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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Jan 2022   #871
Gumi, where are your fekking filters???? hahahaha

I know you don't understand electrofiltres - btw where is your source talking about smog? :)

btw electrofiltres are intalled on all newer power plants smokestacks - you just don't understand how they work
OP pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jan 2022   #872
I know you don't understand electrofiltres

Tell us, please coz we crave for this knowledge and if you could also explain the biggest polluter record of Bełchatów power station, please.
gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Jan 2022   #873
Tell us, please coz we crave for this knowledge

look - let's take cigarette filtres do they stop all harmful substance from getting into your lungs while smoking - they don't even stop all tar from getting there - electrofilters work on electrostatic principle and they don't stop all dust from getting out of the stack simple as that - still they are not 100 per cent effective (especially with miniscule particles) - neither are methods of catching sulphur oxides from the fumes
OP pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jan 2022   #874
they don't stop

But when you mentioned filters for the first time your intention was to make us believe they are a remedy for all problems with pollution. Now you are retreating. Funny.
gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Jan 2022   #875

you are funny, to be honest - electrofiltres can have 99 per cent effectiveness for particles of 1 micrometer size - they are less and less effective the lower the size of the dust - and no coal power plants are not responsible for smog - just read up on the subject instead of trying to be on top of the game

and no coal technology will never be 100 per cent clean - neither is gasoline burning despite using expensive catalizators on vehicles
OP pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jan 2022   #876
btw where is your source talking about smog?

In your fav wiki, but I tracked the original report titled:The unpaid health bill: how coal power plants make us sick


Full description

You really suspected me of selling you a tall story about smog? Strange, you should know me better. I am not like you or Cojest.

no coal power plants are not responsible for smog

No, of course not. :):):)
gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Jan 2022   #877

also: washing your dishes and clothes polutes the environment (washing powder and washing liquids contains phosphates or other phosphorus compounds and surfactants (substancje powierzchniowo czynne) which are not friendly to aquatic environments and cause algae blooms in the Baltic - does it stop you from using them?

also: do you imagine contemporary agriculture without fertilizers

also: farm animals (especially cows) are a major source of methane - does it stop you from buying meat?

btw your article (the one claiming the health cost of coal electricity generation) does not say that smog is caused by power plants burning coal - and well how can you rely on their quotes if their claim that the cost is between 13 and 34 billion PLN per annum (mogli se z sufitu wziąć a czemu by nie)

does not say that smog

sorry - actually there is a mention of energy sector being a big source of the dust - the thing is coal power plants have high smokestacks which dillutes the dust throughout a big area and is not a considerable source of smog

ok an excerpt from the article you posted pawian:
. Udział spalania węgla w gospodarstwach domowych: Stosowanie węgla jako jednego z najpopularniejszych paliw używanych do ogrzewnia gospodarstw domowych w Polsce jest również odpowiedzialne za znaczne efekty zdrowotne. Ten sektor nie został jednak wzięty pod uwagę w szacunkach HEAL's

in other words they have attributed the suspected health cost of all forms of coal burning to coal power plants completely ignoring small scale sources (which if you ask me should be considered as the more dangerous)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jan 2022   #878
to coal power plants completely

Yes, that was their main focus matter. It was their choice. Does it mean they lied when providing facts about pollution and its impact on health???? :):)

you ask me should be considered as the more dangerous

We are not comparing which is more or less dangerous. Both are. Your main problem is that you are constantly playing down the effect of power stations, trying to make us believe they are completely harmless. Which is not true and even kidnergarten kids know it, so stop deiscrediting yourself, coz it looks nastily masochistic on your part. hahaha
gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Jan 2022   #879
trying to make us believe they are completely harmless.

be so kind and don't put words in my mouth - I never said coal powered electric plants are harmless - I however stand by the statement that they are not significantly contributing to the phenomenon of smog because their smokestacks are so high that they diffuse dust polution over vast areas
OP pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jan 2022   #880
I never said coal powered electric plants are harmless

No, you didn`t, you only put it in different words but the meaning was the same.

smog is not created by electric power plants but by households burning coal

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Jan 2022   #881

look -

Jak podaje ISECS, ogrzewanie indywidualne w budynkach mieszkalnych jest odpowiedzialne za 40% emisji pyłu PM10 ( w porównaniu do transportu - 5,5% czy przemysłu 16%) .
gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Jan 2022   #882
ogrzewanie indywidualne w budynkach mieszkalnych jest odpowiedzialne za 40% emisji pyłu PM10

it is worth mentioning that in unfavourable weather conditions those dust particles remain near the ground (and also often near their source) as opposed to those emitted by electric plant fumes
OP pawian  224 | 27236
23 Jan 2022   #883
it is worth mentioning that

you were mistaken when you said:smog is not created by electric power plants but by households burning coal
Was it a conscious lie or just a slip of the finger??
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Jan 2022   #884
Back on subject.
The EU has, in the main, has been very good for Poland.
Unfortunately, the EU now think that Poland should be so grateful to the EU for their help that Poland should now repay them by following all their ridiculous dictats.

