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Unfulfilled promises by PiS

pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #1
PiS has promised many new laws and reforms to the system to gain Poles` support and win consecutive elections. Some of them have been fulfilled.

Here are major ones they failed to introduce :

1. no doctors or dentists in all schools
2. no lower VAT
3. no higher tax-exempt income for all Poles
4. no better health care system - it is even worse under PiS and the queues got longer.
5 no 3 million new apartments from state funds
6 no 3000 kilometres of new highways
7 no Polish ferry - it hasn`t been even designed yet.
8 no 1 million electric cars
9 no new kindergartens and creches.
10 no deal for Swiss franc mortgage loans
11 no new laws for efficient collection of alimonies
12 no remains of Tupolev plane from SMoleńsk air crash
13 no farmer subsidies the same as in old Europe
14 no end to trash contracts
15 no investment funding at 25% yearly
16 no new Central Airport between Warsaw and Łódź

One of their failures, though they advertised it as their huge success, was putting an end to VAT evasion gap. VAT scams are still popular under PiS like in the past. PiS had to withdraw their blatant lies about PO stealing 250 billion in VAT scams because if they continued this narration, they would have to be called thieves, too, who stole 108 billion during their rule.

Did I forget anything? I focused on major fails by PiS, I ignored dozens of their minor promises, e..g, the new Labour Law.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Jun 2020   #2
But they started to dig that ditch across the Vistula Split, didn't they?

And they did cut down a lot of century-old forests in the Białowieża Forest, too
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #3
:):) Yes, they started digging. That is why we can treat it as a partly fulfilled promise and I didn `t include it in the list. However, this thread deals with unfulfilled ones. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12954
30 Jun 2020   #4
PiS has promised many

hmm you would be believable if you post as well unfulfilled PO promises. As it stands you are only piking a fight as a tribe member.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #5
hmm you would be believable if you post as well unfulfilled PO promises

Why me, you can do it, who forbids you? hahaha

I won`t do it coz PO hasn`t been in power since 2015, now it is PiS` time. Showtime!

Besides, I have done my duty of an impartial observer already. I won`t be so cruel for you, lookie here, darling, and check who started this thread below:

As it stands you are only piking a fight as a tribe member.

Why don`t you admit, darling, such impartiality as mine is completely unattainable by you? You would never dare to critizise PiS openly in this forum although as a nationalist you should consider them bolshevik or at least socialist.
Lenka  5 | 3539
30 Jun 2020   #6
you would be believable

Oh he is believable. Even if he had PO party badge it doesn't make the promises any more fulfilled
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #7
Oh he is believable.

Yes, Iron stops using logic too often and he needs to be reminded about it regularly. The fact that I don`t like PiS doesn`t mean the list of their failures is false. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12954
30 Jun 2020   #8
Why me

I believe I have explained it already why it has to be you. If you don't want to, forget it.

I have done my duty of an impartial observer already.

As i said you are nothing but an impartial observe. You are part of a political tribe and a pert of the tribal political war in Poland. That is an obvious conclusion. Wait you don't know it? Are you deluding yourself you are something else. Just wake up and smell the coffee you are not fooling anyone here. Maybe you fooling yourself - that I don't know.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #9
As i said you are nothing but an impartial observe.

hahaha I am really honoured you focus on me to such an extent. It is sort of distinction, I must say, I will include it in my CV one day if I change jobs. hahaha

Now, get off me and tell me which position in the list of PiS` failures is wrongly put there. I am open for a factual discussion. Are you able to have one? Or are you a crude nationalist obsessed with your inferiority complexes towards everybody and everything who/which you don`t grasp? hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12954
30 Jun 2020   #10
am really honoured you focus on m

I found on a poster. Right know not that many people posting here. No need for you to be honored by my attention but I suppose it is only natural as your peasant instincts kicked in, sensing DNA of your long time masters.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #11
Now, darling, after you spat out what has tormented you for so long, can you at last comment on the list of PiS failures? :):)
Ironside  50 | 12954
30 Jun 2020   #12
last comment on the list of PiS failures? :)

Why? I think those are just trifles. Pis failed fundamentally at building so called VIRP . They don't even try to build a proper functioning state but use the best out of it in the present shape to remain at the helm. They are a joke but there is nothing it can be done. You and your side are just terrible soviet rabble that should stay in the gutters where they belong.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #13
Why? I think those are just trifles

Not such trifles, after all. You don`t live in Poland and get ill here, so you are lucky. Aks Poles who need a consultation with a specialist.

use the best out of it in the present shape to remain at the helm.

