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Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland

Miloslaw  20 | 5121
14 Aug 2023   #121
And they ended up with their hands in the potty full of shyt. hahahahaha Today they regret their stupidity but it is too late

Do you really believe that absolute drivel?

You will get a terrible shock when Poles eventually realise that they have, once again, lost their sovereignty to a foreign state......surely The Poles will not be that stupid again!
OP pawian  226 | 27453
15 Aug 2023   #122
once again, lost their sovereignty to a foreign state

No, you are still thinking in terms of the Cold War. High time you gave it up, it ended 30 years ago. Now we have the 21st century. Instead of losing sovereignty, we belong to the family of European nations.

At last.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
15 Aug 2023   #123
we belong to the family of European nations.

That is your miscomprehension.
You don't belong to a family of European nations.
They own you.
The UK,Norway and Switzerland could all see the bigger picture,that you can't and cut deals that suited them.
Ironside  50 | 12941
16 Aug 2023   #124
we belong to the family of European nations.

As serfs! Good you are happy in your natural form. Not all people in Poland are serfs with a butler mentality.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
16 Aug 2023   #125
You don't belong to a family of European nations.

Not fully yet, because we are still viewed as Eastern European peasants thanks to PiS and other rabid nationalists.

They own you.

Really?? Oh my Goddess!! Excellent!!! More, more!!! hahahaha

As serfs!

That`s what I said yesterday. Those cretinous rightists and nationalists first lash out at the EU and then whine we are treated as Easter European serfs. I will never understand how one can be such an idiot.
Novichok  4 | 8478
16 Aug 2023   #126
Those cretinous rightists

My dear English guiding light...You should avoid redundancies like this one. The implication is that there are rightists who are OK.
It's like me saying "stupid leftists"...
OP pawian  226 | 27453
16 Aug 2023   #127
The implication is that there are rightists who are OK.

Probably there are, in the Amazon Forest or in Greenland among Inuits.

If I wanted to imply that all rightists are morons, I would say rightards.
Novichok  4 | 8478
16 Aug 2023   #128
Thanks for your explanation. Always something new to learn...
OP pawian  226 | 27453
16 Aug 2023   #129
PiS has sent the referendum plan to the Parliament. They changed two of them:

Let`s see:

the first question "Do you support the sale of state-owned enterprises?" was changed into

Do you support the sale of state assets to foreign entities, leading to the loss of control of Polish women and men over strategic sectors of the economy?"

They changed it after their dirty deals with Saudi Arabians had been publicised by the oposition:):):)

The second question "Are you in favor of increasing the retirement age, which is now 60 for women and 65 for men?" was changed into

Do you support raising the retirement age, including bringing back the retirement age of 67 for men and women?".

I still don`t know whether to take part in this referendum or not. I need to check what my guru Political Genius Brilliant Prime Minister Mr Honourable Donald Tusk says about it.
Korvinus  3 | 608
16 Aug 2023   #130
Do you support raising the retirement age, including bringing back the retirement age of 67 for men and women?".

If PO did referendums, instead of forcing changes, maybe your idols would not lost the power.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
16 Aug 2023   #131
If PO did referendums, instead of forcing changes

Good idea. I think they should hold a referendum of controversial issues like abortion, the EU etc. Then everything will be clear.
16 Aug 2023   #132
there must be one more refenredum question:

"do you agree that immigrants in Poland who don't have Polish citizenship receive social benefits, 500+ money, free health service?"

why there is no this question? is PiS afraid to get to know what Poles think about this wasting money?
Novichok  4 | 8478
16 Aug 2023   #133
"do you agree that immigrants in Poland who don't have Polish citizenship receive social benefits,

God question.
Korvinus  3 | 608
16 Aug 2023   #134
like abortion, the EU etc

Agreed, as long as there is the question of entire Poland becoming LGBT free zone addressed as well.
amiga500  5 | 1492
16 Aug 2023   #135
Good idea. I think they should hold a referendum of controversial issues like abortion,

Missed opportunity for PiS to tack towards the centre, and give itself an optout to returning to the compromise on abortion that was accepted by the vast majority of poles.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
17 Aug 2023   #136
to returning to the compromise on abortion that was accepted by the vast majority of poles.

The compromise was a good thing. PIS, pressed by the RC Church, together with nationalist Konfederacja, changed it into a practical total ban.
When PIS leaves, the new law voted in the Parliament will allow abortion in all cases. Unborn babies will be murdered on a mass scale thanks to PiS, Konfa and the Church. Fekk them all!!!
Ironside  50 | 12941
17 Aug 2023   #137
The compromise was a good thing

1. there were no compromise. That is a myth no 1~.

PIS, pressed by the RC Church, together with nationalist Konfederacja, changed it into a practical total ban.

