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Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center

Crow  155 | 9722
24 Jul 2010   #1
Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center

article by Crow/respectable reader, feel free to distribute this material on all Slavic and other public web sites-forums/

If i ask myself what could be best option for future of my children i always coming to conclusion that it must be some conglomerate of counties based on Slavic linguistic and cultural heritage.

These days, we can read in numerous media that Serbs have to be realistic in case with situation around Kosovo. Realistic. Let me tell you what is realistic in this case.

Its not only about Kosovo. No, far from that. Its just one segment of Anglo-Germanic and Islamic action on Slavic Balkan. Behind all these big words that EU, NATO and Islamic league said about Kosovo, there is only one reason and motivation. That is, division of region, division of Slavic Balkan (major part of this are Serbian lands) on German and Turkish zones of control.

Now, nobody ask Serbs but also, nobody ask Poles. Serbian lands are traditionally influenced by Poland. Naturally, Serbia must be considered as part of Poland`s political realm and part of Poland`s sphere of influence. It is so even before time of Racowie in middle age.

So practically, we have situation that EU, NATO and Islamic league ignore Poland`s vital interests. Once when Germany and Turkey strengthen there influence in the region it would be impossible for Poland to restore its own sphere of influence. Poland would be straitened and strategically speaking- overrun. What is paradox by itself is that official Poland support this process deploying Polish troops on Kosovo as part of NATO occupational forces.

On the end, what is with democracy? What is with Serbian human rights?

If asked, great majority of Serbs would choose to be part of Poland`s sphere of influence, not of German or Turkish spheres. Somebody may ask- what about Russia. Well, Russia is world for itself. Russia always have reserve option. Russia can without Serbs, its obvious but, Poland can`t afford to itself to lose 10 million of people (Serbs) that are fanatically loyal to Poland and to Slavic cause. Poland is now very dependable on her so called friends (Britain, France and USA). Let`s face fact- Poland is dominion of so called west. With Serbs, rules in the game shift on the behalf of Poland. With Serbs, Poland securing its eastern borders automatically and balancing its power on her western side. With Serbs, Poland is independent. With Serbs, Poland is great power. Serbs are last chance for Poland to come back in great game.

But, what Serbs have from this? What would Serbs expect from Poland? i would tell you- Serbs with Poland getting their God given democratic right to live inside of their own civilization, to secure future of their children as they feel that it is best.

All in all, Serbs refusing to be part of German or of Turkish sphere of influence. Serbs choosing Poland- heartland of Slavija and core of Sarmatia as i like to say.

Poles, i kindly ask you, i call you to support Serbian choice in a situation when forced globalization obviously occurred in the world.

Help us Poles, let us help to each others. You won`t regret. Racowie (Serbs) never failed you.

Let us be realistic. Let us form Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center, with Warsaw or Krakow as capital, with Polish language as major official language. Let us create some kind of Slavic EU.

Time is for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center. i am sure. i am absolutely positive about it

Thank you Poles
OP Crow  155 | 9722
24 Jul 2010   #3
you can`t imagine some kind of EU based on Slavic language, particularly on Polish language?

what are your arguments against this marvelous idea?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
24 Jul 2010   #4
what are your arguments against this marvelous idea?

not practical at all, Slavic languages are too difficult to learn, Slavic democratic achievements are not transferable, unlike the Anglo- Saxon ones.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
24 Jul 2010   #5
Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center

Normally a delirium lasts only 8 hours...

Crow, go here:

...and build your own Slavija and go to war with Germania, Franconia and Padania. Maybe in that game you will be the undisputed leader of Slavija.

I don't even think it's funny anymore.


M-G (yay!)
king polkakamon  - | 542
24 Jul 2010   #6
Time is for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center. i am sure. i am absolutely positive about it

Interesting idea.
OP Crow  155 | 9722
24 Jul 2010   #7
I don't even think it's funny anymore.

in a previous threads that i recently initiated, in my thinking i reached new conclusions. So, i initiated new thread

If you have nothing to say, please don`t complicate to me. If you want, ignore my posts, i don`t mind /i wish you all the best.... force with you in that case/.

