A nuclear bomb has been dropped in Poland yesterday as the gubmint presented an audit of the previous gubmint's 8 years of office.
Not really a nuclear bomb at all, because of two simple facts :
1) There was no evidence whatsoever presented, beyond the word of politicians
2) The "audit" was performed by the government without any credible independent oversight whatsoever
The latest poll results say it all : 38% support the anti-PiS coalition vs only 33% for PiS.
No nuclear bomb at all, but rather proof that PiS are yet again obsessing over political enemies while ignoring economic issues. It's all a smokescreen to cover up the fact that they have no hope in hell of funding their pre-election promises.
The nuclear bomb was today, as it's now been discovered that PiS pushed through a change in the law meaning that the State Forestry Service now have a veto over the sale of land zoned as forest. The same veto can be used to force someone selling their property to sell the forest to LP, at a price determined by the court.
Effectively, anyone with a garden that's partially zoned as forest is now at the mercy of Lasy Państwowe.
*that* is a nuclear bomb, as many sellers are now discovering that their properties are suddenly worth a lot less.
The costs of road construction per 1km were ~25% higher than, for example, in Germany.
I'll disprove this one, because it's what I'm most interested in. The claim was that the roads being built were the most expensive in Europe.
The actual truth was on the GDDKiA website - tvn24bis.pl/z-kraju,74/polskie-autostrady-nie-najdrozsze-w-europie,643114.html
The report performed by PwC for the GDDKiA reveals the truth :
What's more, the rate fluctuates around the EU average.
Such simple facts, and ones that make a mockery of your entire post.