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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

22 Jul 2007   #31
if you've got a problem

What do you mean about that? Obviously she's got a big problem, a mental problem.
I'd like to apologize to all nice British people for her behavior.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591
22 Jul 2007   #32
BTW All Poles especially restaurants/pubs owners think exactly the same about british tourists in Poland.

Absolute rubbish Ola and you know it. Why post crap like that?
22 Jul 2007   #33
Why post crap like that?

Do her a favor, don't ask? lol
tornado2007  11 | 2270
22 Jul 2007   #34
Well she clearly has a problem, either against British people or just non-polish people in general. I hate it when people make statements or produce arguments with absolutely no evidence or accuracy with what they are saying.

Don't get me wrong i'm no stranger to controversy but at least i can form an argument around sensible and accurate points instead of just slandering like the Sun newspaper would do.
lef  11 | 477
22 Jul 2007   #35
wow can you just discuss without name calling because of lack of arguments? I think you deserve short/long term ban.

mmm where can I start, ......I've been to the college of hard knocks and I would expect to hear such comments from Bubbawoo. Let him have his say and let others make a judgment.

Bubba seems to be a overnight expert on everything, yet he knows nothing apart from something that has a dollar attached to it.

Polish people are sick to death on being exploited, (the Germans, the Russians and now the Brits)
Its time Polish people stood up and say enough is more foreign ownership of polish land.
hello  22 | 891
22 Jul 2007   #36
Its time Polish people stood up and say enough is more foreign ownership of polish land.

I'm not sure if it's a serious or an ironic statement of yours, but I would definitely want to avoid a situation that, being a Polish immigrant in the US, I would feel discriminated by Americans just because I bought a piece of land and wanted to build my house there... I'm sure most Polish people living abroad would feel the same.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Jul 2007   #37
with out the pretence of pretending there is enough respect to acknowledge what the other person is saying... lef has been slipping into this category for awhile... you have always been in it...



dont mess with lord bubba..
lef  11 | 477
22 Jul 2007   #38
I'm not sure if it's a serious or an ironic statement of yours

I meant non poles, a Polish person is always a polish person whether he lives in Poland, USA, GB or Oz.
The people referred to are speculators who have no intention of living in Poland but buy up real estate in Poland.

dont mess with lord bubba..

I'm glad I have you on my side Patrycja, O what a feeling!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Jul 2007   #39 more foreign ownership of polish land.

lef you live in aussie land,, what would it affect you anyway?

O what a feeling!

r u singin now lef ? LOL

No lap dancing now.. please.. lol
Ranj  21 | 947
22 Jul 2007   #40
yet he knows nothing apart from something that has a dollar attached to it.

ROFLMAO......That statement could not be further from the truth......You are so full of it, know nothing about Bubba or the kind of man he is, so please quit pretending that you do.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Jul 2007   #41
I do agree Ranj, those are pretty harse sweeping statements that sound all
to familiar.

again I ask , what would it affect you Lef?

I'm glad I have you on my side Patrycja, O what a feeling!

anyway, sarcasim will get you no where with me..

Bubba lives in Poland , and I think he has a better grip on things.
Ranj  21 | 947
22 Jul 2007   #42
again I ask , what would it affect you Lef?

I believe he's been asked that question (or at least sth very similar) many times and has yet to give an answer.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Jul 2007   #43
[quote=Ranj] I believe he's been asked that question (or at least sth very similar) many times and has yet to give an answer.

too bad... I thought I was going to learn something lmao..
Ranj  21 | 947
22 Jul 2007   #44
too bad... I thought I was going to learn something lmao..

Not from that one......he always seems to avoid direct questions....don't know why....very odd, if you ask me.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Jul 2007   #45
he always seems to avoid direct questions....

I have noticed that..

maybe he isnt answering cause he thinks the U.S. Army is after him.. lol

Aka Ranj and Patrycja..
shopgirl  6 | 928
22 Jul 2007   #46
Its time Polish people stood up and say enough is more foreign ownership of polish land.

