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remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland

McCoy  27 | 1268
27 Jan 2010   #1
Germans did this to Poland and to fellow Europeans: - Holocaust victim in Poland - Holocaust Poland - Auschwitz, Poland - Victims children - Dead bodies Poland

pictures say enough
Kaczor Duck  2 | 95
27 Jan 2010   #2
These things happen because ManKind has a problem...they forget.....NEVER FORGET !!!!!
Thanks for the thread, it is important.
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #3
TVP1 now broadcasting ceremonies on the 65th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation.
Worth watching.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
27 Jan 2010   #4
Is "Holocaust" a Hebrew word? Where did it come from? What does it mean?
I've heard one translation but I'm not sure if it's correct, anyone here speak or know Hebrew?
27 Jan 2010   #5
It's based on two Greek words. In Hebrew word is 'Shoah'.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
27 Jan 2010   #6
Germans did this to fellow Europeans:

Well....most of the jobs were actually done by either voluntarily or forced natives. Most Germans besides the Einsatzgruppen acted more as planners, organizers and overseers.

Without the more or less enthusiastic groundwork in those countries where most of the Jews lived it could never have been done so "successfully" clean your own backyard first!,1518,625824,00.html

Using such a day for his germanophobia is a "McCoy"-thing to doubt! f*uck you!

Is "Holocaust" a Hebrew word? Where did it come from? What does it mean?
I've heard one translation but I'm not sure if it's correct, anyone here speak or know Hebrew?

The jewish word for this is "Shoah".
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #7
Is "Holocaust" a Hebrew word? Where did it come from? What does it mean?
I've heard one translation but I'm not sure if it's correct, anyone here speak or know Hebrew?
convex  20 | 3928
27 Jan 2010   #8
These things happen because ManKind has a problem...they forget.....NEVER FORGET !!!!!
Thanks for the thread, it is important.

It doesn't matter. People don't care. We forgot the 10 million that Belgium wiped out in the Congo, we didn't really care too much about the war in the same place that killed 5.5 million a couple years ago, we sat on our asses and watch Rwanda unfold on the TV.

Horrible stuff is happening all around us. Use something a bit more recent for "Never Forget!", we have short attention spans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
27 Jan 2010   #9
Use something a bit more recent for "Never Forget!", we have short attention spans.

It's just another empty slogan...
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #10
Well....most of the jobs were actually done by either voluntarily or forced natives. Most Germans besides the Einsatzgruppen acted more as planners, organizers and overseers.
Without the more or less enthusiastic groundwork in those countries where most of the Jews lived it could never have been done so "successfully"...

following your logic, Cubans support their communist regime, Birmans are enthusiastic about their military regime and North Koreans voluntarily die of hunger in the name of Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

What is wrong with you people????
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
27 Jan 2010   #11
Did you read the article?

You want a can have one!
TheOther  6 | 3596
27 Jan 2010   #12
Germans did this to fellow Europeans

Without the first sentence in your post I would've said "thank you, it's important". Now I believe that you are just another bigot.
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #13
A German newspaper trying to reduce the role of Germans in the biggest crime in the history of humanity. Somehow it doesn't surprise me.

Soon they will say that you people were the biggest victims of the II WW...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
27 Jan 2010   #14
Without the first sentence in your post I would've said "thank you, it's important". Now I believe that you are just another bigot.

McCoy is a longtime arse....I wished someone else had made this thread as he only tries to score a point with the Germans as if during a soccer game.

The tragedy itself means nothing at all to him...what a cheap bastard!

A German newspaper trying to reduce the role of Germans in the biggest crime in the history of humanity. Somehow it doesn't surprise me....

If you would care you wouldn't need this article to know about it. Just some logic and common sense is needed!
Just google and read and inform yourself...witnesses and numbers abundance!
convex  20 | 3928
27 Jan 2010   #15
A German newspaper trying to reduce the role of Germans in the biggest crime in the history of humanity.

The point is, there were so many people involved, and we still haven't learned our lesson.

Granted Germany enabled it, but so many people took advantage of the situation for personal gain. Outing neighbors, business rivals, most governments weren't too concerned about jews being slaughtered (Denmark being a very notable exception).
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #16
They didn't enable it. They conceived it, planned it and then made it happen.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
27 Jan 2010   #17
They conceived it, planned it and then made it happen.

Not alone...they could never have made it happen without your peoples enthusiastic help!
I know it's uncomfortable but face still have a long way to go...
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #18
you are the only person who thinks so, BB. The entire world knows (and remembers) that Germans are the ones to blame, regardless of what der spiegel says.

By the way, Germans killed 75,000 Poles in Auschwitz.

It a shame you didn't watch TVP1 today - the ceremonies on the 65th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation would have made you feel very, very uncomfortable.
OP McCoy  27 | 1268
27 Jan 2010   #19
Using such a day for his germanophobia is a "McCoy"-thing to doubt! f*uck you!

there are way too many situations when people are being disinformed about holocaust and whos responsible for what happend during the ww. the truth must be said and repeated. thats what you germans did to the human race. including my people and citizens of my country. and talking about voluntaries is just trying to make people focus on different things that your guilt. german cars made in Poland, Romania, Russia or whenever still remain german cars.

The tragedy itself means nothing at all to him...what a cheap bastard!

have you take a single look at the photos ive posted? if you did it you would say anything like that. i dont hate you just because i hate you because when i look at pictures like those above i feel as my heart is being torn apart you lying gerrie cnut.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
27 Jan 2010   #20
you are the only person who thinks so, BB.

