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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Pot in Poland for tourists

johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 May 2017   #31
So your recreational drug of choice is alcohol ?
I have never know anyone murder because they where under the influence of weed
I have know many that have murdered because they were under the influence of alcohol however.
Maybe we should prosecute those who use alcohol recreationally if your rational is going to be used for weed smokers ?
Drunks are much more dangerous then Stoners.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
21 May 2017   #32
I have never know anyone murder because they where under the influence of weed

I heard about a few murders/manslaughters where offenders were drunk or under influence of alcohol etc.
I heard about hundreds if not thousands killed in drug wars between drug gangs.

You confuse drunkards with drug mafia!!!

There is a guy who went mental after having a drink too much and there is a pot-head pacifist that sponsored columbian drug gang and indirectly wiped out entire town!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
21 May 2017   #33
Perspective is like mass shootings in relatively safe countries of Europe and gun driven Wild West America.
European mass

American mass murder:

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
21 May 2017   #34
Not even talkling about how frequent such incidents really are in US and Europe.
It clearly shows that the Land of the Free is a fking Land of the Frightened!
jon357  72 | 23361
21 May 2017   #35
I have know many that have murdered because they were under the influence of alcohol however.

A friend who's a policeman has often said he'd rather walk into a room full of pot smokers to a room full of drinkers.

Unlikely to be legalised any time soon here in Poland though.

Having said that, when I'm in the Netherlands, I see plenty of people showing Polish ID cards when buying.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 May 2017   #36
I was just informed by e-mail that high quality marijuana on the streets in Warsaw sells for around 40$ zloty per gram.
The false propaganda of the side effects of marihuana by governments was a huge mistake in the past decades.
People were lied to with scare tactics that simply were not true.
That has all changed today with actual scientific evidence with actual truths of the many side effects from chronic marihuana use.
No matter how it gets into your system, it affects almost every organ in your body, and your nervous system and immune system, too.
This is why it is so destructive in the development of still developing bodies of youth.
It's number one side effect is paranoia which cause anti social behavior in youth which stops growth in social interaction.
There are so many life long negative side effects that we are not educated to that many think it is a harmless recreational drug.
All drugs have side effects and most are bad.
My personal opinion is that Marihuana should be only legal for senior citizens that are incarcerated in care facilities.
It would mellow them out, help them sleep, increase their appetite and the euphoria would make them more talkative.
TheOther  6 | 3596
21 May 2017   #37
when I'm in the Netherlands, I see plenty of people showing Polish ID cards when buying

If you think about it, there's really no need to legalize in Poland. Just hop on the car and buy some dope in Berlin or Amsterdam, where it's either legal or tolerated. One of the positive aspects of Schengen.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
21 May 2017   #38
It's number one side effect is paranoia which cause anti social behavior

Has anyone noticed the connection of the above to certain PF posters who are happy with canabis use.
TheOther  6 | 3596
21 May 2017   #39
happy with canabis use

You're happy with vodka use and getting drunk as a skunk five times a week. Paranoid much? LOL!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
21 May 2017   #40
You're happy with vodka use and getting drunk

Simple answer The Vodka is LEGAL the skunk is not, don't do it it overwise you will end up like Dillon off the magic roundabout.

Dont do drugs in Poland the majority of us will grass you up to the law , pardon the pun.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 May 2017   #41
Exactly dol, why would you go on vacation to end up on probation ?
You could possibly be banned from entering Poland forever if you were convicted on a drug charge.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Traveling in a foreign country I would want all my wits in working order to the maximum.

us will grass you up to the law

Reminds me back in Jamaica years ago before they loosened their laws on ganja.
I watched it happen over and over.
Some guy on the street would sell some over eager tourist a bag of grass.
He would walk away and two minutes later a corrupt police officer would bust them.
They either gave the police officer a $100 or he threatened them that he would take them to jail.
What would you do in that case ? (a no brainer)
The tourist gladly paid the $100 scared out of their wits.
Then you would watch the police officer giving back (to his nephew most likely) the same bag of ganja and the scam started all over with the next unsuspecting tourists. lol
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 May 2017   #42
Marijuana use to be grown by the older generations (konopja indijska as they called it) as a sort of feed. I remember my grandpa had some homing or racing pigeons or whatever they were exactly and they loved eating the seeds. They still have 2 8 foot plants in their garden but its not really the kind of weed you'd want to smoke. Its extremely low grade and you will not enjoy the high from the few nasty brown buds that you can collect.

Now there is quite a decent bit of homegrown in poland. Before it seemed to be all imports from Holland but now it seems people have started grow ops. There's a video on YouTube of polish police busting a particularly large op with thousands of plants.

