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Poland Work Permit / Study Visa Processing Times

Katsuhiko  2 | 14
25 Nov 2008   #31
I went to the consulate in London yesterday and applied for my visa. It will take two weeks for them to give it to me, so I'll enjoy the last moments of my life in Manchester.

Then, maybe you could start working nearly at the same time I start working in Poland.

After all, all the necessary things are done now and can start my work from next month. Yet, thinking that I may have to do the same thing next year makes me feel depressed.
Robert A  1 | 102
25 Nov 2008   #32
Yet, thinking that I may have to do the same thing next year makes me feel depressed.

Simple solution - don't thiink about it! :)

You have all the necessary documentation (keep it safe) and now that you have been through the process once, it should be easier the second time around.

. . . or is it ????? :/
Yoshi  - | 60
15 Dec 2008   #33
Yet, thinking that I may have to do the same thing next year makes me feel depressed.

I've just moved into my flat here in Krakow. It's so much cheaper than in Manchester and the environment is much better. It's been a big UPWARD jump for me. Yes. It's somewhat depressing to think about doing it all over again in a year, but the HR department of my company has been extremely helpful, so I hope it remains so.
Seanus  15 | 19666
15 Dec 2008   #34
For some it takes a while. My friend had to leave as he was messed around too much. The procedure can't be that rigorous. Maybe there were many applications.
Yoshi  - | 60
16 Dec 2008   #35
It went fairly smoothly for me. It just took some time, but not much longer than I expected.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Dec 2008   #36
O-medetou gozaimasu! Tokidoki ha futsukayoi dayo. Porando ga suki desu ka? Kirei no kuni desu ne? Toku ni, inoko de.

Tonikaku, I must return to English. I'm glad that I'm in the EU. I wonder how long a VISA to Ukraine would take. Hmm...I'd prefer the grand Baltic tour instead.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Dec 2008   #37
I'm glad that I'm in the EU. I wonder how long a VISA to Ukraine would take. Hmm...I'd prefer the grand Baltic tour instead.

No need for a visa for EU citizens these days for Ukraine, they lifted the requirements a couple of years back.

Crossing can be tedious though, I hear.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Dec 2008   #38
Geez, I'm full of out of date nonsense these days.

Oh, I've heard the various crossing stories. They transcend time boundaries.
Katsuhiko  2 | 14
19 Dec 2008   #39
I've just moved into my flat here in Krakow. It's so much cheaper than in Manchester and the environment is much better.

Sorry to digress, but I was planning to visit Krakow on Christmas holidays but decided to go down to Prague. The poeple in Wroclaw that I have met so far all say that Krakow is great, but not for holidays like Christmas? I heard shops are open in Prague even on Christmas holidays...
3 Jan 2009   #40
Dear Sir/Madam:
Thanks everybody.I am a Bangladeshi interested to get workpermit visa for Poland.
How can I find employer?let me know pls.
gjene  15 | 203
7 Jan 2009   #41
Hi all

This is going to seem like a stupid question in regard to visas. If a person has and can prove EU citizenship, what visas does one need for Poland? Thanks.
Orion  - | 1
19 Jan 2009   #42
Hi Everyone! This site is great!
Maybe you could help me with my problem.
I am married to a Polish citizen of Kazakhstan. She has been told that
she can have Polish citizenship as soon as she has a flat. She is also 1 month pregnant.
We are moving to Poland February 17th 09. I have no papers and thought I would just
get them once I found a job teaching English. We have some money (about 5,000 US), but not much and no other income while we wait.

After reading your sire a bit i see many of you have had trouble getting papers.
If it takes more than even 45 days we would have to leave.
I was thinking of getting a job in Kazakhstan teaching english and then trying to transfer over later.
How long would it Take to get papers with a lawyer?
My question:
Am I doing something very stupid going to Poland in one month and expecting to to find work and get papers? Seeing as how if we are both not working we will have to leave the country and that would be bad.

or, is it possible?
Katsuhiko  2 | 14
19 Jan 2009   #43
I would say that nothing is impossible, but in Wroclaw where I am, I do not see much foreigners working, even at cafes, etc. I do not know your nationality but for me, as a Japanese, after having gotten work, it took me about three months to get the visa, but the visa I got is only valid for 1 year, and after that I must apply for the diferent one. I am currently appplying for that. But as long as your wife (?) is a Polish citizen, then it would not be a problem?? Perhaps, your wife (?) being Kazakhstan has any problem as she is now a Polish citizen? That sounds really different, though. By the way, in Wroclaw, there are not many competent accountants who speak both English and Polish, as far as I am conerned, so if you have that qualification, there could be a hope...
vipservice  - | 16
27 Jan 2009   #44
If you really want to move to poland you have to come and find a job. The best way it is to apply via internet with your CV to different companies and then come to a meeting with a possible future employer on a tourist visa.