Anyway, reasons that i post on this forum are various. Sometimes i simple want to see what other people think on some topic and sometimes i want to send message to Poles and even to other Slavs and to non-Slavs.

My respect
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
24 Jul 2010   #8
Sometimes i simple want to see what other people think

No you don't!

If you were interested in any discussion you would had accepted by now that you are a lone nutter and nobody sane is interested in a slavic union with you.

But instead you open up yet another thread, trudging out the same lame propaganda, like the broken record you are.

You are not interested what other peoples have to say, you want only to hear yourself talk.
king polkakamon  - | 542
24 Jul 2010   #9
But what will be the constitution in this slavic commonwealth?Will there be parliament or polish king,schlachta,nobility etc?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
24 Jul 2010   #10
force with you

Yes, actually it is! Haven't you heard? Netherlands is coming to save Poland from the imminent liberation by Serbia!

All the Poles rejoice in this prospect :)

But Crow, seriously, you're overdoing it. I am sure the vast majority don't want to hear aboud Slavic revolution headed by Serbia, of all countries, nearly the smallest Slavic country.


M-G (yay!)
OP Crow  155 | 9722
24 Jul 2010   #11
Bratwurst Boy



people, thanks for your contribution in this thread

i see clearly now, we have different opinions. Further discussion among us isn`t necessary.

/force with you/

But what will be the constitution in this slavic commonwealth?

by all means it would be modern constitution, federal or confederal

Will there be parliament or polish king,schlachta,nobility etc?

that sound pretty romantic but i don`t know is it realistic

Anyway, i wouldn`t exclude parliamentary monarchy as option for government. King as symbolical figure sound great
king polkakamon  - | 542
24 Jul 2010   #12
But should he come from the Karageorgevic family or from the polish branch?
OP Crow  155 | 9722
24 Jul 2010   #13
its all the same to me

in situation when Warsaw/Krakow is capital, with Polish language as official, i guess Poles won`t complaint with any possible candidate.
Midas  1 | 571
24 Jul 2010   #14
1. You are an utterly delusional nutter. There are healthier people than You in psychiatric institutions. One thread = eccentricity. Xxxx threads = nuttery.

2. I don't get it with you serbs. First you are pissed off because Poland joined EU and NATO and didn't give a flying fcuk that You got bombed for your genocides and war crimes. Now You want a union?

Take a hike, really.

3. That aside, Serbia isn't to be trusted. The Serbs have proven in the much recent past that they are unable to live peacefully with other nations or ethinicities.

Should Poland form any sort of union with them 5 years down the road they'll be at Poland's throat claiming Poles are occupying the ancient Serbian city of Gdansk.
Midas  1 | 571
24 Jul 2010   #16
To add a bit more.

Inviting serbs of all people to any sort of union and actually giving them voting power in this union means that such a unionist country will be extremely susceptible to populism, period.

Not a good idea.
king polkakamon  - | 542
24 Jul 2010   #17
Should Israel be invited to slavic commonwealth as an investor,Crow?
Plusa10  3 | 23
25 Jul 2010   #18
as great as this idea sounds, I don't see it working out, particularly with Serbia involved. they can't even work it out with their own city of Kosovo, so how the hell will they exist in a Slavic union??
OP Crow  155 | 9722
20 Jan 2014   #19
Merged: Should Poland get out of EU and NATO and initiate formation of new Commonwealth ?

here it is. Direct question. Now tell me. Shall we Eastern Europeans and Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Black see take our destine in our hands or shall we stay eternal younger partner within EU and/or NATO?

What Poland say? What would be? Is there hope for us who wait for the voice from Poland, for us who think of Poland as of important country?
enkidu  6 | 611
21 Jan 2014   #20
Pan-slavism is not particularly popular in Poland. This is Russian idea not our.
BTW - Between Poland and Serbia there are non-slavic country.

