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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Mar 2018   #121
Russia has joined the company of those nations who continue to see themselves as superior to Poland. Russia boasts her size, being the largest country or land area in the world, along with her rich natural resources and plentiful supply of foodstuffs, especially grain.

Poland can hold her head up as high, being the country which Westernized for completely, both in terms of alphabet as well as religion!
Crow  155 | 9700
17 Mar 2018   #122
Honestly brate Lyzko, you worry me sometimes. I thought I can talk seriously with you but, you talk like a drunkard now. How could Poland be Westernized when Poland gave birth to the West, same as us- Serbians. We Sarmatians (ie Slavs) gave West to the world. Its utter absurd to say that those who ruined Poland can Westernize Poland. They to Westernize us? They, mute people? They, offspring of Czarnybog, literally already? Its absurd from any angle. No, its blasphemy.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Mar 2018   #123
Brate Crow, honestly you talk like drunkard! What is all Slavs but brathers together, all Slavics unite under banner of Russia...
Crow  155 | 9700
17 Mar 2018   #124
God forbid. I would, dobri brate, suggests banner of Serbia. Let us be frank here. We are all Sarmatians and we Serbians (Lusatian Serbs, included) are last that still using our universal original Sarmatian name. It should be rewarded, even financially, not only morally. Don`t you think? So, we would mediate, coordinate things and, all would be satisfied. You Poles and Russians all failed. I don`t sense respect to Svetovid in your spiritual ways. We Serbians will re-Westernize all of you.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Mar 2018   #125
I was mocking you, but you didn't even get it.
Crow  155 | 9700
17 Mar 2018   #126
Idea is that you think how I didn`t notice your mockery.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
18 Mar 2018   #127

is there any US or NATO intervention that didn't go wrong?

The one in Yugoslavia went very well.
Crow  155 | 9700
18 Mar 2018   #128
Well? How well, when result was formation of Greater Nazi Croatia? Then, by support of NATO and EU, Muslim Caliphate in Bosnia-Herzegovina was formed, where are Catholics forced to live with Muslims together on the principles of sharia law. Do you ever think of things before you write them down, man? Only thanks to Serbian struggle Serbians formed their own entity within Bosnia, while Catholics there were deluded/forced to side with mujaheediness and today suffer and exist literally thanks to support of Bosnian Serbs who helping them as much as they can. Man, Catholics in Bosnia don`t have where to buy decent pig for Christmas if Serbs don`t sell them. Also, Kosovo is separated from Serbia and represent narco-mafia Wahhabi false state in the middle of Europe. Plus, NATO/EU tries to complete process of formation of Greater Albania. Plus, plus, war here never ended.

This is example of successful NATO intervention to you?

Pray that Serbians really take their boots and in one blitz charge reshape region on the more natural and normal principles, so that all who live here move forward and once and for all give up from their delusions in idiotic and immoral German, British or Turkish projects or ideas of mad persons such is Hillary Clinton and her freaking husband Bill.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
18 Mar 2018   #129
The result was the crushing of the genocidal ambitions of the Serbs and the restoration of order and peace in the Balkans. While not perfect, it is a good solution considering we are talking about the Balkans here.
Crow  155 | 9700
18 Mar 2018   #130
The result was the crushing of the genocidal ambitions of the Serbs and the restoration of order and peace in the Balkans.

But genocide was committed on Serbs. War was started by others (Croat ustashe, Bosnian Muslims and Albanian Muslims... all sponsored by Germany, Britain and certain circles in US) whom had/have developed genocidal ideology against Serbs. War was started in order to conquer and take Serbian lands, to assimilate Serbian Catholics into Croats, to convert Serbian Orthodox into Catholicism and again assimilate them into Croats, to force Serbs into Bosnian and Albanian Muslims, to exterminate much of the Orthodox Serbs, to expel Serbs from their native lands.

Now, to accuse Serbs that they committed some crimes in general attempt to defend and save themselves, would be same as to accuse Poles that they committed some crimes against Germans in WWII. Absolutely same. 100% absolute valid comparison.


Don`t blame me because you don`t know that EU and NATO major powers supported all this against Serbs. They they allowed, in 21 century, forcible conversion of Orthodox Serbs into Catholicism, by the principle convert or die (ustashe used to surround village and sent message to Orthodox Serbs about choice... with present NATO troops in the area). Don`t blame me for informing you that NATO used UN transport planes to upload worse Arab mujaheedines into Bosnia who then theire committed genocide on local Serbs.

