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Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Jun 2022   #301
because of Hitler and the Nazis

The point being Hilter and the German Nazis were only an era in the history of Germany. When their nationlism and imperialism aligned with German arogance perefectly. They lost a war and that was an end of it.

In Russia case it is the same, no matter what thet call it and what form they put on, Russia and it nature never change. All Russian are a part of it. Well maybe 10- 20% are not.

Talking doesn't change anything is only talking.
A total and utter colapse of the Russian state would be a chance for a change. Talks not so much.

Pope Francis thinks

Who cares what he thinks?
[Turkey is now definitively tilting towards supporting Russia. ]
lol! Do you really buy into it or it was too good of an agrument to not put it on PF?
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #302
You are contradicting yourself now. :):):)

No, my dear professor of something. A crying baby in a movie theatre is irrelevant but a royal pain in the ass. Those two terms can coexist.

What Poland wants and moans about is irrelevant and should be ignored by the US and Russia. But it sure is a pain in the ass because of the noise it makes. Like that Polish idiot that wants the West to give nukes to Zhole.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2022   #303
Are you talking about brilliant ex-minister from great Tits?
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #304
That's the one. A real genius...He must be a regular reader of PF.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2022   #305
You seem to be sarcastic, but I complementing him enourmesly. Due to his warning Russian backed oligarchs were able to escape and save their skins, while giving a warning to Putin if he misconducts similarily to them. Riots and lose of power will happen similarily in Russia.

They can think it's western intelligence orchestrating it all, but they are just coining the development to their favor to not lose backing in the beurocracy obviously. While Russian intelligence being paranoid is gobbling it all up and being played by their own citizens without CIA having to lift a finger except creating minor operations as a ruse for the Russian Intelligence to think their main adversory are foreign intelligence agencies
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #306
I like Russians because they liberated Poland and closed Auschwitz. You never forget such things even as stories.

Then they disappeared. I never saw one Soviet soldier or one military vehicle. We were poor but we were safe and life was normal. I even liked their war movies. I remember reading about Buratino - the Russian version of Pinocchio. Russian bajki were nice and not as scary as German. Even the Russian language sounded friendlier than German.

In communist Poland, we didn't have junkies, the streets were clean and we were not afraid to go for a walk when it was dark. I had a great time going to Palac Kultury to learn how to make shortwave radios.

In 1950, our "communist" school in Radom helped us with the first communion. Nobody ever told me that religion is bad and that I should not be going to church every Sunday. A public school in Warsaw allowed a priest in to prepare us for bierzmowanie.

I got my MSEE without spending a dime. No tuition, no fees, no indoctrination, no mandatory belonging to anything - including ZSP, either.
Bottom line: In my entire life until I left in 1966, I found no reason to dislike Russians. My experience was exactly the opposite. So, you mindless Russia haters, go fu*ck yourself with your "Mongols", "barbarians", "RuSS", and "Putler".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
24 Jun 2022   #307
No way sounds russian friendlier than german!!! NO WAY!!!!
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2022   #308
I like Russians because they liberated Poland and closed Auschwitz

You forgot to mention that all political opposition was brutally hunted and political post-war delegation wasn't seen again. Turning Auschwitz death camp into a NKVD interrogation camp.

Polish peoples army infiltrated by NKVD immensively, none becoming officers unless member of communist party and forcefully build pałac kultury even tho there were other priorities to be made due to the city had been razed to the ground by Nazi Germans while red army was waiting for it to be razed due to Stalins paranoia of Polish western army lead paratroopers to have been believed to be there. Stalin couldn't accept or face reality that Polish the Polish resistance being without necessary weapons and equipment with local population able to withstand longer then three days.

Not to mention NKVD's efforts to infiltrate the catholic church in Poland as much as possible. But you not recognizing any of that/not knowing it and seeing it through PRL propaganda not understanding the ongoing silent conflict makes you a feeble sentimental sheep thinking those times were a dream while it being a nightmare to most Poles who faced the truth of the reds

Mr pinkie
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #309
You forgot to mention that all political opposition

I forgot nothing. Did you notice that "I" in my post? That post is about normal life, not a heroic and pointless struggle.

knowing it and seeing it through PRL propaganda

How about seeing what I saw through the eyes of a kid with simple but happy childhood?
My parents didn't have any contact with NKVD or even PZPR and they did just fine. Anyone who would finger the system deserved what would come. You (editorial) would have to be a moron or one of those Warsaw Uprising idiots to think that annoying the Soviets would change things in any way other than getting yourself killed or sent to Siberia to think things over.

Because my father was a smart man, I was allowed to leave in 1966 - at high noon and without any bs drama - as a reward for my dad and me not being brave morons.

Since you decided to throw Stalin into this conversation, Stalin did what Stalin thought would be best for the USSR. When AK decided to outsmart him in August of 1944, know the rest.

thinking those times were a dream while it being a nightmare to most Poles who faced the truth of the reds

Now I know you are Polish. Only a Polak would insinuate, exaggerate and resort to lies to make a point not supported by facts. The only nightmare I experienced was meat all gone by 11.

