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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

jon357  72 | 23565
21 Nov 2021   #421
Is it correct English???

OP pawian  226 | 27583
21 Nov 2021   #422
ESL handicap / inconvenient truths.

No, darling, it is too many serious problems for such a simple country boy like me. I allow you to choose one and you need to decide now. Which one do you suspect me of? :):):)

I refer you to the first image.

Stop deflecting. My time is too precious to waste it on your silly images. Say openly what or who you mean.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
21 Nov 2021   #423

Yes it is.

And as usual you demonstrate being the typical wokester who winces when confronted with reality. You are unable to survive your own purity spiral and you know it. Hence your off-topic diversions instead.

Nevertheless, this is a golden opportunity for you to set an example and apologize publicly for your own collective responsibility in the misery and subjugation of other minority groups. Not only for you being an out and proud homosexual agitator but also as an Arab-speaker as well and that community's long, sordid and shameful history in the slave trade which continues to this very day.

Your reluctance to apologize will be fully expected but I still hope you can find the courage to do so.
jon357  72 | 23565
21 Nov 2021   #424
too many serious problems

And of course irrelevant here in Poland.

time is too precious to waste it on your silly images

Indeed. Meanwhile, there are actual real issues here.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
21 Nov 2021   #425
You are unable to survive your own purity

Funny that such purity survival problem primarily affects you. I mean your racial purity.

We have been waiting for over an hour. Shall we get the requested info who or what you were talking about or not???? :):):):)

Your reluctance

Is duly expected but I still hope you can find the courage to do so. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27583
21 Nov 2021   #426
4 hours have passed. My dear interlocutor decided to withdraw from the discussion (which he had initiated) to avoid saying clearly what or who he had meant. It is so unbelievably funny. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27583
22 Nov 2021   #427
And of course irrelevant here in Poland.

Jon, it seems the other poster took your advice to heart and decided to quit our humorous company and take care of more important issues. Amazing your words seem so simple but they have such a powerful impact. :):)
jon357  72 | 23565
22 Nov 2021   #428
They flee at the slightest sign of adversity.

It just shows how far they are from Poland, where people don't do that.

Talking about schools, a friend who has school age kids told me yesterday that her kids' school has gone online again, due to the virus. Not great news, especially since she and her husband both work full time.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
22 Nov 2021   #429
her kids' school has gone online again,

Entire school? I thought it is done selectively, for classes where the infection appeared.
jon357  72 | 23565
22 Nov 2021   #430
Entire school?

She didn't say, however it sounds like more than one class since the kids are different ages.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
21 Jan 2022   #431
Two controvercies concerning high school prom balls surfaced recently

During one ball the DJ played a song whose chorus is J******. PiS which means Fekk PiS! One student shared the film in the media and the head teacher is going to punish him for that. Interviewed students claim nothing serious happened and they can sing and do what they want at their own ball. Let me add that the ball is organised by students and their parents and the staff are only invited as guests.

mafketis  38 | 11214
21 Jan 2022   #432
DJ played a song whose chorus is J******. PiS

Could have been worse.... can you imagine the devastation if he'd played 'Prez twe oczy zielone'?
OP pawian  226 | 27583
29 Jan 2022   #433
Two controvercies concerning high school prom balls surfaced recently

The second is if 19 year old students may drink alcohol during the ball. If it takes place in the school, they mustn`t. But if in a non-school facility in town, they can coz they are adults. However, teachers are of different opinion and students feel wronged coz it is their own ball where the staff are invited guests so why don`t they mind their own business???
OP pawian  226 | 27583
12 Mar 2022   #434
The latest data: so far, 24.000 Ukrainian refugee kids have been accepted into Polish kindergartens and schools, mostly primary. There are about 600.000 of them altogether. A huge challenge for the Polish education system, already strained by previous failed reforms........

Some of my high school students work as volunteers who assist in fundraising or even work in charity sectors which directly handle refugees.
Joker  2 | 2457
12 Mar 2022   #435
Some of my high school students work as volunteers

Poland is turning out to be the real "stand up" country by helping their fellow neighbors. They will be close friends forever now. This is the kind of spirit that Putin cannot break and he never expected it either:)

Its just a matter of time for the end of Putin.

Edit... Not to diminish all the countries that are helping also.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
11 Apr 2022   #436
Right now I am preparing a vocabulary test for one of tomorrow`s classes. The task is simple - translate 10 Polish words into English and vice versa. There is also a Ukrainian version for one female student. I have a deal with her - she agreed to take part in all testing activities though Ukrainian students aren`t required to. She is really ambitious and hard working. Good. I wish all my students were like that. :):)

The only thing which worries me in her English is her pronunciation. She speaks with a heavy accent which sometimes affects communication. I wonder why.
jon357  72 | 23565
11 Apr 2022   #437
I wonder why

People from russia (and perhaps Ukraine too) have more challenges with English pron than Native speakers of Polish. As do Italians and a few others.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
11 Apr 2022   #438
perhaps Ukraine too) have more challenges with English pron

I had no idea about it. Interesting. Why so?
mafketis  38 | 11214
11 Apr 2022   #439
People from russia (and perhaps Ukraine too) have more challenges with English pron than Native speakers of Polish.

