The American Polonia suck, this is true. Poles in Poland? Most of them are wonderful people who will try to help you in any way if they can. About the only ones I can't stand are the nationalist, xenophobic idiots who are stuck in the Stone Age - and every country has them.
Just the other day he said "its easy to find bad things in Poland" or something like that. BUT YET, he CHOSE to live in Poland and after complaining about all the things he hates about Poland and Poles he CONTINUES to CHOOSE to live in Poland.
You really do pay a lot of attention to my posts, don't you? :D
I could name lots of things I like about Poland, such as the guaranteed snow, lack of rain, the people, the nice pubs, the nice restaurants, the general unpredictability of it all, the location, the quality of the food and more. You know, because I actually live here - and I'm not a "Plastic Polack".
Again, I seriously don't believe that to be all. I think he lives in Poland because he enjoys it. Doesn't mind criticizing what he sees as being problematic to him, and truly enjoys what he has here.
Yup, there's a lot to enjoy here. I've met a hell of a lot of interesting people, and a lot of them, I wouldn't have met in the UK. Heck, I looked at my client list yesterday, and most of them have fairly impressive job titles - lawyers, senior management, doctors, etc.
In fact, about the only thing that makes me mad is the way that some "Plastic Polacks" come into Poland and start telling US how things should be done. I've heard so much moaning from them - that Poland isn't like the United States, that it should do this, that it should do that, that they can't live here because (insert rubbish excuse), and so on. Sure, us expats might complain about things, but we also try to change things as well. And anyway, we pay taxes here ;)
Heck, what's NOT to enjoy about the fact that within a few hours drive, you can be in all sorts of amazingly interesting places? Heck, I even enjoy the fact that I can rely on the public transport here!
Anyway, I'm a European Union citizen. If I hate one country, no problem, there's another 30 to choose from!
It has to be said, if I hated Poles so much, I'd hardly invite a forum member to come and meet lots of Polish people, would I? :)