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Poland's post-election political scene

jon357  72 | 23361
17 May 2016   #2041
Oh? another fallacy. ~What does it matter dozen or a score?

What fallacy - politicians far more distinguished and respected than him (not very hard since he is neither) who have held that role before him have said to him publicly "enough is enough". His approval ratings aren't great either. He should go.

Far right parties and anti-Muslim demonstrations

Something all decent people must fight against, not just in the ballot box.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
18 May 2016   #2042
Something all decent people must fight against, not just in the ballot box.

It's up to the people and their elected leaders to decide what kind of politics they want in their country and whether they want Muslims migrants in their country. France, Germany, Sweden wanted a multi cultural society and wanted Muslim migrants. Poland and Poland's elected officials by en large do not want Muslim migrants. That is their choice, their decision. If you don't like it, move to a country more in turned with multiculturalism instead of trying to make Poland accept Muslim migrants - which it obviously does not want to.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 May 2016   #2043
most people in Poland aren't 'bog, honor, ojczyzna'

But Poles are certainly not feminomo, homo or zomo clowns that populate the ranks of the KOD ranters!
AdrianK9  6 | 364
18 May 2016   #2044
'most people in Poland aren't 'bog, honor, ojczyzna'

That very phrase was restored after Communism fell in Poland.. before it was 'For Our Fatherland the People's Republic of Poland'

Perhaps you never bothered to read the Polish Constitution - which asks Poles to defend the fatherland and has a statement 'Ojczyźnie wszystko, prócz miłości Boga najwyższego i Honoru'

Actually, bog honor ojczyzna is an unofficial motto for Poland. It is seen all over military banners, ceremonial swords, and not increasingly political parties that are brave enough to stand up to the migrant hordes and multi kulti propogandists.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 May 2016   #2045
The European Commission has given Poland an ultimatum to resolve the conflict over the Constitutional Tribunal. - See more at:,European-Commission-gives-Poland-deadline-over-Tribunal#sthash.nmPQ76RM.dpuf

Just goes to show when you are part of the European union you lose your sovereignty as a nation, it's a shame we need their money at the moment ... scumbags

We swwapped the Soviet puppeteers for the EU puppeteers.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 May 2016   #2046
Perhaps you never bothered to read the Polish Constitution

Poland currently has no functioning constitution. It has been discarded. Poland is currently functioning under a system of rule by party (leader). It's kind of like the PRL.
smurf  38 | 1940
18 May 2016   #2047
That is their choice, their decision.

That's a bullsh!t answer
By your logic Poles are happy to allow Poles to leave Poland for pastures new but if someone dares to want to move to Poland that should not be allowed.

You can't have it both ways
the only solution, if we employ your logic is to never allow anyone to leave Poland.
So you'd have never left Poland, you'd still be living in your spa tonw that you were born in, in the 70s or 80s or whenever it is you're pretending it is :D
jon357  72 | 23361
18 May 2016   #2048
Actually, bog honor ojczyzna is an unofficial motto for Poland.

More an unofficial motto for football hooligans and assorted extreme-right misfits. The expression doesn't ever cross most people's lips
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 May 2016   #2049
extreme-right misfits

Even worse are the extreme leftist misfits: homo and migrant promoters, backers of ex-ZOMO, ORMO, SB, TW types, assorted God-bashers as well as oligarchs, all of whom plentifully populate KOD's ranting ranks. Oh yes, one musn't forget another unsavory ingredient of that motley crew -- the child-support shirkers. Kijowski się kłania!
18 May 2016   #2050
the extreme leftist misfits: homo and migrant promoters, backers of ex-ZOMO, ORMO, SB, TW types

That's an excellent description of the 18% regime!

the child-support shirkers.

Isn't a PIS loving minister refusing to pay his child support despite being able to? Although at least both men acknowledge their children, which is more than a certain American in Warsaw does.
Ironside  50 | 12916
18 May 2016   #2051
politicians far more distinguished and respected than him

More respected than him? You mean to say that are loved by the biased media and used to have better press than him. In fact he was a politician against whom organized hate camping were lunched with downright lies, assassination of character on a daily basis and for years.