It's like dealing with kids or women. No, nobody thought or claimed that those times were a dream. But we knew that they were not hell worth dying to change, either, as any meaningful change was not possible. Why? Because we knew that what Poland had then was with full consent and approval by the Brits and the Americans. They were friends of the USSR not long ago, weren't they?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2022   #310
Did you notice that "I" in my post?

Mr. Selfish it was noticed


My parents didn't have any contact with NKVD or even PZPR and they did just fine

That smells like BS and lies, no credibility in my eyes.

to make a point not supported by facts. The only nightmare I experienced was meat all gone by 11.

Smells like party membership to me

Well if you think Brits and Americans are Polish overlords, you would be horribly surprised that there are no shrines to them
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
24 Jun 2022   #311
Serious question......can personal positive memories whitewash a whole system?

I know that many Germans, maybe even most, lived quite a good live till the Allies destroyed the country and invaded....for them the loss started with the good guys, not with the long as they weren't Jews, political adversaries and other "subhumans".

Novi, you mentioned gratefulness to the Russians for the liberation of Poland and Auschwitz....what would you say to these millions of Germans who lived quite the comfy life under Hitler? Would you understand and apologize their support (or at least their lacking resistance)? Which made the destruction of Poland and the perversion of Auschwitz only possible?
Bobko  27 | 2130
24 Jun 2022   #312
@Bratwurst Boy

As Stalin said, "Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German state remain". It's important to separate the innocents from the perpetrators, regardless of how comfy those innocents were.

  • 55F2B164FE2042958.jpeg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
24 Jun 2022   #313
But.....then there is this old question.....who gave the perpetrators their power if not the innocents?

Could they have done their evil without the silence of these innocents?
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #314
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #315
Would you understand ... their lacking resistance?

Yes, I would.
The first objective of every living human is the preservation of himself and his family. All else is bullsh*it.
It is moral to do nothing if doing "something" carries the risk of death of that person or his family. Actively participating in evil is another matter - immoral but still legal.

The double red line is crossed when one is a policy maker or goes out of his way in support of crimes when doing less would not be punished. That is why the Nuremberg and other "Nazi" trials were limited to relatively few and did not include the Germans who had no control over the events and did not act with extreme and unnecessary cruelty.

That is why I am against this moronic, knee-jerk, wholesale condemnation of the Russian troops in Ukraine. No, morons, they are not barbarians or Mongols. They are the guys who were told to go there and kill or be killed. Any so-called war crimes are just lame attempts to purify wars into video games and believe that humans are emotionless robots. When your buddy takes his last breath in front of you, the desire to treat the enemy well is not a priority.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
24 Jun 2022   #316
Yes, I would.

That is very understanding of human nature....most people still like to blame "the Germans" for not doing more, for not stopping it back then....Germans themselves too btw.

On the other hand that doesn't bode well for the future....a new Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot or Idi Amin etc. is then only a matter of time, as that new perpetrator can always count on that human nature to do nothing!
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #317
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

What have you done to defeat evil? Or did you literally mean just "men" as in mankind?

most people still like to blame "the Germans" for not doing more,

Send them here. I will take care of the rest.
jon357  72 | 23528
24 Jun 2022   #318
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

One of the truest quotes ever.

Germans themselves too btw

That that made me feel better about people there. I still have a rather negative view of Germany as a political entity however it seems that many Germans too are angry about the way their government has behaved.

a new Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot or Idi Amin etc. is then only a matter of time

I've been saying this for a very long time and been called a scaremonger for it. With the internet and the massive changes quantum computing and AI will bring, they will have more power than any tyrant before them.

Russia has a mini one, America voted out a potential orange-faced one and China may well yet produce one that makes Mao look like a pussy cat.
Bobko  27 | 2130
24 Jun 2022   #319
most people still like to blame "the Germans" for not doing more, for not stopping it back then

It's a very specific club though, isn't it? It consists pretty much of Poland and Israel.

The Baltics are quietly happy that no one seems to bring up that they were the cruelest Jew-killers of them all.

Russia, which lost 26M people to Germany, is constantly being accused of being in bed with Germany.

Ukrainians stick German shoulder patches on to their uniform, for whatever reason. Enough said.

America is 30% German, so there's that.
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #320
as that new perpetrator can always count on that human nature to do nothing!

Yup, just like Putin can count on Russians...

What have you done to defeat evil?

I kicked your ass many times, for example :)))

Or did you literally mean just "men" as in mankind?

No, I meant both sexes.
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #321
One of the truest quotes ever.

...and the most meaningless. But it feels good to say it as it implies that the sayer is a dragon-slaying hero.
It works as well as yelling, hey, stupid! By implication, the yeller is a very smart person.
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #322
@Novichok, I don't think that quote is meaningless. I think it's very true.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Jun 2022   #323
for good men to do nothing."

