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Unfulfilled promises by PiS

OP pawian  224 | 27129
10 Apr 2021   #121
There are some centrists. I am starting to see Gowin

Not sure about others but I am not going to vote Gowin any longer., I voted for him 10 years ago when he was a conservative counterweight in liberal- leaning PO. But later he allied with corrupt PiS and took part in votings which spoiled the law and undermined the constitution. Such crimes mustn`t be forgiven. That is why, if he chooses his own path, he will lose miserably. Polls prove it - around 1% support. Conservatives won`t vote him coz they prefer PiS. Centrists won`t, either coz he is political scum.
Ironside  50 | 12884
10 Apr 2021   #122
to vote Gowin a

Vote for Miller or other outstanding commie. After Kiszczak kicked the bucket you have difficulty in choosing your man.
OP pawian  224 | 27129
10 Apr 2021   #123
Vote for Miller or other outstanding commie

No, I will vote for Women`s Strike coz I love rebellious ladies.
amiga500  5 | 1502
10 Apr 2021   #124
Pity that they laugh at you in return.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 907
11 Apr 2021   #125
A wasted vote like all those people voting for Bernie in the US.
amiga500  5 | 1502
11 Apr 2021   #126
Not to mention strike kobiet is not a political party and is impossible to vote for. Old communists like @pawian will always vote for SLD
OP pawian  224 | 27129
11 Apr 2021   #127
Pity that they laugh at you in return.

What makes you think so????

Not to mention strike kobiet is not a political party

Today. Did I say that I was going to vote for them the next day??? Why are you so impatient?? :):)
amiga500  5 | 1502
12 Apr 2021   #128
What makes you think so????

Because rebelious young women always laugh at old communist boot-lickers who try to hang onto their coat tails
OP pawian  224 | 27129
12 Apr 2021   #129
I see. That`s great. So I will vote for them coz I love making people laugh. hahaha
OP pawian  224 | 27129
27 Apr 2021   #130
A few years ago PiS heavily criticized previous government for increasing the internal debt. Currently, Poland is indebted by 1.5 trillion PLN and the debt is still growing.

Thank you,. PiS..
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Apr 2021   #131
Debt of Poland is little insignificant joke in comparison to Italy, Greece or to printing dollars/per capita in States. Or in Germany when we are at it. Plus, Poland is a country with a clear perspective. Italy? Greece? States? Germany? OK, alright with States if Trump or some Trumpist come in White-house or something considering they would probably rename White-house as trends goes.
OP pawian  224 | 27129
30 Apr 2021   #132
Debt of Poland is little insignificant joke in comparison to Italy, Greece

How long can be keep it as anargument? Until the day our debt becomes on par with other countries. But then it will be too late.
OP pawian  224 | 27129
6 Jul 2021   #133
Amiga, in another thread you quoted the lies of those PiS frauds about the so called New Deal for Poland.
We will make up for this development deficit very quickly thanks to the government fund of the Polish Deal'

But we already established in this thread that they are unable to build anything new and positive - they are only able to squander money and suck state companies like leeches.

Poles are very wary of the New Deal project coz they still remember all unfulfilled promises by corrupt PiS. We mentioned them all in the first post in this thread.
Ironside  50 | 12884
7 Jul 2021   #134
How long can be keep it as anargument?

Well until Tusk came back to power and then ...... he will make it a million times higher..
mafketis  38 | 11105
8 Jul 2021   #135
he will make it a million times higher..

The problem with your style of cynicism is that it makes any real improvement impossible.... nothing that can actually be done comes close to what you would like and so no positive change is possible and so why not support the crooks that are slightly less unappealing....

I'm not happy about Tusk being back - the great failure of the last 10 years of Polish politics has been the failure to produce leaders who aren't fossils.

Tusk had his go. Someone else needs to step up and if they can't/won't then that's just societal and institutional failure (one of the defining features of the age - and not just in Poland, see Merkel, A. still no closer to stepping off the stage).
Ironside  50 | 12884
8 Jul 2021   #136
The problem with your style of cynicism

It is not cynicism. It is realism. pawian attitude is simple he want PiS out and straightforward sellouts and crooks from PO back at the rudder.

It is not really a fusible solution is it?
So what is left?
Unless people in Poland in their majority wise up and start supporting those people and parties that offers real solutions nothing can be done. On the top of it Poland's legal system and organization is just a lame post-PRL duck with some crippling sprinkle of EU imposed laws.

Normally strongest parties in the opposition would came up with at least resemblance of a practical solution. In case of the total opposition we have zeros adding zeros to the great sum of zero.

Konf doesn't have enough support to vie for power any time soon.
OP pawian  224 | 27129
8 Jul 2021   #137
crooks from PO back at the rudder.

Of course not. I want a wide coalition. Even with Konfa. :):):)

Konf doesn't have enough support to vie for power any time soon.