Please, don`t blame me for your media didn`t tell you that. Don`t blame me if don`t know for use of depleted uranium against Serbs. Don`t blame me for you don`t know that genocide was in fact committed on Serbs. Planed, deliberate and brutal genocide.... that was only continuation of genocide that on my people already happened in WWII and WWI and even before that.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
19 Mar 2018   #131
Absolutely same. 100% absolute valid comparison.

You have really no shame, that you attempt to compare the genocidal Serbs with the Polish victims on a Polish forum. That is all I am going to say about this.
Crow  155 | 9700
19 Mar 2018   #132
Why would you say anything else. You don`t give a sh** what really happened. For sure, you won`t dare to experiment with ideas that are well set and implemented in your head. No, you won`t tackle that lobotomy. Let it be. Why would you bother yourself with that. After all, deep in your mind, you know that all that what happened to Serbs, if happened, if this idiot is right (speaking of me), there is reason to it. For sure, for some higher reason obstacle had to be removed and if somebody allowed that all to happen to Serbs, if NATO and EU powers wanted that, paid for that, arranged that, they knew what they doing. They had to. It was, it must had been, for the good of people that live in NATO and EU countries. Let Serbs die and suffer if it means benefits for those societies. For you and your child. But after all, that`s not your problem.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Mar 2018   #133
In fairness, Crow is right when he talks about the Serbian victims of genocide in WW2.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
19 Mar 2018   #134
Bit he did not talk about the Serbs in WWII here, and the fact that he furthermore compares the victims of Serbian agressions to the Nazis is just as outrageous. If I was Polish I would be furious about such comparisons.
gregy741  5 | 1226
19 Mar 2018   #135
why should be furious? you think american bombs are friendlier than that of Nazis?and smell roses?
Crow  155 | 9700
19 Mar 2018   #136
In fairness, Crow is right when he talks about the Serbian victims of genocide in WW2.

Yes, delph, but in this Civil War that happened in Yugoslavia and in NATO/EU aggression on Yugoslavia and later on Serbia also happened genocide on Serbs.

How you think that about in a single (!) military operation in few days, more then 250.000 local native Serbs was ethnically cleansed from Krajina- what is now Croatia? Without victims? That people just were expelled? No my friend. Thousands were killed in the process. And EU and NATO provided stage for that. And I again reminding, Serbs didn`t start Civil War and I reminding that Croatia acted by the genocidal program that previously existed and was already applied in WWII and during this last conflict they just continued.

Not to speak of forcible conversions and planed and organized executions of Serbian civilians in many occasions during 5 years of Civil War.

Or take Srebrenica. There Muslim acted according to their genocidal program on Serbs and butchered more then 3.000 Serbs in villages around Srebrenica. NATO and EU also provided stage for that, too. When general Ratko Mladic responded to liberate Srebrenica Serbs, yes, some Muslims were later murdered but it was not murdering by some genocidal plan. Orthodox Serbs don`t have genocidal ideology. We consider even those Muslims to be our brothers, Islamized Serbs. This is all tragedy to us.

Not to speak that you in Srebrenica particularly speaking acted all kind of secret services and various paramilitary formations. Who knows who ordered number of executions of Muslims and for winch aims. For what I know, maybe Mi-6 or CIA made all performance. In reality we know that Mladic secured safety of Muslim woman and children and wanted man to be investigated (to separate fighters from civilians). Some Muslims later were killed while tried to escape and some were executed but who ordered those executions, if we were to speak frankly, only God knows.

the victims of Serbian agressions to the Nazis is just as outrageous. If I was Polish I would be furious about such comparisons.

You are evil and plus brainwashed. It is absolutely so as I said. Serbs were attacked by those who had genocidal ideology against them and genocide was committed on Serbs. NATO and EU main powers supported that to happen, sponsored that, planed that and took part in it.

And don`t blame me for you don`t know nothing.
Slavictor  6 | 193
20 Mar 2018   #137
see themselves as superior to Poland

I think it unnecessary to consider Poland as inferior, or Russia superior, or vice-versa. Every country has some superiority over another in some way, and even this is widely open to subjectivity. What is not needed is to maintain ancient grudges. Grudges are used against peoples by their leaders in order to motivate them to do what leaders want them to do, rarely in the peoples best interests. Netanyahu is one of these people. A psychopath.

Efforts must be made to concentrate on new relationships to be built between Poland and Russia. Poland should give the finger to the USA and EU. Poland can go it's own way just fine. For heaven's sake let it oust NATO.
20 Mar 2018   #138
why should be furious? you think american bombs are friendlier than that of Nazis?and smell roses?

American bombs kill our enemies, so yes, they smell sweet.
20 Mar 2018   #139
Poland should give the finger to the USA and EU. Poland can go it's own way just fine

Go to hell.
Crow  155 | 9700
20 Mar 2018   #140
American bombs kill our enemies, so yes, they smell sweet.