To work and stay in Poland you'll have to apply for a work and residence permit, you can do it through a specialized company but it will cost about 3000 pln. Then you can think about bringing your wife in.It is not so easy now to find a job in Poland, but there is a lot of schools employing foreign teachers.

Citizenship for your wife - it depends on the ancestors, father, mother or grandparents.
If you'll need professional help contact me:
13 Feb 2009   #45
this is me achut dahal from is possible to come in your county poland in working visa ? if it is possible to get visa please what are the regulations and rule for the visa process

your feathfully
dahal achut
vipservice  - | 16
18 Feb 2009   #46
If you want to come to Poland on a working wisa, you need to find an employer there first.
Then he must get for you a work permit in Poland and send it to you.
On this basis you can apply for a working visa in the Polish embassy.
If you have an employer interested in Poland please let us know and we can help with the issue.
7 Mar 2009   #47

Im from Africa. Family of my friend invited me so Ill get tourist visa for 3 months so in one month I should be in Poland. There is also company that will be happy to employ me but they dont know what to do to make it happen. Do u guys know what conditions has to fulfil company to employ foreigner? And what they have to do to help me get a work permit n working visa?

And finally what papers I should have with me and should I do working visa while Im still in my country or can I do it in Poland. And if Ill do it while Im in Poland do I have to go back to Africa to stamp my passport with working visa there or can I go just to Sweden for few days??

Thanks in advance for any help

African guy ;)
mephias  10 | 296
7 Mar 2009   #48
consider some different country before you waste your money and your time....basically you wouldn't want to be here

Any reason ? I am about to move to Poland. I am waiting for my visa.
vipservice  - | 16
16 Mar 2009   #49
To african guy -
Please send me an e-mail to with the name and contact to the company that wants to employ you.
We will contact them and explain the legalization issue.
22 Apr 2009   #50

i have an polish employer sponsoring my work visa.. i need to know the documentation required by me (employee) as well as from my employer and the procedure to apply for the visa. plz advise..

Tini Jane  - | 7
28 Apr 2009   #51
3000 pln to get the working/residence permit in Poland????? considering how much the salary in Poland?? wooohoooooo!!! i might have to think twice then!!
29 Apr 2009   #52
Dear Alam,
You will never get a work permit in Poland!! Read the sad stories on the top!! Someone holds a PhD from UK and the authority is looking English Certificate before issuing visa!! How funny!!
17 Mar 2010   #53
i wana know that if i apply a study visa of poland after how many days my passport will be ready for collectin

i just want to know that how many days processing time study visa of poland for indian students
arungaur  - | 1
17 Mar 2010   #54
i want to know that what is the study visa processing time for indian students
20 Mar 2010   #55
I want to come Poland in working visa........ I need a guidance, is there anyone to help me?
24 Apr 2010   #56
i want to know i m in india and my girl friend is in poland she is polish .. she is sending me invitation can marry there in poland on tourist visa

pls reply me help me bye
BevK  11 | 248
10 Jun 2010   #57
If you go to the UK for this purpose, have supporting evidence for your trip's purpose (i.e. letter inviting you somewhere or a hotel reservation) cos if you tell them the truth they won't let you in. A colleague was turned back from the UK (being told he was the politest person they had had to deport, and apparently contacting the authorities here to tell them to be gentle with him - he had no problem as he had time to try Lvov instead!).
Cardno85  31 | 971
10 Jun 2010   #58
This doesn't really help, but I am just annoyed by the whole visa process. I had a friend in New Zealand from the UK (commonwealth country of course) and she has been trying for 3 years (while in New Zealand) to get a permanent residence with her fiance. She pays a fortune in lawyers costs and just as she is about to get it they say "but you have overstayed your time" to which the response is always "that's because I was in the middle of YOUR paperwork!" and the process starts again.

t should be made more simple and if you have guaranteed work then it should be fast tracked through.
30 Jun 2010   #59

I am going to be working in Poland as an English Teacher in October, and the company that hired me is dealing with my work permit. My question is, does anyone know what restrictions/requirements there may be considering the fact that I am married and planning on bringing my husband? Thanks for any insight!
ODIYA  - | 1
26 Oct 2010   #60
Merged thread:
work permit and visa process

i got a job in Wroclaw, but i live in UK. I'm non EU i want to have information about the work permit and visa , how long doesn't it take ?

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