Yes, and the content shows that Dmowski and Endecja`s main preoccupation was Jews, a fundament of their whole ideology
THAT is a LIE and a spin. You don't discern between idology and politcal actvity, idology wasn't about Jews, that was only a short segment about them. Political reality was that that it took a lot of talk as Jews was a problem in Poland as the biggest minority next to Ukrainians. So it only natural given all isuss they were subject of poltical discurse. But to twist it and lie to make Dmowski all about Jews is a thing that potical writter nowdays being a scum would do. That is the fact. Stop your lies! It disgusting.
No, it is not.
Yes it is! Acting for good of your counrty and to defend its interest is an alien conept only to people like you. At the time it was clear that that what it was about. Being a Polish patriot of Jewish origin was not a problem but a solution.
Prove to us that he was wrong about Dmowski.
lol! what are you trying to pull? I would have to write a historical disration on the subject, Next to immpossible in a short notice and you know it. Why you pulling that stunt? It is simple you got caught in your lies.
you wrote "And it was nationalist Poles, supporters of Endecja, who murdered Jews in pogroms of 1941"
If that the case you shouldn't have a problem with providing evidence for all that? After all you wouldn't brazenly lie without having evidnece on hand would you? You wouldn't be that stupid and that insolent right?
So what the problem darling?