Iiif, I am glad I have managed to pry this opinion from you at last. Better late than never.

People, Iron speaks against PiS!!! At last. (It is to my credit, I proudly admit). buhahahaha

terrible soviet rabble that should stay in the gutters where they belong.

Yes, that`s PiS attitude. But I must sadden you - that space in the gutter is also designed for you and your like. You perfectly realise PiS don`t want to have a competition on the right. Don`t worry, I will move to make room for you, too. hahahahaha
mafketis  38 | 11167
30 Jun 2020   #14
You are part of a political tribe and a pert of the tribal political war in Poland

So are you (except the "in Poland" part)

failed fundamentally at building so called VIRP

is that supposed to be IV RP? that was just a crude metaphor and part of their overall campaign to discredit anything after 1989 (part of their larger campaign to recreate the PRL with religion and nationalism instead of marxism).
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Jun 2020   #15
16 no new Central Airport between Warsaw and Łódź

Probably it is not a bad thing after all. This is a pharaonic project for which the government will have no money in the future. The Germans are not capable to finish their big hub in Berlin, and despite much progress having been done in Poland recently to tarnish the infamous image of "polnische Wirtshaft", Germany is still a better organized country than Poland. And they carry on without the big hub in Berlin and can still manage.

It is unrealistic to assume that such pandemias as COVID-19 will never return. On the contrary, it is realistic to assume that they will return and on a larger scale. Perhaps not in a year or two, but they will. It was already obvious 10 or 15 years ago when these types of pandemia were breaking out on a local scale, but were succesfully quenched.

The air traffic is not likely to return to the levels observed in the times before COVID-19, so what should we need a pharaonic hub for? To baptize it "Lech Kaczyński Airport"?
mafketis  38 | 11167
30 Jun 2020   #16
On the contrary, it is realistic to assume that they will and on a larger scal

Open borders mean open illness...

The blog itself, mostly dedicated to cycles in history, politics and popular culture is fascinating (the author goes off the rails on a few subjects but is mostly insightful and interesting).
Ironside  50 | 12954
30 Jun 2020   #17
So are you

Nope, your are wrong. I'm not.
If anything I'm anti-neo Marxist ideology that swept through the west and is about to devour or principles and premises that civilization has been build upon.

You 're a one sorry ass American that is out of the loop here and has not inking what is really going on. You're awareness stopped on the year 2000 when all those issues weren't half as bad and as much in the open as they are now.

Not to mention that in Trump and Brexit we can see rejection by the people of those so called liberal enlighten elites> Authorities that supposed to be better, wiser with a knack to solve problems.

They have been exposed as greedy arrogant a-holes who like to preach a lot with a superiority complex overt the masses i.e. the people. On the other hand they lost ability to solve problems and gained a habit of creating problems. Due to them being prone to fall for some idiotic ideologies with commie roots.

All those ANTIFA BS and pulling down statues is enabled by that ex-elite that kick back in retaliation and let loose they extreme wing in a vain hope they can come back to power. We will see if they gonna be successful that after the next election.

is that supposed to be IV RP

It supposed to be a Polish state, not some sorry excuse for post-Soviet statelets that cannot even get it Constitution right and were everything depends on cronyism and corruption.

