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Polish history is 100% glorious

Easy_Terran  3 | 311
19 Aug 2010   #181
See, this is the type of ignorant, vile nonsense


Be against it as much as your sorry ass can - Ruskies did it, you little ignorant... you.

Gee, evidence however shows that you did do it

Does it, really?

Have you ever considered professional help, excruciating loser?


all decent Poles are embarrassed

Bwaaaahaha hahahahaha hahahahahahah

Bwaa.... uhh...uhhh.... bwaaahahahahahah
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #182
If they didn't do it, prove it, instead of showing me and the rest of this forum what pathetic idiot you are.

I haven't seen any proof from you, so far.


M-G (ET - yet another idiot joining the ever growing ranks on this forum, so tiresome)
Easy_Terran  3 | 311
19 Aug 2010   #183
Hm, in all your non-existing wisdom


were proof that he must've hit some truth, a truth that has been hidden away

Jews betrayed Poland at every, EVERY, single occation.
Few Poles killed FEW, unfortunately not all, traitors. Fvck! Poles should go to hell!

Sure... Poles are bad.

LOL, you and you alike are simply... um... not even pathetic... you're .... fvck, I can't even find a word to describe you, sorry retards.

If they didn't do it, prove it, instead of showing me and the rest of this forum what pathetic idiot you are

But Sweetie, I posted a link over and over and over again.
Follow it, for once, will you, baby Jew?

(- yet another person tired with that Jew supremacist approach - we (jew) good, you (goy) bad -)
(- yet another person showing you Jews are nothing but retarded morons -)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #184
You prove exactly that it was indeed Poles who performed the Kielce pogrom. If this mentality you're showing us is still alive, it would surely be alive in 1946. Woah, didn't think it was so easy to prove. But sad mofo's like ET and a couple of others make it all too easy to assume that it's true. But he has left us, which is a pity, would like to hear more of his rants - more proof that myself and others are right in our statements.


M-G (too bad, sorry ass nitwit)
Easy_Terran  3 | 311
19 Aug 2010   #185
indeed Poles who performed the Kielce pogrom.

So the Poles did impress their footmarks in Prague in '68.
And really, were it the Poles who invaded the Czechoslovakia then, were they?

You're too stupid to get the picture, so why don't you just go and FVCK OFF?
(as you so eagerly asked to do to some other members of this forum earlier on?)

Please refrain from using insults. This thread may be closed and your posts binned.
convex  20 | 3928
19 Aug 2010   #186
a history of the very glorious nation

If you're going to revel in historic glory, you need accept historic wrongs. I don't owe you a thing, and you've never done anything for me. See, we're even.
David_18  65 | 966
19 Aug 2010   #187
Still wrong :) The word is whiner.


myth A: the Jews were commies, a myth that apparently still lives today, remarkably;

Many jews were commies. So were many poles, russians, germans etc etc...

myth B: the blood libel (where the hell did this nonsense come from?);

Well it didn't come from Poland, and i've never heard that stuff in Poland.

It actually started in England ;)

Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds. The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of martyr and crowds of pilgrims bringing wealth to the local church. In 1189, the Jewish deputation attending the coronation of Richard the Lionheart was attacked by the crowd. Massacres of Jews at London and York soon followed. On Feb 6 1190, all the Norwich Jews were found slaughtered in their houses, except a few who found refuge in the castle. Jews would later be expelled from all of England in 1290 and not allowed to return until 1655. In 1171, Blois was the site of a blood libel accusation against its Jewish community that led to 31 Jews (by some accounts 40) being burned to death.

So blame the brits ;)

myth D: Jews welcomed the Soviets (especially a popular myth in Eastern Poland - only partly true but represented as whole nations of Jews were welcoming the Russian troops)

i guess the communist jews did that? Would't you welcome a commie if you yourself were one?

Many Jews joined the Polish army and fought bravely,

The communist propaganda about the blood sucking Polish Szlachta that beat their serfs to death and the antisemitic poles kinda worked well it seems :)

myth E: the most remarkable myth of all: Jews helped round up Poles for the slaughter.

Common give me a break...
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #188
But you keep on proving that I am right,

How so? First of all it an Internet and he could be anybody, secondly even if he is polish what he says proof nothing, and particularly proof nothing in regard to Kielce event.

Sucky the same idiot is finding a tiniest scratch in a history

Hey if you are Pole, shut your mug idiot and cut off hysteria !

The rest of the world.

Hullo there humble guy:D

I-S(War of the worlds,worlds,so many worlds..)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #189

He does so here:

So the Poles did impress their footmarks in Prague in '68.
And really, were it the Poles who invaded the Czechoslovakia then, were they?

