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What do Poles owe to Hungarians?

Alien  26 | 6527
21 Dec 2024   #241
Hungarian owned filling station chain functioning under the name MOL.

Interestingly, these are former Lotos stations purchased by Orlen.
Crow  155 | 9699
21 Dec 2024   #242
Nobody in Europe and world respect Poles as Hungarians and Serbians respect them.
Alien  26 | 6527
21 Dec 2024   #243
respect Poles as Hungarians and Serbians respect them

You are talking about common people, not governments.
Crow  155 | 9699
21 Dec 2024   #244
People, sure. Non in the world can speak about governments. But, I can say that stance of Serbian and Hungarian governments on Poland, more reflects what people in those countries feel for Poland. Behave of Polish government obviously stays in sharp contrast to the stance of people on Hungarians and Serbians. In moments, Polish government is truly aggressive on Hungary and Serbia.

Meaning, there are circles that wants to isolate Poland from friends. Circles inside and outside of Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2024   #245
I pointed to Hungarian revisionism years ago. Today it is corroborated by experts:

"Orbán's" Hungary is de facto a revisionist country. Interested in overthrowing the existing order that has brought peace and prosperity to the continent. Orban openly said that liberal democracy has exhausted itself. That it is time for an alliance with Russia and China (Hungary is China's de facto gateway to the European Union).

For us, this order: maintaining NATO, the European Union and the wavering unity of the West is absolutely crucial . Both for Polish prosperity and, above all, security.

This means that as long as Hungarians stick to revisionism, they are our enemies.
Crow  155 | 9699
21 Dec 2024   #246
Both for Polish prosperity and, above all, security.

You mean for the security of papal influence in Poland?

This means that as long as Hungarians stick to revisionism, they are our enemies.

Modern day Croatia is illegally created by the illegal German recognition of the Nazi regime in the borders that were drawn by the communists. So, process of Yugoslavia`s dissolution isn`t closed.

That mean territories of modern day Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and North Macedonia aren`t legal. First, it was liberated by Serbia in WW1. Then people there wanted to join Serbia within Yugoslavia.

Now, Yugoslavia is no more. Hungary re-claim certain territories.

If Serbia come to agreement with Hungary, then Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia represent only virtual states illegally created. Stronger argument is that Serbia liberated those regions in war conflict of WW1 and, also Serbian historical rights (Serbian statehood in Bosnia-Herzegovina and regions of Croatia) then illegal statehood of those countries. Also, Hungarian holistically rights remain stronger argument then illegal statehood of those countries.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2024   #247
aren`t legal.

Yes, we realise that Serbs are even more revisionist than Hungarians.

That is why you are the enemies of the Polish nation, too. Why? Coz Poles/Polesses dropped their revisionism decades ago and now we expect others to follow. Those who don`t are enemies.
Either you get rid of it or we have nothing in common with each other.
Crow  155 | 9699
21 Dec 2024   #248
That is why you are the enemies of the Polish nation, too.

Don`t say that twice. If Serbia is the enemy then why would Serbians ie Sarmatians of Poland remain loyal to Poland?

See, Serbs would never see Poles and all Slavs that constitute Polish political nation as the enemy. If Poland insist, enemy could be only Poland. Then Poland is the enemy of Poles.
Alien  26 | 6527
21 Dec 2024   #249
Then Poland is the enemy of Poles.

I think you've painted yourself into a corner.
Crow  155 | 9699
21 Dec 2024   #250
You know that Serbs are 300% Polish and Poles are 300% Serbs.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2024   #251
Then Poland is

Reminds me associations games I played as a boy:

grass - green - dollar- paper - Soviet Pravda newspaper - lies - rightists - treason - partitions of Poland.

How do you like my game the same as yours??? ):):)
Crow  155 | 9699
22 Dec 2024   #252
Poland should do its duty to its own Slavic civilization and await reward. Expansion on the west and north. In the meantime, existence in safety.

Even Russia giving signals to respect balance within Slavic civilization. Slovaks, Serbs, Czechs, too.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #253
Poland should do its duty to its own Slavic civilization

Yes, we already do our chunk supporting Ukraine.
Crow  155 | 9699
22 Dec 2024   #254
You know its wrong for Poland to support nazified germanized Slavs.

Poland giving that support because of its services to Catholic world, not to Slavic world. Essentially it is that. Despite interests of the Slavic world. Despite interests of its own Slavic populace.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #255
No, patriotic decent Poles Polesses think it is our moral and political duty to support Ukraine.
Only nationalists don`t.
You are wasting time on me. Talk to Ironside, Korvinus or amiga instead. :):):)
Crow  155 | 9699
22 Dec 2024   #256
I know what game Vatican play. And have players on terrain to carry out the plan. But, I am Serbian. I will tell it publicly. We Serbians owe it to Poles and to Slavic civilization.

