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Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison

jon357  72 | 23712
9 Jul 2021   #31
It sometimes depends how well connected the driver is or if they have some sort of dodgy Soviet-style 'immunity' from prosecution. There have been some very sad cases.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Jul 2021   #32
Way too many bad drivers,

A poor woman was run over and killed a couple of days ago by a bus driver at the terminus in Nowe Bemowo, in Warsaw. I watched the dashcam footage. She was clearly visible crossing his path, from a distance of at least 30 metres and he just carried on and ran straight over her. Un-effing-believable. The nature of the accidents that occur in Poland are so often completely avoidable, if people just bloody well knew how to drive properly. My husband had driving lessons in both Ireland and Poland. In Ireland he was taught to read the road ahead - you know what I'm talking about Jon, being a Brit. In Poland when he applied that technique, he was SCOLDED by the instructor!! He was told that he should he keep his eyes more or less glued on the bonnet of his car. He was also told to stop checking his mirrors as it would distract him and he'd have an accident!!!!

I remember when learning to drive in Ireland, being taught HOW to watch out for pedestrians. For example, when you're driving in a built up area with cars parked on either side, watch out in particular for vans or higher vehicles which may obstruct your view of the pavement because someone hidden from view by a high vehicle, can step out quite suddenly, so you watch for feet visible UNDER the higher vehicles as you're driving. After a while it becomes automatic. You're watching all parts of the road at all times. That's how you drive.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Jul 2021   #33
how do they get away with that **** and not go to prison?
jon357  72 | 23712
10 Jul 2021   #34
how do they get away with that

When general expectations are low, it becomes normalised.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jul 2021   #35
For some visiting Americans, large parts of Europe (including the busier parts of Poland) must feel like the Washington/Boston/NY region.

Want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers ?
Ban sober drivers from driving.
That's how gun control works.
Novichok  4 | 8827
14 Jul 2021   #36
There is an alternate way. First DUI, license gone forever. And .02 limit.

At .08, it's hard to find the way to the restroom.
Lenka  5 | 3552
14 Jul 2021   #37
First DUI, license gone forever. And .02 limit

A lot of them carry on driving after their license is taken and that limit is already in place in Poland and didn't stop people
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jul 2021   #38
At .08, it's hard to find the way to the restroom.

Really ? I don't think so.
Use to be that in Michigan .08 or less was only impaired.

in Poland and didn't stop people

Then the sentencing guidelines are not stringed enough.
Prison for five years for third offense seems to get their attention.
Novichok  4 | 8827
14 Jul 2021   #39
and didn't stop people

Ten years in the slammer would stop 99%. Good enough for me.
Would it stop you or are you special and everybody else would just ignore this possibility?
Lenka  5 | 3552
15 Jul 2021   #40
Ten years in the slammer would stop 99%.

You base that on what?

Would it stop you

No. What stops me is the fact it's dangerous.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Jul 2021   #41
A lot of them carry on driving after their license

I thought there was mandatory jail term for convicted drunk drivers in Poland.As I heard its 1 year or so,I even saw a youtube viseo where a new father was in jail for DWI.
Novichok  4 | 8827
15 Jul 2021   #42
You base that on what?

Just extrapolating from the simple fact that 99% are sensible people who don't like the idea of spending a decade in prison and that when we decriminalize criminal behavior, crime goes up immediately. See the Democrat-run cities in "America". So, it would be logical to assume that the opposite is true.
Lenka  5 | 3552
15 Jul 2021   #43
Just extrapolating from the simple fact that 99% are sensible people

If they were that sensible they wouldn't do that simply because of how dangerous it is. If they were that smart they would realise they may kill someone and give them a bigger penalty than those 10 years.
jon357  72 | 23712
15 Jul 2021   #44
Ban sober drivers from driving.
That's how gun control works.

No it doesn't.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Jul 2021   #45
Last midnight coming home I saw this accident by a speeding porsche and the dead guy guy crossing marzalkauska street,worse accident I saw with the guy lying down with his leg lying 20 feet away app and all his intestines out,very sad to see,I saw it first hand happening before cops came in:

Worse was to see his eyes blinking in shock and he was alive.I just felt helpless to help him somehow.
amiga500  5 | 1551
19 Jul 2021   #46
Last midnight coming home I saw this accident by a speeding porsche

Sorry to hear that cargo, make sure you take some time to reflect and deal with the trauma that you experienced. Notice the media blamed the victim and did not mention anything about speeding or the driver.
Paulina  19 | 4564
19 Jul 2021   #47
Worse was to see his eyes blinking in shock and he was alive.

Jesus... So he didn't get killed on spot, as it was written in the article. I mean that he didn't die right away...

My cousin saw once a road accident in Wrocław, or its aftermath - the guy was on a motorcycle, I guess he was hit by a car, I don't remember. He had his belly ripped open with his intestines falling out. She said he was in such a shock that he got up and started putting his intestines back into his belly and mumbled that he has to go home.

very sad to see

It's not only sad, but traumatic...

