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Poland's post-election political scene

gregy741  5 | 1226
15 May 2016   #1981
if he had good money-why he was not paying for his own kids?
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 May 2016   #1982
he was not working there long enough to repay what he owed
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 May 2016   #1983
cut funding

Bashing PiS is your sole concern wheher not it is wise, logical, sensible or consistent with your own views. On the one hand you shed crocodile tears over how 500+ and lowering retirement age are battering the poor state budget, but when spending is reduced, you condemn that as well. In the States it is said of such people that they're "full of sh*t!"
15 May 2016   #1984
he didn't say that you liar

"Wage discrimination is a myth," said Mr Kaczymarczyk, adding "[it is] perpetuated by women's imagination."

Oops, yet again you get caught fibbing about the lovers of PIS.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 May 2016   #1985
Bashing PiS

Whereas the KODerasts were sure their much vaunted protest march would turn people against their democratically elected government, quite the opposite is true. The latest IBRIS poll shows 33% backing for PiS (6 points up on last month), 21% for Petru (down from 22%) and 12% for PO (a 3 point drop). SLD's ex-commies got 6% and PSL moved out of the twilight zone and cleared the threshold with 5%. Some analysts feel one of the reasons was that 500+ has kicked in over the past month.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 May 2016   #1986
The latest IBRIS poll

So by your measurement, the anti-PiS coalition is actually on 44% vs 33% for PiS.
Ironside  50 | 12916
15 May 2016   #1987
openly believe that women should be kept in the kitchen, preferably on a chain.

Well, that is nothing I believe you should be kept in the cellar, definitely on a chain.

as a glass ceiling for women?

Gees and you should be having cold showers and electric shocks six time a day until you would get better.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 May 2016   #1988
anti-PiS coalition

But only a theoretical "coalition" existing solely in the demented minds of the delusional, because it is a hypothetical off-the-wall alliance that can neither enact laws nor block those proposed by the pro-Polish good-change government. And they can chant, rant, fume and pound the pavement till hell freezes over, but it won't make one iota of difference.
15 May 2016   #1989
they can chant, rant, fume and pound the pavement till hell freezes over, but it won't make one iota of difference.

The shills paid by Moscow said exactly the same about Solidarnosci, but they underestimated what motivated Poles can achieve. You're doing that (again) now, you'll never understand Poles, or be one.
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 May 2016   #1990
, you'll never understand Poles, or be one.

hhahah said the one who understands the Poles funny

Oops, yet again you get caught fibbing about the lovers of PIS.

it's a mistranslation or a deliberate manipulation - no Polish source repeats what your English language source states

Kaczmarczyk said glass ceilings are only in imagination of women - this not equals to wage discrimination is a myth

this is how Polish you are - you rely on English language sources to know what is going on in Poland

but they underestimated what motivated Poles can achieve.

KOD are a tiny minority of Poles - to compare them with Solidarity is hillarious - solidarity had 10 millions of members
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 May 2016   #1991
Kaczmarczyk said glass ceilings are only in imagination of women - this not equals to wage discrimination is a myth

Which is about as highly offensive as it comes.

He should be ashamed of himself, but given that PiS believe that cutting funding for centres that deal with victims of domestic violence is a correct thing to do, I doubt he has a single bit of shame in his body.
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 May 2016   #1992
He should be ashamed of himself

you won't win this war no matter how hard you try - no matter how many Newsweek articles you quote and the support for PiS is not 33 per cent but still 37 per cent and I guess it will grow until the next elections

PiS believe that cutting funding for centres that deal with victims of domestic violence is a correct thing to do

btw i haven't found the info anywhere - where did you get it from?
Ironside  50 | 12916
15 May 2016   #1993
From some obscure KOD's site on the internet founded by the Russian or German money that is spreading lies, disinformation and hate!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 May 2016   #1994
and the support for PiS is not 33 per cent but still 37 per cent and I guess it will grow until the next elections

Poor show, gumishu.

Clearly shows that PiS are actually on an average of 32% in May, while PO/Nowoczesna are ahead. PiS haven't had anything like 37% in a while, and most polls over the last few months have had them between 30-33%.

It's pretty obvious that any joint electoral list of PO/Nowoczesna/PSL/SLD at the minute is going to defeat PiS heavily. The core 30% of PiS voters are still there, but the centrist voters have left them.,artykuly,634118.html
- all here about it. Probably they weren't allied to PiS, so they got the money cut.

