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Terrible past for the Jews in Poland?

Lyzko  41 | 9545
22 Aug 2022   #871
Yo, Cojestdocholery,
I'm the least "traditional" Jew you're gonna come across in a long while, so quit dumping all Jews into the same heap!

I've been saying for years that if Jews are truly the "Chosen People", let them act like it, rather than hiding filthy deeds behind pious fraudulence, Brooklyn slum lords, for one.

The latter is what makes many thinking, enlightened Jews ashamed to admit among gentiles that they're Jewish.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Aug 2022   #872
I'm the least "traditional" Jew you're

I have nothing against traditional Jews. I would take them over people who are Jews only if it suits them for a few days a year. Other than that they are a preachy left wing jerks.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
22 Aug 2022   #873
Many are, many aren't.
Same with any group, one can't in good conscience generalize.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
22 Aug 2022   #874
I concur, I had almost tear in my eyes reading about a Jew (can't remember if traditional or rabbi) that was so overjoyed to see a Polish army officer when a delagation was to meet with the political leadership in Moscow to discuss terms of Co-operation and release of PoW from the Soviet Union after 1941 when operation Barbarossa had begun.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
22 Aug 2022   #875
I cannot begin to recount to you all the number of Jews reunited after the War with their saviors who kept them in hiding throughout much of the last years from approximately '43-'45, often at risk to their own lives. Furthermore, these quiet, unsung heroes and heroines wouldn't even take money or compensation offered to them by those hidden Jews!

I too get a lump in my throat when recalling such vivid testimony.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
22 Aug 2022   #876
I too get a lump in my throat when recalling such vivid testimony.

And just remember that the next time you feel like attacking Poles for their supposed
pawian  219 | 24592
22 Aug 2022   #877
for their supposed Antisemitism.

Darling, it is not supposed but real on the part of nationalist Poles. You can`t sweep things under your antisemitic carpet.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
22 Aug 2022   #878
You are talking about a tiny minority.
Just as it was in WW2.

Stop being an anti Polish socialist!
pawian  219 | 24592
22 Aug 2022   #879
You are talking about a tiny minority.

Yes, minority but not so tiny. Counted in millions before the war.


I can`t stop!

Because I have never been one. :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
22 Aug 2022   #880
Yes, minority but not so tiny

Small enough.
We have been here before, I have posted to both you and Lyzko that I had antisemitic relatives and somehow that still was not enough for either of you.

You both seem to want to push your leftie agenda further.
Well, I am sorry, but I felt that I have given way and if neither of you are prepared to meet me half way then it is obvious that I am dealing with extremists here.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
23 Aug 2022   #881
Milo, apparently you haven't understood any of my posts in which without fail, I've always made it quite clear that not ALL Poles were or are anti-Semites!

Might help if you re-read them.
pawian  219 | 24592
23 Aug 2022   #882
if neither of you are prepared to meet me half way

Meeting you half way over the ashes of Jews burnt alive by Polish nationalists in Jedwabne barn??? Are you nuts? I could add that you can get the fekk out of here with such suggestions but I am polite and well-mannered so I won`t say it.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
23 Aug 2022   #883
Right on, Pawianku!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Aug 2022   #884
ashes of Jews burnt alive by Polish nationalists in Jedwabne

Do you have an evidence for that? No? That is called a slander. Punishable by the law or fist.

wouldn't even take money or compensation

That is a problem with you ignornat people. You see you wanted people to risk thier lives for free, not to pay for the privilage of saving some peoples lifes under a mortal danger forthemselves and their familes and possible for their neighburs.

You are out of your mind ingrate. I wonder is being ingrate is Jewish trait or not!
Alien  22 | 5460
24 Aug 2022   #885
You are right, saving the mother in law shold be especially expensive.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Aug 2022   #886
be especially expensive.

If you have money and someone risk his/her and their kids livies to safe your ass and feed you for years. Shouldn't it be a normal and decent thing to do to share your money, gold or whatvere you have - to pay for your keep?