Novicock and his family were not good people obviusly. I doubt he is Polish either, sound like a fraud to me all the time he starts talking about his past in commie Poland. Could be a commie Jew at best.

Send them here. I will take care of the rest.

What you going to do punk? Hold your breath in untill your face turn blue? LOL!
here that makes me think he is a troll or a loon or both.
Novichok  4 | 8598
24 Jun 2022   #324
@Novichok, I don't think that quote is meaningless. I think it's very true.

You are confusing meaningful with cute.

Not everything true is meaningful or makes sense. A young, married with kids guy in Peoria, Illinois, can go to Ukraine to slay Russian dragons. It's true but still meaningless and, actually, moronic.

Back to you...What have you done to defeat evil?
Bobko  27 | 2130
24 Jun 2022   #325
I think it's very true.

Do something then? You think telling me I'm an orc and a baby rapist will count when you meet St. Peter at the pearly gates?

Jon says I'm a Russian troll, on a mission to discombobulate the good people of neighboring Poland. Novichok says I have Buddha levels of patience in the face of constant abuse.

The answer is simple. I'm here to try to show people the Russian perspective, no more, no less. It's why I don't abuse posters, though many are deserving. I want you to see that there are thinking people on both sides, and I think being nice is the better approach in this department. The reason I don't care when I get abused is because these people are nobody to me, just as I am to them. Nothing elitist, or snobby - it just doesn't matter to me what they think or who they are. I am a thousand times grateful, however, when I come across a person that treats me with respect, and I try to reply in kind. These people I care about, and what they say does have the potential to adjust my thinking.

If you really wanted to change Russians, even in your own little way, you wouldn't be behaving the way you are Paulina.
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #326
It's a very specific club though, isn't it? It consists pretty much of Poland and Israel.

Even if it's true (and I don't know if it is) then those two nations lost the most due to World War II. It would be rather understandable if they wished the Germans did more to stop Hitler.

What you going to do punk? Hold your breath in untill your face turn blue? LOL!


If you really wanted to change Russians, even in your own little way, you wouldn't be behaving the way you are Paulina.

I can't change Russians. I tried for 7 years. I completely gave up after Crimea annexation, because I've realised what they have become (or who they were all along...).
pawian  226 | 27595
24 Jun 2022   #327
But we are not talking with Hitler or Stalin here

No, because such paranoid leaders are not so widespread. :):)
However, they had their stooges and people who perpetrated the worst crimes with the name of Hitler or Stalin on their lips. Millions of Germans, decent citizens, followed Hitler and helped him organise Holocaust and commit war crimes on a mass scale. They were family people who loved their spouses and kids, yet they sent Jews and other Untermensche to gas chambers without hesitation.

Today RuSSists who support Putin and RuSSist army crimes in Ukraine are the same as Germans before and during WW2. We need to call them what they really are: fekking Mongol barbarians so that they know that decent people abhor them as a scum nation. Yes, as long as RuSSists support their empire obsession at the cost of other nations, then they are fekking scum which need to be treated like one.

Why have Germans changed over decades after WW2? Becuse they were treated as murderous scum everywhere they went in Europe. The German language was considered the language of executioners, occupiers, aggressors and cold blooded killers.

Now it is time to treat RuSSIsts in the same way. Either they will change or will remain Mongol savages which belong to Asia, not Europe.

Kania, your fraternization with RuSSists here is sickening. But I forgive you coz I know you suffer from mental instabilities from time to time. Now you must be living through such a low period in your life and that is why you allowed RuSSists to take control of you.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Jun 2022   #328
Kania, your fraternization with RuSSists here is sickening.

There are no "RuSSists" here, Pawian. Only two Russian guys who came here, to a Polish forum, to talk to us and present their point of view on the war, Ukraine and sometimes life in general. :) We can either treat them in a civilised manner or continue with the verbal abuse. I choose the former. Sue me.

But I forgive you

*breathes a huge sigh of relief*

RuSSists to take control of you

Only God and my wife control me. Who does it to a greater extent I am unable to say. :)
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #329
@pawian, it's sickening to me too. Kania is exchanging pleasantries with Bobko even though he knows what a Russian imperialist he is and that he supports the invasion on Ukraine. What the hell?

not even with Putin himself

In a way we are, imho.

If you had the chance to talk with some real living Gefreiter back then andmaybe make him think twice about what happens because of Hitler

He would answer that Auschwitz-Birkenau is fake news and anti-German propaganda.

Maybe with talking boards like PF and Internet back then the catastrophe even could have avoided....

As we can see by the example of Russia, discussion boards and the internet most probably wouldn't have changed anything...
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Jun 2022   #330
Kania is exchanging pleasantries with Bobko even though he knows

You're a woman, so I forgive you for not being able to understand male friendship. If Bobko and I end up in opposite trenches one day, he in a Russian uniform and I in a Polish one, the time for pleasantries will be over. But until then nothing restrains us from recognising certain positive qualities in each other and acknowledging them. :)

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