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Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ?

OP johnny reb  49 | 7844
9 Jun 2024   #211
And Novi trashes another serious thread because he wants to argue. 😕
pawian  222 | 26628
9 Jun 2024   #212
And Novi trashes

That guy is simply impossible!
Novichok  5 | 8364
9 Jun 2024   #213
On topic:

D-Day wasn't significant to Poland.

If the US hadn't done D-Day, it would have taken the Red Army a week longer to plant that beautiful Soviet flag on the Bundestag.

BTW, the German army suffered 88% of its losses fighting the Red Army and only 12% fighting the "Allies". Germans lost 10 guys fighting the French.

Bottom line: The Red Army won WW2. It's that simple.

Also, I am glad the Red Army was stationed in Western Poland after 1945. 300,000 of them...This prevented the US hotheads from trying to liberate Poland and to add another million dead Poles to the total.


Happy now?
Miloslaw  20 | 5090
9 Jun 2024   #214
Also, I am glad the Red Army was stationed in Western Poland after 1945. 300,000 of them...This prevented the US hotheads from trying to liberate Poland and to add another million dead Poles to the total.

So what made you move to the US, you hypocrite?
Novichok  5 | 8364
9 Jun 2024   #215
I am not the topic here.

I will be happy to respond to questions regarding any subject in Post 213.
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #216
I take it all back. D-Day prolonged WW2. Here is why...

If the "Allies" announced that they would welcome German soldiers just as Russia did now with theUA in Ukraine, many would run for dear life toward the Allied armies in the West. Then they would be disarmed, fed, and treated as humanely as possible.

This would leave fewer Germans to fight the Red Army as it was approaching Berlin and would end WW2 sooner. In the summer of 1944, only one delusional maniac didn't know that Germany lost the war. All Germans with brains knew it. They also wanted to surrender to the US, not the Red Army.
jon357  72 | 23276
10 Jun 2024   #217
Now he thinks he knows more than the joint chiefs of staff and every military strategist in the victorious allied forces.

And Novi trashes another serious thread because he wants to argue

That's all he ever does.
mafketis  38 | 11032
10 Jun 2024   #218
That's all he ever does.

Let's pretend we're Jehovah's Witnesses and shun him! Don't respond to any of his desperate attempts at getting attention.
jon357  72 | 23276
10 Jun 2024   #219
shun him! Don't respond to any of his desperate attempts at getting attention.

That is clearly the best way forward.

Have you been following the D Day 80th anniversary celebrations? I loved it when the 99 year old Normandy veteran who'd been given a medal by Putler for being on the Murmansk convoys said:

"A bravery award signed by Putin of all people. I'm disgusted and disappointed. He wants taken off this earth and the sooner the better. I've never said anything like that before but it will be a pleasure when I know that he's dead. And all his tribe as well."
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #220
Now he thinks he knows more than the joint chiefs of staff

Yes, I do. It was the chiefs that assembled the US Pacific fleet at one place in the time of war. Moronic doesn't describe...unless it was deliberate.

After PH, why was it necessary to have WW2-B with Japan? Japan never intended to invade the US. Revenge? That's a stupid macho guy movie idea..."Guys, let's go kill 'em, bastards..."

When the US attacked Japan after PH, the US was the aggressor. It's like me getting my car stolen and killing everybody where the thief lives.

D-Day was not necessary to end the war. The Red Army was plenty capable. Soviets and the Allies could have played a good-cop-bad-cop game with the Germans and announced an amnesty for all Germans who surrendered to the West.

D-Day was the same as the Warsaw Uprising: To keep the Reds from taking the whole of Germany. Pure politics.

Once Germany was cut off, the country could have been starved to death or into surrender. It would be their choice and a lot fewer US deaths.
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #221
Now let's get some personal insults, azholes...
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #222
Would Stalin have been able to finish Hitler without D-Day and an allied advance from the west.

That was a question in Post 1.

Yes, he would. Only it would have taken longer that it actually did.

...a response in Post 2.

Pawian, you are a genius and a very brave man to say the unsayable.
jon357  72 | 23276
10 Jun 2024   #223
Yes, I do

You don't.
gumishu  15 | 6229
10 Jun 2024   #224
The Red Army was plenty capable.

that's why Stalin virtually begged Roosevelt and Churchill to "open the second front"
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #225
You don't.

I just came back from a walk...I noticed a dog pissing directly on the sidewalk since there were no trees or a hydrant. What this dog left behind was deeper than your typical post.

that's why Stalin virtually begged Roosevelt and Churchill to "open the second front"

No. Stalin never begged - "virtually" or literally.

Stalin was asking for a second front to minimize Soviet war casualties. Good Stalin.

In 1944, after Stalingrad and Kursk, even the "Allies" knew that the Red Army alone would beat the crap out of the Germans. So they enjoyed watching "commies" and "fascists" killing each other for as long as they could.

Then came the first oh, fvck moment...Oh, fvck...Russkies are moving fast and will be in Berlin sooner than we planned. Guys, we gotta get moving...Hence, D-Day.

From this point on, everything was a political dog-and-pony show...The three sectors, the French entering Paris first, the Warsaw Uprising, trusting the Soviets that they will allow free and democratic elections in Eastern Europe ...

Since the Western war machine was running out of enemies, the second "of, fvck" moment was desperately needed. It came as a speech..." We fought the wrong enemy" and "Iron Curtain". Later, as "evil empire"...

Bottom line: Nothing is what it seems. Unless you are a child still upset that Santa is a fake and a child molester.
Bobko  27 | 2071
10 Jun 2024   #226

This post... I feel owe you a State Award from the Russian government.

