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Britain's moral collapse?

21 Jan 2016   #61
I can feel that you aren't able to find anything to back up your ridiculous claims about gays having higher moral standards than normal people and prove you aren't simply lieing.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #62
He of course means

what i mean... its hard to think of only one British crime on Slavs. On Poles, Ukrainians, Yugoslavs, Serbians, Russians.

But, as a Slavic patriot and protagonist of New Commonwealth, i can say one great THANKS BRITAIN for you, by your criminal activity, helping to Slavs that they better understand each others.

Do not let the Western decadents ruin Poland with their NGOs.

Great truth has been said here

Not really: Britain has fairly decent armed forces, not like the collections of a few men with hunting rifles which meant Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo all suffered invasions from 'Slavic' 'heroes'.

Oh, spare me of fabricated tales of your criminal government, in situation when even most powerful political opposition to Cameron in Britain, respectable Jeremy Corbyn criticized Britain`s criminal activity against Yugoslavia and Serbia in conflict in former Yugoslavia, claiming how are Serbians absolutely right and innocent. It was easy to powerful Britain to found (and sponsor them) satellites in former Yugoslavia among pro-Nazi and pro-Ottoman Turkish individuals but, truth shall win at the end. End of British power.

After all, if you want to learn about background of bloody Civil War in Yugoslavia, incited by western Europe, i suggest you to listen Polish Jerzy Robert Nowak >

Rola Niemiec w rozbiciu Jugosławii >
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #63
Oh, spare me of fabricated tales of your criminal government

This from a Milosevic supporter! No room at all to talk about the morality of others, in Britain or any other country.

gays having higher moral standards than normal people and prove you aren't simply lieing.

One day, you'll understand a simple comment here without either getting it all wrong or pretending to. Until then, perhaps a Polish-language forum would be easier for you.

Otherwise, such craven inanity will continue to undermine every post you make.and give us all a laugh.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #64
No room at all to talk about the morality of others.

go see what J. Corbyn speak about Milosevic and back then British Blair. By the Corbyn, Blair should been in jail, not Milosevic. And Corbyn is British No.1 politician, not the Cameron.

But, good, good. Just give us your worse so that we Slavs better recognize that snake behind German imperialism, that British snake that orchestrate and manipulate everything. You Brits are neither worse, neither better then Germans. You are all the same
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #65
By the Corbyn

Nobody cares about him or Serbia. Interesting though that you're trumpeting stupidly about a politician who would find your views repugnant.

And this has little or nothing to do with morality, except that it's hard to think of anything less moral than mass murder and mass rape committed by the Serbian Army in the 90s.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Jan 2016   #66
It amazing how the 1.5% of the people have the arrogance to try and convince 90% of the people that disagree with them on the definition of morality by using the words racists and bigots to belittle with.

Since the majority of the people in the world/society (90% maybe) are either Christian or Muslim that define morality very clearly.
That is why liberals use the words homophobe, bigot, racist is because they can not argue the truth.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #67
Nobody cares about him or Serbia.

you can be absolutely sure that Russians care just enough so that is Serbia able to prevent any Russian hostility on Poles and, Poles care just enough to be able to know that they have to trust to Serbians, not to western Europeans and their satellites anywhere.

This time no British scheme with Russians. What is enough is enough.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #68
Russians care just enough

No they don't, and nobody else trusts them or their satellites either. Nobody ever even thinks about Serbia or cares it exists (except Serbs and their victims) and your spamming the thread with irrelevance has little or nothing to do with moral collapse in Britain (it hasn't, by the way) or Poland at all.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #69
It is all about Poland. You Brits are against Poland. Actions of British governments proves it. Britain first attacked traditional Polish loyal brothers- Serbians, then isolated Poland and now starting political pressure on Poland. What is next? Economic sanctions to Poland and then war against Poland?

No they don't

you shall see. They would hit Britain if Britain continue to provoke and demonstrate its moral collapse and, that would be that. Only reasonable people like Corbyn giving me hope.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #70
Crowie, you do realise that there's a special thread on here for your bizarre ranting about Serbia, a micro state that nobody in Poland cares about and many have never heard of?

Maybe you don't...
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #71
Poland would be free from Britain. and i mean truly free. i realize that. do you? If micro Serbia can help to it, then i thank to God for all Serbian suffering.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #72
Poland would be free

It's freer now than it ever has been, especially as part of the EU and to keep closer to the thread topic, if some traditional British morality rubs off, Poland can only become a better place.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Jan 2016   #73
if some traditional British morality rubs off, Poland can only become a better place.