Important: If you post a link to a non-English source, ALWAYS summarize / translate the relevant parts into English!
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 May 2016   #1995
Clearly shows that PiS are actually on an average of 32% in May, while PO/Nowoczesna are ahead.

well says the one who predicted that PiS have no chance of forming a majority in Sejm

Important: If you post a link to a non-English source, ALWAYS summarize / translate the relevant parts into English!


all here about it. Probably they weren't allied to PiS, so they got the money cut.

Centrum Praw Kobiet is a fundation aka NGO - the goverment does not have to fund these organizations there are state owned organs that deal with the victims of domestic violence
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 May 2016   #1996
Except in many cases, NGO's are much more effective. The reality is that this NGO simply wasn't close to PiS, so they got their funding cut so that Rydzyk could have extra cash.

We know how it works in the PiSlamic State.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 May 2016   #1997
33 per cent but still 37

Different pollsters provide different results. The one I quoted was from Ibris. There are also MilwardBrown, CBOS, OBOP, GfK Polonia et al.


Unlike a plastic-card wannbe, a true Pole would never misspell a Polish word. It is Solidarność (nominative) and Solidarności (genetive and dative). When inserting a single Polish word into an English text always use the nominative.
16 May 2016   #1998

What's a wannbe?

this NGO simply wasn't close to PiS, so they got their funding cut so that Rydzyk could have extra cash.

Sad comment that the lovers of PIS think it's OK to give tens of millions to a man who thinks that a Maybach is a suitable thing to acquire with what were donations to charity but not to fund a centre that helps victims of domestic violence.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 May 2016   #1999
a Maybach

Another lie eagerly repeated . Father Director clearly denied that allegation and priests do not lie!

Wannbe or wannabe - what's the difference, who cares. It's only Anglo-jabber. But a Pole should never misspell a word in the sacred ancestral tongue, especially if one holds the off-the-wall belief that a plastic card or cardboard booklet affects one's DNA and lifelong heritage development.


Centrum Praw Kobiet

Under lofty or innocuous names many NGOs are effectively Trojan horses trying to smuggle in anti-family pro-pervert-genderist notions. Such was the case with the anti-violence against women law which was a cover for gender ideology.


mafketis  38 | 11137
16 May 2016   #2000
Trojan horses trying to smuggle in anti-family pro-pervert-genderist notions

What could be more anti-family than a priest who refuses to preside over the burial of a child because he disapproves of the dead child's parents?

There is no way that the priest in question should call himself a Christian...

The priest supposedly said to the grieving father: "pan nie jest żadnym ojcem i pan nie może być ojcem, bo z akt wynika, że nie ma pan ślubu kościelnego, a kto nie ma ślubu kościelnego nie może być ojcem"

"You're no father and you can't be because according to the records you don't have a church wedding and whoever doesn't have a church wedding cannot be a father"

Sick and perverted is just the right word.
16 May 2016   #2001
Father Director clearly denied that allegation and priests do not lie!

Father "Director" as you call him also claimed to be collecting money to "save the shipyards", but then the money was spent on other things instead. And he claimed not to have enough money to pay a 3,500zl fine despite having been driven to court in a chauffeur driven limo choosing a hundred times that much. So, while priests may or may not lie, this monk clearly does lie, just like that cat Duda does, for example when billing the taxpayer for his private flights to work.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 May 2016   #2002
There is no way that the priest in question should call himself a Christian...

Absolutely - and the same with PiS as a whole, trumpeting Christianity but in fact practising a faith much darker and older....
AdrianK9  6 | 364
16 May 2016   #2003
Harry there are some priests that live the high life in Poland, as well as other countries that have a strong Catholic presence - like in LATAM or Africa. If a priest has a large parish and decides to keep some of that money for himself, it's no surprise that a priest can afford a luxury lifestyle. Look at even that one TV preacher in the US - dude is worth some $40 million and has 3 elevators in his house granted he's not Roman Catholic so their clergies' customs and practices. I know of one priest in Poland that likes to go out on Fridays and Saturdays in civilian clothes and take his Bentley out for a spin. However, for that one black sheep, I personally know around a dozen that truly live by their faith and practice what they preach. Not all priests, imams, rabbis are scum - most are very devoted and live according to what's expected of clergy within that religion.

