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Polish Music.

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Sep 2024   #181
No one, he just posts a very narrow range of classic rock and some stuff that has now become acceptable but hated at the time.

Who are you talking about?

Poles are very good at Heavy Metal, but I would call most Polish bands of that ilk, VERY METAL.
Which is why I don't post their music on here.Most of you would hate it!Have any of you heard music from the Polish band Behemoth?Or seen their videos?I rest my case.

I will try with a few Heavy Polish bands and see how we go.This lot use a bit of electronica, which slightly softens their edge.....see what you think.

This lot were one of Adrian's(RIP) favourite Polish Rock bands.

Coma are one of my favourite Polish Rock Bands.Hopefully, you will like this one.

I'll end with a band that will challenge you.They are basically a Polish/Celtic Folk band that incorporate Hard Rock/Heavy Metal into their music, but being young,they use "The Grunt" which is the term for that "growling" voice used in a lot of new Metal.I am curious to see any reactions!They are called Netherfell.

Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Sep 2024   #182
I'd have to concur!
Is Metallica popular in Poland, by the way?
Just curious.
Joker  2 | 2447
21 Sep 2024   #183
Is Metallica popular in Poland, by the way?
Just curious.

Hahahahahahahahahaha.. If you have to ask...

My personal view is they suck.
Feniks  2 | 858
23 Sep 2024   #184
Całkiem Nowa Bajka:

Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 Sep 2024   #185
Not a fan of metal either.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Sep 2024   #186

Yeah, not bad.

Not a fan of metal either.

You are perfectly entitled to your own opinion.Many people hate Metal.
I love it!!!!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
24 Sep 2024   #187
I still prefer Old timer jazz, boogey-woogey, "The Duke" Ellington, some early Beatles,
Paul Mauriac "Love is blue" (L'amour est bleu) and a whole bunch of antedelluvian hits:-)
jon357  72 | 23654
25 Sep 2024   #188
Paul Mauriac "Love is blue"

Two versions of that posted last night in the other music thread.

If you like that, you'll probably like Nick Drake. Alive (sadly for all too short a time) and writing msic at the same time as L'amour est bleu. I'll post something there.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
26 Sep 2024   #189
This kind of music is not to my taste, but Poles are very good at it.And although the music does not do it for me personally, I can appreciate the fact that these guys know how to play!

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
27 Sep 2024   #190
Some less Rocky posts from me tonight.

Polish music is so varied and very broad.

Whilst lacking the "Umph" that American and British Funk have, this is pretty good.

I'll end with this one tonight.

Feniks  2 | 858
28 Sep 2024   #191
Barbara Wrońska feat. Michał Szpak - Zanim

I'll end with this one tonight.

I enjoyed that one. Strange to hear Polish funk!
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
28 Sep 2024   #192
Barbara Wrońska feat. Michał Szpak - Zanim

Your post was OK but a bit too trans for me......

I enjoyed that one. Strange to hear Polish funk!

Glad you did!Polish Funk is hard to find but it is out there!
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Sep 2024   #193
Poles are very good at Prog Rock, this is a nice tune from Acute Mind.

This is nice too,from Lunatic Soul;

I'll end with my favourite Polish Prog Rock band, Riverside, to me, this sounds like an anti Communist song.

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Oct 2024   #194
Some nice classic Polish music......

Here is one to get you thinking.......

There is so much really good Polish music out there..... it's a shame that other countries have not noticed.....

I'll end my posts with Netherfell, who mix Celtic music with extreme metal, it may not work for you, but it works for me!

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
4 Oct 2024   #195
Rock Music still survives in Poland, but it is changing with the influence of other forms of music that are more appealing to the young Poles.
This is from 10 years ago and as you can see, Rock was still big then....

Classic old Polish Hard Rock!I don't know why, but you need to click on "Watch on YouTube" to see this video.

My last post.I like the music but I think that the old videos swung me...... reminded me of my childhood.....

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Oct 2024   #196
Jazz is a genre that I like some aspects of but I am no expert.Even less so with Polish Jazz.I know it was quite big in Poland in the 1930's and then the war came along.After the war, when Stalin ruled, Jazz was suppressed as a subversive form of music.When he died, Rock'n'Roll was seen as a greater threat by the Communists and Jazz was again tolerated as a less subversive alternative.As I said, I don't know much about Polish Jazz but I know a few names.
Here is my first post of three;

This is my second Polish Jazz post tonight;

My last Polish Jazz post;

If you know more about Polish Jazz than I do(Not difficult!) please post on this thread, I am especially interested in the older stuff.
Feniks  2 | 858
7 Oct 2024   #197
L.U.C. feat. Kwiat Jabłoni, Bela Komoszyńska - Koniec Lata

@ Milo, liked the Riverside and Akurat songs.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Oct 2024   #198

I absolutely loved your post too!Great song, great video and I loved the use of Red and white in the video too, intentional or not!