Everything after 1989 should be discredited as that state was a continuation in more ways that one of the soviet Poland. Hence talk about transformation not change or independence. Soviet Poland transformed into a new state but most of the people with power and in power remaindered the same for a very long time.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jun 2020   #18
If anything I'm anti-neo Marxist ideology/Trump and Brexit/ All those ANTIFA BS

Again, a useless soliloquy coz we are talking about PiS` failures in this thread. Are you able to stick to the topic or not?
mafketis  38 | 11167
30 Jun 2020   #19
Everything after 1989 should be discredited

Okay.... then debts incurred by the governments should not have to be paid and debts to the Polish state cannot be collected.

No educational degrees granted after 1989 should be recognized?

No professional qualifications?

How does this work?

What do you want in a constitution that isn't in the present one?

What do you not want in a constitution that is in the present one?

Two easy questions, can you answer?
Ironside  50 | 12954
30 Jun 2020   #20
What do you want in a constitution that isn't in the present one?

I want it scarped all together

What do you not want in a constitution that is in the present one?

clear cut competences and responsibilities of governmental, legislative and juridical powers. freedom of speech, and right to own a gun.
mafketis  38 | 11167
30 Jun 2020   #21
clear cut competences and responsibilities of governmental, legislative and juridical powers.

Such as.... do you have a model in mind or do you want to create something from whole cloth?

freedom of speech

Doesn't that exist now?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Jun 2020   #22
Of course, it does. Whatever you may hold against PiS, Poland enjoys the freedom of speech. I was telling in another thread about that anti-PiS exibition just in front of the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.

Andrzej Duda is president of all Polish people including those who have put up up this anti-PiS exhibition.
Crow  154 | 9552
1 Jul 2020   #23
Whatever you may hold against PiS, Poland enjoys the freedom of speech.

I agree. Poland is even the cradle of democracy.

Andrzej Duda is president of all Polish people

Why only Polish people?

Poland is mama to many Slavs.
Ironside  50 | 12954
1 Jul 2020   #24
No professional qualifications?

I'm not going to squabble over your sophistry.

Doesn't that exist now?

Yes and No. There is rather customary practice of free speech that more or less has been followed. On the other hand there is no imbedded in law right to free speech.

do you have a model in mind

American model with few modifications due to Poland's traditions, circumstances and history. A custom made model rather than an iron cast copy.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
3 Jul 2020   #25
This is a pharaonic project for which the government will have no money in the future

I read the comment: PiS will do their best to push it coz the opposition claims it is an idiotic idea. :)

The air traffic is not likely to return to the levels observed in the times before COVID-19

So, currently, it is a useless idea. How about 2050?

o baptize it "Lech Kaczyński Airport"?

Knowing PiS, it is probably one of main reasons.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Jul 2020   #26
Gumi, I saw your reply, it was binned allegedly due to excessive quoting. Sorry for that.
I read all your explanations and wasn`t satisfied coz you tried to persuade us that most promises were impossible to carry out, while some have just been introduced (after 5 years of rule, just before next elections).

If they were impossible, hadn`t PiS known about it before? If they had, it means they are liars. If they hadn`t, it means they are stupid amateurs.

All in all, the unfulfilled promises remain PiS` failure.
mafketis  38 | 11167
6 Jul 2020   #27
Which is why Duda is talking about the non-existent issue of gay adoption... and the blithering idiots in the media are happy to play along.

Purely disgusting.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Jul 2020   #28
Disgusting but understandable - they ordered special polls which cost millions but learnt that some Poles, properly provoked, will be influenced negatively by the issue and will vote in fear rather than in reason..
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 Jul 2020   #29
All in all, the unfulfilled promises remain PiS` failure.

Platforma hadn't fullfill many more of their electoral promises and also added some corruption on top - so for me the choice is simple
OP pawian  226 | 27558
8 Jul 2020   #30
Platforma hadn't fullfill many more of their electoral promises

Actually, they carried out more than half of their promises. Certainly not worse than PiS.

also added some corruption on top

PIS has the same problem and is torn by corruption scandals like PO.

Yet, there is a huge difference in fighting corruption: during PO rule, culprits lost their positions.

During PiS, they keep their positions and money and business runs as usual.

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