NGOs are effectively Trojan horses trying to smuggle in anti-family pro-pervert-genderist notions

Absolutely. At least there aren't the Muslim 'charities' collecting money for terrorist groups in Poland.... yet..

"You're no father and you can't be because according to the records you don't have a church wedding and whoever doesn't have a church wedding cannot be a father"

A Catholic priest can decide who is and who is not buried in a Catholic cemetery - that is totally up to the owners of the cemetery and their representatives. I'm sure that there are many other cemeteries that would accept the child. Catholic priests would often refuse to bury high profile crime figures in Catholic cemeteries even if that person went through baptism, communion, confirmation, etc.

Why are the gays, bis, trannies, etc. essentially forcing that private institutions accept them? I remember one particular case where a baker refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. That is the business owner's right - if he wants to refuse service to someone then he has that right!

If you don't want to stir up a commotion with a private business, i.e. a cemetery or a bakery, then use the public one as they will be more catering to your beliefs.

If a business owner wishes to refuse service based on their own personal philosophies that is his or her right. Just as it would be a LGBT private business owners' right to cater exclusively to the LGBT community. Open a 'gay friendly' cemetary if you don't like the way Catholic ones treat you - or use the public one...
Ironside  50 | 12916
16 May 2016   #2004
fact practising a faith much darker and older....

A devil worshipers bauuhahaha !

Father "Director" as you call him also claimed to be collecting money to "save the shipyards", but then the money was spent on other things instead

Stop bringing all the time that read herring will you? If you think that there was a crime you should notify authorities.

this monk clearly does lie,

Are you saying that Rydzk lie about that collected money or that he has conned people? Is that what you a saying Harry?

Sick and perverted is just the right word.

Why? If that is the truth and I have no reason to believe in the validity of that info than there could be some reason that would explain his behavior.

A Catholic priest can decide who is and who is not buried in a Catholic cemetery

Yes, there is that. Unfortunately some people in Poland take that privilege for granted.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 May 2016   #2005

An Xtian construct, however since you mention it, it's very worth pointing out that so far every single thing they've done is aginst the basic precepts of the religion they shout so loudly about.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
16 May 2016   #2006
Yes, there is that. Unfortunately some people in Poland take that privilege for granted.

I am so sick of the deviant types forcing us to accept them. You represent the tiniest fraction of society - the 98-99% should not have to adapt to cater to you. If a priest runs a private cemetery or a man runs his own bakery - he ought to have the right to decide who gets to be buried in his cemetery and if he wants to bake a cake for a same sex couple or not. These people have no respect for our own philosophies - it is a private business owners right to refuse service and that's simply what happened in this case.

Of course the western media, and even a few anti-polish outlets within Poland, will make this incident seem that Poland is some backwards terrible country because some gay dudes couldn't get buried in a certain cemetary.

If this was a public state cemetery that refused I could understand, but it's a Catholic one. Catholic cemeteries wouldn't bury certain Italian mafia members who donated bag fulls of cash to the Catholic Church so what makes some same sex couple so special?
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 May 2016   #2007
A Catholic priest can decide who is and who is not buried in a Catholic cemetery - that is totally up to the owners of the cemetery and their representatives

Certainly, but as reported in the linked story the priest acts with no detectable compassion or Christian (or human!) feelings. A very poor example, he sets.

I have no desire to determine church policy, but I reserve the right to judge the behavior of those who set themselves up as public moral exemplars - this guy isn't.

If you want to know why young people in Poland are more and more indifferent or hostile to the church that story is a good example.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 May 2016   #2008
the priest acts with no detectable compassion or Christian (or human!) feelings. A very poor example, he sets.

And when this is repeated thousands of times it explains why religious atttendance has haemorrhaged over tha past decade or so = a whole generation who feel hostile to the church and cynical of Polish politicians who attempt to use tht for their own ends.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
16 May 2016   #2009
Church attendance is down worldwide - it seems to only be increasing in Africa since that a new foothold for missionaries.

These non church-going Polish youth though aren't picking up LGBT banners instead and demonstrating for gay marriage.

The conservative traditions and customs stay with people that they were raised with, even if they've stopped going to church - that's what matters.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 May 2016   #2010
same sex couple so special

Becuase they are among the pet minorites of the minority PC-postmodernist clique. Trannies, who are even less numerious, are another darling of the gender ideology.

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