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Elon Musk tells Germans to "move on"!

Korvinus  3 | 609
3 Feb 2025   #91
Jews - the most racist tribe ever.

What does the blood of Christian children taste like?

Sir Richard Francis Burton wrote about this in a book on Jews. Huge parts of the book were censored.

I'd say there is probably a resurgence of such activity today, when for example in the USA the FBI is afraid of prosecuting the Jewish mafia for fear of losing careers. (The Jewish mafia helped the FBI to destroy most of the Italian mafia, and is now the dominant mafia in the USA.)
Ironside  50 | 12930
3 Feb 2025   #92
What does the blood of Christian children taste like

WTF>? are you pawian? Both you and pawain post most bizarre stuff.
pawian  223 | 27187
3 Feb 2025   #93
are you pawian?

No, but he is my twin sister. We were separated in infancy when I stayed in the jungle with apes and she was taken to a big city to live with a rich human family. Life. :(:(:(:(
Luckily, we found each other and that`s what matters.
Korvinus  3 | 609
3 Feb 2025   #94
No, but he is my twin sister.

Yeah, I know. Also ... twins are nothing alike, the guy who first said they are was a Nazi. It's the new catholicism of the masses, all this Oprah Winfrey garbage science.
The great thing about it is, people with tiny brains and tiny penises can all assert that nothing matters, its all just opinion and suddenly everybody is "equal." Yeah, that's it. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Right.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9713
3 Feb 2025   #95
Once again, I draw your attention to the words "planned extermination"!
Furthermore, as I had an opportunity to witness first hand the original minutes
of the Wannsee Conference at the memorial site in the Villa Wannsee itself,
I'm clearly in a better position to judge the authenticity of my information than you.

In addition, I had the misfortune of having once watched the infamous documentary
by Reichsfilmkommissar Dr. Fritz Hippler, "Der ewige Jude" (The Eternal Jew), the
cinematic blue print for the Shoah, you didn't.

Therefore, I advise you to kindly refrain from commenting on matters of which you
have no knowledge! Who do you think you are anyway, Donald Trump??
Novichok  5 | 8958
3 Feb 2025   #96
Who do you think you are anyway, Donald Trump??

That anti-Semite who moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and is the most pro-Israel US president ever...

indly refrain from commenting on matters of which you have no knowledge!

You have the knowledge we don't so please explain why Jews are the most despised ethnic group everywhere.

Please ... not Jesus lecture ...
4 Feb 2025   #97
I draw your attention to the words "planned extermination"

So you base your calculation of guilt and restitution payments on plans now? As Mafketis said, there's no business like Shoah business.

Who do you think you are anyway, Donald Trump?

No, I'm Stephen Miller. I played a major role in "Jud süß".
OP Lyzko  44 | 9713
4 Feb 2025   #98
Not the old German film with Ferdinand Marian directed by Veit Harlan, surely!! Marrakesh, you must be older than the hills, as
that film came out in around 1942.

If you read through the original agenda of the Wannsee Conference, you will see that Heydrich, Eichmann and the rest of the participants
PLANNED on killing off 11,000,000 Jews throughout entire occupied Europe. They only got away with around 6,000,000. Had the Allies not
forced Germany to surrender, the Nazis might well have achieved their horrific goal.

Rich, Jews have been hated throughout the millenia because they were seen as interfering with the
plans of Pontius Pilate to expand the Roman Empire, later, by the Catholic Church based on the myth
of the Jews murdering Jesus.
Barney  19 | 1737
4 Feb 2025   #99
RU would have lost to Germany in WW2 without Poles and without a land lease.

Care to expand on that?

Are you suggesting that the dribble supplied to the Soviets would have equipped 35 million soldiers or compensated for 22 million deaths?
4 Feb 2025   #100
Had the Allies not forced Germany to surrender,the Nazis might well have achieved their horrific goal

Without British and French meddling, WW2 and the Holocaust would have never happened. Also, let's not forget that Brits and Americans were not really eager to help your people during and after the war. SS Exodus and MS St. Louis ring a bell?

If the AfD gets into power, party time in NYC is over. Need more cash? Call Starmer, Macron or Kushner.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9713
4 Feb 2025   #101
Meddling, you call it

Without Allies meddling, Hitler might have won!
Barney  19 | 1737
4 Feb 2025   #102
It wasnt meddling or appeasement it enabling
5 Feb 2025   #103
Without Allies meddling, Hitler might have won!

And 50+ million people wouldn't have died. Decisions, decisions.

Look man, the crimes of the Nazi Germans were unspeakable, but within historic context it's all relative. 7 to 10 million Ukrainians were deliberately starved to death by Stalin's regime in the Holodomor. About 3 million people starved to death in the Bengal Famine because of the decisions of the escaped convict and war criminal Churchill. What about the innocent civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima? What about the 15-55 milllion victims of Mao's Great Leap Forward? What about the 3 million torture victims of Pol Pot? It doesn't matter whether you are systematically starved to death, tortured or killed otherwise. Genocide is genocide. Jews are not special, even if you don't like that thought.