Let's make a deal, ok? Poland would start to think about Great Slavia, Glourious Commonwealth etc the next day after
Serbia conquer Hungary, ok?
Meathead  5 | 467
21 Jan 2014   #21
here it is. Direct question. Now tell me. Shall we Eastern Europeans and Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Black see take our destine in our hands or shall we stay eternal younger partner within EU and/or NATO?

If Poland was smart they'd get out of the Euro and become independent like Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, etc. You've been dominated for 250 years by Germany and Russia, maybe it's time to try something different.
enkidu  6 | 611
21 Jan 2014   #22
If Poland was smart they'd get out of the Euro and become independent like Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, etc

Now. Take a look at the map. Switzerland is in mountains. Norway on the North Sea. Iceland - far away island.
And now Poland. No natural borders. Plains everywhere. No chance to defend. Sorry.

Our only hope for greatness is Crow and his invasion on Hungary.
Meathead  5 | 467
21 Jan 2014   #23
Yeah, i've heard that excuse. If Poland focused on what's good for Poland they could become independent. Poland never would have been dominated by other countries if they would have had good governance.
enkidu  6 | 611
21 Jan 2014   #24
As I remember the last time that Poland was well-governed and truly independent was... like... never?
21 Jan 2014   #25
" Shall we Eastern Europeans and Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Black see take our destine in our hands or shall we stay eternal younger partner within EU and/or NATO?"

You eastern Europeans can do what you want (obviously that invitation doesn't include invading neighbouring countries again; if you did that again, Poles would most certainly stand and fight against you, as Poles did the last three times); however, Poland is not in eastern Europe, Poland is central Europe, as any Pole will tell you.
OP Crow  155 | 9722
18 Aug 2015   #26
Merged: European Union vs. Commonwealth - What is better for Poland, to stay within EU or to form new Commonwealth?

There are the `pro at contra` arguments for EU and for the formation of new Commonwealth around Poland. In my opinion, EU already demonstrate few weaknesses. Still i found EU interesting for Poland on the short run. On the long run, i think that EU can`t compete with the new Commonwealth. For many reasons.

Anyway, i think that it is time that we talk openly about topic and directly in discussions face different arguments.

Then, if eventual new Commonwealth became reality, how should be organized? As federation or confederation of states? Should Commonwealth have its army? What should be main principles of its economic and social policy? What about moral values of the Commonwealth? Position of religion in Commonwealth? Politics on other powers? There are many questions.
smurf  38 | 1940
18 Aug 2015   #27
Stupid thread is stupid
OP Crow  155 | 9722
18 Aug 2015   #28
i found that video clip quite interesting.

But, pane smurfe, why is this topic stupid to you? you maybe don`t like idea of EU conflicting with idea of Commonwealth? you don`t think that even discussion about it can`t bring anything good? so you sense the reality of dilemma?

well, i contemplated on that, too. But, i think that we can`t avoid topic. As you know, time works against Poland. At one moment Poland won`t have capacities to abandon EU, won`t have capacities to initiate formation of new Commonwealth. Then, after a while, with more time within EU, Poland won`t have capacities even to join in new Commonwealth initiated by some others. It would be just too late. Or won`t be pane smurfe? on that you count? pane smurfe?
smurf  38 | 1940
18 Aug 2015   #29
you maybe don`t like idea of EU conflicting with idea of Commonwealth?

there's no commonwealth so, yea
OP Crow  155 | 9722
18 Aug 2015   #30
we all know that. But, if Poland fails to form one, there will be no Poland. Look, Pilsudski was aware of it.

i sincerely suffer when think of Poland`s destine. I hardly can`t found words to underline how is important for Poles to try, even if it could mean their last charge,... at least to try once more to walk with dignity, in some new Commonwealth around Poland. It is so sad to be witness of the downfall of such a great civilization, that distinguishing itself in foreign wars and for the profit of actually its mortal foes.

i hope, God would save Poland.

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