I know that marijuana has become way more popular than it was even 10 15 years ago and I believe it's medically legal with a doctors script but are there dispensaries you can purchase marijuana even if you have all the appropriate paperwork? Also are things like wax dab oils or edibles popular? I personally have only seen weed in bud and hash form in poland..
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 May 2017   #43
Also to the people thinking about growing weed - first off no it isn't a weed nor is it like the poppy plant which requires next to zero care. This isn't a plant where you just put some seeds, do nothing, and reap the rewards. If you want to have good 20%+ THC nugs, you'll have to put in a bit of work and a small investment. For personal use id recommend a beginners 4 plant hydroponic system that comes with lamps and everything you need except for seeds which can be legally purchased and shipped as the seeds themselves contain no thc. There are several easy to read books and pdf files like the cannabis growers bible that can give you more info. It will teach you not only how to grow but also how to harvest dry trim buds and storeage.

Also be aware of the laws in your respective area. Where in one part of world 4 plants is a $250 fine in another it could mean the death penalty. While in poland you won't face the death penalty but perhaps a very large fine, probation or even jail if convicted of distribution (never keep it in multiple bags) rather than mere possession.

Anyway good luck and happy hunting
jon357  72 | 23361
23 May 2017   #44
believe it's medically legal with a doctors script but are there dispensaries you can purchase marijuana even if you have all the appropriate paperwork?

No. There are a tiny number of medications that contain processed derivatives from that plant, but you certainly cant get high from them, and they are rarely prescribed.

While in poland you won't face the death penalty but perhaps a very large fine, probation or even jail

Certainly jail here, and a hefty fine at the very least for possessing even a fraction of a gram. This happened to a friend - a large fine for a tiny fraction of a gram, literally leftovers scraped from one of those little glass pipes they use here.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 May 2017   #45
I remember the politicians toying around with the idea of legalization. One particular mp, a former rapper by the name of liroy, was amongst those really pushing for it. There was also one incident where a politician I believe also mp wanted to light a joint in parliament as a protest but upon hearing hed def get arrested opted for symbolic incense. Not sure if liroy or the other guy are still mps..

Personally I think medical cannabis would certainly help those with debilitating conditions. Many patients claim that it is superior to opiods and many other medicines with far less side effects.


Cbd has been shown to be great against seizures and some other conditions. That's probably what they prescribe. In the us its a little different. Cbd oil can be purchased online and I believe it's legal everywhere since there's no thc or banned compounds in it and cbd doesn't get you high. As far as the actual cannabis and things made out of cannibis it depends on the state whether they allow medical use. In Colorado its recreational and can be purchased legally with valid id.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
23 May 2017   #46
This isn't a plant where you just put some seeds, do nothing, and reap the rewards.

I know of no one that uses seeds anymore.
It is all done by cloning which guarantees as good as the mother plant that you got the clones (cuttings) from.
Plus all your plants will be female.

which can be legally purchased and shipped as the seeds themselves contain no thc.

I question that as when a friend of mine order seeds from Amsterdam the only thing that arrived in the mail was a letter from the DEA stating that his package had been intercepted and it would not be delivered to him.

Never heard anything more about it.
He know orders from the U.K. which is not as obvious when he wants to try something new.
And 80% of the time the seeds are not what they say they are.

If you want to have good 20%+ THC nugs

My friends grow (sativa) for flavor and an up beat buzz and not so much (indica) for the coach lock effect from 20% plus.
The Gorilla Glue and Private Reserve are the two strongest around here.
I read that Australia has the strongest (highest THC content) in the world. (40% plus)
The information on this stuff is endless on the internet.
Doesn't sound like Poland is the place to light up your extra room though.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 May 2017   #47
@Dirk diggler
It's indeed something with small amounts of CBD, sometimes prescribed for epilepsy. It's better for many patients (especially kids) than most epilepsy meds which are generally quite nasty with a lot of side-effects.

I know of no one that uses seeds anymore.

A friend who grows semi-commercially and very seriously (in a country where it's semi-decriminalised and the police aren't interested in fewer than about 10 plants - his 9 are like trees) always uses clones. After all, you know exactly how they'll turn out.

I read that Australia has the strongest (highest THC content) in the world.

Remember that (except for youngsters who just want to get as smashed as they can), strength and quality aren't always the same. Poland isn't a good place to do it, the risks are too high, especially in a city, where it's harder (even with a specially made tent and proper extraction) to ventilate the growing area. The electricity company also inform the police if there's a sudden and large increase if use at a domestic address. Out in the countryside, it's much easier to grow, however still risky. In villages, everybody knows your business, and people here love to inform on neighbours about anything.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 May 2017   #48
I had some gorrilla glue 4 recently its very popular across the board. Amongst youth cannabis in poland is pretty popular but there's still a lot of the 50s style reefer madness amongst previous generations. I recall one study stating that over 20% of youth (don't remember the exact age it was like 17 to 23 or something) used marijuana once within the past year. Back in the 90s that would've been A lot lower. Actually I believe poland has something like the 3rd or 4th highest percent of marijuana users in Europe.

