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Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Mar 2020   #271
I meant 1968 when Polish Jews were expelled by crazy Gomułka and his rabid patriots.

One of the best moments in Polish history
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #272

Still, Jews were not "expelled" because to expel means to deport - a procedure that follows a court order. That is how the sane English speakers like me understand the word and use it to communicate.

As I already wrote - spelling error aside - Poles' loose relationship with words and their meaning drives me nuts. To them, words mean what's in their heads, not the dictionary. Every fu*ckin thing is always personal, relative, bendable, and implied.
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Mar 2020   #273
Poles' loose relationship with words and their meaning drives me nuts

hahaha I am so sorry..

Hey! I just realised we are not using Polish but English! It means your arguments are useless and your accusations miss the point!

Still, Jews were not "expelled" because to expel means to deport - a procedure that follows a court order

Well, you try to keep to dictionary meanings, forgetting that communist states didn`t, so you can`t expect them to act like democracies. In 1968 Jews were expelled without a court order coz it was enough that the Party Secretary gave his order. You were lucky to have left earlier than that - you could prepare yourself.
OP jon357  72 | 23528
18 Mar 2020   #274
Every fu*ckin thing is always personal, relative, bendable, and implied.

Yep, this is true.

What isn't bendable is the law; and it looks like Międlar has fallen foul of it yet again...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #275
Well, you try to keep to dictionary meanings

OK, let's forget strict word definitions.
Describe the process of "expelling" Jews in 196x. Step by step: from being employed to being on the train on the way out.
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Mar 2020   #276
Employed? What for? :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #277
Like I said, Polaks are mental. Now, the meaning of "employed" is a mystery.

Are you employed? If you don't know, your teaching license should be yanked.

But I will try to outlast you turning stupid. Replace "employed" with living normal life in Poland Or do we need to define what "in" is, Mr. Clinton?
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Mar 2020   #278
Like I said, Polaks are mental. Now, the meaning of "employed" is a mystery.

hahaha No, I only don`t why we should start from being employed if the subject matter is expulsion. Are you like some of my students who prefer to waffle about nothing and I have to tell them to skip the Big Bang theory and dinosaur extinction part and move to the topic?

Ok, find the words expell and expulsion here.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #279
I read the linked article. First problem is that the source is not objective and, predictably, does not mention the reasons why the Poles and the Polish government did what the article claims.

Second, I would do the same thing there and then to anyone who does not self-identify exclusively as a Pole, with the Jews who came to Poland right behind the Soviet tanks as the first ones to be expelled. Those who acted as the Soviets enforcers would not be expelled; they would be tried and executed.

There. Now you know how I feel.
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Mar 2020   #280
First problem is that the source is not objective and, predictably,

I thought you would like it. :)

does not mention the reasons why the Poles and the Polish government did what the article claims.

Ok, Ok, I wasn`t sure you were really interested.
The anti-Jewish campaign had already begun in 1967 after the Soviet withdrawal of all diplomatic relations with Israel after the Six-Day War, but also involved a power struggle within the Polish communist party itself. The subsequent purges within the ruling party, led by Mieczysław Moczar and his faction, failed to topple Gomułka's government, but resulted in an exile from Poland of thousands of Jews

with the Jews who came to Poland right behind the Soviet tanks

Many were Polish-born Jews who felt Polish.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #281
Those I would have no problem with. My problem is with the kind that uses "Poles and Jews" in one sentence.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Mar 2020   #282
Whenever I hear someone call a person "racist" "anti-semite" "xenophobe" etc I hear "smart," "enlightened," and "well informed." Miedlar is no different. He knows the history of jews and Poland and shares it with others, reminds fellow Poles of the history and current events.... Naturally, the small hat tribe called Greenblatsteinberg & Partners for a Level 3 Goyim Know - Shut It Down and now he's in some trouble. If the Polish prosecutors put him in jail they'll only make him a martyr - and they know that. At worst, he'll get a fine.

Thing is, the prosecution only helps his fame and message even more. But of course when Polish people or anyone else express anger towards jews it's always because of "anti-semitism" - nothing at all to do with the fact that Israel tried to sue Poland multiple times for billions of dollars, the commie-jews who ruled PRL and then changed their names to sound Polish, the overwhelmingly jewish UB agents who persecuted Poles, the jewish bolsheviks who invaded Poland, etc. Nope, it's all due to anti-semitism.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #283
Race and religion - picked by Jews as required for the best effect - work like magic because that such accusations require no proof.
OP jon357  72 | 23528
18 Mar 2020   #284
He is being prosecuted now for antiSemitic remarks

He'll certainly be required to have a psychiatric examination by the court. Assuming he gets that far; the other notorious anti Semite, Bubel, checked himself into the mental hospital at Twórki just before his first court date. They kept him there.
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Mar 2020   #285
Funny. Forever? :):)
OP jon357  72 | 23528
18 Mar 2020   #286
Sadly he got out after a while.
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Mar 2020   #287
They had enough of his presence there. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Mar 2020   #288
The dont call it the jewdicial system for nothing...
OP jon357  72 | 23528
19 Mar 2020   #289
They don't call it that at all.
Sylvio  19 | 154
19 Mar 2020   #290
This forum is comoletely biased. You do a better job stamping out "inconvenient" comments and questions than most blogs based in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Mar 2020   #291
This forum is comoletely biased

Of course, that`s what it should be. It is biased through the bias contributed by each individual member. We call it pluralism in Poland. hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12959
20 Mar 2020   #292
He is being prosecuted now for antiSemitic remarks

On what grounds? Arresting people for talk now? Why the hell all that KOD, PO stodges walk free?

Polaks are mental.

He is not Polak he is a Soviet. Don't you get those two are not the same?
pawian  226 | 27587
20 Mar 2020   #293
On what grounds? Arresting people for talk now?

Why are you asking me? Ask those prosecutors who issued the arrest warrant. I am only reporting the event as a completely neutral observer. Simple. :):)

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