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Rape and sexual abuse in Poland

johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2024   #121
Though my opinion may not hold that much weight on this forum,

It doesn't so just pipe down little guy.
Just where does all your anger and hate come from ?
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Jul 2024   #122
I wonder if you'd say the same thing if you lived in Germany

No, I wouldn't. I also wouldn't like to be in Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki when those were turned into hellholes...

And your point is that it's not nice to see the enemy suffer?

Actually, it is fun...You see, genius, every Gestapo Hans was once a very cute little baby so killing that baby was a good thing before it was able to torture and murder. Right?

What a stupid woman...

BTW, did you know that Auschwitz female guards were more cruel than their male buddies?

And that German women happily made ammo and guns that would later be used to murder millions of Soviets?

If anything, German women were treated by the Red Army 100 times better than what Germans did to Russian women in Russia and death camps.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Jul 2024   #123
Just where does all your anger and hate come from ?

I don't have any anger or hate, just a dislike of trolls and morons.

If anything, German women were treated by the Red Army 100 times better than what Germans did to Russian women in Russia and death camps.

Probably true, but so what?Does that make the Russians innocent?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2024   #124
I don't have any anger or hate, just a dislike of trolls and morons.

Don't be so hard on yourself Mr. Angry
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Jul 2024   #125
Don't be so hard on yourself

I am not.I am only hard on trolls and morons.Like you.
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #126
Probably true, but so what?

Simple. Victory must include this message: Don't even think about it again.

The USSR did it its way. The US used nukes. Message sent. Message received.
OP Paulina  16 | 4403
3 Jul 2024   #127
No, I wouldn't.

Why not?

BTW, did you know that Auschwitz female guards were more cruel than their male buddies?

No, I didn't - where did you get that info? And what does it have to do with anything anyway?

And that German women happily made ammo and guns that would later be used to murder millions of Soviets?

Firstly, I'm sure not all women worked in ammo factories. Secondly, you don't know which were doing it "happily". Thirdly, Jews were forced to produce ammo, etc. for Nazis too. Also, I doubt German 12-15-year-old girls were working in factories producing ammo.

Simple. Victory must include this message: Don't even think about it again.

There was no "message". They raped, because they could.
OP Paulina  16 | 4403
3 Jul 2024   #128
There was no "message". They raped, because they could.

I'm saying this because Soviet soldiers were behaving in the same way in countries they were "liberating" from the Nazis.

So what kind of "message" Soviet soldiers intended to send by raping women in Poland? Or by raping women in Serbia?:

That it's better not get "liberated" by the Soviets? lol Well, we definitely got that message.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #129
Rape seems to be a major issue with you Paulina.
You bang on about rape like Novi bangs on about homosexuals.
Its not a normal thing to talk about constantly.
Some serious professional counseling for you may not be out of the question rather than coming to a public forum to let it all out.
Tell me Paulina, have you ever been raped by any chance ?
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #130
Someone talking about rape in a thread about rape- who would have thought.

Educate women about responsibility and accountability.

It seems it's men who should learn that lesson first. If they are unable to do that the law may have to make them. Unless of course having sex with an unwilling person is badge of honour in your eyes.
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #131
It seems it's men

It seems you can't do anything without men, Mesn should this or that to accommodate you. Why?
Do you want to regulate behavior so women could act irresponsibly and get drunk and unconscious in the middle of the street? Really?
The thing is an overwhelming majority of men in normal circumstances would rape a woman receive given a chance, the rest of them would if there would an opportunity, it isn't prudent if you think about women's well-being to teach women to act accordingly rather that shift all the work on men? As usual.
If men are such a driving force and without them, women can't do anything how about shutting up and listening to men who would keep you safe because believe it or not most men are instinctively protective towards women?
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #132
An overwhelming majority of men in normal circumstances wouldn't rape a woman given a chance

johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #133
Someone talking about rape in a thread about rape- who would have thought.

Nobody if that were the case Lenka however Paulina is obsessed with rape.
Sounds like she has some daddy issues to me.
She posts about it nonstop and has used the word rape 108 times in the last 18 months alone in several different threads.
In fact she even started this rape thread.
Who would have thought is right.
That is why I keep asking her if she is a rape victim by coming here crying out for some sympathy and healing.
She needs to admit to it (without going into to much detail) so we can be more understanding to offer her support.
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #134
if you think about women's well-being to teach women to act accordingly rather that shift all the work on men?

Not raping women is work?
men who would keep you safe because believe it or not most men are instinctively protective towards women?

Protect us by telling us we can't do things because man may to have to actually not being criminals?

Let's put it this way - while it's wise to keep your possessions secure even if they are not people taking them commit crime.

Do you want to regulate behavior so women could act irresponsibly and get drunk and unconscious in the middle of the street?

I want to regulate law so that crime is crime and the criminal faced the consequences.

Sounds like she has some daddy issues to me.

Sounds like you are a waste of space. Not only and as* but a stupid ass at that.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #135
Sounds like you are a waste of space. Not only and as* but a stupid ass at that.

Now Sweetheart, no need for one of your meltdowns.
Trying to protect her in such a nasty way only makes things much worse for her.
Friends don't do that to friends.
She needs to admit to it (without going into to much detail) so we can be more understanding to offer her support.
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #136
Not raping women is work?

