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Elon Musk tells Germans to "move on"!

Bobko  27 | 2150
29 Jan 2025   #31
not apologizing/atoning enough is easily seen and called as "Nazi"

The number one country in the world that deserved an apology from Germany was the USSR.

The German occupation of the Soviet Union was the most brutal and destructive occupation of any country in Europe, including Poland.

According to Nazi plans, the Soviet Union's Jewish population and all members of the Communist Party were to be eliminated, the Slavic population significantly reduced through the Hunger Plan, and the country's economic resources expropriated or destroyed.

Citing from the Nuremberg Trials, here:

"During the occupation of the Soviet Union, the Nazi invaders totally or partially ruined and burned 1710 cities and townships and more than 70,000 villages, burned and destroyed more than 6 million buildings and 31,850 industrial enterprises, rendered around 25 million persons homeless, and caused great damage to the infrastructure and public services."

This all is before one begins to look at the numbers of dead.

So... very strange then that neither the Soviet Union, nor modern Russia ever insist on any kind of apology from Germany. Stalin put an end to all that, all the way back in 1945 - when he said "Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German state remain."

  • stalinstelle.jpg
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #32
the only way we're gonna get there is opening the gates to Central Asia, Africa, and the Subcontinent.

...and say goodbye to Russian music, lit, movies, and the national other words Russian identity and thus Russia.
jon357  72 | 23459
29 Jan 2025   #33
I'll drink to that!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
29 Jan 2025   #34
Stalin put an end to all that, all the way back in 1945 - when he said "Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German state remain."

Yeah....there isn't an East German who does not remember that from school....and it had quite the impact on us. One of the main reasons ex-GDRler are often so much more Russia-friendly than their western compatriots.

Now I have to run....'night all! :)
Bobko  27 | 2150
29 Jan 2025   #35
...and say goodbye to Russian music, lit, movies, and the national other words Russian identity and thus Russia.

... and if Russia is down to a population of 40 million people one day - how the f*ck will it defend what is still the largest country on Earth?

I think if you take a time machine, and talk to Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Alexander the Liberator, or even Joseph Stalin... and ask them -

"What is more important - that people respect our historical cultural output, or that Russia exists as a powerful and sovereign state able to chart its own independent path?"

- they would all answer that "If Russia no longer exists, nothing else matters".

In order to preserve Russia, in its current war, we have Russian white supremacists entering brotherly relations with Muslim Central Asian migrants that they used to spit upon. Preserving Russia is more important than ethnic identity, religion, or culture.

Being Russian, and Russia being a powerful state, are two things closely intertwined.
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #36
I wouldn't be shocked to learn that US army recruitment is low because of multiculturalism..."Fvck...I am not gonna risk my life for 40 millions damn foreigners who boo our national anthem at a soccer match with Mexico ... in LA!"

Or the azholes who call the US racist or fascist.. GFY!

Preserving Russia is more important than ethnic identity, religion, or culture.

Poland has risen from the grave more than once only because of its ethnic identity, religion, or culture. At least in my opinion...

If Poland was designed by the UN, it would not be Poland. It would be NYC.
Korvinus  3 | 609
29 Jan 2025   #37
The German occupation of the Soviet Union was the most brutal and destructive occupation of any country in Europe, including Poland.

I know, Russians, feeling as general successors to Soviets, would like to shed responsibility for kickstarting WW2. But why would you be interested in giving them a free pass is beyond me.
Yes, Soviets joined on the fun 16 days later only because Stalin wanted to be sure France will not honor its alliance with Poland by mounting a general offensive against Germany. When France abstained, Soviets entered Poland.
However the division of Poland has already been decided in a secret protocol to Ribbentrop-Molotow pact, so everything went according to plan.

Not to mention the Soviets murdered every Polish prisoner they had in Katyn and shoved it under a rug for 50 years.

Even the Nazis were enraged when they discovered the graves. I doubt they would have murdered all Polish officers in captivity though we will never know.