But you're right, we don't know if he is actually Polish or just some pretender who wants to undermine things a bit further. If he wants to do that, he's doing an excellent job. But having said that, one can conclude he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, that's for sure.


M-G (tiens)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
19 Aug 2010   #190
The reaction to Neighbours and Fear were proof that he must've hit some truth

How does one react to lies then?

The harder the resistance, the more truer it is. Common psychology.

According to your own logic, your feverish denial of what the Jews did is proof positive then that they did it. I’m pleased to see progress and acceptance of what your brethren did in the past. Just to remind you here’s the list:

A: Vest majority of the Jews were commies. (Well , just look how many moved to Israel from the former Russia itself in recent years.)
B: Jews betrayed Poles. (Why wouldn’t they? They felt no loyalty to the country whose language they didn’t even speak.)
C: Jews welcomed the Soviets and even Nazis at the unset of war. (Plenty of written eyewitness accounts to testify to that fact.)
D: Jews helped round up Poles for the slaughter. (Not only did they participate in the round up but were executioners themselves in many of instances.)

E: Jews were confiscating property of those Poles who were about to be deported to Siberia. (Once again plenty of eyewitnesses reported to this happening in Soviet occupation zone)

F: The blood libel (Denied for centuries, yet accused of it in every country Jews ever lived) makes one wonder why? A truth that has been hidden away as dark secret from the past perhaps?

I haven't seen any proof from you, so far.

Neither have I, except for an opinion stated by your kind without any facts or hard evidence to prove it. Your claim that denial makes it proof positive, most ridicules claim I’ve ever heard from someone of sound logic, at least that’s what you claim – right?

Woah, that really convinced me that the Poles were harmless sheep in Kielce.

No one is trying to convince you of anything, we know better than to try and change the morons mind, pointing out the facts, that’s what that is.

Note to the Mod: Next time put warning comment under both posters just to make it appear to be fair, perhaps you’ve missed an obvious insults by MareGaea thrown all over the place or perhaps a swine comment is not obvious enough?
David_18  65 | 966
19 Aug 2010   #191
Just for your information: we are talking about an event that was sparked off by this very blood libel thingie.

Blood libel is ridiculous lol.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #192
myth A: the Jews were commies, a myth that apparently still lives today, remarkably;
myth D: Jews welcomed the Soviets (especially a popular myth in Eastern Poland - only partly true but represented as whole nations of Jews were welcoming the Russian troops) and:
myth E: the most remarkable myth of all: Jews helped round up Poles for the slaughter.

MareGaea, you're so sure that in those myths there's no grain of truth?
Of course, I'm not saying that all Jews were communists, but considering the discrimination of Jews, they had their reasons to become communists, to welcome the Soviets and take revenge on Poles.

I'm sure communist idealogy could appeal to some Jews as it promoted, at least in theory, equality of all people. Race, nationality - it wasn't important for communists.

It also appealed more to peasants and workers than, for example, nobility.
The Soviets defeated the Nazis who wanted to kill all the Jews so it would be natural to welcome the Soviets. Some Poles welcomed them too, at the beginning.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Jews helped round up Poles for the slaughter". You mean NKVD? Well, I've seen some Russian graphs which show that Jews consisted a large group in NKVD, maybe even a majority (I don't remember) only at the beginning, in the early years of NKVD. Later it consisted mainly of Russians. I don't know any figures but I've also read that it's a myth that Polish SB consisted mainly of Jews.

You prove exactly that it was indeed Poles who performed the Kielce pogrom.

Of course Poles did it. Who else? Martians? ;) It's a proven fact and I don't think you need Easy_Terran to prove you this.

You do know that with this statement you actually admit that Poles parttook in the killing of Jews in Kielce, do you?

I think that, surprisingly, he did that consciously ;)

Well it didn't come from Poland, and i've never heard that stuff in Poland.

The pogrom in Kielce was sparked off by a rumor that a boy was kidnapped by Jews and held in a cellar in order to be used in a ritual killing.

But that's the only case I've heard about as far as this "blood libel" is concerned. I guess it's more of the medieval times. I don't know if it was popular in the 20th century.

No one is trying to convince you of anything, we know better than to try and change the morons mind, pointing out the facts, that’s what that is.

The fact is that pogrom in Kielce was carried out by Poles. There's no doubt about it. I was born and live in Kielce so I know better than any of you LOL
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #193
Note to the Mod: Next time put warning comment under both posters just to make it appear to be fair, perhaps you’ve missed an obvious insults by MareGaea thrown all over the place or perhaps a swine comment is not obvious enough?

