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Unfulfilled promises by PiS

OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #61
As for bribes, be patient. In free Poland, all PiS` bribes from nowadays will be investigated and prosecuted.

First swallows have appeared. PiS politicians accused of embezzlement and illegal transfer of funds for PiS campaign in 2015. The case was so blatant it was impossible to sweep it under the carpet.

you are a useful idiot in my opinion - tit for tat

Idiot is still more honest than a consious liar, isn`t he? hahaha

Ok, I will be fair with you. Why do I believe you are lying about your brother? Coz if it was true, you would have mentioned it long ago, instead of now, in the heat of the discussion and elections in the background. Show me a thread from between 2015-2020 where you mention your bro who knew a person who was involved ....bla bla bla??? hahaha
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #62

former PiS politicians (very important) face charges in court - compare it with the case of Stanisław Gawłowski who faces corruption charges and still is an active politician of Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform) - look at how in an obvious case of corruption Beata Sawicka was aquitted by a court of appeal - and you will choose to turn a blind eye anyway

Coz if it was true, you would have mentioned it long ago, instead of now,

I just learnt it precisely today - and you will still refuse to see a bigger picture - your kind of people will lead to a civil war in this country I believe

also look at the case of the former PiS senator Stanisław Kogut - he was thrown of the party when there appeared charges against him
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #63
look at how in an obvious case of corruption Beata Sawicka was aquitted by a court of appeal

Coz PiS arranged the whole affair as special services` provocation. I am really amazes you ignore such obvious facts. Now imagine that in free Poland the new government set up such a provocation against PIS. Will you be happy? Of course not, as I know you - you will out loud about illegal activities ad nauseam.

the case of Stanisław Gawłowski who faces corruption charges and still is an active politician of Platforma Obywatelska

Faces. Yes. Has he been convicted yet???? hahaha I heard it is another provocation by PiS who use a suspicious or even false witness to incriminate Gawłowski.

I just learnt it precisely today -

Well, I appreciate your sincerity now but you understand that my only reaction to it can be: buuuhahahaha. After minimum 5 years which have passed from discussed times, you learnt about an alleged scam with main PO politicians involved just today. You can`t make this shyt up.

PiS senator Stanisław Kogut - he was thrown of the party when there appeared charges against him

Only because Kaczyński didn`t like him. But Szumowski wasn`t coz the Chairman decided to defend him at all cost. Simple.
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #64
Coz PiS arranged the whole affair as special services` provocation.

Provocation is allowed for police to investigate crimes in Poland

After minimum 5 years which have passed from discussed times, you learnt about an alleged scam

my brother learned about it last summer when during a rehab - and I only had a chance to talk a little longer today
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #65
First swallows have appeared.

I meant cases brought to court. A few more are still waiting.

All in all, when one does some research, it seems PiS has collected quite a big number of mysterious suspicious or openly,criminal cases in their account. Some of them indicate PIS is a well organised, efficient mafia.

Ewa Żarska case, an investigating journalist found dead in her flat.
Roman Kostecki case, an ex boxer who could incriminate PiS politician in hideus crimes, found dead in his cell.
SKOK case, PiS controlled banks went bankrput, the state had to compensate gigantic money to account holders.
Silver Towers case, Jarosław Kaczyński involved in dirty machinations.
Banaś case, PiS politician from top leadership lets his house to a brothel
Podkarpacka case, PiS politicians involved in sex blackmails and corruption
VAT mafia in Ministry of Finance - case from 2019
PiS controlled Getback case - 3 billion zlotys lost by trust fund members
Net hater group in Ministry of Justice case
Kuchciński family air travel case
Kujda case, former communist agent, later in top PiS

Provocation is allowed for police to investigate crimes in Poland

The court ruled differently - it was illegal. Do you want to argue with the Code of Law? hahaha

my brother learned about it last summer when during a rehab

Look, I heard last summer that Kaczyński was an active gay in the past and an agent for communist services called Balbina. Find one post in the forum where I mention it.

See the difference between you and me? A liar and an idiot, as you said? hahahaha
Ironside  50 | 12312
10 Jul 2020   #66
PiS has collected quite a big number

Sure, sure what Trzaskowski's proportions for Poland? What Nitras is doing there?
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #67
SKOK case, PiS controlled banks went bankrput, the state had to compensate gigantic money to account holders

PiS doesn't control SKOKs - the case you mention is a case of SKOK Wołomin whose founders were ex-WSI officers

Silver Towers dirty machinations? care to elaborate ?