You can now absolutely understand why Poland wants to build a NATO bullwark once and forever. And in fact the other European countries should be interested in it too, for the same reasons. Poland / Ukraine, together with the Baltics + Finland will become the guarantee of a safer 21st century.
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #38
Not to mention the Soviets murdered every Polish prisoner they had in Katyn

They mudered only those who spelled Russia as r*SSia.

NKVD was right. Who needs azholes like this...
Bobko  27 | 2150
29 Jan 2025   #39
Poland has risen from the grave more than once

This is true, but Polishness is different from Russianness.

We have Yakuts and Buryats (Northern Peoples, like your Inuits), with names like Ivan Ivanov or Roman Petrov, and everybody - except for some idiots - fully accepts that they are Russian. Same with people from Khakassia, or Tuva, or Karelia...

These are people that mostly speak only Russian, have Russian names, are often Orthodox, and have ancestors that have been Russian citizens going back hundreds of years. But they are not white, blonde, blue eyed Russians.

Russianness is, as many authors have stated, a state of the soul. Its not like being American, but its also not like being a Pole.
Korvinus  3 | 609
29 Jan 2025   #40
They mudered only those who spelled Russia as r*SSia.

In KatyƄ they shot up policemen and firefighters and postmen as well, having a uniform was enough
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #41
having a uniform was enough

Let me guess...They had an attitude, too...

This is true, but Polishness is different from Russianness.

The world is becoming Brazil. I see it, hear it, and I hate it.
mafketis  38 | 11155
29 Jan 2025   #42
if Russia is down to a population of 40 million people one day

It will be entirely due to the choices of russians... including to let a stupid, vain dictator drag them into an unwinnable conflict that kills hundreds of them every day.

Make bad choices.... live (or die) with the consequences.
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #43
including to let a stupid, vain dictator drag them into an unwinnable conflict

Are we now talking about Bush 2, Obama, and Biden?
jon357  72 | 23459
29 Jan 2025   #44 german we call it "Erbschaftssteuer" (Inheritence tax), and it is widely accepted, even by the rich!

We have that too. That was also extremely high in that period.

This was a tax of 90% on income from investments, annuities (like a private pension, rents from property etc.

It worked.
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #45
This was a tax of 90% on income from investments, annuities

If I have to give all the profits to the taxman, why would I invest, azhole?

It worked.

It worked for whom, terse idiot?

Now you know why this forum needs me...To detect and expose morons like you...
jon357  72 | 23459
29 Jan 2025   #46
why would I invest

You wouldn't, moron.

And you aren't Warren Buffett anyway. You live in a wooden house, jammed in against a lot of other identical wooden houses. What are you? A speculator?

You'd get modest interest on your savings, though...
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #47
Only morons and azfvckers invest to pay 90% tax.
It worked.

For morons who can't count...
OP Lyzko  44 | 9713
29 Jan 2025   #48
Many years ago around 1968, Dr. Alexander Mitscherlich, a German psychiatrist,, along with his wife Margarethe, also a psychiatrist, wrote
a pathbreaking work which I had to the privilege to read, "The Inability To Mourn" (German
original title "Die Unfaehigkeit zu trauern: eine deutsche Art zu lieben"), an examination of the immediate post-War years during which,
in wake of the Nueremberg Trials, the Allies essentially rubbed Germany's nose in the horrors of the Holocaust.

As a result, Germans were faced with an international image of themselves as all Nazis, murderers or scared rabbits who buried their head in the
sand and steadfastly refused to acknowledge the crimes of Hitler, forever blaming such on "others" instead of taking that long, hard look at each other.

This gradually grew into both a deep resentment of foreigners telling them what and how they as Germans should have acted. Later on, it developed
into a sort of "empathy fatigue" vis-a-vis the Holocaust, Hitler, and anything connected with the Nazi period.