They responded with this latter to his summary of the state he found Polish Armed Forces and for which they share joint responsibility. No wonder they try to proceed they backside by writing this pathetic letter but facts are always specking louder than even the most eloquent letter or intricate lies.

As for distinguished, he is one of the veterans of the anti-commie regime struggle, there are indeed few people with a record as distinguished as him. That fact about him is constantly overlooked whereas other figure Michink is constantly prized like some kind of lone hero.

I question that respected part, nowadays respected doesn't cut it. Really a public figure is respected by most. He has more supporters that all those six prissy pansies that signed that letter combined.

More an unofficial motto for football hooligans and assorted extreme-right misfits.

You seems to be brushing elbows with the most unrepresentative crowd in Poland. To be able to claim something like that you must be absolutely detached from what is a main stream of Polish culture and traction.

That's a bullsh!t answer

Well, if immigrants to Poland are such a D-heads like you that I think he has raised a legitimate doubt who should be allowed to came to Poland. You have nothing but disrespect and contempt for the country's culture and tradition...
jon357  72 | 23361
18 May 2016   #2052
More respected than him?

Yes, very much more respected than him; Macierewicz is a figure of contempt and a laughing stock.

You seems to be brushing elbows with the most unrepresentative crowd in Poland

Only the 'crowd' that you yourself come from; the urban, educated, established.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
18 May 2016   #2053
ou must be absolutely detached from what is a main stream of Polish culture and traction.

We've already established that Iron - little jon still thinks that Poland is this liberal land where gays have the same kind of rights as in the west and that the majority of Poles want Muslim migrants to come and create a multi kulti society.

He hangs around other liberal expats who failed in the west so he thinks that his small group of friends and their ideas represent Polish society as a whole.

Michink is constantly prized like some kind of lone hero.

People like him ought to be kicked out of Poland. He criticizes Poland all the time and sells the country out to the west (this Zionist is a member of Council of Foreign Relations afterall) and gets awards from other liberals for it..
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 May 2016   #2054
That's an excellent description of the 18% regime!

Au contraire, it aptly describes the 10% losers' Platform. Petru & PSL were even bigger losers at the polls.
Porozumienie Centrum and PiS -- both Kaczyński parties -- were the most commie-free of them all. The PO faction in the present Sejm includes 30 ex-PZPR and TW MPs. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2016   #2055
People like him ought to be kicked out of Poland.

What a surprise to see you promote the same views as your PZPR family promoted. The PZPR were also virulently anti-semitic after 1968, which you would have drank along with your mother's milk.

Anyway, what a surprise that Polonius hasn't posted the latest news.

The European Commission has given Poland an ultimatum to resolve the conflict over the Constitutional Tribunal.,European-Commission-gives-Poland-deadline-over-Tribunal

PiS have until Monday to resolve the situation, or the European Commission will escalate the matter further. Clearly the EU has had enough with Poland, and now the pressure is building further on PiS to obey the law.

No doubt our patriots will proclaim that Poland should just leave the EU, yet none of them has a satisfactory answer for what will replace EU cash in Poland.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
18 May 2016   #2056
So you'd have never left Poland, you'd still be living in your spa tonw that you were born in, in the 70s or 80s or whenever it is you're pretending it is :D

I left because I had cancer and medicine was better in the US. Keep in mind the first few years after Poland was transitioning to Democracy things were rather difficult. We came to the US because we figured life would be better there - and at first it wasn't it was much worse but after we made some money life was great. Now though, the US isn't the place for me anymore and I am planning on moving back - especially if Hillary wins.

Poles are happy to allow Poles to leave Poland for pastures new but if someone dares to want to move to Poland that should not be allowed.

The majority of Poles wish to keep their country conservative, Catholic, and homogeneous. According to the University of Warsaw, 70% of Poles do not want non-whites living in their country.