That gives me an idea! Can the Americans take back Hawaii from the Japanese? How do we go about doing that, exactly?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Jul 2007   #47
Can the Americans take back Hawaii from the Japanese?

only if we give them the sharks as a consoling gift.. :) LOL
shopgirl  6 | 928
22 Jul 2007   #48
How about a lifetime supply of sushi and shiny new surboards? :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
22 Jul 2007   #49
ehh give emm the sushi, we keep the surfboards.. lets go hit the tide!! woo hoo. :)
lef  11 | 477
23 Jul 2007   #50
lef you live in aussie land,, what would it affect you anyway?

you have to think beyond the square Patrycja, and ask the question what if,

What if all Polish land was owned by foreigners, it would mean the country that had the most share could call it its own, the way things are going why have boarders just make every country in the UE one identity.. think about it.

I'm sure Americans would not allow foreigners having a substantial control of American land?
I don't believe this will cut with Polish people either.
In Oz most commercial companies are owned by the US, (thats why some people say that Australia is just another state of the US.)

The Polish spirit and values are not in commercialism and making a quick buck, its more to do with its Christian traditions and family living.

The people ripping Poland off now (especially in the real estate area) are no better to what the Russians and Germans did in years gone by) they have just made it legitimate.

I have no time for the Brits who come to Poland and disgrace themselves in bars and public places, they have no respect for Poland and I have no respect for them.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #51
kinda like there aint a lot of respect going round for you lef... twat... if you want to wear the trousers make sure your a man first, biatch... erniewoopwoop bumpkin
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #52
Being from Europe, England, myself and my country come into your bracket of foreigners. If you think about the EU lef, then you will clearly see that botht he UK and Poland are supposed to benefit from the relationship.

There are thousands upon thousands of Polish coming to this country (Which i am totally happy with by the way) so the UK is and has a right to have something in return, if this means setting up any type of business in Poland then so be it. It stops the EU relationship from been one sided to the main member states, France, Uk, Spain, Germany etc etc.

If the Polish want freedom to enter our country then they should be prepared to pay in kind
Decorator  4 | 291
23 Jul 2007   #53
I want to buy Ola's favourite sweetshop and turn it into a British bar, and fill it with lager louts.. only then would i feel she'd be happy.. I'd even offer you a job Ola.. see how nice we Brits can be?
szarlotka  8 | 2205
23 Jul 2007   #54
I'd even offer you a job Ola.. see how nice we Brits can be?

Splendid gesture. We Brits can be so kind and generous. My eyes are welling up with pride.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #55
If you think about the EU lef, then you will clearly see that botht he UK and Poland are supposed to benefit from the relationship.

like some of the other poles who moan about this, lef has his head to far up his own backside to understand what you are saying... in lef's case its especially ironic given that he is resident in a country that has done more to exploit the locals than most others... but lef is so narrow minded he hasnt grasped this...
Decorator  4 | 291
23 Jul 2007   #56
My eyes are welling up with pride.

Please stop szarlotka, if you start crying you'll set me off, bubba and all the other Brits here... oh dear it's too late...the flood gates have open..

Actually shouldn't say that i'm off to work in Oxfordshire for 2 weeks just as the thames threatens to burst it's banks.. i really should organise my work schedule better :-( and i'm a lousy swimmer..
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #57
he thames threatens to burst it's banks..

lawdy lawdy... national disaster... call out the home guard!
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #58
re: And that's wrong

- I think exactly the same - the club owners should not allow the troublemakers in but let decent folks in. And the vast majority of English and Irish (that's the two Brit isle nations I actually know) are decent.

What does get into SOME Brits that they act so outrageously abroad at times? I know that some Swedes act terribly abroad and one explanation for that is that they are too suppressed at home as regards alcohol consumption, etc. But what would be the motive with the Brits?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #59
But what would be the motive with the Brits?

good question P, perhaps warrents its own thread...
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #60
re: I'd even offer you a job Ola.. see how nice we Brits can be?

- That's low, Decorator.

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