I have just one very late night post tonight.
Many of you have probably seen this before but I think it is so sensational that it deserves to be heard again.

pawian  226 | 27817
9 Oct 2024   #199
Many of you have probably seen this before

Again, primitive copy and paste without any deeper thought, let alone a few words` description what you are peddling here.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
9 Oct 2024   #200
Again, primitive copy and paste without any deeper thought, let alone a few words` description what you are peddling here.

Oh, just £ off Pawian!I came across this video by chance and thought it was great.And I am not peddling anything!

If you want to enlighten us with "Deeper Thought" and "A few words of description" please be my guest........I will be as interested as anyone else who does not know the full story behind this sensational video.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #201
Oh, just £ off Pawian!I

I will when you stay away from me. :):) If not, I will have to retell you a few nasty things, including my mention of Cargo and you know who.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
10 Oct 2024   #202

So, you don't know any more about this video than I do?You are incapable of "Deeper thought" and "descriptions" but are happy to criticize me for not doing so are pathetic.....
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #203
riticize me for not doing so

Because it was you who made that post, imbecile from sewers, not me. It is your moronic duty to say a few words about what you post. If you still don`t understand such basics, it means your fellow rats in the sewer are more intelligent than you. Now go and eat what Cargo left you know where. Ha!!!!
Feniks  2 | 858
10 Oct 2024   #204
Lenka originally posted the video and it is amazing. Can't find it online to download on my phone though :(

Here is a short but interesting article on the making of the video:
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
10 Oct 2024   #205

Thank you for doing what Pawian was obviously incapable of doing..... telling us the story behind this video;

Who could have known that 748 people would sound so good together in 1 song, while being in 748 different places? Lockdown showed all of us that it is more than possible.

Adam Sztaba, a well-known Polish composer and music producer, came up with an idea to create his own version of "Co Mi Panie Dasz" (a popular Polish song released in 1982 by a band called Bajm) and engage as many artists as possible in this project. He wrote a post online asking any amateur and/or professional musicians to participate. He also reached out to some famous Polish singers and asked them the same question. All of the artists had 6 days to make a video of themselves playing/singing their parts and to send it to Adam Sztaba. His amazement seemed endless as he saw 732 videos flood in, which combined with 16 videos from the singers equals 748 videos to compile into one.

Sztaba passed the massive task of mixing all of the videos with sound to his two trusted colleagues and after 2 weeks the whole clip was ready. But there is something even more amazing about this project. The instrumentalists had no idea that in the final outcome they were going to be joined by the singers. The singers were not aware of the instrumentalists either; it was all kept a secret from all the participants until the premiere of the video. Well, the audience's reaction to the official music video released on the 29th of April 2020 was a huge surprise too - even Adam Sztaba himself didn't expect more than 4 million views in less than a week. When asked what is the most unique part of this arrangement of the song, Sztaba mentioned the fact that these are 732 musicians who do not know each other and all have completely different musical backgrounds, some of them are amateurs while others have been playing for years. Also, Beata Kozidrak, the lead singer of the band Bajm, shared the new version of her song on her social media saying that she is more than happy to see how such a project made her song, which was already relatable to all Polish people, absolutely timeless.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
10 Oct 2024   #206
Anyway,I've had enough of Pawian's drunken gutter language insults......let's have some Polish music!

Pawian will expect me to tell you all about these bands......but I have no wish to bore you to death.
Either you like the music or you don't, it's as simple as that!
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2024   #207
I have no wish to bore you

Stupid excuses all the time... :)):)
When is the brain transplant due??
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
10 Oct 2024   #208
Stupid excuses all the time... :)):)

Put the bottle away and go to's nearly midnight in Poland and you are still full of insults!

Is it wodka or mead that you are drinking?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Oct 2024   #209
Either you like the music or you don't,

I don't.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Oct 2024   #210
I don't.

Fair enough, I don't like most of your musical tastes either, but we are all entitled to our own opinions.
That is freedom!

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