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Do I look Polish? (my picture)

TheJunglist  1 | 7
16 Jul 2012   #1
Hello everyone! I would like to know if I look Polish to you, since while being in Poland people didn't assume I was foreign.

  • IMG_0598.JPG

  • IMG_0600.JPG

  • IMG_0599.JPG
Slavicaleks  8 | 98
16 Jul 2012   #2
you could pass as polish or any European except southern
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
16 Jul 2012   #3
You look like Dolph Lundgren in the first one, lol.
4 eigner  2 | 816
16 Jul 2012   #4
Do I look Polish?

yes, you do.

You look like Dolph Lundgren in the first one, lol.

missing muscles though
beckski  12 | 1609
16 Jul 2012   #5
I would like to know if I look Polish to you

I think you look Polish. You resemble a relative of mine.
16 Jul 2012   #6
You definitely don't look British!!
If you hadn't asked that particular question,i would have guessed from your looks you were German.
Yeah you could definitely pass for a pole!
4 eigner  2 | 816
16 Jul 2012   #7
If you hadn't asked that particular question,i would have guessed from your looks you were German.

he doesn't look German at all.
16 Jul 2012   #8
He does to me.
rybnik  18 | 1444
16 Jul 2012   #9
he does to me too
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Jul 2012   #10
since while being in Poland people didn't assume I was foreign.

why would people assume you are not polish if you are white?
OP TheJunglist  1 | 7
16 Jul 2012   #11
Because white people look very different depending on where they come from ie. many Russians would not pass as Norwegians and many Britons would not fit into Poland.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
16 Jul 2012   #12
I am wondering if you are Slavic?
OP TheJunglist  1 | 7
16 Jul 2012   #13
No, I'm not Slavic (as far is I know).

why would people assume you are not polish if you are white?

Oops! I forgot to quote, I'm sorry. Here's my answer to your question: Because white people look very different depending on where they come from ie. many Russians would not pass as Norwegians and many Britons would not fit into Poland.
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Jul 2012   #14
many Russians would not pass as Norwegians

Well, most part of Russia is in Asia so many of them look more like Asians then Europeans.

many Britons would not fit into Poland.

In Poland we have a mixture of all types of looks from the whole Europe, show me the example of Briton that would not pass as a Pole.
4 eigner  2 | 816
16 Jul 2012   #15
He does to me.

he does to me too

You guys haven't seen many Germans then ;-)

show me the example of Briton that would not pass as a Pole

just take a look at WroclawBoy, he definately wouldn't pass as a Pole (he looks very English).
milky  13 | 1656
16 Jul 2012   #16
Are you from Roscommon?
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
16 Jul 2012   #17
why would people assume you are not polish if you are white?

Line up a ginger-haired Scot, a Pole, a Spaniard, a Greek and a Jew of Baltic origin, and you would definitely see the difference in these almost equally-white people.

You guys haven't seen many Germans then ;-)

I'd have said more northern European. I don't think he looks at all Polish or Slavic, but he wouldn't stand out in Poland. An Italian would stand out more.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
16 Jul 2012   #18
You definitely don't look British!!

You mean English? Met lots of people who are "British" but have foreign parentage, so looking "British" means nothing.

He looks more German to me!

Are you from Roscommon?

What's wrong with Roscommon?
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Jul 2012   #19
Line up a ginger-haired Scot, a Pole, a Spaniard, a Greek and a Jew of Baltic origin, and you would definitely see the difference in these almost equally-white people.

What if I lined up ginger-haired Pole there and the one with dark hair and dark eyes? would you be able to tell where they are from?
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
16 Jul 2012   #20
Easy - the Pole would be wearing camo pants and carrying a reklamówka full of beer :D
PennBoy  76 | 2429
16 Jul 2012   #21
Do I look Polish?

Could be Polish, but at the same time be any ethnicity which has Nordic blood in the mix, (German, Estonian, Russian, Swedish, Dutch..) You don't really have a typical Slavic face, light(er) hair and eyes with a slight Asian twist to it.
4 eigner  2 | 816
16 Jul 2012   #22
I don't think he looks at all Polish or Slavic

to me, he looks very Polish.
16 Jul 2012   #23
You mean English? Met lots of people who are "British" but have foreign parentage, so looking "British" means nothing.

Yes, you could say i mean English, someone without foreign parentage.
To me, Thejunglist does not look like an Englishman. He has very high cheekbones and a very angular face.
These features are not typically English.If i passed him on the street, there would be no doubt in my mind that he was a foreigner.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
16 Jul 2012   #24
I would like to know if I look Polish to you

I would say yes... Polish or Czech, generally western Slavic or some Slavic/Germanic mix.
OP TheJunglist  1 | 7
16 Jul 2012   #25
In Poland we have a mixture of all types of looks from the whole Europe, show me the example of Briton that would not pass as a Pole.

James Hewitt, Prince Harry, Kate Winslet, Cheryl Cole, etc.
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Jul 2012   #26
We had a girl in high school who was incredibly similar to Kate Winslet some even called Titanik as a nickname...
Wroclaw Boy
16 Jul 2012   #27
He looks more German to me!

So did Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth in Schindlers List, can you seriously tell the difference between ethnic English and Germans? Because i cant, perhaps thats because were from the same stock.

Even with the stereotypical dress, put the same dudes in opposite clobber and we have mirror images.......could pass as English or Germans....

  • Ralph Feinnes
wawa_marek  1 | 129
16 Jul 2012   #28
You don't look like typical Spanish either (already checked your profile).
catsoldier  54 | 574
16 Jul 2012   #29
Hello everyone! I would like to know if I look Polish to you, since while being in Poland people didn't assume I was foreign.

It is hard to tell what country people come from. People make assumptions.

When I am in Poland people can't tell. Only when I speak can they tell that I am not Polish.
I wasn't in Poland and a Polish person assumed that I was Polish because I didn't speak immediately at the counter and I was greeted with "Witam"

I must try this on purpose sometime to see if I can get the same reaction :-) If they speak Polish to me then I can speak Polish to them :-)
teflcat  5 | 1024
16 Jul 2012   #30
I would like to know if I look Polish to you,

I don't look anything like you but you could be taken for (as I have been) Russian, Danish, Polish, Spanish, etc. If only some people would accept the reality that Europeans are, to say the least, a marvelous stew of genes...

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