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The cheapest rate I have found to call Polish mobiles (if Skype etc isn't an option) is 5p per minute - there are two numbers available at this rate (I generally use the first one):
0844 5661818
0844 5663566
Hope that helps someone - and if anyone knows any cheaper options (non-computer based) please let me know :)
Apr 1, 07, 5:15pm - Attached on merging: o2 network, free calls to poland.
Hiya, Basically you can call poland for free using the o2 networking using 0844 numbers, Using 0844 numbers come out of your inclusive allowance hence free calls.
If you are settled in England and have a land line, get a good package from your broadband provider. (i.e. Orange, talk talk, etc... (not tiscalli!)) and all your calls will be free. Absolutely no cost its all done over the internet. I have nothing to sell, unlike the above. Search around and you will find the same results. Normal package cost is about £20 a month for your internet access (unlimited download + free calls for 1 hour( but hang up and re-dial is allowed)) So basically free talking forever. The way it should be.
Hope this helps against this advert above.
Landline to landline (e.g BT to telekomunikacja) + 99 other countries available at the same cost. I forgot to mention!
Today, 20:53 - Attached on merging: Cheap calls to poland
If you have an o2 pay monthly phone then you can use this access number to get in touch with friend and family on polish landlines. If you have o2 pay as you go then 15p/min but still not that bad i was paying so much before to speak to my family!! As soon as woman starts speaking then just dial your number remember to put dialing code first. 0844 431 4371
I've been using a company called 18185, for the last couple of years, or so.
They charge 0.5 p / min to a landline in Poland. They charge 6 p / min to a Polish mobile.
There is a connection charge of 4 pence, on the dialled number answering, unlike the 0844 / 087* numbers, which charge immediately after you've dialled, even if no one answers!!
These prices apply at all times and are billed per minute. So a 60 minute call would cost a mere 34 pence.
They also charge just 5 pence, to make a call to a UK landline, at anytime and for any duration.
Their website, with all the rates is:-
Have a look here (I can't make this into a link because of the spaming rules so add the appropriate double u's to the begining)
it compares lots of companies for you, down to as little as 1p per min
I just spent 45 min on Skype talking to my cousin in Warsaw. Free. Can't beat it. We could also view each other using web com. I talk to most of my family this way.
WDT has also good rates (2.9 or 3.9) to talk with the family members who do not have a computer or are not willing to use one.
I used to buy cards, but it was too many numbers to dial and also the minutes seemed to mysteriously disappear.
cheap international calls from UK BT / Cable landlines
Ring Poland from the UK BT / cable landline 3p per minute. no need for phone card, no hidden charges, fixed rate, charged by the second.
dial 0844 430 0307 wait for the tone, then enter the international code then the persons number. to ring a mobile in Poland 5p per minute 0844 555 0307 email for more advice and or more international destination codes
You can call Poland and many other countries like Turkey, Spain, FREE from Orange by using you cross networks minutes. I am using this from about 2 months now. To make Free calss you have to send a text message. Just do this.
Creat new text message with the following text:
Noodle Stars
And send it to the following number:
You will receive 2 message from this company one with their sim offer (Ignore that) and other with your mobile number and a landline number. The mobile number will be something like 078223 xxxx. Just dial this mobile number from you mobile and then dial any International number you want to call.
1. Text message will cost 10p only.
2. The number you will receive by text will only work with your phone and its also you 2nd number now. You can give this number to your friend to call you.
Hi. 0844-numbers are not included to free minutes any more. However,there is a better deal. You can make calls from mobile phone via normal mobile number,which will start 078.... Moreover,for every spent minute you can get 2 pence on your account.When you abroad incoming call for u will cost 1-3 pence.Many other benefits,i can not explain all.No monthly contract needed.No hidden charges.I promise you will not regret. You need to send a text "Noodle Britain " to 81025. They will contact you and give a number. Only you will have access to this number.
Alternatively,if you have an internet, go on .You can call from computer to Polish landline for free. Both methods work well.