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DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ?

OP Crow  154 | 9463
30 Aug 2019   #31
How does the word "love" apply here?

Love in the sense of love for something valuable in touristic, economic and strategic sense.

But, considering other factors, I shouldn't have even bothered...

I know. Daily politics, moronic people and my specific style can be challenging.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
30 Aug 2019   #32
It certainly is, I wish you would turn it down so that we could converse like normal human beings.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
30 Aug 2019   #33
I second the motion. Fewer prophesies, less spirituality and NO religion, since religion, like NAZI's and Hitler, end conversations, not advance them.
More facts or opinions about current events.
And English is a learnable skill - if only by observing how others here do it.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #34
Without spirituality, there can be no religion, merely idol worship or the worshipping of tin gods such as Hitler:-)

On the contrary, Rich, religion discussed intelligently doesn't end conversations, it begins them!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Sep 2019   #35
No. Religion is the enemy of intelligence and vice versa since intelligence is naturally inquisitive and religion is by decree based on faith and blind obedience.

Global warming is the best example of the modern religion which punishes the inquiring non-believers. In fact, this is the first time in modern times where the term "deniers" has been introduced into what should be an intelligent and purely scientific debate.

In the past, too much inquisitiveness would get you in front of an inquisition court and executed. Nothing has changed except tat the executioners lost the authority to execute. Today, you will be fired.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #36
If religion is the "enemy" of intelligence, how then do you explain the enlightened writings of many a prominent theologians and philosophers
such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Buber, Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas along with many others too numerous to list here?

If you've heard of, much less read, any of the above, I'll eat my hat!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Sep 2019   #37
I don't read theologians just as I don't read about Greek myths. I also don't like sci-fi movies.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #38
As far as the former is concerned, you don't know what you're missing.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
4 Sep 2019   #39
I don't read theologians just as I don't read about Greek myths

Lyzko, I'm with Rich on this one.
Whilst I respect your faith,my wife is a devout Catholic,it is all fairy tales designed for losers as far as I can see.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #40
Fairy tales?

Religion and science are on the same path, only they diverge in their methods, not their goals.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Sep 2019   #41
BS, and you know it. Science had only one mortal enemy: religion.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #42
I know no such thing, Rich! Einstein wrote that he believed in a higher diety.
The enemy of science isn't religion or vice versa, but ignorance pure and simple:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Sep 2019   #43
Einstein wrote that he believed in a higher diety.

He lied to be acceptable. The first thing science says is that there are no miracles. Never happened. Never will. Once the miracles are declared frauds, Christianity collapses. Or at least its childish component. The adult part - be good - is still intact. The problem is that be good is already covered to a limited extent by the penal code. That is why removing religion from the public schools here and not offering a replacement was a mega blunder
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #44
Sounds like a rationalization to me. Kinda reminds me of Ayn Rand meeting William F. Buckley on a TV interview,
at which point she turned to Buckley and asked him point blank, "How can such an intelligent man such as you
believe in G-d?"

It's not a matter of belief, but a simple act of faith.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Sep 2019   #45
To me, believing is about what already happened. Faith is in what is coming. Religions include both - with the latter based on the former. The problem is that if we remove miracles as lies, there is no former and the whole thing collapses.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
5 Sep 2019   #46
Miracles DO exist, but they are not foolish ones aka The Tooth Fairy and such.
Miracles are G-d's way of throwing stones in our path, in order that we see them, not as permanent obstacles, rather, as a test of our humanity:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Sep 2019   #47
Give me the last one. Place and names.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
5 Sep 2019   #48
??? A person doesn't ask G-d for documentary evidence! His work is as it is, whatever it is.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Sep 2019   #49
I didn't ask God. I asked you.
Miracles are claimed by the Catholic Church to be facts. There is no wiggle room there. They either occurred or they did not. Things which occurred, have time stamp, location, and the names of the miracle maker and the witnesses.

To be a saint, one has to have two miracles attributed to him or her. In plain English, it has to be claimed and proven that on a certain day, at a certain location, the person considered for sainthood performed a miracle. Twice.

If you are planning to give me more of the same evasive crap, don't bother.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Sep 2019   #50
Because an explanation remains somewhat opaque to you, needn't mean it's an evasion:-)
You, like many people, seek facts rather than enlightenment. Asian cultures, for example Korean and Japanese
find us round-eyes quite primitive and childlike in our impatient search for "truth", all wrapped up in a nice little
basket with pink ribbons. Truth isn't always "explained" to you digestibly, it often simply comes to you.

Life doesn't work according to how you think it does, and the ways of G-d are a mystery.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Sep 2019   #51
Spoke a master of evasion and a comprehension challenged language expert. As such, you conveniently missed:

Miracles are claimed by the Catholic Church to be facts.

This allows me to discuss miracles as facts, not beliefs, or faith. Facts. Did you get it, or will I have to repeat it?

Do you know what "facts" means? Of course, you know, but, instead, your post is about me, Korea, Japan, and pink ribbons.
On the other hand, "you" - meaning me - is used in your post 5 (that's five) times to switch, deflect, obfuscate, and derail.
So, either you deal with miracles as facts the way CC treats them or start your own religion where miracles are not facts but merely just suggestions.

So, which one are they: facts or something else?

Life doesn't work according to how you think it does, and the ways of G-d are a mystery.

Miracles declared by the Catholic Church to make some saints recently are not according to me, so drop that personal bs.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Sep 2019   #52
You're confusing here institutional with spiritual Christianity. The Vatican aka The Catholic Church declared abortion, among other things, a sin bar none.
Merely because the Pope has so decreed doesn't necessarily make it right or just, does it? Or do you hold to the notion of papal infallibility as well?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Sep 2019   #53
I am confusing nothing. You are ignoring what is my posts. I am done.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Sep 2019   #54
The Catholic Church declared abortion, among other things, a sin bar none.

This is where you are confused Rabbi.
Your brain has been poisoned.
It wasn't the Pope that decreed abortion (a.k.a. MURDER) a sin, it was God Almighty that said, "Thou Shall Not Kill".
Remember the burning bush ?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Sep 2019   #55
As a Pole i don't have a hint of a clue on what Dalmatia even is.
Ironside  50 | 12916
7 Sep 2019   #56
You mean AS A peasant you have no clue. Dude do you know what Dalmatians are?
Lenka  5 | 3531
7 Sep 2019   #57
You say it as if peasants weren't Polish.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Sep 2019   #58
Boys will always be boys and peasant will always be peasants (whatever their nationality).
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Sep 2019   #59
Yet the question of precisely what is life

I will answer in RANDOM.
Ironside  50 | 12916
8 Sep 2019   #60
You say it as if peasants weren't Polish.

No, I mean he is a Polish peasant not the same as Polish if you know what I mean.

Boys will always be boys

tsk tsk that is a very transphobic of you.

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