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Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa?

Miguel Colombia  - | 351
23 May 2010   #181
Humanity as a hole has to be erradicated. Enough said.
paulinska  9 | 86
24 May 2010   #182
The blacks, arabs, and muslims are a danger to not just my country, but to all of europe

In other words GREED! Europe is like Mankind, always wanting more and more! Europe is the mastermind of its own downfall. Europe's foreign policy is disastrous! Keep out of other people's businesses, im quite sure we'll all live in one peace.

People on here talk abt Europe helping 3rd world countries, oh yeah, thats very noble and im sure they do appreciate that massively but why not clean up your house first? the last time i checked, Greece was part of the EU but apparently Europe is struggling to fund their increasing Deficit, poor Greeks! I suppose Greeks dont have oil, how ironic!
richasis  1 | 409
24 May 2010   #183
Humanity as a hole has to be erradicated. Enough said.

It will do this to itself in time (see you when you're back!)

Ironic indeed, Paulinska. The Money Changers' agenda steamrolls along - to the detriment of nations.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
24 May 2010   #184
In other words GREED! Europe is like Mankind, always wanting more and more! Europe is the mastermind of its own downfall. Europe's foreign policy is disastrous! Keep out of other people's businesses, im quite sure we'll all live in one peace.

So Africa is not mankind? What are they ,not humans? Subhumans? Superhumans? Animals?
24 May 2010   #185
No, Poland is the best to poland to coming and studies, You will find black friends in Warsaw... Yesterday the Polish police killed Nigerian at stadion market place cause he was selling fake clothes. He murder cause of colour of skin in Warsaw, there is police brutality in Poland... The polish society is not friendly to foreigners...They lie on their police offical report about murder. My only advice to you is go to better country in West European for example Uk, Holland and Socland.
Karl1983  8 | 41
24 May 2010   #186
So Africa is not mankind? What are they ,not humans? Subhumans? Superhumans? Animals?

As always Miguel can't help but pick on others on this thread!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
24 May 2010   #187
It's kind of sad you're 27 and are so slow. Paulinska said Europe is mankind, so I am asking her if she considers other continents as something rather not human.

I suggest you to refrain from reading my posts ,lest you go insane.
paulinska  9 | 86
25 May 2010   #188
So Africa is not mankind? What are they ,not humans? Subhumans? Superhumans? Animals?

It's a metaphor, miguel! The key word is LIKE. I didnt say Europe is mankind.

Paulinska said Europe is mankind, so I am asking her if she considers other continents as something rather not human

Oh....and im a 'He'..sorry if i gave the wrong impression.
25 May 2010   #189
Miguel Colombia,
Polish are mankind, that is the polish way to defend her countries, if she is pole...It was not tactics....that is the way in Poland...
25 May 2010   #190
hatred is a corrosive element that eats one frm inside, its sad that sum people have so much hatred and spend most of their time thinking abt some other people and idealisms that are blatantly pointless and childish, maybe its in the way people are brought up, a happy european is nuthng compared to a happy poor african in africa, hakuna matata enjoy life free of hatred, he who has eyes and ears let him comprehend and assimilate he who has water in his head let his anger consume him from inside till the day he dies, let the burn inside the marrow of your bone be ever so painful bcoz u torture yoself with meaningless emotions :P
southern  73 | 7059
25 May 2010   #191
Minorities bring money but also conservative sh1t.
paulinska  9 | 86
26 May 2010   #192
hakuna matata

Well spoken lad!
jarnowa  4 | 499
28 May 2010   #193
hakuna matata enjoy life free of hatred

That's a common trick used by Africans that invaded Europe. Trying to win the hearts of whites by playing the innocent, peace-loving and relaxed African and then putting the blame on white people by portraying them as evil and full of hatred only because they want to protect their territory, properties and beloved ones against 3rd world immigrants.

That ain't gonna work for me buddy, because this trick has been used too many times by 3rd world immigrants.

If you lived in africa and white men came brutally to your country without asking your permission and girls you fancy wouldn't see you standing anymore and instead only sh#g with these white guys i'm sure you wouldn't be as relaxed as you are now.

No, then you would probably join some militant Black Panthers-like group and listen to gangstarap about evil whites. Your hatred against whites would grow stronger every day and then one day when you are frustrated about something and then you see a girl you fancy walking hand in hand in da hood with some ugly white guy, chances are you and your maties take a machete and next day we have another white guy murdered in Africa.

You now have no reason at all to hate whites because of everything we gave you, so it's easy talking. I think your view of whites will change soon if we wouldn't allow you to live anymore in our territory.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
28 May 2010   #194
hakuna matata

Good post!
12 Jun 2010   #195
reading your comments now i understand why there is high rate of suicides among whites.
ALEX1  - | 2
15 Jun 2010   #196
Hmm Poland,a good place bro.But you have to be careful of those polish racists calling you ***key cuzz you are black or spitting at you.

Yesterday monday 14,June 2010,I was walking with my polish girlfriend and a woman just walked past us and said my girfriend is stupid bcos she's going out with a blackman.

Do you know how many will be looking at us this way?maybe many even have many worse to do to us that just saying STUPID STUPID STUPID.....anyway that was not the 1st time.

Wsh you goodluck if you come to poland bro.

jarnowa  4 | 499
15 Jun 2010   #197
Yesterday monday 14,June 2010,I was walking with my polish girlfriend and a woman just walked past us and said my girfriend is stupid bcos she's going out with a blackman.

Respect for that brave woman, she could have been stabbed for that.

Do you know how many will be looking at us this way?maybe many even have many worse to do to us that just saying STUPID STUPID STUPID.....anyway that was not the 1st time.