Protecting stupid women who act recklessly and put themselves in danger is hard work.
Protect us by telling us we can't do things

What things? Telling you that if you act recklessly, irresponsibly, stupidly, or against common sense (which you are free to do as anyone). the consequences of your actions are all yours. Don't shift it on others, Freedom and equality come with responsibility and accountability.
Are women who are too stupid to understand? Or do they think they are above it because they have vaginas and a better than men?
I want to regulate law so that crime is a crime and the criminal faced the consequences.

Such a law already exists why do you believe dumb ideological feminist who tell you their propaganda to fool you?
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #137
Protecting stupid women who act recklessly and put themselves in danger is hard work.

And how do they do that? I don't see any protection at all.

Freedom and equality come with responsibility and accountability.

Great, and in the spirit of responsibility and accountability we want rapist do their time. Including those that thin that just 'no' is not enough. Or that unconscious women is a good sex doll.
Such a law already exists

And it needed a bit of tweaking to reflect what is rape.
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #138
Protecting stupid women who act recklessly and put themselves in danger is hard work.

Iron, your post is beyond brilliant.

I prepared a presentation on this subject and went everywhere with it - to high schools, colleges, and universities. No takers. They asked me about my credentials.

WTF... Do we now need a degree to tell our daughters not to be morons and hop into the first car at 3 am?
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #139
we want rapist do their time.

In this respect, women fail four times:

1. They act like stupid sheep before rape.
2. They don't act logically after the rape.
3. They are against the death penalty.
4. They wear and act like total morons with that look-at-me attitude.

Please spare me that crap that women are free to go naked if they want...Yes, they are just as I am free to lick a socket on the wall.
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2024   #140
I don't see any protection at all.

Are you one of those who need to experience things firsthand to have their eyes opened? Go to Egypt India or Pakistan and behave in the same way you do in Poland. Not in the luxury hotels and alone. If you survive come on PF and tell us about your experiences.
Maybe you are right.
And it needed a bit of tweaking to reflect what is rape.

No, it didn't! You are foolish to assume that some tweaking laws incited by feminists are for the good of women and that will somehow make it better. I won't. It will be more or less the same but with one difference men will be prosecuted by bad, sinister women and even if their number isn't that great it will shift the perception of all men on women and their attitude will change. You will see it getting worse not better.
That is what feminists want anyway - to antagonize women and men and set them against each other. They are toxic.
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #141
to antagonize women and men and set them against each other.

In response to this adversarial relationship, men don't want to date and marry. When they do, that engagement ring comes with a prenup...hahahahahahahahaha...
Stupid women didn't foresee this one...To them, marriage is what you earn I keep, what I earn is mine. And when I am bored and file, I keep alimony...Life is so sweet...
johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2024   #142
Iron, your post is beyond brilliant.

Absolutely genius Ironside, absolutely brilliant.
Your post #136 is an all-time classic.
Keep up the good work holding these feminists toes to the fire of reality so they accept things the way they are and not the way they want them.
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #143
that will somehow make it better

Considering we know about cases when the lack of physical resistance was used to stop the prosecution I would say that yes, this law has a good chance of making things at least a little bit better.

men will be prosecuted by bad, sinister women

False claims of rape happen already. Why this should make any difference?
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #144
False claims of rape happen already.

That's why for this legislation to be fair it should include countermeasures for false accusations. A woman falsely accusing a man of rape should be subject to equal prison sentence that the falsely accused man would receive if he was found guilty.

Otherwise, there will be women using the new regulations to settle scores for rejection, being passed over for promotion at work etc.

I appreciate that the intentions of lawmakers in this case were noble, but the risk of abusing the new law would seem to be quite high.
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2024   #145
physical resistance

Lack of physical resistance can be excused easily. Failure to report immediately cannot be.

A woman who reports rape 30 years later or not at all should be charged with obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, and being an enabler of all future rapes that could be prevented by throwing the POS into prison for life after the first case.

What should be the penalty for aggravated rape of a 10-year-old girl?

As above plus murder?

Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #146
should include countermeasures for false accusations

It does as all the false accusations do.
Plus reporting it is non revokable. So once a women reports it - that's it. If she lied she can be prosecuted.

A woman who reports rape 30 years later

Wouldn't be able to do that idiot (besides if she was underaged)
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #147
It does

Really? Does a woman falsely accusing a man of rape, trying to destroy his life for whatever reason, face the same prison sentence as the man would if he was found guilty?

If not, the law is unfair and WILL be abused, because false accusers risk less than the accused.

By the way, do you know of any such case in Poland where a woman was sentenced to do time in prison for false accusations of rape?
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Jul 2024   #148
Does a woman falsely accusing a man of rape

Can get 8 years.

And it's not like this law removes the necessity for proof. It only changes that a women doesn't have to roof she physically defended herself.
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #149
Can get 8 years.

Not really. False accusations is not persecuted from article 233 of penal code (which is indeed from 6 months to 8 years) but from art. 234 or 238 (maximum of 2 years in both cases).

The sentence of 3 months from your link confirms that - if she had been sentenced under article 233 it would have been minimum of 6 months.

The penalty for rape is from 2 to 15 years - that's what the falsely accused man was facing. The woman who falsely accused him got 3 months. Don't you see the problem here?
Torq  8 | 957
3 Jul 2024   #150
To sum up, I would definitely support the new law if the penalty for false accusations was increased significantly to deter false accusers, and if women were persecuted in every single case of false accusations and not getting away with it, or in the worst case scenario facing monetary fines or bullsh*t sentences of 3 months where the man faces 2-15 years. :(

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