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mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2020   #241
I see no difference especially under Putin , all Russians love him

Well now Russia =/= CCCP but a lot of former Soviet places have radically changed... It's important to remember that a large majority of Russians had no problem with the USSR and it was the other natioanlities (whether Lithuanian, Georgian, Ukrainian or Uzbek or whatever) that wanted to break free The USSR was dominated by Russia but they weren't the same thing.

Russians have never acquired what you might call 'civic consciousness' while a lot of the other Soviet nationalities have (esp Baltics or more recently Ukraine though the latter has a long way to go still)
Vesko Vukovic  - | 179
13 Apr 2020   #242
Well now Russia =/= CCCP

Wrong, see this statement by President Putin who officially distanced himself from it. Soviet Union became a citadel of jewish power. Russia was hijacked as was explained by British writer dr. Arnold Leese.

80% Of The 1st Soviet Government Members Were Jews - Putin

dr. Joseph Goebbels Speaks About Jewish Communism/Bolshevism
kaprys  3 | 2076
13 Apr 2020   #243
@Vesko Vukovic
Stop bringing your anti-semitism into the discussion.
It's such hatred that leads to wars and genocide.

Polish Jews were also among the victims.
Let them all, Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox or whatever else their religion was, rest in peace.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Apr 2020   #244
it's very hard to understand what happened in the USSR or why without understanding insane Soviet nationality laws...

There was some logic to those Soviet nationality laws, I think. They allowed for the creation of various autonomous republics and other subdivisions, where individual nationalities could in theory look after their own affairs, all within the larger Russian Federal Republic. Even today, you see it in places like Dagestan and Chechnya where local strongmen impose their own laws on locals with agreement from Moscow.

One of the more interesting things about the Soviet Union was the way that the Union collapsed, but Russia itself didn't disintegrate. I suppose one reason for that was that the autonomous republics within the Russian Federation never really had the same level of national consciousness that the Estonians/etc had. I know about opposition/nationalist movements within the Soviet republics, but I've never really looked into whether places like the Republic of Komi ever had any demands for independence from both the Soviet Union and the RSFSR.

Stop bringing your anti-semitism into the discussion.

The aim is to downplay Russian complicity and to replace it with a 'common enemy'.

Where's Paulina when you need her? She's fantastic at sharing the thought processes behind these people on the Russian internet.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2020   #245
The aim is to downplay Russian complicity and to replace it with a 'common enemy'.

yeah, and the eternal Russian (and Serbian?) desire to escape blame....
Vesko Vukovic  - | 179
14 Apr 2020   #246

joe pilsudski

Highly acclaimed Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky whose literary works include such novels as "Crime & Punisment", "The Idiot" and "The Brothers Karamazov" after travelling across Russia and making his own observations accurately predicted in the 1850's that Russian people would eventually fall into slavery of the jews and that the Russian people would suffer greatly from it.

The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II, his wife and children

New York Zionist Bankers plan and conduct Russian Revolution from inside USA - Jacob Schiff provided 20 million US dollars (equivalent to today's 1 billion dollars) to the Judeo-Bolshevik terrorist groups.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 179
14 Apr 2020   #247
communist revolution

Intelligence reports:

"The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a world-wide social revolution." - David Francis, American Ambassador

to Russia at the time of the Revolution
(Francis, D. R. (1921). Russia From the American Embassy. New York: C. Scribner's & Sons. p.214.)

British government report bluntly states that Jews control international Communism:
" There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international
movement controlled by Jews. "

(National Archives, Dept. of State Decimal File, 1910-1929, file 861.00/5067)

US Consul General Summers and US Consul Caldwell, had this to say:
" Jews prominent in a local Soviet government, anti-Jewish feeling growing [...]"
(State Department document 861.00/1757; sent on 2 May 1918, from Moscow by US Consul General Summers.)

The first report, sent from Omsk on 1 March 1919, contains the following paragraph:
" Fifty per cent of Soviet Government in each town consists of Jews of the worst type... "
(State Department document 861.00/2205; sent from Vladivostok on 5 July 1918, by US Consul Caldwell.)

"[...] it is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type... "

The second report, dated 9 June 1919, and sent from Vladivostok, said that in 1918 of the:
"384 commissars there were 2 *******, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial Government."