I sure hope you aren't insinuating that your "Progressive Liberal immorality" is traditional because that certainly WOULD NOT "enrich" the CHRISTIAN Polish culture to be a better place.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #74
ah, never mind jon352

i have something to tell to Poles.

Poles, sisters and brothers, you continue to deflect from false friends from the west of Europe and pledge to form Intermarium around Poland. Make Poland strong and free. So, you Poles focus to do what you must do and at the same time you just let that we Serbians do our job and that is to hold them while you consolidate. Yes, let us. We don`t have what to lose. What we lost is behind repair and that was actually tragic mistake of western Europe. They pushed just too hard. Its now us or them. In the meanwhile, you go, save yourself Poles. We would f** them. Russians won`t make troubles to you anymore. They know where is their place and what is their duty. Just go Poles and DO IT! Your survivor and prosperity would be greatest defeat of western Europe.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #75
i have something to tell to Poles

Perhaps in the appropriate thread?
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #76
Thread about Britain`s moral collapse is perfect for such a message. Poles must live and prosper despite moral fall of Britain. Poland has nothing with Britain`s problems. Time is that Britain feel all weight of its collapse.
21 Jan 2016   #77
micro state that nobody in Poland

Bollocks. I do care about Serbia. There was more of us saying we do care about Serbia. We are Poles and that makes your statement a lie. Stop taking voice for us. Stop lieing. Stop trying to mess with a country you don't belong to just to fit your needs. Stop living in some bizzare reality your twisted, leftist and morally sick mind has developed.

Polish-language forum would be easier for you.

You on the other hand are so Polish that you can't even participate in that subforum. You're just a leftist gay from abroad. Yet you try to speak for us Poles and claim that you know what we think. You're disgusting, pathetic manipulator.
21 Jan 2016   #78
That reminds me A British MP stood up in the house of commons the other day and complain about the ban on poppers (some gay drug that dilates the nether regions).

Could this happen in Poland ?

I'm not gay or homophobic but I though I would share.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
21 Jan 2016   #79
If you replace the words Poland Poles etc in Crows comment for Islam it would very much make you sound like an ISIS fanatic.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #80
It is because all fanatics sound similar (sure, i`m not fanatic but, i am in fanatical mood). i am in mood of pro-Polish fanaticism
21 Jan 2016   #81
Replace them with Liberalism and it has the very same effect.
nothanks  - | 626
21 Jan 2016   #82
I feel Britain threw in the towel when they chose Multiculturalism over Integration. There is a distinct difference.
21 Jan 2016   #83
Who cares what happens in Britain, I Don't, what has this got to do with Poland?
nothanks  - | 626
21 Jan 2016   #84
donl, many native Poles living in UK. They bring their cultural norms along with their chocolate babies back to Poland either for vacation or once they fail miserably in the West.
21 Jan 2016   #85
" chocolate babies back to Poland" now now we are all past this one aren't we?.

there is / was a very nice black fellow in the Sejm , If you read what he writes he is a patriot.

"bring their cultural norms along" I agree its funny they think that they need to fix Poland, but don't realize that Polish people don't need or want to be "Fixed" funny to watch them try tho.

Having said that many Brits who have been in Poland for a long time can see how stubborn we are, fight first discuss later and all that.
21 Jan 2016   #86
They bring their cultural norms along with their chocolate babies back to Poland either for vacation or once they fail miserably in the West.

After a decade in UK among many many many Poles I haven't ever seen a single Pole having a "chocolate baby". That is the case with Brits and French but definitely it is a rarity with Poles.
Ant63  13 | 410
21 Jan 2016   #87
it is a rarity with Poles

I think you must be looking through rose tinted spectacles.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
21 Jan 2016   #88
The UK is diseased by too much political correctness. The everyone is a winner mentality. You tried your best but failed, but its ok, here is a prize anyway. Most people are afraid to do or say anything that might appear out of line as their jobs depend on it. Social media and kyboard warriors have only made the problem worse. So I dont think the UK is able to stop the tide even though most know we crossed the line.
Kezcaisim  1 | 37
21 Jan 2016   #89
It's not just England, but also the West.

The Western world has been subverted for decades now. The foundation of Western civilization has been corrupted to the core. Traditional values, religion and patriotism are no longer important. Women have like 20 sexual partners before they marry some poor beta cuckold who makes good money but fails to excite his wife. Men are doing drugs, getting tattoos and piercings, ruining their bodies. People don't want to have children. The Jews have done a good job in the West, convincing people that being gay, asexual, bisexual, pansexual, agender, trigender, transsexual is fine.

I'm glad Islam is taking over western Europe. There will be a brutal cleansing of the degeneracy.
nothanks  - | 626
21 Jan 2016   #90
Frankfurt School?

Have they accomplished their goal

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