Musk seems to have tapped into this feeling and it's disgusting!!
29 Jan 2025   #49
buried their head in the sand and steadfastly refused to acknowledge the crimes of Hitler

As an American, you don't have a leg to stand on.
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #50
Can you expand on this please...
29 Jan 2025   #51
Sure. The US was involved in so many wars and slaughtered so many innocent civilians that Yanks like Lyzko better have a good look at themselves before pointing the finger at others.
Novichok  5 | 8958
29 Jan 2025   #52
[quote=Marrakesh]The US was involved in so many wars[/quote
This is true. Messiah complex plus MICC is a deadly mixture.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
30 Jan 2025   #53
This gradually grew into both a deep resentment of foreigners telling them what and how they as Germans should have acted. Later on, it developed into a sort of "empathy fatigue"

...that sounds rather human. Natural human reactions....but it must be said that wasn't a continous thing for all to all times.

As the Cold War startet the western allies needed the western Germans and toned down all that.....the same happened in the East. The Nazi crimes and the punishment for that faded into the background of actual politics.
As was mentioned had been the "roaring Sixties", the 68er youth rebellion (if you call it like that), the next generation, which had nothing to do with that, which started to bring it to the forefront again and pointing fingers at the many ex-Nazis in gov and society....also only in the West that the East it was not much of a topic for forty years at all (especially the Holocaust that is) besides the glorious victory of Communism over Capitalism.

As I remember it became a big topic again in the course of the re-unificaton of West and East.....mainly stemming from fear of a to-strong Germany again...and unresolved reparation questions and re-negotiated borders and such...and here we are!
OP Lyzko  44 | 9713
30 Jan 2025   #54
Don't know from which corner of the universe you are (although I have a pretty good guess) but
if you're selling "cultural relativism" as pitched by Germany's
revisionist historians, go peddle your propaganda elsewhere!

First of all, devious, indeed, ignoble as many acts of the US have
been throughout our short history, from the Indian Massacres
during the latter half of the 19th century up through the Tulsa Massacre
in the mid-1920's, nothing quite holds a candle to the unrelenting,
systematic sadism of the planned extermination of nearly 11 million
Jews, along with Sinti-Roma at the hands of the Nazis between 1937-
1944. Slavery here at home, horrible and unforgivable, did not involve the depopulation of
sections of the United States for the purposes of expunging an entire race.

While John Perkins's "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" does lay a large degree of
blame for 9/11 at America's doorstep as corporate provocateur, impoverishing much of the
Third World, especially poor Muslim nations, mere mention of same alongside the Holocaust
beggars comparison from a sheer historical perspective.
Ironside  50 | 12930
31 Jan 2025   #55
That's only one theory, regarding why the Western Empire collapsed

It makes sense - logically.
Western Empire suffered from depopulation. They had Goths access to the border, and due to some circumstances, Goths decided to solve their problems with mass migration.
Romans let them in, conflict ensued and the rest is history.
I'm pro-immigration

It can mean many things. I could say I'm pro-migration too.
I'm against mass migration.
I'm pro-selection of directions and people who want to immigrate to my country.
The fact they are eager or willing to move in doesn't count.
mafketis  38 | 11155
31 Jan 2025   #56
I could say I'm pro-migration too. I'm against mass migration.

Humanity has always had a small group of people moving around. It doesn't scale up though... mass migration signals a major problem in the source countries (and causes major problems in the destination countries).
Novichok  5 | 8958
31 Jan 2025   #57
I'm against mass migration.

How would you stop them?

How about shooting them before they cross the border?
pawian  223 | 27187
31 Jan 2025   #58
shooting them

They would need to borrow some professional killers from Israel to do this dirty job.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
31 Jan 2025   #59
Would you defending your home and killing the burglar also call a crime? Should the killer be punished?

What is the difference to a border? Is a nation not allowed to guard its borders like its homes? To keep control who is allowed entry and who not?
pawian  223 | 27187
31 Jan 2025   #60
Should the killer be punished?

You are asking too many questions.
I have an idea. You need to find yourself a good medium, preferably an old woman, to get you in touch with Hitler`s ghost. Then you will be able to ask him about anything when you meet at the table.
When you are done, come back and tell us what you heard. :):):)

Home / Polonia / Elon Musk tells Germans to "move on"!
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