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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again.

idem  - | 131
5 Dec 2017   #211

I never thought that American are sarcastic - your skills grow in Europe:-)

But maybe I am just law abiding person - I moved to UK before Poland joined EU. I applied for visa...had chat with British consul in Warsaw...paid for 1 year visa...... now you can just pay to some criminals jump on the boat in Africa and you are in Europe....what is more you can pick and choose which country suits you. O- I forgot and lose your ID on the way so it is always easier. Sorry but it has nothing to do with racism or liberalism or war refugees it is just breaking all rules and laws.

I don't know much about libertinism ...but is it sometimes on the verge of anarchism?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Dec 2017   #212

Then why did you willingly migrate to arguably the most socially conservative country in Europe?

And what exactly do you think the hordes of Muslim invaders are? They reject liberalism. They spit on your gay rights gender equality and separation of church and state
OP jon357  72 | 23361
5 Dec 2017   #213
ow you can just pay to some criminals jump on the boat in Africa and you are in Europe....what is more you can pick and choose which country suits you

It isn't quite as simple as that - it's a loing, arduous and highly dangerous journey across deeply inhospitable terrain, usually assisted by particularly ruthless criminal gangs. Many do not make it, and for those who do, their families are burdened with decades of debt.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Dec 2017   #214
Thankfully not all of them make it... if it wasn't for Libya, the Sahara, and the Mediterranean we'd have even more of merkel's burden.

It's quite simple. Liberals are rewarding people for breaking immigration law and Schengen and asylum claim rules. They illegally cross a dozen or two borders, demand to be taken to Germany or Sweden instead of the first SAFE country (which proves their not legit refugees) and are rewarded with free housing, free money, free food, etc. Instead of being thankful to their gracious hosts, they're unhappy with the slow internet... They refuse to assimilate and want Europeans to adapt to them instead of the other way around. Well, Poles decided that's not gonna happen here.

Hopefully with AfD's success, nearly every country east of Germany saying NO WAY, Denmark cutting migrant welfare in half which immediately caused migrants to leave and go to Sweden (further proof they're economic migrants and not refugees), Northern Italy setting up anti-migrant patrols so they stop harassing women in parks, Austria putting its military on the border so that migrants don't enter, and of course Poland's outright refusal to take in a single migrant due to the diseases (i.e. scabies, HIV, etc.), terror threat - we don't want to tarnish our record of ZERO Islamic terror attacks, and economic burden they pose. Then, to thank the gracious liberals waving refugees welcome signs, these freeloaders rape European women, are responsible for the enormous spike in crime esp in Sweden, France and Germany, cut off people's heads, commit terror attack after terror attack, refuse to assimilate, and then walk around the streets with Sharia 4 UK/Belgium/France/etc signs. They stab people for buying beer during ramadumb and the government has to tell them that it's not okay to grope women. It's pathetic. Thankfully, attitudes are changing. Many people, especially east Germans, that previously were sympathetic to the migrants now want them to either assimilate or leave and prevent new ones from coming in. Even Merkel said in a speech she regrets how she handled the crisis and prepared better.

their families are burdened with decades of debt.

Good. Maybe it'll dissuade more from coming, stay put, and develop their turd of a country instead of leeching off the accomplishments of europeans
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Dec 2017   #215
usually assisted by particularly ruthless criminal gangs

And every migrant they help get to Europe makes them stronger. Why are European governments and NGOs so bound and determined to strengthen human trafficking gangs? What's the end game? They already have slave auctions in Libya, maybe they want to introduce that into Europe? The human trafficking migrant scam is already halfway to slavery.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Dec 2017   #216
Why are European governments and NGOs so bound and determined to strengthen human trafficking gangs?

There's been numerous reports of NGOs assisting traffickers. One video was of a Jewish NGO assisting migrants as they got off a boat in Greece, giving them food, money, etc. Yet that would NEVER be allowed in Israel. Can you imagine someone helping to bring in more muslim into Israel rofl?

They already have slave auctions in Libya

Good. Whatever it takes to make migrants stay in Africa and Middle East and not come to Europe. Thankfully, Poland is too smart to take them in. Still, it's a threat to Poland as so many have come to its next door neighbor Germany. In some small German towns, the majority of migrants are unemployed. They stuffed thousands of turd worlders into some little village and they have nothing to do so they just wander about, complain about the slow internet, grope women, march with sharia 4 Germany signs, plan terror attacks, etc. And the German tax payer has to pay for all this and live next to them. It's very sad. There's been quite a few stories of Germans welcoming migrants into their home just to be raped, robbed, beaten, etc by the migrants they tried to help. One migrant even raped a girl that was like 12-13 years old.