Quite true. I''ve followed some Russians online who write English at native level but when I found spoken interviews... yikes! I can barely understand what they're saying..

A person's first language shapes their speech apparatus in ways that make some other languages essentially impossible to pronounce really well.

That said, I've had several Russian speaking students who do manage reasonably well.

(Polish speakers are not disadvantaged in English but are horribly disadvantaged in languages in which vowel length is important (Japanese and some other Asian languages especially) they seem really uncapable of producing short and long vowel sounds).
Lyzko  45 | 9751
11 Apr 2022   #440
When writing, we usually tend to think about what we're saying before committing finger to keypad. While there's always GoogleTranslate to fall back on, when we speak, typically we have to react spontaneously to the interlocutor, something made all the harder through native language interference. Most of us revert to our mother tongue when either stressed or eager to express ourselves as we would in our first language!
OP pawian  226 | 27583
12 May 2022   #441
Solidarity with Ukraine displays in Polish schools. Both teachers and students are doing a great job.

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OP pawian  226 | 27583
12 May 2022   #442
Solidarity with Ukraine

There are thousands of them in most schools.

  • 20220303_solidarni.jpg

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  • 7.jpg

  • 2.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27583
11 Jun 2022   #443
A few days ago in one English class we were reading a review of a book set in a dystopian world. My students had no idea what it meant so while they were reading the text, I started looking for pics to show on the interactive board. However, most of what I found on the laptop reminded me of some destroyed cities in Ukraine and I gave up - I didn`t want to evoke any nasty associations in Ukrainian students.

  • images.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27583
25 Jun 2022   #444
Amazzzing! Now that I have more time I started going nostalgic about the past. I am recalling my academic teachers. One of them was professor Marta Gibińska, an outstanding expert on Shakespeare. I attended her classes on British literature of 16/17th century in the second year. She made us read the plays and then enlightened us about all hidden symbols and meanings we missed. Then we had to sit short exams on each play we did in class.

I still remember the comment she wrote on one of my tragic exam sheets - I think it was Macbeth - Your English is alarmingly bad. Nothing has changed since then. :):):):)

I am so happy she is still with us. Best regards, Mrs Gibińska.

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amiga500  5 | 1530
25 Jun 2022   #445
reminded me of some destroyed cities in Ukraine and I gave up

That's silly just play the beginning of bladerunner 1 or 2
OP pawian  226 | 27583
25 Jun 2022   #446
British literature

English, of course. :)

play the beginning of bladerunner

I don`t play s-fi action games, I only watch them. :) Playing is silly, but whatever you like.....
amiga500  5 | 1530
25 Jun 2022   #447
I don`t play s-fi action games, I only watch them. :) Playing is silly, but whatever you like.....

It's probably the best dystopian sci-fi FILM ever made.. and no ruined cities, the english word for that would be more apocalyptic rather than dystopian. By play i mean press play on the video, common english parlance.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
25 Jun 2022   #448
By play i mean press play on the video,

Aaargh. A funny misunderstanding but you should know there are dozens of PC and console games based on Bladerunner motifs. I know them all but never played any.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
15 Jul 2022   #449
The trend of leaving the job by teachers all over Poland hasn`t been stopped by the PiS government. It is increasing and there is no hope it can be reversed.

Well, there is hope in the new government after the elections. But the losses will have become irreparable by then. We are losing the best teachers who have had enough.

Thank you, PiS!
PS. Why do Polish rightists have to fekk up almost everything they touch? In every sphere???
OP pawian  226 | 27583
22 Jul 2022   #450
The first post in this thread mentioned PIS` botched "reform" of education a few years ago.

also due to the controvercial reform which abolished junior high schools 3 years ago.

We are still suffering negative consequences of that crazy decision. Two age groups, instead of one, are taking part in this year's recruitment to secondary schools. In many schools there are more candidates than places. Head teachers are alerting that they will not be able to accept all applicants.

Dejavu coz a similar situation already took place in 2019 when this thread was started.

How is it possible that two age groups are competing for places in schools again??

This is the result of the "reform" of 2014, when seven-year-olds born in 2007 and six-year-olds from the first half of 2008 went to school. Now, these two-age-groups teens choose high school at the same time. That is why there are several people willing to win one place in high schools and technical schools, especially the best ones. Many schools expand or even create new class units, but the head teachers emphasize that there will simply be no room for some candidates.

PIS, of course, is blaming everybody else for this scandal except themselves.

Thank you, PiS gangsters, for your incompetence.

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