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Poland: Her heroes and her traitors

OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 May 2021   #181
Oh my what I'm going to do now,.

A decent person would apologise and admit he/she was wrong. You, as a notorious fascist, aren`t decent. You stubbornly diminished the wartime effort of Polish patriots who fought for freedom at any cost. You are stinking scum.

And you lost.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 May 2021   #182
And you lost.

No, he didn't.

"Polish patriots" prolonged the war with that "Warsaw Uprising" stunt and caused 200,000 deaths - all for purely political reasons to beat the Soviets to the table. Well, the Soviets saw through it and the rest is history.

The war was won by the forces so powerful that some hothead killing a couple of German officers is nothing beyond providing material for another hero movie and the reason for the barbarians to execute a village. What a deal!

who fought for freedom at any cost.

As long as it is their "cost", I am cool with that. But "heroes" seldom think that way. They all are poets and not known for liking numerical analysis. Pathos is easier.
Ironside  51 | 13086
23 May 2021   #183
You stubbornly diminished the wartime effort of Polish patriots

No I didn't. Where have I done it? You are so absurd even with your insults.. IF I call you this or that I have a point.

You just pull it from your backside..
Also your antic here are generally considered immature and in an old dude like you either as a sign of stupidity or being a major clown and trashy a-hole.

I mean ask anyone if you don't believe me.
I don't know maybe in Poland some find you witty and clever but you should know better here.
Even if PF is not the greatest forum but still.
Aside of all that you have some delusion of being superior to others and same kind of authority on issues. Thing is you are not but they forget to tell you that so you embarrass yourself time and time again and don't even notice it.

So get lost if you are going to be like away with your tail between your legs (do baboons have tails?).
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 May 2021   #184
Iron, you wrote a lot of untrue things about yourself and me in your last post. It would take me too long to comment on them all, so I will leave them unanswered, if you let me. I have my little satisfaction with the victory in this exchange with you and that is enough for me, I don`t need to strive more. :):)

do baboons have tails?).

OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2022   #185
Any ideas?

Heroes are of course Warsaw Rising fighters of 1944 who tried to liberate Warsaw before RuSSists did it. They failed but their heroic attempt is still remembered in Poland, not only in Warsaw.

Soon there is an anniversary.

Sabaton sings a song about:

Fan made

Each bullet, one German:

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Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Jul 2022   #186
Or: One bullet for every one German.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Jul 2022   #187
Except for those who saved my life in 1944. God knows they could have left me in the ruins and let me starve to death. Instead, they took me and my sitter to the safety of a Hamburg camp.

If I had to kill someone it would be the morons who for political games with the Soviets caused 200,000 Polish deaths and the destruction of Warsaw. The Soviets saw through their shenanigans and just watch the sordid show while resting and resupplying their brave guys.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2022   #188
just watch the sordid show

Watched. Try to stick to language correctness which you enthusiastically advocate here.

their brave guys.

who liberated Poland from one occupier and immediately took his place as a new one.

Except for those who saved my life in 1944.

If the Hitler`s grave existed, you would put flowers on it each year on the anniversary of your Miraculous Survival. hahahaha

It is amaSSing how you display this immense love of various totalitarian scum - Hitler, Stalin, Putin.....
Novichok  4 | 8682
31 Jul 2022   #189
The Soviets saw through their shenanigans and just watched the sordid show while resting and resupplying their brave guys.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2022   #190
Dementia??? You said the same sentence twice. Should we get worried???

while resting

Exactly. I already told you that it cost Soviet RuSSists half Germany coz they delayed for too long, allowing Western allies to capture enough German territory to create a strong democratic country. That played a great role during Cold War which the West won. Thanks to Polish sacrifice.

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gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Aug 2022   #191
allowing Western allies to capture enough German territory

only to get sold by those allies in yalta, like a cow on market.
brits at that time cut a nice enterprise business with Stalin in Iran, while gen. maczek was cleaning dishes in local pub
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2022   #192
Yes, sold, like Jesus, for 30 silver coins coz Poland has always been the Christ of Nations. It is imbued in our national character that we are sold and make sacrifice despite it. Ha!
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Aug 2022   #193
Stockholm syndrome if I ever saw anything close, what's next? Praising his kidnappers? Blaming his company for not having good enough survalliance? He is nuts
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Aug 2022   #194
That played a great role during Cold War which the West won. Thanks to Polish sacrifice.

Is there reason to be proud of being a sucker. It wasn't in Poland interest to fight Germany at the stage, at least from 1943 onwoods. The fact Poland was fighing in the interest of the west is nothing to be proud off.

Sikorski was a stooge forced on by France, then we had London goverment depended on the British.
Not a very good stage.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Aug 2022   #195
Is there reason to be proud of being a sucker.

This and the rest of your post is pure genius. I mean it.
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Aug 2022   #196
"Poland doesn't need heroes,Poland needs professionals"- gregy the witcher
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Aug 2022   #197
Another great post. It's going to be a good day on PF.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2022   #198
London goverment depended on the British.

Yes, you whine coz it wasn`t a nationalist scum government, the only one you accept.:):)

"Poland doesn't need heroes,Poland needs professionals"

Depends on the times. :):)

Praising his kidnappers?

As usual, you are posting completely incomprehensible gibberish. :):):)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Aug 2022   #199
That coming from you, must be a mark of honor xD
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2022   #200
That coming from you

Try to think how to improve what comes from you, coz your gibberish comments are really so equivocal and don`t pertain to anything we are talking about. It is as if I asked you about the weather and you answer: Yes, I picked a lot of mushrooms yesterday. hahaha

a sucker.

Not nice to call Warsaw insurgents that way. They fought hard for independent Poland which you left as a lousy emigrant seeking comfortable life 30 years ago. Yes, you eventually came back with that wealth you had made in the US but it is too late, you are already a renegade, not a Pole. Polish patriots should spit in your trecherous gob.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Aug 2022   #201
Forests are cool, a lot of Polish heroes had to fight in them. On topic and gibbery ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2022   #202
Forests are cool

I see you have eventually cooled down. Good. :):)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Aug 2022   #203
I am cooled down even when I am angry, don't want to scare people.

Got it under control no worries
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2022   #204
So tell us what you meant by Stockholm Syndrome in relation to Poland Christ of Nations.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Aug 2022   #205
It was in relation to the possibility of kids finding safety among German soldiers after Warsaw uprising.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2022   #206
AAAARRRGGHH. So you commented on Novi`s post, not mine! That is why I had no idea what you were talking about.
That was a silly misunderstanding.
Next time, to avoid such situations, can you state exactly who and what you mean and whose post you are commenting on??
I withdraw my critical comments about your posts and apologise sincerely. :):):)
Alien  26 | 6528
1 Aug 2022   #207
Only beautiful Aryan kids.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Aug 2022   #208
I am not interested in writing directly to said poster, I find him deploreable.

You come off as oversensitive but, with the heart in the right place (easily used by others and jumping in to misunderstandings).

I will try my best, but there are limits to quote texts one wants to respond to. So might as well not do it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Aug 2022   #209
A lot of Polish rightard politicians are definitely stinking traitors. One of them, from PiS, has just said that Poland is threatened more by the West than by the East.
Alien  26 | 6528
24 Aug 2022   #210
Exclude him from his party.(English)
Powiesić go za jaja.(Polish)

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