PiS doesn't control getback - stop copy pasting man

you just simply don't know what every case was about - you just copy paste

net hater group was one crazy woman
Ironside  50 | 12312
10 Jul 2020   #68
he case you mention

Why you even try to explain anything to pawian, the only case that can be refer to him or about him is a basket case.
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #69
The court ruled differently - it was illegal. Do you want to argue with the Code of Law? hahaha

because the judiciary in this land was (and still to a big extent) is biased against PiS
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #70
you just simply don't know what every case was about - you just copy paste

Don`t be silly - I heard and read extensively about them when they surfaced - I am recalling them right now one by one because there are so many of them.

And you are still lying. That`s sad but also funny. How long can you go on??? hahaha

PiS doesn't control SKOKs

Really? hahaha Read about Mr Bierecki, top PiS politician, involved in SKOK scam, but PiS prosecutors refused to accuse him. That was a bigger scam than Amber Gold.

Untouchable Bierecki,1,

And I could elaborate on all other cases which you doubt but... I won`t bother coz you are not worth it. Yaawn, I am sleepy.

because the judiciary in this land was (and still to a big extent) is biased against PiS

hahahaha poor PiS, that is why they need to overthrow the judiciary and take on new one which will like them. YCMTSU- to save time, I will use this abbrevation meaning: you can`t make this ... etc.

Why you even try to explain anything to pawian, the only case that can be refer to him or about him is a basket case.

Poor gumishu and Iron, you have such a problem with pawian, who, though an idiot as gumi said, is exposing all rightard lies and manipulations in your posts. How dares he? buuhahahaha
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #71
The court ruled differently - it was illegal. Do you want to argue with the Code of Law? hahaha

because the judiciary in this land was (and still to a big extent) is biased against PiS@gumishu

the regional court ruled that Sawicka was guilty - and the court of appeal aquited Sawicka using an institution of laws which doesn't exist in the Polish law - namely the institution of 'fruit of the poisonous tree' -
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #72
because the judiciary in this land was (and still to a big extent) is biased against PiS

How come? Maybe they are just decent fair independent people who won`t allow PiS to dictate to them their rulings, favourable for PiS criminals?

AndI hope you won`t be so unreasonable to tell me about communist judges in today`s Poland - do you know the average age of judges in Poland???

using an institution of laws which doesn't exist in the Polish law - namely the institution of 'fruit of the poisonous tree' -

Now, I will gladly use your method on you: link, please. hahaha
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #73
Now,m I will gladly use your method on you: link, please. hahaha,185127.html
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #74
court of appeal aquited Sawicka using institution of laws which doesn't exist in Polish law - namely the institution of 'fruit of the poisonous tree'

No, it doesn`t exist directly - correct. But it exists indirectly in various articles of the Code and Constitution. And most of all, courts are not fobidden to use it. In the USA such evidence is unlawful.

Another link where it is described

So, don `t make such a big halo out of it coz the case was dubious from the very beginning as PiS had gone too far with that provocation.
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #75


the link you posted doesn't work for me
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #76
Faces. Yes. Has he been convicted yet????

you probably never heard of Sławomir Neumann tapes -

where he explains the role of the courts in PO shenanigans
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #77
the link you posted doesn't work for me

hmm, I don`t know why the address is automatically cut - it misses the beginning - h t t p s://www

where he explains the role of the courts in PO shenanigans

No, he doesn`t really explain anything,. He only says the court will procrastinate with trials. But he never mentions PO will influence it. He meant the typical length of court proceedings which can last for years here.

Sorry, but that example of yours is a miss.
gumishu  16 | 6181
10 Jul 2020   #78
But he never mentions PO will influence it.

there is no need for PO to influence the courts (the recording was from 2017) because they played to the same goal

also read the TVN24 interview of the 'infamous' Agent Tomek on how he met Sawicka and what made them use a provocation against her
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Jul 2020   #79
there is no need for PO to influence the courts (the recording was from 2017) because they played to the same goal

An attempt at a clever reply but failed coz I won`t take it - now you are offering your private opinion which is false of course, not a fact.

If it had been true, he would have said sth like: We will use our connections in the court etc. He never said it. I read all he said, he assured his mates in a very emotional way that everything would be fine, so why didn`t he use such a heavy argument about PO-controlled courts??? Because it didn`t exist.

