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Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

Novichok  4 | 8677
2 Feb 2022   #391
Right, 'she' only ranted or trolled.

And that's why I respect her. Forums are exactly for this purpose - to rant and to "troll", trolling being defined as anything others don't like.

For information, I have a zillion better sources than PF.

Tanya, don't pay any attention to the low IQ idiots. Sorry for being redundant.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #392
Forums are exactly for this purpose - to rant and to "troll"

That is why you are a hateful idiot.

trolling being defined as anything others don't like.

No, it is about saying the most obnoxious subjective stuff!
Full of generalisation that disort the reality in a big way - exaggeration, lies and crap.
A troll is a sanctimonius prick, full of himslef. Who spew hate but claim that he is disclosing the truth. In fact those people have a low IQ, are ignorant, lazy as well as underachieving.

They are unhappy because they are nasty and stupid but rather than look inside, they look outside for something or somebody to blame. A human nature on the lower end.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
2 Feb 2022   #393
Forums are exactly for this purpose - to rant and to "troll", trolling being defined as anything others don't like.

No it's not, can't you pay for circus tickets if you really want to experience it so much?

No need to be polite with me, I am Polish (born in Norway), a catholic (papist is what you there in England call us?) and got a Scottish friend with great distaste of the royal household. So you can start swinging all you want love
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Feb 2022   #394
Wow! Tanya, that's razor sharp wit there

:):) Atch, I haven`t seen you engage in such exchanges with trolls for a long time. Amazing. :):)
Tanya6  - | 5
2 Feb 2022   #395
@Cojestdocholery you and the lot of you are the dirty scum and you know it, you ain't no sir, you're dirt. Now you go troll somewhere else idiot, replying and claiming troll, no points, so why you replying. Pathetic irrelevant little nobodies.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #396

lol! four and counting. my... did I rile you so much? lol! go away now you little spite, I won't read you nosense any more
Tanya6  - | 5
2 Feb 2022   #397
@Cojestdocholery @novichok is not hateful at all, simply stating the facts which you getting aggressive and upset about.

@Novichok I respect you too! It's not about being pc or getting others to like you. Good to tell it as it is and likeminded right people will agree, the ones that are upset/frustrated and don't like the facts won't. Of course no attention paid to the irrelevant frustrated trolls, they do have a very low iq and I pity them, their lives are clearly not worth living.

@Novichok yes exactly the wokes don't understand jihad is not just military, but population jihad, voter jihad, infiltration into media, journalism and the government. That's done by having 6+ wives and 20 children per each wife, sure they're legally only married to 1 according to English law, but sharia they have more and then bar the legal wife, the rest claim benefits as single parents - fraud and economic jihad. Did you know foods labelled 'halal' so barbaric it needs to be banned, collect so much money which is used to fund islamic terrorism in pakistan. They set up 'charities' to collect money then sent to porkistan towards islamic terrorism then exported to the world. Yet the wokes turn a blind eye.

I like to make my points and not waste time interacting with trolls (unless I'm bored and want to rile them up even more) otherwise warning - irrelevant trolls will be ignored. Don't like what I say, don't like the facts, I don't care, keep ranting, that further proves my points, but you're irrelevant and I don't waste time with ignorants or irrelevants. The facts don't change no matter how kuch barking goes on. Instead it has a detrimental effect on you even more.
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Feb 2022   #398
So somebody looks for a a forum about a foreign country just to come and rant and then tells all the people disagreeing are irrelevant...Hmm, interesting logic...

As to stopping foreigners from coming...tell your care providers to magic carers out of thin air (amongst others)
Tanya6  - | 5
2 Feb 2022   #399
@Lenka I googled rude eastern europeans with no manners and found this thread. I agree they and some other backward illogical communities have no place in civil countries. Now if you fit one of those you'll have a problem with that. But those that fit into those groups are irrelevant.
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Feb 2022   #400
So you googled that, wrote post after post, created account... all to talk to irrelevant people :D

Carry on please, this is terribly entertaining.

As to your facts what advice would you give to e.g. transport and care companies that are begging to get some Workforce?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #401
Carry on please, this is terribly entertaining.

No, that is boring. Stupid people are boring. Just let that troll rant all it wants.

