It is a constitutionally protected right for the Polish news media to report on the protests, and they have a corresponding responsibility to report that many of the protesters are foreigners.
The media have reported it before (foreigners often turn up for the 11th November marches) and no-one really cares very much. It's often mentioned in passing and foreigners are an accepted part of demonstrations in Poland. Perhaps you should start with learning about Poland before making yet more strange statements that aren't based on reality?
I have seen Belorussians protesting Lukashenko and their government in Warsaw.
There have been Hungarians and Italians here protesting alongside Poles against the PO/PSL majority in the Sejm, the PO President and PO majority in the Senate. There have also been other nationalities protesting against far-right movements here. As I said above, it's nothing particularly unusual in Poland and no-one cares that much. But yes, I'll make sure to bring my EU flag to the protest.
By the way, they are Belarusians. Again, your unfamiliarity with Europe beyond Wikipedia shows, because the very name refers to (in Polish) 'Ruś Biała', which is something different to Russia. Calling them Belorussians is frankly offensive.
You started it, you and your pal Harry, incessantly going about how much you are contributing to Poland and what a great assets you are and so on and so forth until you ask for specifics.
What are you wittering on about? I rarely talk about what I've done for Poland and I don't even like bringing it up in public. For me, it should be seen and not heard. All I know is that it made a difference to some people's lives.
Unless you are counting as a contribution a fact that you are siding with some sideline left extremist and nutters in Poland
I love the way that you think that anything that isn't PiS is "left extremist". You clearly haven't been in Poland for a long, long time.
Yes but if you are taking part in the anti-government demonstration and associating with extremists that can constitute one of those rare circumstances.
Not really. I have nothing to do with extremists on either side, and I'm not a member of any political grouping.
Some of those foreign participants might have their residency papers revoked being considered a potential threat to national security.
You're living in dreamland Ironside. Perhaps it works like that in your head, but PiS have no interest in random people attending a protest.