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What does the average person, living in Warsaw, Poland earn in a month? What does it cost the person to live in Warsaw, Poland for a month? Could I live in Warsaw, Poland for less than here in the U.S.A.? Could I work in Poland, and what would I have to do to work there?
Thank you all for your help, since I know I will only get facts.
Why are owners of furninshed apartments, still asking such a high price, when the Euro is now going on? I would be there in the fall, when most apartments prices go down.
What other way, could I use, to find this apartment that I am looking for?
Mike. What's so awful about living in the mid-west that makes you think so much about moving to Poland? Sure, you could live in Warsaw, in a small apartment, on the figure you mention, but wouldn't you miss life back home? I see from your profile that you don't speak Polish and that you are retired. Forgive me if I'm wrong but does that mean you are, say, over sixty? If so, Warsaw life without very helpful close relatives around to take care of day-to-day stuff would be tough, to say the least.
The Poland you may have seen on visits might not be the same Poland you'd encounter actually living here. It's a fine country and I am happy here, but it's also a real place, warts and all, with its fair share of crime, juvenile delinquents and bureaucratic madness. Is Indiana that bad?
Will I be able to live in Warsaw, Poland on $ 1,200.00 a month, American?
You'll be able to live, but it's not going to be a comfortable existence. The dollar went down as low as 2.2 in very recent times - and you wouldn't be able to live on that.
You really think it will happen again? and if it does it wont be in near future and he should be smart enough to save some money by then for rainy days:)
I do have family, and friends in Poland, and have spent over two months there, and fell in love with Poland, the land of my grandparents, and all her great people. Also, I hope to be able to work there, later.
Things here in the U.S.A. are now a great mess, and if this president get re-elected, will get much worst.
The exchange rate is now around 3.3 and do not look for it to change below 3.0 for some time.
The people of Poland, are like the people of the U.S.A. were here fifty or more years ago.
Does anyone know what paper work I will need do to live there? Also, what paperwork will I need to work there?
Things here in the U.S.A. are now a great mess, and if this president get re-elected, will get much worst.
Oh really? Obama the black man got you down? Too bad.
Ever heard of the saying " the grass is always greener on the other side"? And that it's never true? Yea, well, that's Poland.
If you want to live in a country that's just as paradoxical as the US, with hospitable, caring and traditional social elements mixed with outright greed, overly aggressive and somewhat backwards hick ("burak") overtones, then come on over. You've got your forward-looking advanced growing economy combined with downright poverty and horrifying, non-functioning public infrastructure (roads, public healthcare, etc.). You will get cheated. You've got a beautiful countryside against a backdrop of *********** streets and parks, with illegal dumps cropping up wherever you turn. I could go on and on. You will get robbed. You will work for someone and not get paid. I like to live here but only because of my very individual situation. To everyone else, I say don't even think about it. Go to some poor Caribbean nation instead.
well, i'm not currently living in Poland, but i have been there many times, last one was 2 weeks ago. I wonder where you are living (or telling about) before i start to think you are exaggerating a bit :)
Things here in the U.S.A. are now a great mess, and if this president get re-elected, will get much worst.
Mike in states only 10% idiots are in trouble honestly,ie:30mil outa 300 mi,l so what? idiots who overextended themselves are fugged,but who did it wisely still exist and better,honestly I didnt feel a pinch being in a small business and same is in Poland,banks were offering 125% loan on the face valuve of your property...I think only idiots took it without thinking that it has to be paid back also.Lately I know lot of poles taking small business loan( its SBI in USA) thinking they dont have to return itand that its a grant from EU fuging dumb arses dont read the fine print!
so honestly things are not bad in usa...face it fuking mexicans are doing great still.... you dont wanna work in a car wash for 8 bucks an hr and want to leap for 100k a yr job or COLLECT!PPl in small business make same money as they did before in fact more:)
COLLECTING! lately is a fashion I see in states u agree?
I wonder where you are living (or telling about) before i start to think you are exaggerating a bit :)
No, I'm not exaggerating, I do this thing that most people really don;t like... and that's that I tell it how it is. Poland is not a normal, functioning Western society, it has numerous pathological elements that are remnants of its history, political situation and economy. Yes, I am highly critical and sharp to point out negative aspects, but then again, if you want some sloppy American face jabbering about how "wonderful, and amazing and just, like, you know, incredible" this country is, well, then this country certainly isn't for you.
I live in Wroclaw (notice how I didn't use the present continuous).
Better not. Why should we read your stinking lies? :):):)
I get it, tongue in cheek, sure sure, but you actually reinforce the point I made above. Most people are so set in their mode of thought that any information to the contrary is certainly filtered out.
Actually, on second thought, the world needs more idiots, so here it is:
poland!! yea poland thumbs up is a wonderful and amazing and just an incredible country with a deep history and the people are like great, they have cabbage and stuff and its actually ok! :) :) you can makes millions of zlotys in poland its easy, jobs are easy to find, everything is great, the weather fanastic, the roads as smooth as a baby's butt. oh and for you american mike, apartments are not only for free, but people pay you to live in them. come to poland, the land of milk and honey!! in fact, you're an idiot for not being here right this instant buy buy buy come come come
you're an idiot for not being here right this instant buy buy buy come come come
agreed 100% watermelon head is:)now with 15k pln one can buy an 25 or 35 sq mtr flat and rent it....rocket scientist needs a calculator to figure that out.....guys go do ur math:)
It's below average for Warsaw. A room in a shared flat is about 8 or 900zl, a monthly travel card is (I think) about 100zl now. People live on far less, but not well.