Here's some sources about turd world rapists - and no, not breitbart or infowars... (even though just because a right/left leaning source is biased it doesn't mean that the reports aren't based on fact)

Look at all these rape cases - and this is every single day in Western Europe. We don't want this crap in Poland. It's bad enough that everytime I travel to Germany or France or UK all I see is a sea of ninja women (are they hiding a bomb under there? an ak?), neck beards, speaking gibberish falafalallahkbar al-Muhammad jihad taqqiya
Asylum seeker accused of raping a German woman in front of her boyfriend in terrifying knife-point attack calls her a 'prostitute' in furious courtroom outburst
Afghan migrant admits to raping, killing teenage girl in Germany
Sweden Hopes Sex Guidebook Solves Migrant Rape Crisis
This cover-up of sex assaults in Sweden is a gift for xenophobes
More about the book that Sweden released so that turd worlders stop raping beautiful European girls since their own girls are butt ugly
idem  - | 131
5 Dec 2017   #217
It isn't quite as simple as that - it's a loing, arduous and highly dangerous journey

I know- and sad thing is...these people ale told lots lies how great in Europe is and that there is job ,house ...easily accessible. Sad true- lots of the women are raped on the way....lots used as sexual or hardly paid labour slaves later......however you look at it, it is wrong.
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Dec 2017   #218
And the Jewish festival in Kraków attracts thousands of Poles, too ;) I like Kazimierz, too.
There are tens of Polish towns which had considerable Jewish populations and yet they managed to live next to each other.
As for priests, I'd rather admire Wojtyła than Miedlar. And it's a well known fact he had Jewish friends which somehow didn't hurt his Christian values.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
5 Dec 2017   #219
I know- and sad thing is...these people ale told lots lies how great in Europe is and that there is job ,house ...easily accessible.

This is true. Another sad thing is that compared to where a lot of migrants come from, most places are heaven - it's between a tiny hope and no hope.

The migration issue won't go away. Climate change is desertifying huge areas that already weren't enough to feed the people who depend on them, and the reduction in infant mortality has created a population boom in some regions - where I am now in Africa, the average age is 20, and there isn't enough food or resources - no jobs at all, and not much of an economy here :-(
idem  - | 131
5 Dec 2017   #220

...and at the same so much food is thrown out in Europe ...:-(

I watched once programme like farmer in UK (growing parsley) had to throw out so much as it was not perfect size required by supermarkets.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
5 Dec 2017   #221
had to throw out so much

A shame, isn't it. I grew up near a warehouse for imported fruit, oranges etc, and so much was just thrown out in the fields.

In most places in the world, food can't be taken for granted.

About the ex-priest Międlar, most of his hatred is aimed at a different group, but hatred is hatred. We would do well to listen to what the Pope says, not just about people from poorer parts of the world, and intolerance, but also about how lucky some of us are. The supreme comandment of Christianity is to love one another, and this has to be something active, not just theoretical.
idem  - | 131
5 Dec 2017   #222
but also about how lucky some of us are

I suppose it is like lottery- where we are born. In developed world country in middle class family.....or in poor peasant with big family in North Korea.

I don't think this ex-priest Miedlar brings any positivity- hatred is quite draining but where is the fine line between Christianity commandment to love one another and self-preservation instinct and need to keep own culture, identity...I would say this fine line is not the same for everyone.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
5 Dec 2017   #223
You're right! It's completely random. I can only thank God i wasn't born British. I'd be either an obese woman or a feminine dude. SOOOOOOOO LUCKY I WAS BORN AS A POLE!!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Dec 2017   #224
Then why didn't they develop their country? China, Poland, Russia, Philippines, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, South Korea, etc were all poor, and still have a lot of poor people, yet nowhere near the levels of Africa. Poles rebuilt the country after it was entirely destroyed by the Nazis then Soviets in WW2. We received no Marshall plan dollars yet managed to create a vibrant economy. What's their excuse? They received plenty of foreign aid, plenty of donations, had much of their debt forgiven, had a lot of FDI coming in, etc. They've had plenty of help yet time and time again failed to develop their country. Maybe once we stop helping them and close our borders to them they'll have no option but to finally cut the crap and rebuild their countries.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
5 Dec 2017   #225
I suppose it is like lottery

It's absolutely a lottery, pure chance, with development of economy and culture predicated largely by natural resources, luck, and the acts of others.

need to keep own culture, identity.

Again this is out of our hands - no culture can be artificially preserved at anything like a large scale. All cultures evolve, change beyond recognition with time, absorb many influences from other cultures and if they've something worth passing on, also influence others. Any that don't just die.

I'm sure that extremely negative (and unhealthy) characyters like Międlar, his chum Jayda Fransen et neither grasp that concept nor truly care about any culture including their own.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Dec 2017   #226
I'd be either an obese woman or a feminine dude. SOOOOOOOO LUCKY I WAS BORN AS A POLE!!!

Facts.... Western Europe is cucked. It's over for them - especially France and Sweden. Germany has a chance but they'll probably screw it up and AfD can't do it all alone. As far as UK, even with Brexit they'll still have to deal with people like Choudry and Sadiq Khan. Oh well, at least they're good for providing benefits (commonly referred to as 'retirement') for lower class Poles.

with development of economy and culture predicated largely by natural resources, luck, and the acts of others.

