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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

johnny reb 50 | 7,258
12 Jun 2024 #691
don't lower yourself by accusing me of being a child abuser.

Anybody that would lock their daughter in his basement with a big old hairy Muslim man to breed her over and over again until he impregnated her is a child abuser in my book.
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
12 Jun 2024 #692
Of course, without question.

That's why Israelis are killing Gazans. Good Israelis...They were left alone, free, and democratic in 2005 but somehow failed to return the favor.

Did the Gazans who murdered 1300 Israelis on 10/7 at least get visas first? Did they have permits to bring guns and ammo across the border?
Alien 21 | 5,278
15 Jun 2024 #693
Did the Gazans who murdered 1300 Israelis on 10/7 at least get visas first

No, but they had drones and AK 47s. Speaking of which, they just blew up an Israeli armored vehicle, killing 8 of them. We don't get much information about this war.
pawian 224 | 24,572
1 day ago #694
Nazi Israelis use human shields in their genocidal pacification of Gaza. Here, a wounded Palestinian tied to a vehicle.

Torq 8 | 1,031
1 day ago #695
a wounded Palestinian tied to a vehicle

The military said the "conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values" of the Israeli military and that the incident will be investigated and dealt with.

Too bad that Hamas doesn't investigate and deal with atrocities from their side, or say that raping children and murdering civilians does not conform to their values (apparently it does).
pawian 224 | 24,572
1 day ago #696
that the incident will be investigated and dealt with

The same statement was issued when Nazi Israelis killed 7 volunteers helping shelled Palestinians. And what? Nothing.
Torq 8 | 1,031
1 day ago #697
Nazi Israelis

If you really want to look for historical analogies, then you could indeed go back to Nazis:

German civilian population during WW2 consisted mostly of people who voted Nazis to power and supported them in their conquest of Europe. Therefore, those civilians couldn't complain when they were bombed in Dresden and other cities (and, of course, atrocities from Soviet and American soldiers happened too).

The same with palestinian Arab Nazis, who voted Nazi Hamas to power and support them, cannot complain when IDF responds the way that Allies responded in WW2 (and, of course, atrocities happen there too).
Ironside 51 | 12,515
1 day ago #698
Therefore, those civilians couldn't complain when they were bombed in Dresden

Using your logic Israelis shouldn't complain about being bombed by Hamas. Yet they make a big song and dance about it and use it as justification for their atrocities.
Torq 8 | 1,031
1 day ago #699

Oh, excuse me Ahmed al-Pawian and Hamza bin Iron.

I am out of this thread - too many terrorist supporters here for my liking.
Ironside 51 | 12,515
1 day ago #700
I am out of this thread

Run away Tamar Torq, don't forget to take your logic with you ... dropped it long ago.
pawian 224 | 24,572
1 day ago #701
palestinian Arab cannot complain

Of course they can. Their lands have been occupied by Nazi Israel far too long. Their attack last year was a protest against the occupation and revenge on the occupiers.

If you really want to look for historical analogies, then you could indeed go back to Nazis:

I prefer a better analogy - brutal German pacifications of Polish villages which supported forest partisans. Germans surrounded the village, murdered men, women and children and then claimed they eliminated a few dozen partisan Polnische Banditen.

That`s exactly what Nazi Israelis are doing in Gaza - they murder civilians claiming they are Hamas fighters.
That is why calling them Nazis is fully grounded. And this opinions is spreading all over the world like a hurricane.

I am out of this thread -

That proves your insecurity. You know I am right.
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
1 day ago #702
If 10//7 was a protest, what followed was a protest against that protest.

With my kill ratio of 1000 Palestinians for one Israeli, Israel has the right to kill 1,300,000 of them before things are even.

So far, it's not even close.

BTW, why didn't a single Arab country offer asylum to Gazans? Because not a single Arab country wants them. That wall between Gaza and Egypt is all you need as evidence.

They would rather take Israeli engineers and doctors, not Gazan terrorists.
pawian 224 | 24,572
22 hrs ago #703
BB, where are you to defend your fave Nazis??? The last time you took voice here was in May. We miss you......

kill ratio of 1000 Palestinians for one Israeli, Israel has the right to kill 1,300,000 of them before things are even.

Wow! That`s 10 times higher than Nazi Germans who used to execute "only? 100 Polish hostages for 1 German killed by the resistance.
Do you suggest Nazi Israelis are much worse than Nazi Germans were???

OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
22 hrs ago #704
With 100 to 1, the Nazis were too nice.
pawian 224 | 24,572
22 hrs ago #705
the Nazis were too nice.

Exactly! Do you also think they built too few gas chambers???
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12,006
22 hrs ago #706
BB, where are you to defend your fave Nazis???

We are playing the Swiss tonight....

Here, a wounded Palestinian tied to a vehicle. know they are still torturing hostages somewhere in a dark cellar, don't you!
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
20 hrs ago #707
We are playing the Swiss tonight....

You meant "playing with". Right?
Still bad but as bad as what you wrote...

Sorry, I couldn't resist it.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12,006
8 hrs ago #708
You meant "playing with". Right?

Did I?

*scratches head*
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2,200
7 hrs ago #709
@Bratwurst Boy
He is the type of person that has a need to point out, that you shouldn't have said: "Tag", Guten" or "Tschuss" but rather: "Guten tag meinen liebste freund, was machts diese schöne tag?!"

He wants others to talk longer and spill out the info cause he can't read between the lines and needs everything told immediately. Otherwise you are "slimey"

Every intelligent person knows perfectly well what you meant.

BB, where are you to

Oh grow up, only leg the Palestinians have to grow on is if they resisted without terrorism. Now their only chance is if they mass convert to Christianity cause Islam lead countries don't mind them bleeding out.

Only God can save them now.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12,006
7 hrs ago #710
Every intelligent person knows perfectly well what you meant.

*phew* Thanks! :)
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
1 min ago #711
He wants point out that "playing somebody" means to deceive, cheat, hoodwink, or betray

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