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Polish cakes made in Poland

Lyzko  42 | 9518
8 Aug 2024 #91
Who sings to the kids "Urodzin czas, urodzin czas!"?
You or the missus?
pawian  220 | 24926
8 Aug 2024 #92
We all sing 100 lat aka 100 returns of the day.
Check it out:

Lyzko  42 | 9518
8 Aug 2024 #94
When I was a guest at a cocktail party at the Polish Consulate General in New York
many years ago, I sneezed and the host said, "STO LAT!"

Guess the phrase has various applications.
pawian  220 | 24926
10 Aug 2024 #95
I sneezed and the host said, "STO LAT!"

Yes, it is used for birthdays and sneezing.
Amasing! I wasn`t aware of it until I read your post.
Lyzko  42 | 9518
11 Aug 2024 #96
Neither was I until I heard the wish in context and understood
what the gentleman was saying.

We spoke exclusively in Polish throughout the proceedings.
Alien  22 | 5478
11 Aug 2024 #97
Mówi się też "na zdrowie"
Lyzko  42 | 9518
12 Aug 2024 #98
Sure, when toasting, not when sneezing LOL
Lenka  5 | 3534
12 Aug 2024 #99
No LOL here, we do say na zdrowie when someone sneezes.
Lyzko  42 | 9518
12 Aug 2024 #100
Nice to know. Similar then to saying "Gesundheit!", I guess.
Alien  22 | 5478
12 Aug 2024 #101


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