not apologizing/atoning enough is easily seen and called as "Nazi"
The number one country in the world that deserved an apology from Germany was the USSR.
The German occupation of the Soviet Union was the most brutal and destructive occupation of any country in Europe, including Poland.
According to Nazi plans, the Soviet Union's Jewish population and all members of the Communist Party were to be eliminated, the Slavic population significantly reduced through the Hunger Plan, and the country's economic resources expropriated or destroyed.
Citing from the Nuremberg Trials, here:
"During the occupation of the Soviet Union, the Nazi invaders totally or partially ruined and burned 1710 cities and townships and more than 70,000 villages, burned and destroyed more than 6 million buildings and 31,850 industrial enterprises, rendered around 25 million persons homeless, and caused great damage to the infrastructure and public services."
This all is before one begins to look at the numbers of dead.
So... very strange then that neither the Soviet Union, nor modern Russia ever insist on any kind of apology from Germany. Stalin put an end to all that, all the way back in 1945 - when he said "Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German state remain."