(US State Department document 861.00/2205)
cms neuf  1 | 1846
14 Apr 2020   #248
This is a Polish forum and many of us have family murdered or deported by Russians.

Can you take your anti Semitic nonsense to some right wing extremist forum ? You are pathetic and never post anything about Poland
Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2020   #249
@Vesko Vukovic

Nothing is absolutely unified. Jews aren`t all the same financial center. Russians have few centers of power. Vatican, USA, Italy, Britain, Poland, France, Saudis, Turks. Etc, all states. There is state, then deep state, then secret services, then mafia, obviously there is impact of diaspora also. All are balanced thru official state. Plus, balance themselves with other outside centers from other countries.

And we know that train with Lenin started from Switzerland and that even Vatican was involved with cominterna. But what Vatican? What order? We know that Franciscian order have closest ties with Germanics and their imperial plans. This Pope Francis is Jesuit. He have different approach. He more value (at least publicly) Serbian Orthodox Patriarch then any representative of Catholic Church in Croatia. Who controls deep state of Vatican, Russia, USA, Serbia, we don`t know.

What we know, its quite possible that all deep states coordinate with global deep state, ie world government. We know nothing. So, who can tell who ultimately wanted communism. Who wanted Katyn. Who wanted genocide of Serbs on Balkans, equally committed by Orthodox Greeks after WWI and WWII and in Frankenstein clero-Catholic ``independent`` state of Croatia during WWII.

When you look at events always look from at least two angles. One is `daily politics` and one is `deeper sight`. So who knows what happening to us all.
call1n  2 | 192
14 Apr 2020   #250
Who wanted Katyn

The fact is, both the perpetrators of the original Russian Revolution and the perpetrators of Katlyn and the perpetrators of the Polish Provisional government had a majority Jewish body.

Anyone who spoke out about this in Poland would be sent to Siberia.

... two angles. One is `daily politics` and one is `deeper sight`. So who knows what happening to us all.

Listen you NKVD sympathizer. I know the real facts about Poland during WW2. The real holocaust is Polish. Glad you admit that you don't know the facts.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Apr 2020   #251
a majority Jewis

Irrelevant. Russians are Russians, regardless of that. Just as Poles are Poles, whether they have the heritage of Moses, German roots, Scottish roots or are Catholic, Protestant or have no religion at all.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Apr 2020   #252
yeah, and the eternal Russian (and Serbian?) desire to escape blame....

The two are pretty much identical in this, and in all fairness, you see it in Poles as well, just not to such extremes.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Apr 2020   #253
Russians are Russians

Not in the USSR (or modern Russia AFAIK) where "Russian" and "Jewish" were officially separate nationalities. I've made the mistake of asking Russian speaking Jews from the USSR if they considered themselves to be Russian and.... no, they absolutely do not (maybe a few somewhere do but it doesn't seem to be the majority view).

Poland never really had such an extreme separation.
call1n  2 | 192
14 Apr 2020   #254
Irrelevant. Russians are Russians, regardless of that. ...are Catholic, Protestant or have no religion at all.

Our heritage is our hate. It was the Rus who came from the Nordic and made a deal with the Byzantine Empire and became Russian.

Jews are not Russian!
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Apr 2020   #255
Plenty are...
call1n  2 | 192
14 Apr 2020   #256
For the record:
1. Most Polish not consider Jews to be Polish
2. Most Russians do not consider Jews to be Russian
3. Brit-ish is a Hebrew word for Covenant-Man or Circumcised man

Everyone in the UK acts so polite because they don't want to "offended" the circumcised "Jewish" nobility that go around the world selling drugs

Take your British mannerisms and go to Hong Kong and go smoke up some opium poppy
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Apr 2020   #257
Take your British mannerisms

When I posted on this thread it was to remember the anniversary (13th of this month) of those that died at Katyn.

You and the rest of the other idiots have used this act of remembrance to further your dumb $hite political anti Jewish propaganda.

Can you please all of you just go F.O.A.D.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
14 Apr 2020   #258
I know - though its par for the course. Mods are happy for any thread to become full of trolls who never post anything about Poland.