The expression doesn't ever cross most people's lips

Aside from the soldiers who are willing to law down their lives for Poland - which you never would but rather wish to impose foreign views that are unwelcome in Polish society like gay marriage and accepting Muslims. Most Poles are patriotic and want their country to remain Catholic and homogeneous - that is the reality. Yes, Church attendance is down - however, Muslims are just as unwelcome now as they were when PO was in charge - even more so now after all the attacks and rapes that they pulled in Germany, France, Sweden, etc. PO didn't even want the migrants to come in at first and only later on agreed to let in a few thousand after the EU was pressuring them. PO listened to the citizens and understood that Muslim migrants were a security risk for the country. However, you would gladly put innocent men and women at risk of suicide attacks just so you can have a more multicultural society.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 May 2016   #2057
The European Commission has given Poland an ultimatum

And the KOD creeps with III RP's Laurel & Hardy (Schetyna & Petru) at their head have now clearly shown what they are really on about. When the EC gave Poland 5 days to clean up their act, Laurel & Hardy moved today's TK-themed meeting to next Tuesday. That clearly showed that they do not want to help resolve the row but plan to play the TK card and keep their hate cauldron simmering. Shame on those crudballs!!!
AdrianK9  6 | 364
18 May 2016   #2058
which you would have drank along with your mother's milk.

You took that quote right from I believe either Michnik or Gross - two Zionists that have absolutely no respect for Poland and ought to be kicked out of the country. People like them are the reason why PiS is changing media laws - we're sick of people calling themselves patriots and Polish citizens yet continually criticizing the country, saying more Poles killed Jews than Nazis, and all sorts of other garbage - but of course absolutely no criticism for the fact that Israel clusterbombs hospitals and schools and just in 2014 alone killed several thousand people and created 1,500 new orphans - just in the Gaza Strip.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2016   #2059
and ought to be kicked out of the country.

How nice of you to regurgitate PZPR propaganda. That's exactly what they wanted to do as well.

we're sick of people calling themselves patriots and Polish citizens yet continually criticizing the country

Don't you believe in freedom of expression? Well no, of course you don't, seeing as you grew up in a Communist family that happily socialised with SB agents.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
20 May 2016   #2060
Don't you believe in freedom of expres

I do, unless it gay propaganda. That should not be allowed as it is neither natural nor normal. However, that would be unfair - if we're going to allow freedom of expressiona nd freedom of speech then surely all types of freedom of expression and freedom of speech (with the exception of perhaps yelling fire in a crowded building) ought to be accepted. However, that is clearly not the case as nationalist, anti-immigrant demonstrations, speeches, and statistics that paint migrants in a bad light are censored all over western Europe.

Yes, my grandpa had a few drinks with our neighbor - he just happened to be SB... If he was a farmer, waiter, or whatever it wouldn't of made a difference. That's what people did in Poland - they socialized with friends, families, neighbors, etc. Komorowski also lived in our little town and bought meat from us, yet you don't seem to applaud our socializing and business relations with him... I don't apologize for any of my families' actions - I am glad that they prospered during a time when it was difficult. They did their part in making their own lives but also the lives of other locals better by providing meat and other unavailable goods - hence proving the inefficiencies of the Commie system which helped to brings about its ultimate demise.

Actually, freedom of speech and freedom of expression is highly limited in Europe - it has been proven that the media has not accurately reported on migrant crimes, the rapes in cologne, covered up crime statistics caused by migrants, refused to cover a demonstation in france by generation identitaire, and now even Merkel wants to censor anti-migrant posts on facebook... that's what the world has come to... in Germany, you can't even give the Roman salute without risking 3 years in jail - and you're going to talk to me about freedom of expression?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 May 2016   #2061
Yes, my grandpa had a few drinks with our neighbor - he just happened to be SB..

Say no more, say no more.

Anyway, today's events in the Sejm should be brought up. Szydło gave a wreck of a speech - she was shouting and raving in the Sejm, and then was comprehensively torn apart by the opposition. It's hard to see her surviving for much longer as PM - opinion polls are consistently showing that her government isn't popular (the latest one showed more people supporting KOD than Szydło).

