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Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa?

RevokeNice  15 | 1854
19 May 2010   #91
Didn't know you were African? Well, anyway, this proves that the Dutch and Germans are in fact not only the most intelligent ppl of Europe with 107 average IQ as was posted some time ago, but also from the entire world. Good to know.

Yes, they must have undertaken the study just after you left. :)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
19 May 2010   #92
Didn't know you were African? Well, anyway, this proves that the Dutch and Germans are in fact not only the most intelligent ppl of Europe with 107 average IQ as was posted some time ago, but also from the entire world. Good to know.

If they were so intelligent : ahahahaha
Stu  12 | 515
19 May 2010   #93
With the influx of Africans to Netherlands

Might I suggest you refrain from commenting on the immigration situation in the Netherlands, cause obviously you know preciously little about it (but probably you know preciously little about anything anyway - the only thing I generally read from you are simple platitudes) I guess you haven't reached this IQ of 107 yet, but got stuck at 10 (best case scenario).
richasis  1 | 409
19 May 2010   #94
Might I suggest you refrain from commenting on the immigration situation in the Netherlands, cause obviously you know preciously little about it

And, I couldn't care less...just because.

(but probably you know preciously little about anything anyway - the only thing I generally read from you are simple platitudes)

As always, I'm happy to help.

I guess you haven't reached this IQ of 107 yet, but got stuck at 10 (best case scenario).

You say "best case scenario", I say "best-case scenario"...
Crow  155 | 9699
19 May 2010   #95
Will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from African?

of course. All guests in Poland are welcome. They come, they have some nice time in Poland and then they go back to their homes. Some of them visit Poland for several times
Crow  155 | 9699
19 May 2010   #97
i don`t see Poland as sex market. Poland is essence of West
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
19 May 2010   #98
i don`t see Poland as sex market.

Wrong. I know about people that travel to Poland just to have fun with the girls and that's all they want to do there.

Poland is essence of West

Right.In times when Islam is slowly conquering Europe, I have to agree.
Crow  155 | 9699
19 May 2010   #99
Right.In times when Islam is slowly conquering Europe, I have to agree.

Poland is West from long time ago, not just recently. From the Western Balkan (Serbia) core of West first moved to the Slovakia (Nitra) and then to the Poland where still live
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
19 May 2010   #100
Poland is West from long time ago, not just recently.

I do know Poland is part of the west; I was just stressing your perception of Poland as the "essence" of the West.
Crow  155 | 9699
19 May 2010   #101
I do know Poland is part of the west

yes, Poland i part of Slavic world. But, we have to be honest- Poland is core of Slavic world, meaning core of the West

I was just stressing your perception of Poland as the "essence" of the West.

i noticed your confusion but, never mind
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
19 May 2010   #102
yes, Poland i part of Slavic world.

Wow, thanks for that one, Einstein.I didn't know! :O

But, we have to be honest

Sure we do.

Poland is core of Slavic world

What makes you say that? I would like to hear Russians or Ukrainians comment on that.
I think no one cares about which country is the core of the Slavic world, or the periphery.

As to the core of the west...I don't think that a country with such a little relevance to the West as Poland is could be the core of the west.
Crow  155 | 9699
19 May 2010   #103
What makes you say that?

i know

I would like to hear Russians or Ukrainians comment on that.

Russians and Ukrainians agree on all what Serbs say

I think no one cares about which country is the core of the Slavic world, or the periphery.

many care

As to the core of the west...I don't think that a country with such a little relevance to the West as Poland is could be the core of the west.

Poland isn`t only core. i would go that far to say that Poland represent last hope of West
richasis  1 | 409
19 May 2010   #104
Wrong. I know about people that travel to Poland just to have fun with the girls and that's all they want to do there.

When I was in Poland, I spoke to some 'tourists' (from Cameroon) at a nightclub in Warsaw and when I asked them the purpose of their visit, they said (and I'm quoting) "to f**k some Polish b****es."

The two later left arm-in-arm with three (rather attractive) Polish girls (presumably) for this intended purpose of their visit. Just Sayin'...
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
19 May 2010   #105
The two later left arm-in-arm with three (rather attractive) Polish girls (presumably) for this intended purpose of their visit. Just Sayin'...

There you go. It's kind of sad...
jarnowa  4 | 499
19 May 2010   #106
For how long have you been living in Poland? How old are you?

It's quite offtopic. :)
More ontopic is how to stop 3rd world students from misusing their temporary visa. I mean by marrying a Polish woman to get permanent access to Poland/Europe.

I think they should made a law that student and business visa can never be followed up/changed to a permanent visa. So even if this "temporary" immigrant marries a Polish woman, he will still have to leave Poland when his temp. visa expires.