Wsh you goodluck if you come to poland bro.

It's the price you both pay for betraying your own race. Don't blame others, blame yourself.
Matowy  - | 293
16 Jun 2010   #198
It's the price you both pay for betraying your own race. Don't blame others, blame yourself.

If humans weren't meant to "betray their race" then maybe, just maybe, race would actually exist in humans? Unfortunately for you, it doesn't, so you have no excuse for being a degenerate, you just are.
Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Jun 2010   #199
Hmm Poland,a good place bro.


But you have to be careful of those polish racists calling you ***key cuzz you are black or spitting at you.

not nice

Yesterday monday 14,June 2010,I was walking with my polish girlfriend and a woman just walked past us and said my girfriend is stupid bcos she's going out with a blackman.

What wrong with it?
16 Jul 2010   #200
Sounds like reverse colonisation happening to me, by your descriptions. Empires all across Europe colonised African and stripped the continent as a whole of culture, autonomy and resources and then left the countries as quick as all hell and left them with nothing to speak of by way of stable government, infrastructure or a true chance at economic development. Reap what you sow, Europe! If you're all complaining about third world immigration taking over your countries, then the best way to prevent that is to make the third world join the first world and make all the countries in the world as liveable as possible. No one would want to leave their country if it was a safe, happy, prosperous and healthy place to live.
Jenny_Irishgree  - | 3
17 Jul 2010   #201
Yes it's so obvious. But not for others apparently..

You're all very stupid especially the polish ones who say they know it all about their history. I'm not even polish and i know more than you.FAIL; I really pity the normal polish who have to deal you and your insecurities.

All i can say is "cheer" for dark skinned people, not even just for them, for Jews, homosexuals and women who have to deal with happy idiots :/
19 Mar 2011   #202
hello i recently got a job in Poland and after the online interview i have i was picked and a job
offer was sent to me. the company is currently working on my work permit.

1. The salary per 160 hours is 900Euro
2. They provide accomodation.
3. Transportation to and from work free.
4. Medical metainance in case of accident is guaranteed, according to the
polsh legilation.
All i need is your advice concerning Poland because l heard they are racist
and not accommodating.

My main place of work will be in Glinojeck,gm.Kondrajec Panski,Poland

waiting for you reply
Best Regards
JonnyM  11 | 2607
19 Mar 2011   #203
My main place of work will be in Glinojeck,gm.Kondrajec Panski,Poland

At the sugar plant?

Generally the people in Poland aren't especially racist and are generally polite, but be aware that Glinojeck is quite a small town with small town attitudes. Having said that, British Sugar employs a few foreign people, so you won't be alone. If you are black, people will notice you and stare, but that doesn't mean they're being rude - it just means they don't see many black people.

You didn't say if the 900 euros was net or gross? Assuming it's gross, that's ok for Glinojeck since accommodation is provided, but you'll have to live quite frugally (easy in Glinojeck) to be able to save a good amount. If it's net, it's not at all bad for somewhere like that. Visits to Warsaw are easy from there too.

If you are living in or near Glinojeck, you may be able to give private English lessons, since there is a shortage of native speaker teachers round there (and the sugar plant was having problems finding any).

It doesn't seem a bad offer. If I may ask, what kind of work do you do?
20 Mar 2011   #204
thanks jonnym

l have being employ as the manager of foreign packing machine workers at agricultural industrial complex
and my work are: calculation of working hours,distribution of workers on workplaces,control over work process on packing of strawberry,tomatoes,cucumbers,raspberries and other products of the company.

the 900Euro is net,overtime rate 6,86 Euro?hour (net), 8 hrs work? day payment at the end of the month into my account.
kindly enligthen me on any university around where i can d my masters in international business management
JonnyM  11 | 2607
20 Mar 2011   #205
Since it's net, 900 Euros is OK in Glinojeck. There isn't much to spend money on there! The nearest place to study would probably be in Warsaw (I don't think there's anywhere in Ciechanów). There are plenty of places, not just Warsaw University or the economics school (SGH), but other institutions (called Wysza Szkoła). The prices of courses vary a lot in Poland. A friend is finishing his Masters' at this one (, but I'm not sure if they do anything in English. Kozminski certainly do, as well as PWSB.

This article may be useful for you. It's about MBAs, but has a good list of institutions: Good luck, and enjoy Glinojeck!
20 Mar 2011   #206
thanks you have being helpful to me a lot. l will still appreciate your help in anyway
NevJordano  3 | 5
7 Oct 2012   #207
I haven't seen too much trouble here. I guess if you are in some bad parts of Warsaw, then maybe.

What would you consider a bad part of Warsaw? A friend of mine mentioned an area named "Praga" being bad.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Oct 2012   #208
A friend of mine mentioned an area named "Praga" being bad.

'Praga' covers the whole area east of the river. A bit like saying Brooklyn. Most of it is OK. The places to avoid are the obviously poor-looking housing estates dotted around the fringes of the city - you can usually tell by the state of the shops and the amount of grafitti. Warsaw is, on the whole, a safe city.
EarlGrey  1 | 7
11 Oct 2012   #209
Not sure how accurate this will still be :) There is a Polish song about African immigration to Poland :)
8 Feb 2013   #210
Not all Nigerians are scammers!
Some are genuinely God-fearing and earn decent living and can honestly afford to send their children to Poland for a broader view of life.
Are you implying that Nigerian med schools are better or comparable with Poland med schools?

Why are transferring from Cyprus?
I did hear that many Nigerians are leaving the place due to racism.
What really is the true situation?

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