Vatican wants Poland to be seen as solely part of the Catholic world. That way Poland is separated from other Slavs. Isolated.

Then comes the globalization of Poland. Meaning, like idea of Poland by the Kanopischt. Turing Poles in Catholic amorphous mass. Next step is peaceful Germanic expansion onto Poland.

Those in Poland who refuse would come as refugees in other Slavic countries. Only that Slavic world would be able to do for them.

And Poland would die in silence.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2024   #257
"Orbán's" Hungary is de facto a revisionist country. Interested in overthrowing the existing order that has brought peace and prosperity to the continent.

Of course, there are also decent Hungarians, though in huge minority. They understand that revisionism policy is detrimental to their country.

Hungary has been in the spotlight internationally after it granted political asylum to PiS politician Marcin Romanowski, a decision that has sparked a wave of criticism from the Hungarian opposition. "Viktor Orban is dragging the country into international scandals by giving asylum to Marcin Romanowski," Peter Magyar, leader of the opposition Tisza party, told ATV.
"It is shocking that Hungary is being dragged into such international scandals," the leader of the Hungarian opposition said in a statement published on Monday.
- The Orban regime is increasingly characterised by accepting fallen dictators and wanted criminals, added Magyar, who has not commented on the matter so far.

Ironside  51 | 13083
23 Dec 2024   #258
No, patriotic decent Poles Polesses think it is our moral and political duty to support Ukraine.

What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Some empty slogans.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2024   #259
talking about?

Yes, we know that as a nationalist, you support Kremlin regime coz it is dictatorial enough for your great expectations.
Hey, Bobko, Velund and other imperial Russians! if you want to have the 5th column in Poland, don`t stop supporting Polish nationalists like you have always done.
Ironside  51 | 13083
23 Dec 2024   #260
ou support Kremlin regime

lol1 How stupid one has to be to come up with such nonsense? Are you J Kaczynski?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #261

Excuse me, Mr Stooge, but it isn`t such a lol for Poland if you are acting so loyally on imperial Russians` behalf. :(:(:((:
Ironside  51 | 13083
25 Dec 2024   #262
you are acting so loyally on imperial Russians

prove it!
Historically agents of The Okhrana acted extremely anti-Russian and accused others of being agents or supporters of the Russian government.
If anything you are the most likely suspect of being Russian stooge on those forums.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #263
prove it!

Your pro Kremlin agenda proves it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2025   #264
Polish Hungarian relations reached the bottom. There was an inauguration celebration of Polish presidency of the EU in Warsaw and neither Humgarian Prime Minister nor their ambassador to Poland were invited.
Hungarian gov were pissed off and commented on it with sth infantile etc. hahaha

Fekk you, Hungarian hyenas!!! Go to Putin to console you!!! hahaha
Węgierskie hieny, wypierdalać!!! Niech Was Putin przytuli!
Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Jan 2025   #265
Polish Hungarian relations reached the bottom.

. They do not see eye to eye with the current Polish government for a good reason. Nobody likes those losers
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2025   #266
those losers

Yes, Hungarian loser hyenas, wypierdalać!
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2025   #267
My venerable Polish brothers and even more venerable sisters and many more nice things. Come to your senses. Wash your face with cold water and pee downwind, not into the wind. The Hungarians are right this time. Now they have fled from the Germans and you are falling on them.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2025   #268
My venerable Polish brothers and even more venerable sisters

I wanted to rebuke you at first after reading the initial version of your post with only brothers and without sisters.
But you improved it before time limit was over. Good!

Come to your senses

Sorry, we can`t. Current Hungarians support Russia against Ukraine.
While we feel such a policy damages our national interest.

Sorry, Crow. I pity you and admire your stubborness and patriotism for your country, but I can`t help you. :(:(:(:(
Crow  155 | 9699
6 Jan 2025   #269
I wanted to rebuke you at first after reading the initial version of your post with only brothers and without sisters.

My thoughts always fly to gentle creatures.

Current Hungarians support Russia against Ukraine.

They support themselves, not Russia.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2025   #270
They support themselves, not Russia.

First they support Russia to support themselves later on. I said it a few times - Hungarians dream of restoring their Hungarian Kingdom which was substantially carved up by the Triannon Treaty of 1920. That is called revisionism which involves changing current borders in Europe. Imperial Russians tried to do it on Ukraine and were confronted with the decent world`s resistance.
That is why Hungarian sick appetite for Ukrainian lands will be quelled as well. No more wars in Europe.
Hungarian hyenas, wypierdalać!

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