Serbians arn`t enemy of Poland.

Go to hell.

He told well and you sending him to hell. Why would you that that? Are you boosted by some complexes? Don`t you feel yourself Slavic? Are you Anglo? You think if NATO and EU powers ever make Russia collapse that they intend to reward Poland with love? No, if they ever destroy Russia, the day after that, they would reward Poland with oblivion. They just now need Poland to use it against Russia. Its so sad that Poland represent country that is so easily used by others. Like some banana state
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Mar 2018   #141
Maybe after Putin goes the new leader can form a better relationship with Poland. Although Poland's PiS is certainly to blame too for exacerbating the tensions. Perhaps one day Poles and Russians will be friends although I don't think this will happen anytime in the near future, perhaps ever. Quite sad because we have a lot in common and share common enemies.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Mar 2018   #142
Oh, but I completely agree, Slavictor. I was hardly expressing my opinion, merelyt parroting that others:-)
Crow  155 | 9700
20 Mar 2018   #143
People, whatever we says now, it doesn`t matter. Its too late for the time being. So, let`s just survive, for now and, let us hope that new politicians may bring something better for Poland and for general Slavic cause. Russians are in the move and they don`t moving against Poland so I warmly suggests to Poles and to official Poland to refrain itself from ruining Poland for the sake of Britain. Especially considering that most of expert simulations of incoming conflict suggests that Poland may stay intact in case that nothing hostile on Russia move from Poland`s territory.


See, Serbian political and military expert of Polish origin, Miroslav Lazanski, speaks of simulation by British `Guardian`, in which nuclear conflict starts with Russian use of nuclear missiles when USA and Britain move to support Estonia in hypothetical Russian attack. Russians first nukes USA and British troop transports and warships and then USA retaliate on Russian military installations within Russia, on Baltics. By the simulation, Russia then immediately obliterate London with its Sarmat ICBM of 100 megatons makings inhabitable that complete part of western Europe, considering that, in simulation, actually NATO have no way to properly protects Britain from Russian nuclear submarines. It is admitted in simulation. Then, after London, Russia and China sending warning to all NATO countries that every next nuclear attack on either China or Russian, means retaliation by absolutely complete Russian and Chinese nuclear potentials at the same time. In simulation USA immediately accepts truce and cease of all hostilities, while Russia keeps Estonia and western Europe and USA starts to save what can be saved considering consequences of Russian blast of London. Literally, Britain cease to exist.

Lazanski - kako bi izgledao nuklearni rat...

Poles, my sisters and brothers, trust to Serbians. You have all historical reason to rely on Serbians. Declare military neutrality on global military alliances. Don`t you worry that would Russia invade you. Serbs would never allow for that to happen. Such a disturbance Russia wouldn`t survive from within. We Serbs guaranty you that. Don`t mistake. Go out of NATO, turn to Visegrad and to Serbia. Turn your back to idiotic politicians and pro-Anglo-Franco-Germanic sold souls.

See, even this simulation by `Guardian`` of eventual nuclear war confirms that Russia won`t even try to harm Poland, if possible to avoid it in any way. Russian interests and forces and balance within Slavic world still protects Poland.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Mar 2018   #144
Do you really expect Poles to trust the Russian state???
Poles and Russians have a common enemy.
They are the people that rule and govern Russia.
If Russia ever discovers democracy,then maybe things might happen.
Crow  155 | 9700
20 Mar 2018   #145
Do you really expect Poles to trust the Russian state???

Frankly, no. I am realistic. I expect Poles to trust to Serbs.

If Russia ever discovers democracy,then maybe things might happen.

Non of us have recipe for real democracy, my friend, I`m afraid. Non of us.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Mar 2018   #146
Sorry Crow,but the Russians have duped some of you Serbs into believing that they're your friends.
But they only remain your friends whilst you remain useful idiots helping them.
The Russian state only cares about Serbia for as long as it is a loyal dog.
If you turn against your master,he will have you put down.
Crow  155 | 9700
20 Mar 2018   #147
Very well. Serbian lands must be liberated. If Poland can help, let us tell to Russian that there is no need for their intervention.
Slavictor  6 | 193
29 Mar 2018   #148
It appears that Poland is just itching to be completely obliterated. Incredibly stupid move.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Mar 2018   #149
I think you'll find most people in Poland support the idea of having missile defence systems to protect ourselves against Russia. It's only a "stupid move" if you are sympathising with Russia.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Mar 2018   #150
Absolutely Poland needs to defend against Russia.
Poland only has one enemy now.

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

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