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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Sep 2022   #481
Everyone I know is prepared for higher prices by lowering their heat, and dressing warmer.

Exactly. I expect that my school will turn the heating levels down by a few degrees. My usual practice during winter time is wearing a short sleeved shirt because it is so warm inside the building. I can wear a sweater or a thicker fleece shirt, no problem.
Alien  22 | 5460
13 Sep 2022   #482
And big glasses. This is how I imagine a flesh and blood teacher.
Atch  21 | 4139
13 Sep 2022   #483
You have to imagine what a teacher looks like?? Didn't you go to school?
Alien  22 | 5460
13 Sep 2022   #484
Yes I did, long, long ago.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
13 Sep 2022   #485
Yes I did

Do you know how a working immigrant Irish nanny teacher can look like?Can you imagine?
Atch  21 | 4139
13 Sep 2022   #486
Actually, I'm rather lovely - and I'm not a nanny and I don't work as a teacher now as I have a rich husband whom I snagged because of my extreme beauty, not to mention my intelligence, wit, charm and social connections :))
Alien  22 | 5460
13 Sep 2022   #487
Mission accomplished.
Atch  21 | 4139
13 Sep 2022   #488
Judging from what one sees online, I'd say it's the exact opposite.
Joker  2 | 2188
13 Sep 2022   #489
intelligence, wit, charm and social connections :))

And confident as well, I like that!

. This is how I imagine a flesh and blood teacher.

You may be too young to remember VH but I had a social studies teacher that looked close to this:)
Alien  22 | 5460
13 Sep 2022   #490
Van Halen is my generation.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
17 Sep 2022   #491
I seldom disclose it to others that I suffer from a mild case of face blindness. I can`t remember new faces at once after seeing them, I need a few weeks to "accommodate" them in my mind. So, the first weeks of the new school year are always a big challenge for me in new classes. I had situations when I strongly believed some students were twins coz they seemed so similar to me.

However, I constantly manage to impress my new students with the ability to remember them by name quite soon, even within one lesson. How do I do it? Very simply - I just remember where they sit - Lenka sits at the front desk in the middle row, next to her is Paulina, behind them - Ziem and Kania etc etc. While John and Nowy sit on the right next to the window. This system saves my ass until we change a classroom and the desks are arranged differently - then I have a problem with face blindness again.

Luckily, it is a mild case and after a few weeks I am able to recognise all of them.
Paulina  16 | 4384
14 Oct 2022   #492
@pawian, interesting, do you know how you got that face blindness (or do you have it since birth)?

Lenka sits at the front desk in the middle row, next to her is Paulina

Happy Teacher's Day, btw! :)))
OP pawian  219 | 24592
14 Oct 2022   #493
do you know how you got that face blindness

That was by God`s ordinance. She bestowed it on me so that I wasn`t such a perfect educator and still had a few shortcomings. Simple.

Happy Teacher's Day,

It was very happy. I stuffed myself with excellent food at noon and didn`t have to snack until dinner at 9 pm. :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
14 Oct 2022   #494
I suffer from a mild case of face blindness

I always remember a face.
It's the names I struggle with.
So many times people have greeted me, with my name, and I know their faces, but can't remember their names or where I know them from.....
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
15 Oct 2022   #495
I suffer from a mild case

That would explain your mental problems. What is a mistery how did you become a teacher? Did you lie to them?
mafketis  38 | 10868
15 Oct 2022   #496
I always remember a face.
It's the names I struggle with.

I remember names and faces... but at times I have a hard time putting them together....
OP pawian  219 | 24592
15 Oct 2022   #497
mental problems

What mental problems????? :):):) You mean my rejection of rightards and naziopolacken??? But it is not a problem, darling, it is a blessing, in fact. :):)

mistery how did you become a teacher?

Very simply. I graduated from the Department of English Philology at the renowned university. And looked for work in private language schools and state schools. And they accepted me immediately coz I have always been very good. :):)

Did you lie to them?