@Jon: for your info, a Warsaw card cost 98zl if we pay tax in Warsaw otherwise it's 112 but never mind! Netheless, with some kind of salaries, no fun and no way to face emergencies (for instance dentist...), to buy clothes and to travel.
I don't understand all those coming to Poland to work for peanuts who are so concerned about savings ;).
The OP needs at least 4,000 netto and after his rent, it won't be that great either.
@Smurf: if the boss offers so little, he's not going to double it ;). If OP refuses, then another Pakistani ou Indian will take job ;)
Let's say: 1,100/1,200 to share flat, utilities included, ZTM card 112, (basic) food 800 (200 a week) = already 2,012/2,112. With the 688/588 left, need to pay; telephone, and things such as c;othes, shoes, emergencies for instance at dentist... Maybe 1 beer per week, 1 Mcdo and 1 movie per month and that's it. I hope OP doesn't smoke.. Even while living like a monk = 0 savings. And needless to say, no change to get a girl! ;)
@Smurf: the employer is not even Polish as most probably one of those international IT things but never mind, it's a shame but if they tend to recruit in poor countrie it's obviously to pay them peanuts. The problem is that some do accept
With 2,700 Poles can get by but because they know how to manage and also have family support. A foreigner won't manage on that. Since all those are Indians and Pakistanis, they'll spend more money on food since they buy food from their countries. They are often also pressured by the (large) family to send money home so here (and elsewhere) they live like rats, piling up in tiny rundown flats in lousy neighborhoods.
21st century's plantations!
@Gupta; "stable" employment? BS! First of all, you'll have a 3 month probation period during which he can fire you like a dog and after that you have no guarantee either. As to private medical care, it covers ambulatory services but does not include dentists (sometimes you have 10% off but that's all). You'll also have to pay most of your medications since the State insurance (you'll pay for it too) covers only a tiny bit therof. You'll have to pay tax on your sports card and as to 3rd pillar, it's for the retirement.
Nevertheless 2,700 is not enough to lvie decently in Warsaw.
With 2,700, you won't be able to go on vacation and to face emergencies and you won't save anything.
@Ggupta: yes, Lodz and Olsztyn are cheaper but you may be as bored as a dead rat there. Olsztyn is a small place where it's very cold in winter and Lodz is run down and ugly...
if op needs a visa, visa will name the employer, so part time job not allowed. 2700 is quite low net figure for any of the main 5 or 6 citys, not just warsaw
@Ggupta: that the minimum to live decently in Warsaw but I doubt you can ask for your salary to be doubled just like that. In order to do so, you need to convince your employer that yours skills and experience justify such an amount. I assume that your boss based your salary on your skills and experience. Most probably too that if you don't accept his offer, you boss will find someone else.
You know, I cannot ask my boss to give me ... 15,000 ;).
It does not work like this in life.
Where are you from?
@Krzechu: sure it's BS but we don't know about the OP's background and also about the job per se. Of course, the salary is lousy but it may correspond to the job. Of course, it would be nice to get 2, 3, 5, 10 or 52 times more but it does not work like that ;). If IT company in Poland, they know about salaries.
It's a bit of an insult to offer you such little money.
Is it really?or maybe you simply have no clue what qualified people in some third world countries make?
I wouldn't accept less than 5k net, especially if you're experienced
Sorry to break your bubble but yes,you would accept less than that if you were from third world country. You arrogant (and ignorant I have to say) westerners need to get of your high horse,go out and learn a bit about the planet you live on.I talk to a Filipina who works as an accountant in Manila and her salary before taxes is 18 000 php a month.That's roughly $400 and she would move to Warsaw for 2800 Pln net in a heart beat because life in Manila is not much cheaper if any than in Warsaw.It is all matter of perspective.I can be bumbling all I want that I wouldn't move to Poland to drive a truck for lousy 5000 pln a month because I make more than that in a week but if was a Filipino truck driver making $300 a month then I would do it immidiatelly if offered such deal just like a Polish truck driver would be willing to move to the US even if offered just half of my pay.
@Trucker: Hi! Unfortunately you are right! Most people from the underdeveloped world when coming to Poland are most often offered peanuts but compared to what they have at home, it seems good. A very tiny minority thereof gets good salaries. If they were to be paid high salaries, companies would not hire them. If international companies come to countries like Poland, it's because of low (or lower) salaries than in richer countries so obviously lower (if not low) salaries are to be expected.
And if a salary of 2,700 is not appealing when from a rich country, and not enough to live by rich western standards, it is "acceptable" by 3rd world's standards. I personally would not make it on 2,700 ZL simply because I'm used to decent western standard but someone used to struggle with often less shall "make it".
Only the big executives from 3rd world can expect big salaries in Poland.
In conclusion: 100% ok with you! :)
Home / Work / Average earnings and cost of living in Warsaw?