Jews have been hated throughout the millenia because t

Look no further than Gaza beach front property developer Kushner.
Novichok  5 | 8958
5 Feb 2025   #104
based on the myth of the Jews murdering Jesus.

Hey, stupid, can you read and understand English? Do you know the meaning of:

Please ... no Jesus lectures ...

If you want to peddle this crap as the reason why Jews are hated today, 2000 years later, at least preface it with:

What I am about to say is pure crap even I don't believe...
OP Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Feb 2025   #105
...then why bother posting it?? LOL

@Marrakesh, you seemed to have missed the point! Roosevelt
decided not to bomb the railway connections to Auschwitz because
of a virulent anti-Semitic contingent in the US Congress, led principally
by the likes of Messrs. Breckenridge Long, Rankin, Bilbow and their cohorts
in the Senate.

An attempt had already been made on FDR's life in 1935 or thereabouts,
assassinating the mayor of Chicago instead. Roosevelt didn't want to
fall to the assassin's bullet a second time. He was between a rock and a
hard place; appease Hitler, and the Left would cry that he's kowtowing to the
Nazis, fight the Nazis, and the Right would have said he's succumbing to Jewish pressure groups, such as intimated by Norman
Thomas and the (original) America Firsters, among others. FDR was damned if he
did and damned if he didn't.
5 Feb 2025   #106
you seemed to have missed the point!

Why? Any comment on the other genocides I've mentioned and why you think the Holocaust should be treated differently? Any opinion on why a local conflict escalated into a full blown world war because of British and French interference? The denfense deal between Britain and Poland wasn't worth the paper it was written on, and it was one of the root causes for 50+ million people being killed and half of Europe including Poland being sold to the Soviet Union. Thank you, defenders of freedom and democracy.

FDR was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

Let's be honest, the Americans did not enter WW2 until Pearl Harbor and the declaration of war by the Germans. They didn't care about Europe before that, and they still don't to this very day.
Novichok  5 | 8958
5 Feb 2025   #107
Marrakesh, is the US your home country?
appease Hitler,

This is why Jews are hated everywhere...

It takes a stupid Jew to accuse a US president of trying to appease Hitler in the middle of WW2...
OP Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Feb 2025   #108
@Rich, Roosevelt wasn't Jewish, not even close! Jews are hated for the reasons I clearly outlined in #98!
Please re-read, then translate back into Polish LOL
Novichok  5 | 8958
6 Feb 2025   #109
Jews are hated for the reasons I clearly outlined in #98!

I told you in #96 not to give me any Jesus lectures as those just convenient Jewish lies to eliminate the need to get to the real reasons.

Today, nobody gives a fvck who and why killed Jesus. We celebrate his birthday for what he said, not for how he died.
Alien  25 | 6367
6 Feb 2025   #110
Today, nobody gives a fvck who and why killed Jesus

It is true, indeed.
pawian  223 | 27187
6 Feb 2025   #111
I just read the headline of an article:

The sale of Tesla cars drops - clients leave in droves.

Good!!! Last week I called for the boycotte of Musk in another thread.

It is amasing people are so quick.
Novichok  5 | 8958
6 Feb 2025   #112
How many people is "droves"?

How about numbers, you lazy bum...
Miloslaw  20 | 5145
6 Feb 2025   #113
This is why Jews are hated everywhere...

Really?They are not hated by Trump!
His new deal for Gaza sounds great to me!
Expel the Arabs(They are not Palestinians,Palestine never existed) Problem over!
Joker  2 | 2427
6 Feb 2025   #114
His new deal for Gaza sounds great to me!

They could build some nice hotels and casinos there.
Miloslaw  20 | 5145
6 Feb 2025   #115
They could build some nice hotels and casinos there.

Search images of Gaza from before the Arabs took it over and it was a holiday paradise.
Just Google "images of Gaza when it was a holiday resort".
Joker  2 | 2427
6 Feb 2025   #116
Search images of Gaza from before the Arabs took it over and it was a holiday paradise.

It could be that way again once Hamas is totally destroyed.

Im sure Trump wants to develop the land put a few golf courses in with the saudis. They probably are already making the
Miloslaw  20 | 5145
6 Feb 2025   #117
It could be that way again once Hamas is totally destroyed.

Exactly! The only doubt in my mind is that Trump said he would not send troops into Gaza.
If there is no army there, who will blow up the Hamas tunnels, destroy their weapons and protect American workers from potential terrorist attacks?
He has to send SOME troops in.
6 Feb 2025   #118
Im sure Trump wants to develop the land put a few golf courses in with the saudis

Expel the Arabs

Now let Putin invade Poland and expel the locals. I'm sure he and his Chinese friends want to develop the land and put some golf courses there. Sounds good?
Novichok  5 | 8958
7 Feb 2025   #119
Really?They are not hated by Trump!

It's the Jews who says they are hated everywhere. See ADL.

I don't. In fact, tomorrow, I will meet three for breakfast...Mitch, Marv, and Earl...I will be the only one who is not Jewish.

They like me because of my unconditional support of Israel.

When it comes to Israel, I am more Jewish than they are.

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