also: washing your dishes and clothes polutes the environment (washing powder and washing liquids contains phosphates or other phosphorus compounds and surfactants (substancje powierzchniowo czynne) which are not friendly to aquatic environments and cause algae blooms in the Baltic - does it stop you from using them?
also: do you imagine contemporary agriculture without fertilizers
also: farm animals (especially cows) are a major source of methane - does it stop you from buying meat?
btw your article (the one claiming the health cost of coal electricity generation) does not say that smog is caused by power plants burning coal - and well how can you rely on their quotes if their claim that the cost is between 13 and 34 billion PLN per annum (mogli se z sufitu wziąć a czemu by nie)
does not say that smog
sorry - actually there is a mention of energy sector being a big source of the dust - the thing is coal power plants have high smokestacks which dillutes the dust throughout a big area and is not a considerable source of smog
ok an excerpt from the article you posted pawian:
. Udział spalania węgla w gospodarstwach domowych: Stosowanie węgla jako jednego z najpopularniejszych paliw używanych do ogrzewnia gospodarstw domowych w Polsce jest również odpowiedzialne za znaczne efekty zdrowotne. Ten sektor nie został jednak wzięty pod uwagę w szacunkach HEAL's
in other words they have attributed the suspected health cost of all forms of coal burning to coal power plants completely ignoring small scale sources (which if you ask me should be considered as the more dangerous)