What about???? :):):) My qualifications have always been impeccable. Even Immaculate.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
15 Oct 2022   #498
What mental problems???

Are you under doctors care? That would explain a lot.


Yep they hire anyone even a low life alcoholic from Scotland.

What about??

You mental health? You must have.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
15 Oct 2022   #499
Are you under doctors care?

Nope. I already told you - I visit a doctor once in a few years. The last time was about 3 years ago when I went to have a blood test.

Another thing is when a doctor comes to our school for teachers` health assessment. It happens once in two years. She asks if we have any problems, especially with vocal cords, take any medication etc and she measures our blood pressure. My pressure is always excellent!

Thank you for being so caring and thoughtful. You are a good man.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
15 Oct 2022   #500
I graduated from the Department of English Philology at the renowned university.

Well, it happened decades ago, still in communist times. We had access to all major books in our library which played a great role to me. However, multimedia programmes didn`t exist then. You could only listen to English BBC or to tapes. Also, the contacts with native speakers were scarce. That is why my English is so simplistic today coz what you don't learn as kiddie johhny, you can't learn as adult John.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
16 Oct 2022   #501
In total agreement there.
Foreign language depts. in the US used to require stringent standards for their staff, particularly their adjunct faculty.

While full professors needn't all have been native-born speakers, for sheer advertising purposes, anybody other than a tenured professor, that is, an "instructor" typically had to be from and ideally educated in the country of the language they were teaching,

I know of only one instance of a French preceptor at an Ivy who was a native bilingual from right here in the States and he was a notable exception.

However, this was easily thirty or so years ago:-)
OP pawian  219 | 24592
20 Oct 2022   #502
As I already said, teachers in Poland are free to use any textbooks they want, provided they are approved of by the Ministry of Education.

It is natural I choose the publications which follow the latest social trends.
Here, a book which puts a stop to the discrimination of women on the job:
Hydrauliczka sounds proud!!!

amiga500  5 | 1473
21 Oct 2022   #503
I graduated from the Department of English Philology at the renowned university

Was it Moscow State University or Moscow University for the Humanities?
Alien  22 | 5460
21 Oct 2022   #504
No matter what university it was, @pawian
writes without a russian accent.😁
OP pawian  219 | 24592
21 Oct 2022   #505
Was it Moscow State University

Darling, are you asking coz you are looking for former uni mates hoping for reunion??? hahahaha
Sorry, you need to look somewhere else.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
21 Oct 2022   #506
publications which follow the latest social trends.

This is a funny story from a primary school textbook

Alien  22 | 5460
22 Oct 2022   #507
Well, nowadays men even take maternity leave. I took it too.
amiga500  5 | 1473
22 Oct 2022   #508
writes without a russian accent.

Yes he must have graduated top 10 percent of his class in moscow. :)
Paulina  16 | 4384
22 Oct 2022   #509
I remember names and faces...

I'm not sure, but I'm probably a bit better with faces than names... I'm sure though that I have a problem with memorising numbers. I don't even remember my own phone number lol

There was a time when we had to memorise a lot of dates of battles at history classes at high school - I think it was about Napoleonic Wars. That was pure nightmare for me. It didn't help that I didn't see the point of learning all this stuff by heart. It seemed like a waste of time and brain space for me, especially considering the fact that we were quickly forgetting such minor details like some not very important battle under Psia Wólka or whatever *sigh* Even though history was interesting for me, I think the problem with history classes when I was at school was that we were expected to memorise too much, instead of analysing more, etc. The sheer load of the material we had to cram into our heads was putting me off. The rule was: "Zakuj, zdaj, zapomnij".

Was it Moscow State University or Moscow University for the Humanities?

Nope, a Polish university :)
Lyzko  41 | 9545
22 Oct 2022   #510
Probably none of his English professors were Anglophone native speakers:-)

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