A drowning man catches at a smelly shittee straw again, gumi??? hahahaha

also read the TVN24 interview of the 'infamous' Agent Tomek on how he met Sawicka

Excuse me, can I use another of your replies on you: I am not in the mood. Midnight and election silence are approaching, I want to have a little more fun here and there, not read about PiS agents. hahaha
OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 Oct 2020   #80
In Decemeber 2015, PIS Prime MInister, Szydło, promised that PIS won`t bring in police against demonstrators and protesters, like PO used to do, because we respect dialogue, fredom and difference of opinion.


Fekking rightard liars - the police was brought out onto streets every year of their rule.,59/szydlo-za-czasow-pis-nie-wyprowadzimy-policji-przeciwko-manifestantom,604576.html

Down with evil occupiers of Poland! Down with PiS!


amiga500  5 | 1473
30 Oct 2020   #81
There is a pandemic you Imbecile
gumishu  16 | 6181
30 Oct 2020   #82

heh pawian got called imbecile right after he called someone an imbecile - precious
OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 Oct 2020   #83
Yes, very precious! Your observation is so spot- on. Those rightards copy everything like parrots from intelligent people and are unable to think on their own. That amiga natio wasn`t my student, so now he is trying to make up for it, repeating whatever I say.

If that`s the way he wants to learn from educated people, let it be so.


There is a pandemic you Imbecile

Yes, I know but what is the connection with the police against demonstrators and PiS` lies? Think logically.
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Oct 2020   #85
Those rightards copy everything like parrots from intelligent people and are unable to think on their own.

They have no original thought at all. Just personal fear and a deliberately nasty and negative way of expressing it.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
1 Nov 2020   #86
Modesty, moderation, decency - these were to be the leading characteristics of the PiS rule, uttered by their PM in 2015. Today, after tens of corruption scandals and infantile mismanagement cases, PiS rightards stil prove they have learnt nothing and don`t care about falling support in polls.

RIght now, in the middle of the pandemic and crisis resulting from it, PiS rulers are planning to buy 308 limos for their ministers and other civil servants hanging around the government.

Down with PiS, down with those cursed occupiers of Poland.
mafketis  38 | 10868
1 Nov 2020   #87
were to be the leading characteristics of the PiS rule

At least where I am in Western Poland (never the PiS heartland) I have the idea that people now simply regard the national government as irrelevant. There's a lot of lightning symbols in windows some graffiti (political graffiti has never been the norm here) and the like and definitely more people are not bothering with masks outside... if PiS says something that automatically makes people think it's not necessarily true...

If there's not a turnaround they might have trouble holding out until 2023....
OP pawian  219 | 24592
5 Jan 2021   #88
Empty promises all the time.
PiS are boasting how many vaccines will have reached Poland by the end of March 2021 - nearly 6 million. The problem is those losers really think that the possession equals distribution. Now 600.000 doses are waiting in freezers to be used but the rate of vaxing is very sluggish - since 27 December till yesteday 50.000 people were vaxed - it gives the daily pace of about 6000. At this rate, vaxing millions of Poles will take years.

Promises are very cheap, so PiS abundantly serves them to Poles.

Unfulfilled promises all the time. Why?

I have perused all posts here and found out we have never discussed the reasons for PIS` intrinsic inability to successfully create and develop sth new and useful that requires a complex organisation.

The main reason in my opinion is their highly biased choice of people who are supposed to carry out major tasks. PiS` main criterion and requirement is ideology - they appoint and hire only those people who profess rightist views. It is natural the bench of players becomes very short as a result if the coach rejects all those players who disagree with him and puts them out to grass. PIS is such a coach - they don`t want to work with people with different political agendas.

Is there a chance to overcome this problem? No. PiS wil never change its harmful attitude coz they are simply unable to. Rightist ideology is a supreme value for them.

Very bad for the progress in Poland. We are really unlucky.

What do you think? Is that a correct supposition?
mafketis  38 | 10868
5 Jan 2021   #89
PiS` main criterion and requirement is ideology

It's worse, the _only_ criteria that matters is party loyalty so loyal bunglers screw things up.

I wouldn't say that they have any kind of cohesive right-wing ideology at all... that would be better because it's possible to engage with people with right-wing views.

The closest they have to an ideology is 'bezinteresowne chamstwo' (literally 'selfless rudeness'? sort of being nasty and unpleasant for the sake of being nasty and unpleasant....)

That's they they have no positive agenda and sound fake an insincere when they try (as in JK's appeal for people to 'defend the church').
OP pawian  219 | 24592
5 Jan 2021   #90
criteria that matters is party loyalty

Oh, yes, you put it better than me, I also meant it when mentioned rightist ideology. One of its characteristics is the merciless loyalty to the party but primarily to its leader.

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