Oh look, ain't it cute, defending your brother in arms. Maybe you want to read all posts back to see who started insulting? But then again, since you are so stuck in your ways, you probably don't want to know.

The mods probably know that I get more insulted on here than anybody else, so don't start crying you wuss. And I said already before that I don't have any tolerance left for idiotic attacks and ditto statements.

Oh btw, the list you present have all been classified as myths. "The vast majority of the Jews were commie" Woah, if entire tribes of Jews joined their ranks, the Polish line at the office of registration for the CP must have been from Gdansk to Zakopane. The rest of your statements fall all under the label "victimisation".

And I asked before to come with arguments that are not based upon any of the 5 standard myths that seem to haunt some Poles' perception of history. Now, if you don't have anything useful to contribute, don't participate anymore in this thread, your statements are getting pretty boring, they're like a infinite tape.

"Jews helped round up Poles for the slaughter".

It has been stated on this forum that Jews helped the Nazis in the KZ's to round up Poles for execution.

Who else? Martians? ;) It's a proven fact and I don't think you need Easy_Terran to prove you this.

Martians :) Good one, although it wouldn't surprise me that some would actually consider that an option :) Oh, I don't need ET to prove that, I just let him prove it while he thinks he's falsifying it :)

And about the spark: Henryk Blaszczyk claimed he was kidnapped and held by Jews in the basement of Planty street, awaiting to be sucked out of his blood. So I would say that this is blood libel. However, when police arrived at the building in Planty street, they very easily found out that the boy was lying: the building had no basement.

But then again, the Kielce pogrom was originally meant as an example of incident - direct consequences and later reverberations - it was an illustration, unfortunately there were some that didn't understand this and now we're talking the whole godgiven time about Kielce.


M-G (tiens)
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #194
but considering the discrimination of Jews,

gee!? don't say !

It also appealed more to peasants and workers than, for example, nobility.

it appealed more to unskilled workers and lumps also to de-classed nobles and intelligentsia!
Honest hard working people were Church going material

The Soviets defeated the Nazis who wanted to kill all the Jews so it would be natural to welcome the Soviets.

They are talking about 1939 when joint Soviet-Nazi forces attacked Poland, Germans started exterminate Jews in 1941! Also some Jews welcomed German forces in 1939 too!

The fact is that pogrom in Kielce was carried out by Poles. There's no doubt about it. I was born and live in Kielce so I know better than any of you LOL

I'm sure that you were present at the time of the invent and knew some who did it!

I-S (Dance my little puppets, dance for me, dance my little puppets and you shall see!)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #195
Also some Jews welcomed German forces in 1939 too!

First off, I find that a bit hard to believe, but secondly...Just why would they do that? Because they were treated so nicely in Poland? But I think we have to send this back to the land of fairy tales as most, if not all Jews knew what Hitler stood for.


M-G (shadaroba)
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #196
But then again, the Kielce pogrom was originally meant as an example of incident - direct consequences and later reverberations - it was an illustration, unfortunately there were some that didn't understand this and now we're talking the whole godgiven time about Kielce.

Well, I'm used to this ;)
Even for some Poles in other parts of Poland Kielce have this stigma of anti-semitism because of the pogrom in 1946.

I'm sure that you were present at the time of the invent and knew some who did it!

Ironside, it's a historic fact, you know? Do you even live in Poland? o_O
Mother of my university professor was a witness of what happened at that time.
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #197
First off, I find that a bit hard to believe,


Just why would they do that?

to show to Germans - hey we are not Poles and we have no part in your quarrel with them!

Because they were treated so nicely in Poland?

Because most of them spoke german dialect as their first language (sometimes it was they only language).

all Jews knew what Hitler stood for.

Well, evidently not!

I-S ( still waiting for promised books;just dance away, dance in trance, just dance away the whole damn day)

...................................................................... ......................................................

quote=Paulina]it's a historic fact, you know?[/quote]
and that differs from the fact - how?

Mother of my university professor was a witness of what happened at that time.

Was she Jewish ?If not I'm afraid that as a witness she would be useless (according to M-G law)

I-S ( well, I don't know enough about it yet, I have some reasonable and sensible doubts about it)
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #198
and that differs from the fact - how?

In the way that you are taught about this at history classes in school? :D

Was she Jewish ?

No, she wasn't.