2. That is a lie. Legisation has ajusted by the hight court along the line of the law in Poland. There were no new addtion, or a new law, just something that had been overlooked...
OP pawian  226 | 27453
17 Aug 2023   #138
there were no compromise.

Stop lying. When the compromise functioned, you were an emigrant in North America. Now you are trying to pretend you know what it was about. No, you don`t.

hight court

You see, you amasingly prove you know nothing about it. There is no such thing as high court in Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2023   #139
It is amusing coz PIS rulers have allowed for a steady flow of immigrants from non-European countries into Poland for years.

This case has turned into a huge scandal. It seems that corrupt PIS diplomats were selling work visas to African immigrants. That is why the deputy Foreign Minister was fired a few days ago.

In 2022 Poland issued the most visas to exotic countries in all Europe. Amassing!! And PiS dares to include this question in their pathetic referendum????

Just another corruption scandal of PiS..... How many more??? But their homo sovieticus voters don`t mind as long as they get their benefits from the state. Sorrow.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2023   #140
In 2022 Poland issued the most visas to exotic countries in all Europe

It was this issue that Donald Tusk referred to in the entry. " Whoever wants to get from Africa to Poland, goes to our embassy , ​​buys a stamped visa at a special stand, enters his data and is on his way," the KO leader wrote on Twitter, referring to the information provided on Thursday by Radio Zet. Donald Tusk summed up the entry with the statement: "PiS's migration policy".

And PiS dares to include this question in their pathetic referendum????

Tusk wrote, among others, on Wednesday ."Unleash anti-migrant hysteria, attract a record number of migrants, earn millions on visas, and finally hold a referendum on migration. Lukashenko is an amateur compared to them," the former prime minister assessed. Earlier, he called for "regaining control over the state and borders by Poles.
Ironside  50 | 12941
7 Sep 2023   #141
This case has turned into a huge scandal.

Good, it was sh;t storm before at least it help uncover some filty rats and their corruption. Should just lock thme for a long time and confiscate their property. They should go harsh on them, and all those in other parties and offices, higher postion harshed punishment. That the right thing to do!!!

Warsaw and its ruling PO elite should be next for the chopper of justice!
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2023   #142
They should go harsh on them,

Who is they and them???
Don`t forget that prosecutors are controlled by PiS. :):):)


I only wonder if Konfederacja will join PiS in this corruption when they create a gov after the elections..... :):): Most probably they will. So, vote for them coz they need some financing for development. hahahahaha
Ironside  50 | 12941
7 Sep 2023   #143
Who is they and them???

all Fkers regardless of their political badge.

Don`t forget that prosecutors are controlled by PiS. :):):)

Don't talk sh't! For the last 30 years nobody got their due punshment. Corruption, filty deeds you name it, as long as you are high enough in a social pecking order and know the right people you are almost free to do what you want.

Courts, judges. lawyers don't make me laugh, peppered with swines not being fit for purpose, lowlfies.

only wonder

if that your main isussu of concern go back on a tree and suck on a rotten banana, as you are useless for anything more complex.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2023   #144
For the last 30 years

You spent this time in emigration so you know very little about Poland of that period. :):):)

if that your main isussu of concern

Did I write it? No. I wrote I was wondering. Only that. Relax on this hystery. :):):)
Luke1410  - | 146
7 Sep 2023   #145
Earlier, he called for "regaining control over the state and borders by Poles.

Regaining control... that sounds familiar... Tusk wants Polexit? I'm confused, what does he actually stand for other than completely contradicting himself every two minutes?
Luke1410  - | 146
7 Sep 2023   #146
One minute PiS wants borders, they are evil, the next, PiS dont enforce the borders strongly enough, they are useless. I thought that's what you and your supporters wanted! Make your f'in minds up you stupid ****s
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2023   #147
I'm confused, what does he actually stand for

Have a look online at the party's manifesto.

PiS are using YouTube ads now, entirely negative and not very convincing ones with actors pretending to be members of the public. All aimed at that one politician rather than the party. A sure sign they they're panicking.
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Sep 2023   #148
Dear Polish citizens,

Please don't forget that Poland is a democracy. In a democracy, people can express their preferences by voting for the representatives who share voters' views.

Conclusion: Vote for those who oppose immigration from "exotic" hellholes and your problem will go away.


Luke1410  - | 146
8 Sep 2023   #149
@jon357 Politico disagrees..

Have you got a link to the Civic Platform's manifesto by any chance? In English ideally.
jon357  72 | 23482
8 Sep 2023   #150
Politico disagrees

That article suggests they don't disagree. If anything, it talks about their current onslaught of social media adverts.

The ones on YouTube are quite transparent, using actors and a script.

Civic Platform's manifesto

Just google it.

I doubt they have it in English, given that the voters all speak Polish (and if they don't, shouldn't be voting).

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