Good that you are a realist.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
8 Jul 2021   #138
Of course not. I want a wide coalition. Even with Konfa. :):):)

To obtain power, and basically blame bad decisions on them. Especially when security forces are used against PiS and Lewica?
OP pawian  224 | 27129
8 Jul 2021   #139
basically blame bad decisions on them

Opps, it didn`t come to my mind, I must admit. You sound like Machiavelli now. :):)

security forces are used against PiS and Lewica?

??? Why Left?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
8 Jul 2021   #140
Opps, it didn`t come to my mind, I must admit. You sound like Machiavelli now. :):)

I had my fair share of testing different styles of governing/government through computer games and political intrigue and plotting/plans from movies. I've had some experience with acting, and to act as a villain I had to understand that mentality aswell, talking and behaving.

I took a scientific/testing approach, I found it entertaining at the time. Didn't know about the consequences.
So when I picture myself a political group governing I can easily expect what type of governing it could be. Depending on the groups past traditions of behavior and line of thought.

I thought Lewica made an unholy deal recently, and rest of the opposition were pushing them in to PiS arms. Leaving Lewica out of government would mean them being side by side PiS as the opposition
Novichok  4 | 8644
8 Jul 2021   #141
that offers real solutions nothing can be done.

You are assuming that governments want solutions. They don't. If you create a department to solve anything and make it go away, from day one, they will be doing their very best to compound the problem to justify their expansion, not just existence.

DEA does not want to stop the flow of drugs, as an example.
Novichok  4 | 8644
8 Jul 2021   #142
When comparing political parties we should compare what they would do if given an opportunity to do what they please without any restrictions. This is when the true evil of "progressives" comes out. If you want a preview, visit any liberal arts university and you will run screaming. Stalin and Mao would be horrified.
OP pawian  224 | 27129
8 Jul 2021   #143
different styles of governing/government through computer games

Wow, amazing! Yes, I know, Europa Universalis etc. I never played that game, I prefered Imperialism 1 and 2.

plotting/plans from movies.

Yes, True Colours, All President`s Men, Nikodem Dyzma Career, etc

I thought Lewica made an unholy deal recently,

Yes, but it was their leaders` initiative, not really accepted by lower ranks of the Left or their supporters. And their poll results haven`t increased after that deal .I think they will reconsider their silly cohabitation with PiS.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
9 Jul 2021   #144
Wow, amazing! Yes, I know, Europa Universalis etc. I never played that game, I prefered Imperialism 1 and 2.

Never tried Imperialism 1 or 2, want to tell me about it?

I used to play EU 2, and I play EU IV quite often. Having a run as Defending Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Years is close to 1800, didn't start any wars on my own. They were either through events, or dragged into one thanks to allies that were attacked or somebody attacking a Catholic state as defender of the faith.

It went really well for a long time until last ~30 years in the game. There was no religious war in the HRE, got Sweden as Union Partner through inheritance which the Moscovites challenged and lost their capitol for it.

Spain nr one in terms of great power thanks to colonies mainly, Ottomon Empire nr two thanks to Imperial conquest (They mainly attacked their religious "brethren" since Poland and Austria was too scary most of the time.) and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which I play thanks to land development. Spending as much as possible on cheapest possible advisors, let me create basically zero tension while growing economically without having to declare any wars.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 907
31 Jul 2021   #145
And Polands New Deal real costs starting to be exposed by cities in Poland. Again, PiS is not capable of managing an economy.
mafketis  38 | 11105
31 Jul 2021   #146
PiS is not capable of managing an economy

Don't be so harsh... they just gave themselves a bunch of raises so... that should be great for the economy....

Prime Minister - 40%
Vice-ministers - 40%
Sejm and senate marshalls - 75%
Ministers - 40%
Vice-ministers - 60%
MPs and senators - 60%

Duda the puppet has followed orders and signed it and it takes effect.... tomorrow!

Countdown for the "PO was worse!" defenses of PiS.... 4, 3, 2, 1....
OP pawian  224 | 27129
31 Jul 2021   #147
PO compared to those PiS leeches were almost angels.
Ironside  50 | 12884
31 Jul 2021   #148
you need psychiatric help level of your delusion is on a rise.
OP pawian  224 | 27129
16 Sep 2021   #149
Running for full power in 2015 PiS promised to cure Polish health system. Of course, they lied. Today, medical staff are protesting and demanding not only more money but primarily better conditions of work coz the system is hugely underinvested.

The result is more and more people depend on private healthcare.

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jpg
gumishu  15 | 6226
18 Sep 2021   #150
Countdown for the "PO was worse!" defenses of PiS.... 4, 3, 2, 1...

you talk like a true populist now - how big a part do the salaries of ministers and the parliament members consitute in the Polish budget - care to reveal?

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