I-S ( well, I don't know enough about it yet, I have some reasonable and sensible doubts about it)

What doubts? The only doubts could consider whether the pogrom was inspired in some way by the communist authorities or/and the Soviets but that's just a theory and I think it's a wishful thinking and, still, communist authorities were Polish, not from Mars. It was carried out by Poles. I wish it wasn't, but it was...
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #199
communist authorities were Polish, not from Mars.

WHO was Polish ?
Most of the government members were some soviets creatures about whom nobody hear before, anyhow any real Pole taking part in soviet apparatus was traitor, so yes the authorities could be from Mars!

Ask why in the pre-war Poland with so many Jews and tension, nothing like that ever happened ?Maybe because in charge were Polish authorities?eh?

Secondly, timing of that event was nicely set to make Poles look like German accomplices in the eyes of the world.
Next, place - why Kielce not other town left in good state ? Where the independent forces were strongest at the time, where national movement were strong as well ? ?

I-S(to remember the fallen is not to remember how they fell but to remember why and for what)
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #200
In the way that you are taught about this at history classes in school? :D

They tought me Katyń was done by Germans. ( Of course my teacher said it's not quiet true what is written in my History Book.

I would be careful with mongrels like MG (Мабович Ґольда)
TheOther  6 | 3596
19 Aug 2010   #201
anyhow any real Pole taking part in soviet apparatus was traitor

Traitor or not - they were still Poles.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #202
WHO was Polish ?

Those who did the killing.

Ask why in the pre-war Poland with so many Jews and tension, nothing like that ever happened ?

Um... But it happened...,99553,6653228,Pogromy_Zydow_w_Polsce.html

Secondly, timing of that event was nicely set to make Poles look like German accomplices in the eyes of the world.

Again, it's just another theory, no proof. The communist authorities claimed that the pogrom was inspired by the anticommunist underground, a provocation done by the government in exile and carried out by the soldiers of Anders wearing false NKVD uniforms LOL Do you buy that? ;D

Next, place - why Kielce not other town left in good state ? Where the independent forces were strongest at the time, where national movement were strong as well ? ?

Maybe in poor regions prejudices thrive more easily? I don't know.

They tought me Katyń was done by Germans.

I had my history classes in the 90's. I think 20 years was enough to discover the truth, as with Katyń.

I would be careful with mongrels like MG (Мабович Ґольда)

I would be careful with calling people mongrels...
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #203
I would be careful with calling people mongrels...

I AM careful with people reading Kosher Zeitung
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #204
What is "Kosher Zeitung"?
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #205
Dear Hairy and MG
I think this post is closed for both of you and myself. Deal?
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #206
For those interested - I found this:

Next, place - why Kielce not other town left in good state ? Where the independent forces were strongest at the time, where national movement were strong as well ? ?

Well, there's this theory that anti-semitism grew stronger because of the Russian partition and Kielce was in Russia during the partitions. But I don't know if that was really the case... One would have to check in which regions of Poland pogroms were most common, I guess.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #207
I would be careful with mongrels like MG (Мабович Ґольда)

Weren't you the one that was proud to be an anti semite? I seem to remember that you said that - how in the world do you think anybody will take you seriously after claiming to be proud for hating other ppl?

Now go away - I can already guess your "contribution". And by the way I don't read kosjer newspapers. I read a lot of newspapers.

Dear Hairy and MG

Like I said, go away and leave this thread for ppl who don't openly proclaim to be proud to be anti semite.

One would have to check in which regions of Poland pogroms were most common, I guess.

Well, it was a period of widespread violence against Jews with of course the culmination in the Kielce incident. Most of them in Eastern Poland, however, there was violence in Western Poland too and in Krakow, which doesn't really lie in Eastern Poland.

What is "Kosher Zeitung"?

Paulina, ender is an anti semite, not covertly but openly. He even proclaimed himself to be proud of it. I mean stupid is as stupid does, but to be actually proud of it, takes the biscuit :)


M-G (tiens)
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #208
Um... But it happened...

I said nothing like that, and it didn't.

I-S ( books M-G?)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #209

Told you, I am busy, I'm just here for a few minutes while I drink my coffee. This weekend I have more time and I will provide you with some useful material.

Don't be so impatient!

@Paulina: here ender states it:

Jun 19, 10, 10:05

I am Pole and I am proud to be antisemite.


M-G (darn kids!)
Easy_Terran  3 | 311
19 Aug 2010   #210
Of course Poles did it. Who else? Martians? ;) It's a proven fact and I don't think you need Easy_Terran to prove you this.

Easy Terran was saying that the Poles were only puppets in Ruskie's hands.
Important date, important meating (July, Nurymberg... do I have to draw a picture here???)

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