HAHAHAHA that' rich. If that were the case Africa would be the richest continent due to their mineral wealth. PL doesn't have gold, oil, diamonds, cobalt, etc like Africa does yet we're not living in mud huts on a $1 a day. No, because Polish people actually work to develop their country instead of waiting for a Red Cross truck to drive by and drop off some rice.

Rhodesia was the bread basket of Africa and supplied the whole continent with food. Why? Because Europeans ran plantations... As soon as Mugabe confiscated them they suddenly not only stopped exporting, they actually required food aid lol... that's how pathetic they are
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Dec 2017   #227
I don't think this ex-priest Miedlar brings any positivity-

hmm did you even listen to him? What hatred?
OP jon357  72 | 23361
6 Dec 2017   #228
due to their mineral wealth

Taken by Europeans right from the start, and with revenues that don't benefit the people of the continent - most of Africa is inhospitable.

Sadiq Khan

The very popular Mayor of London?
OP jon357  72 | 23361
6 Dec 2017   #230
Amiong the majority who voted for him. You really do think about that subject quite a lot, don't you...
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
6 Dec 2017   #231
Amiong the majority who voted for him

Lol. Let 900k muslims into Warsaw and then make election for the Mayor. Who would the "majority" vote for mr. Homosexualist?
OP jon357  72 | 23361
6 Dec 2017   #232
900k muslims

There aren't 900k in London, and most people who voted for the current very popular Mayor aren't Muslim.


This seems to be all you ever think about. Perhaps you should consider acting on your true feelings rather than just boring us with it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Dec 2017   #233

Europeans didnt come to africa until the age of colonialism. By then europe and even certain Asian and Arab cultures had guns, navigational tools, cathedrals and splendid palaces, boats that sailed oceans while africans washed themselves under elephants and clothed themselves with leaves. Most didnt have a written language even. They thought europeans were gods when they first saw them vecause they never saw metal armor or huge ships before. They should be happy we took their minerals and gave them schools hospitals jobs etc. Ever hear of barrick golds development programs around lake Victoria for example? Africans couldn't figure out indoor plumbing and you expect them to turn cobalt into an iPhone or oil into rocket fuel on their own lol please...

Also it's mostly Chinese people now colonizing Africa and building their roads. Even the chinese talk mad shyt about them. The chinese are more racist towards blacks than even poles.

After all these decades of globalization and even the fact that cement and mortar have been available for centuries they still don't have paved roads much less highways.

Macron even criticized the president of Burkina Faso for being unable to provide electricity to the main university. They're pathetic they can't do anything on their own. They always have their hand stretched out and say gibs me dat. Or they'll just steal and say ah dindu nuffin maaaane. Same as in Africa, same as their descendants in us and Europe.

It's londonistan, enough said... There's a big difference between londonistan and northern uk where there isn't a sea of ninja women and turd wourlders verywhere you look

When someone says Africa no one thinks of wealth, stability, beautiful developed cities with skyscrapers. No you think of poverty corruption hiv mud huts and UN trucks delivering food even though the continent has some of the most fertile land i.e. Zimbabwe. Yet they're too lazy and inept to even farm unless it's whites or chinese telling them to like in rhodesia
OP jon357  72 | 23361
6 Dec 2017   #234
africans washed themselves under elephants and clothed themselves with leaves

Not a historian, are you...

turd wourlders

Doesn't reflect well on you...
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
6 Dec 2017   #235
This seems to be all you ever think about.

It's called empathy. I really hope you'll decide for medical treatment for the mental disorder (homosexualism) you suffer.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Dec 2017   #236
Please the Africans would still be living in mud huts, and tens of millions still do, if it wasn't for the rest of the world helping them. The average iq in sub Sahara is below 65 - that's considered retarded in the west

And yes the election map clearly shows that places like tower hamlets overwhelmingly voted for Khan. I've been to London several times. I thought I was in a 70s kung fu movie with all the ninja women around. Thankfully none detonated a bomb or drove a van into Europeans while I was there. But they did a few weeks later, and again after that, and again after that etc etc etc
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
6 Dec 2017   #237
It's londonistan, enough said...

Of course! Foreigners and foreigners loving idiots (ppl that dunno what culture or tradition is nor care about it) rule London. Leftism is a cancer on the Westerner body.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Dec 2017   #238

A cancer on the European culture and Christian mind indeed.

The scariest thing is that liberalism has cucked otherwise rational men and silenced those who merely question what effects turd world migration and merkels burden is having on Europe. At best you'll get called a Nazi by some pencilneck with a low t count, at worst you'll get fined or put in jail while neck beards can walk around with sharia 4 uk signs.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
6 Dec 2017   #239
The average iq in sub Sahara is below 65

That's a fact. If Leftards ruled the world you'd get jailed for stating a fact. Saying that Whites are less intelligent than Asians (which is a fact as well!) is completely ok for leftard lolol
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Dec 2017   #240

You're correct. Mean iqs among asians are higher than Europeans. China I believe has the highest average iq at around 110 - nearly double the dindu iq.

No wonder asians don't like Africans. Even Mr peace and love Gandhi, yes Gandhi did not like Africans and thought them inferior to Indians. But they won't talk about that...

Home / UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again.

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