Poland should really be tough to people who misuse the system. Many of them just apply for a student/business visa because it's easier and faster than by seeking asylum.

These days i see more and more blacks in my city and i really don't like. I used to see 2 per week, now i see 2 per day. :(

What you say about multiculturalism, you seem to have more critic to people warning against it than to people who want to destroy slavic culture by promoting multiculturalsim, so i thought i knew which side you are on. Maybe i was wrong. :)
richasis  1 | 409
19 May 2010   #107
In the end, multiculturalism will prevail. It is, after all, the agenda.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
19 May 2010   #108
It's quite offtopic. :)

Oh, it may be off topic but I am sure it won't hurt you to answer those simple questions, right? So do answer to them.

These days i see more and more blacks in my city and i really don't like. I used to see 2 per week, now i see 2 per day. :(

It might have something to do with the fact I'm partly of black ancestry, but I don't consider blacks to be the worst kind of immigrants in Europe. I'd go for Arabs and Turks...and Albanians.

you seem to have more critic to people warning against it

Not really. I see you failed at understanding my other post, but it's ok.

destroy slavic culture

I don't think that's possible. Slavs are by far more proud of their culture and heritage than their more politically correct and liberal counterparts in Western Europe.

It is, after all, the agenda.

Seanus  15 | 19666
20 May 2010   #109
Other Slavs can encounter difficulties with integrating but they are usually just initial. Pure black Africans don't have that much in common with Poles so it will be much harder but, as I have said many times before, Poles tend to be indifferent as they have their own lives to lead.
paulinska  9 | 86
20 May 2010   #110
These days i see more and more blacks in my city and i really don't like. I used to see 2 per week, now i see 2 per day.

Thats just the beginning, you'll see more and more until u cant bear it anymore..and you might just end up committing suicide cos guess what - There's absolutely nothing you can do about it. If you don't like being around people of different races, then may be you shouldnt be amongst people! Afterall, Hate is at heart, who knows what you'll hate next after the blacks and the arabs??......may be blue eyed white people!

I'm starting to think this hate of yours steams from some horrible past experiences. Why did u leave your country to come to Poland in the first place?!

YOU CANT FIGHT MULTICULTURALISM - get a grip before you totally lose it!
SouthMancPolak  - | 102
20 May 2010   #111
YOU CANT FIGHT MULTICULTURALISM - get a grip before you totally lose it!

Funny how this only applies to Europe!

I don't see much evidence of multiculturalism in Africa or Asia; most African/Asian countries are at least 98% Black/Asian, and are doing a good job of making sure it stays that way!

So when are African/Asian countries going to start "enriching" their countries with multiculturalism, and start allowing millions of white Europeans in?
20 May 2010   #112
I've read recenty a comment posted in some forum under the movie Presciouse. Some user has in his family a person who is American of an occupation as a young english teacher. And he was making his training (or something like that) in some downtown school where students were mostly Afroamericans and other imigrants. He was shocked that most of them couldnt even talk in english correct way. He decided to use books of english grammar for foreigners and it... gave really great effects. He was proud of himself that he made those kids learn something. BUT the school's headers... fired him because of: making the school education level too high (I mean it wasnt too high for students - they were reaching very good marks and the method gave effects). The heads of the school meant that their students need no education because they are to be labour and lower jobs workers!!!!

Read: they wanted to made them dumb and uneducated!!! Really shocking to me.

I'm ashamed of some of my fellow countrymen to make racist commends in this thread. The statistic someone had brought up... I've seen one but they were completely different. They were something like: Asians: 109, Europeans 107, Africans 103. Absoluteley not below the average level. It must be some racist propaganda because score 85 means that someone is mentally retarded, and as an average score would it mean that lots of them are severely retarded... Abslotulely nonsense! where have you find such rubbish infos? on wikipedia?! Wow!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
20 May 2010   #113
So when are African/Asian countries going to start "enriching" their countries with multiculturalism, and start allowing millions of white Europeans in?

Never. They are as racist and close-minded than the virulent nazi guy that posts on stormfront.
paulinska  9 | 86
20 May 2010   #114
most African/Asian countries are at least 98% Black/Asian, and are doing a good job of making sure it stays that way!

About 0.8% of Africa's population, or 7.5 million out of 1 billion, is white of European descent - wiki stat.

I have not seen posters saying "Africans ONLY" for the upcoming world cup in South Africa. In fact Africa is very open to foreigners, 85% of African countries have waived visas for visitors from the West. So, when you say 'a good job' - i struggle to comprehend it.

I'm quite sure you'll be very welcome to visit/migrate to any African state.