There are few more sombre subjects for Poland than Katyn.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Apr 2020   #259
full of trolls

It's sad , a Polish forum where even the heroic dead of Poland can be abused ad infinitum, and the poor old Jews take the blame for all of the worlds wrongs.

Freedom of speech I guess
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Apr 2020   #260
Most Polish not consider Jews to be Polish

It's not that clear cut.... the more Russian influence the less likely they are to consider Jews to be Polish, the less Russian influence the more likely they are to not be so dogmatic (and conversion to Christianity is seen to be more important than ethnicity)

Most Russians do not consider Jews to be Russian

True, that was (still is?) official policy, of course it's a Russian idea and therefore sort of insane, but...

Brit-ish is a Hebrew word for Covenant-Man

Batsh[t insane, you are.
kaprys  3 | 2076
14 Apr 2020   #261
@Vesko Vukovic
So you put a quote by Piłsudski to make yourself more reliable.
It died work I'm afraid.
We know our past - Poles of Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox religions were killed by Soviets in Katyń and other places around.
Those who signed the orders were of different ethinicies - Russian, Armenian and Jewish if I remember well. Those who took the orders - I don't . Neither do you. Most probably regular soldiers in the Soviet army. I doubt there were no Russians among them.

Polish Jews were also killed in Katyń.

Families of the victims were denied the truth for decades. So the least you can do is to stop bringing your anti-semitic propaganda and honour the victims.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Apr 2020   #262
Most Polish not consider Jews to be Polish

So what; there are certainly plenty of Jewish Poles, regardless of your obsession.

Brit-ish is a Hebrew word for Covenant-Man

Purely a coincidence, albeit a nice one.

There are few more sombre subjects for Poland than Katyn.

Quite. However as all threads, it degenerates into racism.

As Kapryś said, some of the victims of the Katyń crime were Jewish Poles.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Apr 2020   #263
denied the truth for decades

For decades we stood alone in cannock chase in the UK where the UK government was NOT prepared to admit the Russian crimes . this was our torment, this was our hell our prison where uninformed on lookers would not believe the truth

I wish you all could spend a moment to read this article in full
call1n  2 | 192
14 Apr 2020   #264
White brother I know the origin of the NKVD and I won't forget. (Wall Streets financing of both Nazism and Communism)

The people who identify themselves as "British" I have no respect for them. They are an insult to the Anglo-Saxon; an impostor to their own race. Take those "circumcised" marriages let it be heard that there is no truth in them. Takes these "Hong Kong" Drug dealers and lets just make a long list of their wrongs along with my foreskin wherever it may be.

johnny reb  49 | 7974
14 Apr 2020   #265
I wish you all could spend a moment to read this article in full

I did and just wanted to thank you for posting it dolno.
Crow  154 | 9463
14 Apr 2020   #266
The people who identify themselves as "British" I have no respect for them.

Don`t say that. Now when they are out of EU, there is hope to them. They learned the hard way. I hope they learned.

I know the real facts about Poland during WW2. The real holocaust is Polish. Glad you admit that you don't know the facts.

Something I know, something I don`t know. I don`t deny Polish holocaust but, you also can`t deny Serbian holocaust. My people also suffered as victim of genocide.
kaprys  3 | 2076
15 Apr 2020   #267
I won't give you an exact name now as it is something I vaguely remember from school but one (British?) woman present at the site after the graves had been discovered pointed out the soldiers' clothes didn't really fit into the season they were supposed to have been killed by Germans.

But Soviets denied everything.
Imagine children of the victims being taught at schools that it hadn't been a Soviet crime. The families knew. .

Just a film but. ..
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Apr 2020   #268
But Soviets denied everything.

They always do.
They have the same trait as the Serbs on this forum.
I was a kid in the sixties in England and my family told me Katyn was the Russians, but school was telling me it was Germans.

I knew who I coould believe and trust.
Atch  22 | 4299
16 Apr 2020   #269
but school was telling me it was Germans.

They were teaching you about Katyń in a UK school in the 1960s??
BigGeneral a
16 Apr 2020   #270
You cannot blame the Russia of today for the past. It was the Soviet Union that committed countless crimes even more so against their own citizens . Like the officer purge the deportations the starving of Ukraine.


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