Petru, leader of Nowoczesna, had this to say :

"It's been a long time since such an emotional speech by the Prime Minister, and I see that you are very nervous and did not know how to act. I also call not to hide behind calls for 'sovereignty' because the truth is that you created this mess

Couldn't have said it better myself. Szydło is in a world of trouble - she knows that her government is increasingly unpopular (some areas of Poland are expressing over 50% dissatisfaction with her governmet) - and her emotional speech today is not going to help any.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
20 May 2016   #2062
she knows that her government is increasingly unpopular

It's much more popular than that of Kopacz moron or Tusk ******.

Petru, leader of Nowoczesna

The same dude, who thinks Poland has had the same constituion since +220 years ?
Wulkan  - | 3136
21 May 2016   #2063
Petru, leader of Nowoczesna,

and most popular clown of Polish politics recently
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
21 May 2016   #2064
clown of Polish politics

Do keep up Wulkan.

The title of clown has already been assigned.

To Kaczynski - that "Nationalist clown"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 May 2016   #2065
III RP's Laurel & Hardy (Schetyna & Petru)

The latest CBOS poll shows PiS at the 37% support level at which they won the October election. The interesting thing is that losers PO with 18% have slipped ahead of loser Petru (17%). The only other party to make it in are Kukiz'15 (8%).

Poles continue to support the "good change" party, whilst the opposition are vying over who is better at bullying and badmouthing the government with their snitchery and character assassination.
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 May 2016   #2066
The title of clown has already been assigned.

Don't be jealous #Douglass, nobody is going to take away your title of the biggest clown on PF.

"Nationalist clown

Douglass learn Polish and learn something about Polish history and culture then and only then you can make comment that would have a chance to reflect Poland's realities somewhat.

Right now you are only making a fool out of yourself by this kind of wildly off mark slogans. Either you are a radical rabid leftie rabble or you known nothing.

To unsuspected reader, I'm not saying all that because I'm somehow connected to PiS and/or Kaczynski but because being that 'nationalistic' label is being repeated by the press, clowns in EC and former president of the USA do not reflect reality in the sightless.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
21 May 2016   #2067
To unsuspected reader, I'm not saying all that because I'm somehow connected to PiS and/or Kaczynski but because being that 'nationalistic' label is being repeated by the press, clowns in EC and former president of the USA do not reflect reality in the sightless.

Don't you think you're being a bit sensitive? You are well old enough to remember the mess that the twins made of Poland the least time - and that's not clownish policies I would like to know what is:)

Oh , but wait - you don't live here and don't have to suffer PIS policies do you?

I could tell you of their latest stupid local policies in Tri-City, but I must walk the dog.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 May 2016   #2068
PiS at the 37%

KOD BACKERS -- READ 'EM AND WEEP AS PiS SOARS AHEAD: The latest TNS Polska poll shows 39% for PiS, 17 for PO, 11 for Nowoczesna and 7 for Kukiz'15.

In the October election all Poland backed PiS except Pomerania and West Pomerania. Now PiS would win in every single region.
The moral of the story: the sideswipers, grumblers and badmouthers of the anti-government opposition are out of sync with the pulse of the Polish nation.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
23 May 2016   #2069
The moral of the story:

The moral of this story is that PiS are giving away money to large sections of the electorate. There is nothing wrong with it really given that the Polish state has never been as generous as the countries of the 'rotten' West. The problem that may arise - and this is not going to happen this present year - is whether the money is sufficient to cover expenses so generously promised by this party before the election of 2015. And it is in 2017 that the real test comes forth. When the government passes this test, then you may rightly say such a policy was in accordance with the pulse of the Polish nation.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 May 2016   #2070

The EC have softened their tone after the Polish government gave a tough response to their ultimatum which had given Poland 5 days to resolve the thorny TK issue. The government did not waver, waffle or back down, because that would have only emboldened the eurocrats, but issued a stern resolution underscoring Poland's attachment to sovereignty and refusal to be bullied by the EC..

The EC's Margaritis Schinas said today they had not used the term ultimatum with regards to Poland, but the govenrment saw the imposed deadline as an effective "do what we want or else" type of warning. Schinas stated that constructive dialogue was under way between the EC and the Polish government. One cannot rule out that the eurocrats have finally realised f*cking with Poland could well swing the Brexit referendum in favour of the UK's departure. Many British voters might wonder: "Look at how they're treating Poland. We may be next!"

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