Life does not work that way.
Life requires discussion and compromise.
The EU need to stop behaving like a dictatorship.
gumishu  15 | 6227
23 Jan 2022   #885
you were mistaken when you said:

smog is created by small sources of smoke lower than 40 meters - it's everywhere you can read up on smog
OP pawian  224 | 27236
23 Jan 2022   #886

Aaa, so now you are pretending that you didn`t understand what I was talking about. Clever of you. But stop it coz it is useless. I wrote smog coz it was shorter than air pollution. Don`t play dumb and dumber coz you know very well what I meant.
gumishu  15 | 6227
23 Jan 2022   #887
how am I supposed to know you mean air polution when you write 'smog' - if we are at it the higher the smokestack (and larger power plants have them pretty high) the more spread out is the polution they generate (which means it is actually diluted) - also power plant fumes contain almost no soot (becuase of their particular technology of burning coal)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Jan 2022   #888
Guys, for me the obvious answer is that Poland needs to go nuclear.
But that takes time, so.they need to start that process now.
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Jan 2022   #889
Guys, for me the obvious answer is that Poland needs to go nuclear.

I am all for it as long as Poland does not send the spent junk to the US.
I wonder...Do the French bury their own?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Jan 2022   #890
as long as Poland does not send the spent junk to the US.

It will go to India or China, who both happily take our.junk.
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Jan 2022   #891
Lift a rock and you find things...Quoting:

The investigation by Greenpeace France reveals that, in January and February 2021, the nuclear fuel company Orano shipped hundreds of tonnes of spent uranium to Rosatom, Russia's state-owned nuclear energy firm. Orano confirmed the new shipments in an email to Greenpeace France.

and this:

Paris / Brussels, 12 October 2021 - Greenpeace activists today laid fifteen metal drums featuring a radioactive symbol in front of the headquarters of Orano, a French nuclear fuel company, in protest against the dumping of French nuclear waste at an unsafe site in Seversk, Siberia. The protest comes as a new investigation by Greenpeace France has revealed that exports of nuclear waste to Russia have restarted after an eleven-year hiatus.

So, that's the long-term plan - NIMBY. I like that plan as long as I am not near that backyard.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Jan 2022   #892
I like that plan

Me too.
India, China or Russia are all wellcome to take our $hit, after all, they all have plenty of space for it.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
12 Feb 2022   #893
In another thread I said that on the whole rightards cause immense nausea in me. One of the reasons is their brazen lies. Can you imagine that PiS rightards put up posters claiming that 60% of energy cost is to be blamed on the EU? While the truth is the EU -dependent cost amounts only to 23%.

The EU has already issued an official statement debunking those lies.

Brexit process started in a similar way.

  • z28068194V.jpg
OP pawian  224 | 27236
12 Feb 2022   #894
PiS rightards put up posters claiming that 60%

Even more amazing, I have just seen those deceitful banners all over the Polish net.

  • 1652673428000353829..jfif
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
13 Feb 2022   #895
The advertising on radio stations is hilarious. Blaming the EU for inflation and rising heating costs. If people are believing this, Poland is in deep trouble.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Feb 2022   #896
I am afraid 30% simpletons who always vote for the right will swallow it, like all other bs before.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
13 Feb 2022   #897
I have just seen those deceitful banners all over the Polish net.

I think it is a good thing. After all pro-EU propaganda need to be nuflllied.

I am afraid 30% simpletons

lol! You are unable to aswer a simple qestion, you are not in a position to call others simpletons.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Feb 2022   #898
I think it is a good thing

No, brazen lying insn`t good. Imagine when rightards lose power and the next government will lie in the same fashion but with reversed direction. Will you be happy? No. But when you try to moan, I will quote you your own words from today. OK?? hahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
13 Feb 2022   #899

Your obsession with right wingers is extremely annoying.
You "Leftards" have your own propaganda machine too.
The EU has been good to Poland, so far.......there will come a point when Poles will understand why Brits voted to get out.
And it will be in this decade.
Poland wake up!
The EU will build you up and then bleed you dry.....
The fastest growing economy in the G7?
The UK.
The country that just left The EU.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Feb 2022   #900
The EU has been good to Poland, so far

You see? That is why 80% Poles appreciate being in the EU. Why do you want to forcefully change it ? Mind your own carpet selling business. Does it thrive after Brexit? I hope it does.... :):)

then bleed you dry.....

Don`t be silly. Poland will never lose sticking to the EU.

why Brits voted to get out.

Stupid example. Britain isn`t Poland and vice versa. Have you ever seen the map of Europe in your rightard life? No. Do it now.

Your obsession with right wingers is extremely annoying

Yes, I know, That is why I show it so often. hahahaha

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