You don't know much Nika....why do you think so many Jews hate Poles much more than Germans?
Why do you think so many witness stories end up "..the Poles/Ukrainians/Lithuanians/whatever were much worse than the Germans!" or "...even the Germans were appalled watching them"

Why don't you read and inform yourself some more?

It a shame you didn't watch TVP1 today - the ceremonies on the 65th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation would have made you feel very, very uncomfortable.

Well, it's not us who are in denial! Germans had the guts to face up, you are still a coward!

german cars made in Poland, Romania, Russia or whenever still remain german cars.

Yeah...that's your main alibi isn't it?

It's always either "The Germans made me do it" or the other favourite variant later "The Russians made me do it!", often exchanged with "The Commies made me do it!"

Man, who do you think believes your crap!
convex  20 | 3928
27 Jan 2010   #21
They didn't enable it. They conceived it, planned it and then made it happen.

Things like Jedwabne make me think that maybe not everyone had a problem with killing jews, nor were the Germans the only people that were guilty of atrocities...
27 Jan 2010   #22
you are the only person who thinks so, BB. The entire world knows (and remembers) that Germans are the ones to blame, regardless of what der spiegel says.

As a matter of fact, anybody with even a passing knowledge of history knows that the Germans found plenty of very willing helpers for the holocaust.
espana  17 | 951
27 Jan 2010   #23
Germans did this to fellow Europeans:

but they hired some poles to help them to kill jews .

when you think about the Holocaust , poland comes to my mind .
poland is responsable for this too.
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #24
you are a funny person BB and what you are saying is funny as well. You are living in total denial of well known facts. This is for ppl like you:

"My murdered brothers and sisters and brothers who survived the inferno, I came here today from Jerusalem to say to you we will never forget," Mr. Netanyahu said. "We will not allow Holocaust deniers and desecrators of grave stones to erase or distort the memory."
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
27 Jan 2010   #25
"We will not allow Holocaust deniers and desecrators of grave stones to erase or distort the memory."

I think he meant you Nika!
You are in total denial about your own peoples part in it...compared to Germans!

Was it inevitable that the Jews, looking their last on this world as they rode in the death trains speeding from different parts of the country to Treblinka or other places of slaughter, should have had to witness indifference or even joy on the faces of their neighbors?

In the summer of 1942, when carts packed with captive Jewish men, women and children moved through the streets of the capital, did there really need to be laughter from the wild mobs resounding from the other side of the ghetto walls, did there really have to prevail such blank indifference in the face of the greatest tragedy of all time?"

convex  20 | 3928
27 Jan 2010   #26
when you think about the Holocaust , poland comes to my mind .
poland is responsable for this too.

Everyone who sat on their ass and did nothing is culpable. The people who actively took part in it and deny their involvement are even worse.
espana  17 | 951
27 Jan 2010   #27
Everyone who sat on their ass and did nothing is culpable

mcoy grandad ( the cheap labourer) didnt help to much bulding the oven

  • aus02.jpg

  • maj05.jpg
27 Jan 2010   #28
Not alone...they could never have made it happen without your peoples enthusiastic help!

1. Jewish children were hidden in Polish orphanages (at least 6000 - that
many were taken from the orphanages by Jewish Red Cross).

2. Catholic and Orthodox families have saved 10000 Jewish children (only
the documented cases)

3. Polish parish priests were issuing false Christening certifcates to Jewish
children their parents and grandparents to save them.

Despite the fact that helping Jews were forbidden under the death penalty,
Poles have hidden and saved at least 80 thousand of their neighbours and
another 100 thousand survived in occupied country with false identity documents.

About 5 thousand Poles were murdered for hiding Jews (that's the number of verified
names until today). 6135 Poles receive the title of Righteous Among Nations (and we
didn't have official diplomatic relations with Israel before 27 February 1990 - which
made the verification of another thousands of Jew savers much harder).

That's what Poles did even though doing this put their lives and the lives of their
families in danger (and many of them did in fact pay with their lives).

So, what enthusiastic help are you talking about, BB? What can you put against
the heroism of all those people? A very debatable Jedwabne case, to prove that
Poles were enthusiastic helpers of Germans? Sorry, but that's ridiculous - if we
were such Jew haters we could have killed them ourselves. Somehow we didn't
and somehow thousands of Poles sacrificed their lives just to save as many as
we could despise the death penalty imposed by Germans on all helpers.

Everyone who sat on their ass and did nothing is culpable.

Oh, really? It's easy for you to say now. Would you take the risk of you and your family
being exectued by Germans for helping some Jewish person, or would you sit on your
ass and do nothing? Honest answer please...
Nika  2 | 507
27 Jan 2010   #29
Thanks Torq, I already started feeling like w Czeskim filmie.

“We have a sacred duty to remember the twisted thinking that led here — how a great society of culture and science succumbed to the worst instincts of man and rationalized mass murder and one of the most barbaric acts in history,” Mr. Obama said.

Mr. Obama also thanked Polish leaders and the people “for preserving a place of such great pain for the Polish people, but a place of remembrance and learning for the world.”
convex  20 | 3928
27 Jan 2010   #30
A very debatable Jedwabne case

How about Kielce? Is that debatable?

No one is denying that Poles made huge sacrifices, and that there were countless heroes. There were also plenty of evil people, and a huge majority of apathetic people.

It's easy for you to say now. Would you take the risk of you and your family
being exectued by Germans for helping some Jewish person, or would you sit on your
ass and do nothing?

I'd sit on my ass and do nothing because I'm a weak willed coward. Unlike the small percentage of heroes all over Europe who made huge sacrifices, in every country, to stand up and help. I'd feel bad about it too.

Home / History / remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland

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