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What does my Polish name mean?

Taxpaying voter
17 Dec 2017   #61
If he/she meekly accepts the anlo-mangling

It's easier to just change the spelling, as one L'Sheq I know demonstrated.
mafketis  38 | 11284
19 Dec 2017   #62
, while I'm aware of the mess that they made on Ellis Island of surnames

I've read that that was largely a myth that name changes had other sources...

Also here
oczko1993  1 | 17
20 Dec 2017   #63
This is very interesting ~ does anyone know of the names Pałasz or Sekulski/Sekulska
kaprys  3 | 2076
20 Dec 2017   #64
Palasz was a kind of sabre. You can look it up on google images.
Sekulski is either derived from Sekuła - part of Siedlce now or Latin 'saeculum'.
29 Dec 2017   #65
kupaszin, is this a Polish surname? Can't find any record of it on the web
kaprys  3 | 2076
30 Dec 2017   #66

There are also places called Kopaszyn.
No Kupaszin, though.
1 Jan 2018   #67
Trying to trace Kupaszin/ Kupasin surname, is this Polish?
Cyganowski16  - | 1
4 Jan 2018   #68
I know it has been years since you responded to my original post regarding my last name, for whatever reason I never came across the site/post again until now and found your response. I appreciate the given info! I noticed at the bottom you mentioned contacting you for more, so here I am. I cannot email/PM you because I am yet to make any posts. But if you know more or could point me in the right direction id love to find out.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Jan 2018   #69
regarding my last name

Please refresh my memory. What info did you get and what else do you want to know?
6 Jan 2018   #70
Anybody have anything on the surnames ULIARZ and DZIEWIT . The names are very uncommon haven't seen them anywhere online
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Jan 2018   #71
Probably a variant/misspelling of Uliasz which is more popular. Both probably derived from ul-beehive.
Dziewit might have been derived from David or dziewka-young woman. Anna Dziewit-Meller is a journalist.
Both have about 1000 users each.
Basiia  - | 1
8 Jan 2018   #72

Looking for my family history by the last name Choroszucha, Tarasiuk , Kosiorek or Wrobel.

Looking for my family history by the last name Choroszucha. If anyone out there has any info on the last names Choroszucha, Tarasiuk , Kosiorek or Wrobel. Please contact me. Thank You

Looking for family last name of Buczkowski, Zalewski , Milanowski
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jan 2018   #73

CHOROSZUCHA: Probably originated as a nick for a sickly person (chory=ill, unwell)
TARASIUK: Ukrainian patronymic nick meaning Taras' son
KOSIOREK: toponymic nick from localities such as Kosiory, Kosiorów, Kosiorki, etc. Possibly derived from kos (blackbird) or kosa (scythe)
WRÓBEL: sparrow; possibly a toponymic nick for someone from Wróblewo (Sparrowville)
BUCZKOWSKI: from buczek (diminutive of buk=beech); toponym from Buczków or Buczkowo (Beechville)
ZALEWSKI: topographic nick for someone living on a lagoon (zalew) or toponymic for someone from Zalewo (Lagoonville)
MILANOWSKI: toponymic nick for someone from Milanów or Milanówek; those localities were probably set up by nobles named Milanowski.

There were nobles amongst the bearers of the Kosiorek, Buczkowski, Zalewski and Milanowski surnames, More info at: research60@gmail
DominicB  - | 2706
8 Jan 2018   #74
CHOROSZUCHA: Probably originated as a nick for a sickly person (chory=ill, unwell)

Probably not. Probably from Russian or Ukrainian Choroszo, which means "excellent". Quite the opposite of what you suggested.
kaprys  3 | 2076
8 Jan 2018   #75
According to Stankiewicz it's derived from chrust/chrost- brushwood with Ukrainian phonetics.
DominicB  - | 2706
8 Jan 2018   #76
I'm going to have to agree with Stankiewicz. It's more plausible than my derivation.
kaprys  3 | 2076
8 Jan 2018   #77
I don't remember much from my Russian classes but I think good is pronounced harasho so chrust does make more sense. Anyway, it sounds Ukrainian for sure.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Jan 2018   #78
in Clockwork Orange it was said in English like 'horrorshow'...
mafketis  38 | 11284
8 Jan 2018   #79
I don't remember much from my Russian classes but I think good is pronounced harasho

It's written (with Polish orthography) choroszo (with the stress on the final o) but pronounced charaszo (since unstressed o turns into a in standard spoken Russian)
kitty1124  - | 3
16 Jan 2018   #80
Thanks for this! I eventually got my answers re: the Hungarian part. Turns out they modified the spelling to retain the phonetic pronunciation they were accustomed to.

I have new questions now (although these are open to anyone) -- Do you have any knowledge of either Hudy or Myszka? I think I've seen something about Myszka meaning 'mouse' but I'm not sure if there's anything more out there, or anything about Hudy.

kaprys  3 | 2076
16 Jan 2018   #81
Myszka literally means Little mouse but it's probably not the origin of the name. It might be of the same origin as Kaszubian Myszk, Myszek, Miszke etc derived from the name Myślibór (literally one who thinks about fighting. Another idea is that it's derived from 'muskul, mięsień'- muscle. Apparently myszka was also used to name a horse's coat colour. That's the information I found online and all of these might be the origin of the surname.

As for Hudy, it's a misspelling of 'chudy'- 'thin'. They're pronounced in the same manner. Similarly, Chudzik and Hudzik are both used as surnames in Poland. Chudy used to also mean'poor' or 'infertile' when referred to soil/land.
Myquest  - | 1
22 Jan 2018   #82

Litus Surname origin

Is Litus Polish surname?
jon357  72 | 23703
22 Jan 2018   #84
It's a Ukrainian name similar to the Lemko name Lytush. Lemkos straddle the current border between Poland and Ukraine, and there are Lemkos in both countries.
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Jan 2018   #85
According to what I found it may be derived from Luty (February) or its old meaning: severe, wild, cruel or freezing, cold; or from lutowac się - to struggle; or from the first name Lutobor.
rhonda_s  - | 3
23 Jan 2018   #86
Brzymyszkiewicz or Rzemieszkiewicz
Is there a meaning for these names?
They are variations used in 1800s parish records near Gniezno (Niechanowo, Brudzewo) for Brzemiałkiewicz or Brzymialkiewicz, my family name, sometimes both in the same entry, sometimes for the same person in different years. Thanks!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jan 2018   #87

According to Poznań University onomastician Dr Ewa Szczodruch, such surnames go back to German names such as Brimm and Briem. Does that sound plausible?
rhonda_s  - | 3
26 Jan 2018   #88
That sounds plausible. An unfamiliar foreign name would likely be misspelled, just as Polish names are misspelled in the USA. I've also found the name Drzewiałkiewicz nearby in Trzemeszno. Again, very close, but different. Thanks!
28 Jan 2018   #89
Can anyone tell me about the surname Partynski? Was this name Americanized?
kaprys  3 | 2076
28 Jan 2018   #90
Partyński is still used in Poland. The surname is derived from 'part' -'canvas' in Old Polish or 'partac'-'weave canvas'.

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