This is what we have believed all along.

They were delighted when the Nazis and Bolsheviks were butchering each other. Then when the communists started making startling advances, they finally got going.
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #227
Then when the communists started making startling advances, they finally got going.

You already gave me credit for taking a very unpopular stand regarding the war in Ukraine.

Now I want a hug for not giving a flying fvck about who thinks what about D-Day - one of the holiest of Western cows.

OK, I will settle for a handshake...

Memo to all: Never, ever try to intimidate me. Won't work, azholes..
gumishu  15 | 6229
10 Jun 2024   #228
In 1944

only in June 1944 the Soviet Bagration operation started that mostly sealed the fate of the German east front - during Kursk (summer 1943) battle Russians suffered heavy losses and in the late 1943 they suffered a big setback in crossing the Dnieper (with half a million Soviet prisoners of war captured by Germans)

Later, as "evil empire".

this (Soviet) empire was responsible for killing more than 20 million of their own people - so yeah: why not call it evil (not to mention scores of victims from other nations they subjugated during and after the WW2)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7844
10 Jun 2024   #229

that's why Stalin virtually begged Roosevelt and Churchill to "open the second front"

Correct, Ru$$ia was low on troops, low on supplies, low on secondhand equipment, low on moral and all but whipped and worn out.
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #230
this (Soviet) empire was responsible for killing more than 20 million of their own people

When those words were spoken in 1983, the USSR was not killing anyone. Looking back, Germany caused 50 million deaths.

At least the Soviets killed their own. Just as we kill our own unborn - even today. No crime, no jury, no appeals. 60 million since Roe. BTW, those were not "blobs". Those were live human beings who were silent and invisible to make killing more palatable.

After this, I don't get impressed easily with big numbers.
Novichok  5 | 8364
10 Jun 2024   #231
low on secondhand equipment, low on morale and all but whipped and worn out.

What then was the reason for D-Day? To assist the evil empire that was "whipped and worn-out", and on its last legs?

How about laying low and letting Germans kill more evil, worn-out, and whipped Soviets?
gumishu  15 | 6229
10 Jun 2024   #232
the USSR was not killing anyone.

USSR was most probably behind the attempt at killing pope John Paul the Second (early 80's if I recall correctly)

Ru$$ia was low on troops, low on supplies, low on secondhand equipment, low on moral and all but whipped and worn out.

I wouldn't go as far as this - Russia had millions of soldiers (the Dnieper crossing disaster left little mark on their army), it was constantly supplied by the US (food, trucks, airplanes etc etc) especially after the Battle of Atlantic was won by the Allies in 1943
Novichok  5 | 8364
11 Jun 2024   #233
USSR was most probably behind the attempt at killing pope John Paul

Attempt??? Give the KGB a little more credit. If they want you dead, you will be dead.

If some ashole can off a US president with just one shot, I would assume that my dear friends at the KGB can do it just as easily with a pope.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7844
11 Jun 2024   #234
And Off-Topic he goes again to have someone to argue with. 😴
(First stage of dementia) pity
Novichok  5 | 8364
11 Jun 2024   #235
(First stage of dementia) pity

...but practicing medicine without a license is on-topic...Duh!

Plus, I don't argue with anyone...I post my opinions...If somebody wants to argue, that's his problem, not mine...

What exactly is your contribution to this thread since the D-Day 80th anniversary?

One meaningless post...
OP johnny reb  49 | 7844
11 Jun 2024   #236
And Off-Topic he goes again to have someone to argue with. 😴
You are one thick Polack is all I have to say.
Stage two is going to be a nightmare here.
By stage three hopefully you will forget how to turn your computer on.
mafketis  38 | 11032
11 Jun 2024   #237
Off-Topic he goes again to have someone to argue with

Mr. Pot, have you had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Kettle yet?
Novichok  5 | 8364
11 Jun 2024   #238
AMA should investigate this case...A guy is OK until some azhole on PH doesn't like what the guy wrote. Then the guy instantly develops dementia.

Back to WW2..

Military German deaths:

Western Front: 600,000 or 12%

Eastern Front: 4,300,000 or 88%

Now, children, who defeated Germany? The guys in from the East or the guys from the West?
gumishu  15 | 6229
11 Jun 2024   #239
Now, children, who defeated Germany?

1) you don't take into consideration the impact of the bombing of the German cities and industrial facilities by the Western Allies

2) you don't take into consideration the material support the US gave to the Soviet Union (their army would probably starve if it weren't for America - there was a severe famine in the Soviet Union in the years FOLLOWING the WW2 - but of course it wasn't just food that the US supplied to Russians)

3) you don't take into consideration the intelligence assistance the Western Allies gave Russians - in case of the Kursk battle which cost Germans so many resources and where they lost any strategic initiative, Russians knew about half a year in advance about the planned German operation thanks to the British codebreakers - as a result Russians had vast preparations in the area with as much as six lines of defences and thousands of tanks, planes and aritllery pieces deployed in the area
Novichok  5 | 8364
11 Jun 2024   #240
1) you don't take into consideration the impact of the bombing of the German cities and industrial facilities by the Western Allies

Nobody bombed anybody into surrender. Killing the enemy is the only way. Russians killed 88% of Germans.
If bombing was the way to win, the US would not invade Iraq twice. The US bombed the hell out of Vietnam and lost. We even bombed trees.

Ukraine is losing the war not for lack of intelligence or equipment. It's losing because of a lack of men.

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