then, this horror: ...and listed the things he used to do: recruiting informants, information gathering and transferring all received data to Moscow.
He should be tried and shot for those despicable acts of recruiting, gathering and transferring. Bastard.

This Polish obsession with Germany, Russia and Putin looks more and more like a mental disorder.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
30 Oct 2018   #46
he gained 12 kg on German beer. Holy cow! That criminal!

He liked Germany though....Merkel speaks russian and he german...I wonder which language they use between them...
Lyzko  44 | 9745
30 Oct 2018   #47
Merkel grew up in the former East though, and so knows Russian, though not as well as English, I'm sure:-) Putin speaks fluent German too.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
30 Oct 2018   #48
I wonder which language they use between them...

Whatever language it is, my bet is that they don't waste any time talking about the past. For that, they would have to join this forum.
Spike31  3 | 1485
30 Oct 2018   #49
This Polish obsession with Germany, Russia and Putin looks more and more like a mental disorder.

Not much of an obsession more like a sober observation. If I twisted any fact then prove me wrong but don't to try to force "obsessions" on me.

Whatever language it is, my bet is that they don't waste any time talking about the past

Past is important. Past defines who we are now. Past also defines the whole nations and their present politics.

Without a healthy past it is difficult to build a healthy future. It just comes back to bike you in the *ss.

For example: do you think that Germany would behave like they did in 2015 if not for their ugly past?

Your past, which you shared with us on this forum, has defined you. You are a sum of your past actions, your experiences and memories.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
30 Oct 2018   #50
The problem starts when "your past" determines what you (editorial) do dealing with the people who had nothing to do with the past, specifically, and the countries like Germany and Russia as they are today.

I would never have a beer with Hitler or Stalin. I would like to shake hands with Putin, though.
Crow  154 | 9463
30 Oct 2018   #51
Now when Patriarch of Constantinople betrayed Orthodox Slavs is historical chance for Poles to offer support to Russians. Russians are now disoriented and seek for love. I don`t know, maybe that Poland declare Warsaw to be Fourth Rome, regain its independence and that way s***w both of them- Patriarch of Constantinople and Pope of Rome. I am sure Russians would be intimidated by that.

To me First Warsaw sound better then Fourth Rome. What you think? It somehow sound even more independent.
mafketis  38 | 11137
30 Oct 2018   #52
For that, they would have to join this forum.

You've obviously never followed any Russian forums.... next to Russian nationalists the most past-obsessed people here seem forward looking. But then what else do Russians have besides an imagined glorious past and the ability to screw up other countries?

Poland has a future that is different from the past - Russians.... not so murch...
Crow  154 | 9463
30 Oct 2018   #53
I repeat, now is the chance to grab true independence. Now is the chance to be partner and not servant to Jews and their mental constructions. Poles and Russians, brake all chains and hag each others. Don`t be reluctant from powerful brotherly grip.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
30 Oct 2018   #54
Now is the chance to be partner and not servant to Jews and their mental constructions.

So now you show your true agenda......yet another anti Semite.......
Crow  154 | 9463
8 Feb 2021   #55
Look Poland what came to be from our wild Scythians. Good that we didn't destroy them completely after Orsha battle and later in Moscow. Good that we, I mean you (let's be frank, you were the brain), didn't quite follow Papal instructions.


Look what came to be of them >>> >>>


But I am not surprised by their success. They have us for their brethren, isn`t it and, it means something. If they survived us, none can harm them.

Let us now hope they came in time and pull us out from the sh** so we all live happily ever after.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
8 Feb 2021   #56
" But then what else do Russians have besides an imagined glorious past and the ability to screw up other countries?"

what does Poland have beside backward tech industry that functions like china and their only call to success on a globalized stage full of diversity unlike Poland is cyberpunk a game that they tricked into customers hands through trickery and deception? and old communist buildings beurecracied and a school system that still force feeds religious dogmas down kids throats? and being ultra right wing and not diverse in any way in their work force this being ignored by the west and the workforce in the west? and a bunch of retards who work customer service at zabkas? and a bunch of dipshits asking to get punch who always have to have the last word? what do they have besides all this kaka?
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Apr 2021   #57
Polish Russian friendship is possible when we mean average people who meet or work on daily basis, have fun together in casual situations and they ignore history issues coz they prefer other topics to talk about. Not all Russians support Putin.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Apr 2021   #58
Polish Russian friendship is possible when we mean average people who meet or work

But the two countries will never have friendship unless Russia becomes a truly free democracy...... unlikely to happen any time soon.
Novichok  4 | 8748
12 Apr 2021   #59
Can you give me the top five points that define "democracy" and compare Russia today with a WE "democracy" of your choice?
For example, a country is a democracy if it has:

1. More than one party.
2. Independent judiciary.
3. ...

You get the drift...
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Apr 2021   #60
Can you give me the top five points that define "democracy"

Why should I even consider doing that?
We all know you say you prefer brutal dictatorhip to democracy.
If America got a dictator like Putin, you would hate it.... so quit with the BS.

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