I hope you don't live in that country. Putting up with that nosense must be wearing you down.
Alien  26 | 6527
2 Feb 2022   #402
One night troll.
Tanya6  - | 5
2 Feb 2022   #403
@Lenka yeah this thread was actually started by a likeminded person that also knows you lot are rude and it's very entertaining to see you all squeal at the facts and now you're upset. What are you doing on this thread, I know, proving our points :). The op obviously noticed the same (who hasn't!) and started this thread. Stupid people with their nonsense will be ignored and are irrelevant much to your dismay. Can't handle that, your problem.,,

@Lenka with regards to the care you're talking about, they need to increase the wages so that English people want to work here rather than getting the poor people from nasty countries that find a few bob attractive, which is peanuts for the English. But with the cheap labour comes bad quality (zero quality) service, rudeness, vile, no manners, crime and that ruins our society and culture. So that is the solution. Now that Brexit is effective, we can actually get real talent if required from outside the EU, rather than the unfair terms previously that meant we had to get them from the EU. Not anymore! Points system and we know low graders won't pass that.
Novichok  4 | 8677
2 Feb 2022   #404
No, that is boring. Stupid people are boring.

OK, genius, finally we agree on something. Yes, stupid people are boring because they just stand by the wall, have nothing to say, and smile politely to cover up their stupidity and nothingness.

Tanya is forum gold. Just ask any forum operator who he would rather have, her or a polite smiling dufus who still says "you are welcome"?

Can you spell "traffic"?

they need to increase the wages so that English people want to work here rather than getting the poor people

Again, a point the open-borders suicide nuts have no good answer to.
Also, that "cheap" foreign labor is expensive as hell when you add up all the social services the rest of the migrant family will get. That foreign scumbag working minimum wage will never pay enough in taxes to cover even a small fraction of it.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Feb 2022   #405

You are begining to sound mentally unhinged now as you completely ignored the comments in my post.
No answer.

Y'all sound more like a good ole boy from down south.

My thoughts exactly. ....a big fat old one.....LOL!

Tanya1 you have already proved that you are too weak and too thick to actually debate stuff on this forum.
So you are wasting your time.
Nobody will take a troll like you seriously on here.
Remember....I am English and Novichock is really are stupid.....
Atch  22 | 4299
3 Feb 2022   #406
rile them up

Tut, tut! And yet more Americanisms .........English people don't get 'riled'.

I note that in the semi-literate incarnation of Tanya1 you were unable to capitalize or punctuate properly but understood the use of the apostrophe in "y'all" :)) Change your username to TrollyDolly :)
mafketis  38 | 11260
3 Feb 2022   #407

tots obs, it (doesn't deserve a 'he' or 'she' is a troll.... and not even an interesting one... why were so many people willing to engage so long?

Everyone, please stick to the topic of this thread, thank you
6 Sep 2022   #408
The op is right. There are a few rare instances where the polish are nice but they usually either stick to their own partner and not talk to anyone else. I find that to be very odd behaviour.

Or they will group up. Especially in a work setting. You can hear the horrid polish language being shouted between the women. It sounds ****ing terrible. In fact most Polish women talk with repelling high pitched little girl voices even when speaking English.

The lower class, uneducated dumb ones (men and the women) look down on English people and will whisper and make snide remarks while they look at you smirking.

Usually just insecurities and it makes them feel better. But these lower class ones unfortunately were the majority of the labour we imported. I've moved on from such jobs where I'll meet these types of polish thank f*** as you'll usually find them doing brainless jobs. The women only get anywhere in these jobs by f***ing a manager or similar lol. A pathetic bunch for the most part in my experience. There are a few nice ones but like op said. Most are di** heads.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Sep 2022   #409
There are a few nice ones but like op said.

Who can`t be reached by you. Like in the fable. Sour grapes, anyway, said the fox after a few futile attempts to pick some grapes from the vine above.

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9 Sep 2022   #410
Sorry to burst your bubble but the few nice ones I get on very well with and a few who are friends. You'll find that the polish who aren't like the above I described agree with me and avoid those types too. Keep digging.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Sep 2022   #411
Sorry to burst your bubble

And you did burst it as did the first three posts of this thread.
You will learn that Polish people can't take constructive criticism when they are wrong, nor can they laugh at themselves when they make fools out of themselves.
9 Sep 2022   #412
Johnny reb

The Germans must have rubbed off on them then?
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Sep 2022   #413
Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

English are mostly impotent?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
9 Sep 2022   #414
Why, Crow? Because many choose not to screw everything and everyone that moves?
You're not exactly being fair, are you!
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Sep 2022   #415
Ask Polish woman not me. This thread is about them.

Because many choose not to screw everything and everyone that moves?

Try that philosophy on your wife.

She will show only empathy for you. He, he

ahahah hahahah
Lyzko  44 | 9723
9 Sep 2022   #416
We don't discuss such things amongst one another.
We already know the answer:-)
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Sep 2022   #417
True. We learned nice or hard way.
10 Sep 2022   #418
English are impotent yet so many Polish women end up with an English man lol.
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Sep 2022   #419
Your sentence makes no sense.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
10 Sep 2022   #420
Tak, Zosiu co to oznaczy? What are you trying to say?

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