Never. They are as racist and close-minded than the virulent nazi guy that posts on stormfront

Racists? may be - thats an individual mutual feeling, so just like here in Europe NOT all people are racists. However, lets not forget that AFRICA has 3 different human races cohabiting together on the same continent - Africans, White Africans and Arab Africans.

In a nutshell, Africa is already Multicultural!
convex  20 | 3928
20 May 2010   #115
I have not seen posters saying "Africans ONLY" for the upcoming world cup in South Africa. In fact Africa is very open to foreigners, 85% of African countries have waived visas for visitors from the West. So, when you say 'a good job' - i struggle to comprehend it.
I'm quite sure you'll be very welcome to visit/migrate to any African state.

So me as a white guy could go to South Africa and start a company and run it myself? I could bring in some European specialists and we could do business down there without any problems? Will I have to rent some black people to comply with the empowerment laws like the World Cup organizers did?

Interesting stat about whites in Africa, tell me, is that number growing or shrinking? The middle class has long since left, tired of being targeted for being white. The rich and the poor are still there for their own reasons of course.
paulinska  9 | 86
20 May 2010   #116
Will I have to rent some black people to comply with the empowerment laws like the World Cup organizers did?

Convex, i dont think the 'rent' tone is very moral - We're not talking about property or some kind of own belonging. Have some respect for Humanity....and the same goes for all of you who think women are property!

Anyway, im sure you'll find it just fine to set up a company and run it yourself but, albeit certain contractual obligations. Just like anywhere in the world, the government has to look after its own people, right? So if the law says you have to employ a certain number of locals (White/black/men/women) then thats what it is.

We all know that in Europe, European PP holders are considered for jobs (corporate level) within Europe well ahead of any other nationals - I'm sure non-European PP holders have experienced this.

Thats European Law and we respect that. It's always the same; Give some, Get some.
richasis  1 | 409
20 May 2010   #117
So me as a white guy could go to South Africa and start a company and run it myself?

Perhaps if you could stay alive long enough to do so.

South Africa has a very high level of crime. Crime is the primary security threat for travellers.

Violent crimes, including rape and murder, routinely occur and have involved foreigners. Muggings, armed assaults and theft are also frequent and are often high in areas popular with tourists. Carjackings and cases of robbery and assault have been reported as well.

Armed robberies at shopping malls increase in the lead-up to and during the Christmas period. Should you be confronted by an armed individual, immediately comply, avoid making sudden movements, and do not offer any form of resistance.

The South African Police Service does not have "Tourist Police." Criminals, however, have posed as "Tourist Police" to extort and rob tourists, including by stopping tourist buses to check proof of identity and search luggage.

Internet Source: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (

Fans pass on World Cup. Safety fears...behind reluctance to visit S. Africa
Internet Source:

Nelson Mandela sings about killing Whites
convex  20 | 3928
20 May 2010   #118
Convex, i dont think the 'rent' tone is very moral.

I don't really care about your sensibilities. The fact is that there are rental agencies for black executives due to the empowerment laws. You can call it whatever you want if it makes you feel better.

How about this, say that Poland put a law on the books that said that 51% of your workforce had to be white, I take it you'd be ok with that?

Thats European Law and we respect that. It's always the same; Give some, Get some.

The difference of course being is that in South Africa, it's based on race instead of nationality. It's still one of the safer places to be white in Africa though.
richasis  1 | 409
20 May 2010   #119
It's still one of the safer places to be white in Africa though.

IMO, that's not a very comforting thought.
jarnowa  4 | 499
20 May 2010   #120
Thats just the beginning, you'll see more and more until u cant bear it anymore..

I heard this threat before from other blacks. It proves that you are fully aware you offend people by invading their territory.

There's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

The only reason you say this is because you want whites to think resistance is futile. It isn't. More and more people see that multiculturalism is terrible and they want politicians to close the borders for non-Europeans.

If you don't like being around people of different races, then may be you shouldnt be amongst people! Afterall, Hate is at heart, who knows what you'll hate next after the blacks and the arabs??......may be blue eyed white people!

I said i a million times before, i have nothing against blacks and arabs who stay in their own territories. I only have problems with them if they come to Europe because it is Kaukasian territory.

I'm starting to think this hate of yours steams from some horrible past experiences. Why did u leave your country to come to Poland in the first place?!

This i have answered too, you have problems reading due to your low IQ or what?

YOU CANT FIGHT MULTICULTURALISM - get a grip before you totally lose it!

Of course you can. If you come in boats to Europe we can welcome you with a torpedo. If you are found illegal in Europe we can put you in a freight plane to Africa, no problem.

So it can be stopped as soon as there is a right-wing majority in EU parliament.

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