A lot of older generations saw the kompot users of the 80s and 90s and equate that with drug use in general to which cannabis tends to get lumped in. When people smoke they have to be more careful and some people will call the cops on you esp if you're in the bloki and just stunk the whole place up. Its also one of those things that people kind of hide and won't really admit to unless they know you due to the decades old stigma.

True cloning is more popular now but if you're starting a grow to obtain your own source chances are you wouldn't have access to a nice mature female. As far as the seeds being confiscated im kind of surprised by that... And a letter on top of it. To my understanding under the 4th amendment local mail can't be opened up without a warrant. I'm guessing he ordered from Amsterdam and perhaps they happen to scan his package. Pounds upon pounds are sent out of Denver every day via USPS FedEx and ups and very little ends up not arriving to its destination in the U.S.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 May 2017   #49
Actually I believe poland has something like the 3rd or 4th highest percent of marijuana users in Europe.

In the last figures I saw (2016), it wasn't in the top 20 even. Unfortunately, since alcohol use by the young is far worse a habit than smoking pot. Also, the relative cost keeps the smoking levels down. If x% smoke in a given year Poland, and y% smoke in the same year in Holland, the amount smoked and the frequency are very different.

Its also one of those things that people kind of hide and won't really admit to unless they know you due to the decades old stigma.

This is true. Something well-hidden.


You can actually buy online here in Poland now, apparently. I wouldn't risk it for a second. It isn't that long ago that the police were seizing computers from vendors and questioning people who'd bought fake viagra online.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 May 2017   #50
It was youth rates not lifetime prevalence rates. Also its a 4 year study. Otherwise yes poland falls very low if taking into account the whole population rather than youth.
I do remember that whole.fake Viagra story. Apparently those guys were big timin and making a lot of cash..

Sure sightseeing stoned is fun but you have to do a risk benefit analysis... I sure wouldn't want to risk getting caught smoking in a place like russia or Saudi or something.. In poland eh probably not either. At least back in the day you could easily just bribe the cops. They can really throw the book at you especially if you get some old school judge. Its not uncommon to hear stories getting a year for like a few grams of weed or even less.
22 Jul 2017   #51
Hello im on holidays in Kraków, and im looking for some goodies to smoke, any suggestion where i should start? Im from Sweden and the language here is really difficult..Been browsing a bit but i mostly find old posts. If anyone could help me out im more than willing to share. Help a fellow smoker out?:)
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jul 2017   #52
You'll doubtless find the Poles a tad more conservative in general regarding such matters in contrast with the Swedes:-) While to be sure, marijuana usage rarely has the same stigma as it has here in the US, Poland is a conservative Catholic, rather than a more traditionally liberal-leaning, leftish Lutheran one.

Polish can be a challenge for you. Stick with it though and you won't regret it:-)
22 Jul 2017   #53
@Lyzko Thank you for the fast reply! Im thinking of going to a nightclub and ask around, it worked very well on spain but I guess its 100 times easier there ^^

I've read something about an email that people could write too but it feels a bit unsafe.. Ohwell im giving it a try with the clubs, will be hard to get some sleep without 😣 If you got any other suggestion i'd love to heat it!:)

Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jul 2017   #54
Your English seems relatively fluent and so if you find locals who actually can communicate with you, you'll soon see your English will go a great deal further than Swedish in Poland:-)

By the way, when I was in Sweden (having visited there before journeying on to Poland), I found English only took me so far. If I hadn't learned Swedish, I'd have been in a quandry many a time.

jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jul 2017   #55
Im thinking of going to a nightclub and ask around

Student places are always a maybe, however it's now outside term time.

I've read something about an email that people could write too but it feels a bit unsafe.

Some of these things are ok, and the police don't as far as I know do entrapment - it isn't worth their time and effort. Probably a fly by night person. Most likely whoever put the email address on the site you saw it on no longer checks the mail. Maybe worth trying though.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jul 2017   #56
I'd imagine certain resort-type places such as Zakopane in the Tatras would perhaps welcome this tourism.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jul 2017   #58
I'd imagine certain resort-type places such as Zakopane in the Tatras would perhaps welcome this tourism.

Zakopane really isn't like that. More families or groups of families, interested in beer, pork, boasting about cars and finding stuff for the kids to do.

facebook groups

I'll have to open an account again!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
22 Jul 2017   #59
I found some fantastic weed from a professional dealer through a fb group. IN Czech mind, not Poland.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jul 2017   #60
I heard it's legal there now. When I last visited a couple of years ago, the stuff was everywhere. Decent smoke too, strong but subtle :-)

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