Most people under German occupation struggled financially and it was diffcult for them to make a living, buy food and all that. One or two or more people to feed is a big issue already and they you have German laws that say if you keep those Jews you hgoing to be killed along with the members of your family that includ your children. Those people were heros and bigger than life chracterers. I wouldn't do it. Most people today wouldn't do it. Ameircan Jews at the time wouldn't do it.

Yet they have a cheek those scumbacks after so many years belitlle those heros and their effort with their nasty ignornat and racist remarks.
Are you one of them?
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Aug 2022   #887
That is called a slander. Punishable by the law or fist.

It's a matter of historical record, as well you know.

Interesting that you mention violence for those who disagree with thuggish nationalism.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Aug 2022   #888
It's a matter of historical record

or isn't!
Read again what he wrote!
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Aug 2022   #889
I did. There are enough eyewitness accounts that have been collected by the few survivors.
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Aug 2022   #890
pm me your real name

Buhahhaa, another rightard moron who demands info on me.
Darling, you have to find it on your own. I am not going to make things easy for you. Just like with johhny.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Aug 2022   #891
nationalists deny even documented facts.

So name orgnization people resposible for that (according to you) belonged to?
You see you are deep down stupid. If you clamed that was done by some Poles you could have get away with that as it is vague enough even thought we know it was done by Germans.

You just couldn't resist and added nationalistc - do you really claim that patriotic Poles were working hand in hand with Germans? If you mean memebrs of 'Endecja" you need to present us with names and proove they were part of the 'Endencja' or some offspring of it!

If that is a matter of the histrical reacord you should be able to do it in about 40 to 60 minutes. If you are not it will mean that you lie and slander again and you are just a shamless brazen liar!

Lyzko  41 | 9545
24 Aug 2022   #892
@Cojestdocholery, what on earth are you babbling about?
The Jews OFFERED to pay those who helped save their lives by giving them refuge, for heaven's sake! It is their fault if they wouldn't accept it?
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Aug 2022   #893
we know it was done by Germans.

Nationalists still in denial. Every single time. Sigh.....
Lyzko  41 | 9545
24 Aug 2022   #894
He's sheer hopeless, Pawianku!
Just throw in the towel on that one.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Aug 2022   #895

shamless brazen liar why you dare to open your mug. I asked you to bring it on. Evidence and you can't - every single time. Śmierdziel komunistyczny.

what on earth

What on earth you are talking about! I advice you to ask for help when you post in English. You English is very poor.
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Aug 2022   #896
why you dare to open your mug.

You want to shut it like you did to those Jews screaming for mercy in the burning barn in Jedwabne???

You English is very poor.

You instead of your and yes, Cojest`s English is very poor. :):):)

Why don`t you call it quits for tonight? It is obvious you stopped distinguishing reality from fantasy and are turning around trying to bite your own tail. :):):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Aug 2022   #897
You want to shut it l

I wnat you to talk facts, evidence and the truth. If you talk rubbish, preach and screech. If all you have to say are slander, lies, and your personal sh't then yes better shut your mug.

That is claer why do you even prended you have anything else to offer?
Sure as if you were giving F about Jews or anything else but yoursefl. you pitful subhuman !
You disgust me not by what you say but because I know excally WHY you say what you say.
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Aug 2022   #898
you pitful subhuman !

Yes, that`s how Nazi Germans used to address Jews. Also Polish nationalists thought so.
It is amazing coz now I feel how my Jewish compatriots, persecuted by various haters, felt in the past.

You disgust me

And that was enough for Nazis to send Jews to gas chambers or for Polish nationalist to send them to burning barns. :(:(:(
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
24 Aug 2022   #899
Milo, apparently you haven't understood any of my posts

Your more recent posts suggest that there is some kind of inherent antisemitism within Polish culture.Which is just not true.

Meeting you half way over the ashes of Jews burnt alive by Polish nationalists in Jedwabne barn?

Now you are taking things way OTT!
Alien  22 | 5460
25 Aug 2022   #900
Antisemitism in modern Poland is so widespread and so important like Antiuzbekism.

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