@amiga500, according to the article the witnesses said that he was jaywalking (and running)...
amiga500  5 | 1551
19 Jul 2021   #48
The article said the guy was disabled with crutches! Pretty hard to be running with crutches. If you are walking (or limping) across an empty road at midnight and a porsche hits you at 100km/h+ then who's fault is it? Does not matter if he walked across a zebra crossing the result would have been the same. The driver should be charged with dangerous driving causing death or the polish legal equivalent.
Paulina  19 | 4564
19 Jul 2021   #49
@amiga500, the article stated that there were crutches laying on the road. Maybe he bought the crutches for someone else and was carrying them? I don't know, I'm not a psychic. It's up to the police to conduct an investigation. The article simply reported what the witnesses said.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jul 2021   #50
if he walked across a zebra crossing the result would have been the same.

That's the crux of the issue. People are run over on pedestrian crossings in Poland all the time. It's outrageous. Poland has a disproportionately high number of fatal accidents involving pedestrians. You're not even safe on the pavement because drivers drive at such high speeds that they frequently lose control of vehicles and mount the footpath. I've seen it myself in central Warsaw, more than once over the years. It's simply shocking.

Traffic in the city centre or in any built up area should be driving at a safe speed that allows them time to stop. I know the accident occurred at night but it was a well-lit city street. I bet you'll find that if the Porsche had been doing 30 or 40km per hour and the driver was watching the road ahead, he would probably have had ample time to see someone crossing in the distance and slowed down to avoid him - and if he had hit him, he certainly wouldn't have killed him.

In Poland there doesn't seem to be any understanding of how to actually DRIVE a car - it seems to be a case of just getting into the vehicle, switch on the ignition and GO at the maximum speed without stopping till you reach your destination and that's it. No driving skills at all.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Jul 2021   #51
Porsche had been doing 30 or 40km per hou

NO,in fact there was another blue car that had stopped to let him cross but this Porsche came flying and screeched to a halt after hitting him and I heard a loud thud and saw the guy near the sidewalk,probably doing over 120kmph if not more.

deal with the trauma

It's not only sad, but traumatic..

Yes indeed very traumatic,and I still cant forget that helpless mans blinking eyes looking at me like asking for help,all I could do was dial 911 which surprisingly worked in Poland and they spoke English.I know to dial 997 in Poland but also panicked and dialled 911 instead,and yes he was using crutches and crossing the empty street illegally.I couldnt see him in the face so stayed behind the building,but have to admit cops were there in 5 minutes with ambulance but I saw them take him on a gurney with cloth covering his whole body meaning he died in 5/10/15 minutes.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jul 2021   #52
that helpless mans blinking eyes looking at me like asking for help,all I could do was dial 911

I know, it's terrible. As a Catholic, I would wish to go to him and take his hand in his final moments but I don't think I'd have the courage. It's almost my duty to say a prayer over a dying person but with that kind of horrendous injury, I don't think I could do it. I hope I'm never put to that test. If it's any comfort Cargo, he would probably not have been aware of what had happened to him - poor man, Jesus. I don't know how those ambulance/emergency services people can deal with the terrible things they see.
Lenka  5 | 3552
20 Jul 2021   #53
It seems the guy was known 'patoinfluencer'. He was famous for speeding videos.
mafketis  38 | 11288
20 Jul 2021   #54

that's a real thing? I thought it was just made up for TV shows (I remember an episode of Lombard with some....)
Lenka  5 | 3552
20 Jul 2021   #55
It is real in the respect there are people out there that promote, encourage dangerous and stupid things. He seemed to be one of those people
mafketis  38 | 11288
20 Jul 2021   #56
seemed to be one of those people

Just reading a bit.... he was driving a porsche and originally police were blaming the victim.... which makes me think he has rich/influential parents...

As I like to say.... lock him up and throw away the key.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jul 2021   #57
He was famous for speeding videos.

In a company where my husband worked in Warsaw, there was one guy who regularly went 'road racing' at night in the city streets with his friends. They would go out at two or three in the morning and race each other - un-effing-believable. That's their hobby, grown men in their thirties with higher education and professions. It's a major social issue that needs to be addressed.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Jul 2021   #58
which makes me think he has rich/influential parents...

The guy looked like he was in his 30s,and there was a girl with him.The blue car in the left lane stopped to let him cross but this guy came flying from no where in the right lane and it was victims fault.The paramedics used 2 gurneys,1 for him and another one for his severed leg wrapped in a silver foil.

I doubt the guy will get a long jail term as it was the victims fault but he might be charged with speeding or negligent/reckless driving.

I have seen tons of beheading videos but this was the first,hopefully never again,suddenly some guys started snapping pics,a pathetic scene to snap a dying mans pics.

I have seen how recklessly these guys drive 170/200 KMPH in there fancy cars on a 2 lane highway where a guy is driving 70 Kmph in his Toyota Prius.
amiga500  5 | 1551
20 Jul 2021   #59
me think he has rich/influential parents...

Yes probably connected to the PO układ in Warsaw. Let's see if he gets away with it. The judge will probably give him suspended sentence because of age ,good character etc blah blah etc.
mafketis  38 | 11288
20 Jul 2021   #60
Yes probably connected to the PO układ in Warsaw.

One source said the police were more polite/delicate with him than with the strajk kobiet protestors, so.....

I basically don't care who his parents are, he needs to be put in prison for a loooooong time.

Home / UK, Ireland / Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison

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