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Poland's post-election political scene

7 Apr 2016   #1621
your expertise extends to things equestrian, stud management, veterinary medicine and expert evaluation of other people's professional abilities in those areas.

Since when did one need to any expertise to know that a person who openly admits that being around horses is something new for him is simply not qualified to run a horse stud?

Probably that's why you're known to all and sundry as a self-styled know-all.

Would you care to discuss who is known as Moscow's favourite American in Warsaw and why? Or would you prefer our comments to be restricted to the topic of this thread? I certainly would prefer that and I very much expect the mods would too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Apr 2016   #1622
Another day, another hilarious "good change" that actually involves taxing the people of Poland to hell.

Fuel taxes are to be increased by 10 grams per litre,79/rzad-pis-ministerstwo-infrastruktury-chce-podwyzszyc-oplate-paliwowa,633712.html

Like we all said before the election, PiS are all about raising taxes, raising taxes and raising them more, punishing the ordinary Pole. I'm sure 10gr a litre extra is no problem for those on 25k a month on Macierewicz's "commission", but it certainly is for the ordinary Polish voter struggling to make ends meet.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Apr 2016   #1623
10gr a litre extra

Basically stealth taxes to try to fund their wingnut policies and similar woo. This is something we'll be seeing a lot of until they're booted out.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Apr 2016   #1624
Moscow's favourite American

I'd love to. Please clue us in!
7 Apr 2016   #1625
Like we all said before the election, PiS are all about raising taxes, raising taxes and raising them more, punishing the ordinary Pole.

From each regardless of his ability to pay to each according to his loyalty to the Party and The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski.

I'd love to.

OK, so start a thread in off-topic and I'll happily tell the tale of the all-American who spent decades here loyally serving his masters in Moscow.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Apr 2016   #1626
From each regardless of his ability to pay to each according to his loyalty to the Party and The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski.

"I pledge allegiance to Chairman Kaczyński of the 4th Republic of Poland, and to the Nepotism for which it stands, one Party, indivisible, with money and power for us"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Apr 2016   #1627
so start a thread

You brought it up, so go start it. I don't know of any such person, but you apparently do.
7 Apr 2016   #1628
I pledge allegiance to Chairman Kaczyński of the 4th Republic of Poland, and to the Nepotism for which it stands, one Party, indivisible, with money and power for us"

Surely "Dear Leader Chairman Kaczyński of the Banana Republic of Poland", no?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Apr 2016   #1629
I pledge allegiance

Improved and more true-to-life version:

"I pledge allegiance to shadowy Soros and the dodgy financial network for which he stands, one World Order devoid of God, with power, influence and petrudollars for KODists and other docile, serivlistic NGOs, so help me Tusk!
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Apr 2016   #1630
the Banana Republic of Poland

This is actually something that political tendency would be happy with.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Apr 2016   #1631
Just to further the evidence of it being a Banana Republic...Duda in an interview made this hilarious statement.

But, unfortunately, I can not use private transport. It is also a matter of the obvious safety requirements of the head of state.,artykuly,383432,1.html#fp=nw

I remind everyone that while Duda is flying himself to/from Kraków every weekend at the cost of 30,000zł plus each time to the taxpayer, the President of Israel (who is far more at risk...) simply flies First Class on El Al. Likewise, the Norwegian Royal Family flies as normal passengers.

If Duda is so hell-bent on flying around every weekend, why isn't a helicopter used to transport him? A decent helicopter these days will have a range of around 700-800km - more than enough for a jaunt to Kraków for the weekend.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
8 Apr 2016   #1632
As to Shirley Watts' two horses dying at Janow....

Note the use of " Poland's new nationalist government..." The third of those words being a derog in the English language......

Every bloody day embarrassing news comes out of Poland now. Don't people have any pride? Oh wait!

That's what the world was saying in the 80s.

Absolutely disgraceful.
cms  9 | 1253
8 Apr 2016   #1633
I love the fact that he talks about his Mum, Wife and kid being in Krakow and him having to look after them. That is accepted but I thought he might have realized when he decided to apply for the job of President that it was based in Warsaw.
8 Apr 2016   #1634
his Mum, Wife and kid being in Krakow

Perhaps his house here is too small for them?

when he decided to apply for the job of President that it was based in Warsaw.

I suppose it isn't really that realistic to have puppet strings running all the way from Zoliborz to Krakow.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Apr 2016   #1635
his house here is too small

It's known to be larger than 27 sq m. But some make out fine on 26 sq m so why shouldn't he. A little modesty and humility never hurts
8 Apr 2016   #1636
It's known to be larger than 27 sq m.

And the occupants of it can clearly afford to paint it, which is more than than some people can. So, given that his accommodation is far larger than the Warsaw average and in far far better condition that the properties of some loyal servants of The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski, why can't he and his family live in it?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Apr 2016   #1637
why can't he and his family

He can and does but his family's roots are in Poland's old royal capital, Kraków.
jon357  72 | 23361
8 Apr 2016   #1638
So he can only bring himself to live where his "family's roots are", rather than in the capital, the proper place for a head of state, not that he is much of one.

This would surprise and amuse so many people.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Apr 2016   #1639
not that he is much of one

And you'd be a better one: Poland's homosexual head of state?!
jon357  72 | 23361
8 Apr 2016   #1640

You're obsessed with the subject. Absolutely obsessed.

Anyway, Poland has already has a homosexual head of government - Jaroslaw Kaczynski who is the leader of the party who are unfortunately in government now.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Apr 2016   #1641
already has a homosexual head of government

Evidence, please. Hardly looks to be a deviate or pervert -- no pink scarves or eye shadow!


Again we see that all the KODist ranting and bellyaching, the snitching to the EU nd US wasn't worth a hill of beans as far as the Polish nation goes. Ordinary Poles view the KODists as a bunch crackpots ranting in the streets instead of spending more time with the family.

The latest CBOS poll shows that PiS continue to lead with 38% support, about the same as in the October election, and this despite the merciless propaganda onslaught by the embittered losers.

The Petru gang can count on 18% and the Platfus crowd on 13%, so even taken together their combined support falls below PiS'. Kukiz enjoys 8% backing.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Apr 2016   #1642
Looks like there's a new scandal breaking right now - of course yet more PiS misdeeds. Not just the dead horses in the famed national stables after PiS relaxed the expert director with one of their cronies who is entirely unqualified.

More news to follow...
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Apr 2016   #1643
Lots of crap going on in Poland but I don't have the time (and nerves) to read PF and comment on here so I stay away, but I had a look today at a few pages on this thread and I'd like to share some observation.

PiS supporters on here sound like Putin's supporters in Russia.

Some examples:

The KODerasts (KODeraści) and their ilk are prepared to tarnish the country's image, sabotage the government and destabilise the state in pursuit of their overriding aim -- return to power.

I see Polish nationalists even adapt the way Russian nationalists speak about democratic opposition in Russia. I've already written on PF that Russians call liberals "liberasts" (либерасты) which is a portmanteau of words "liberal" and "pederast" (педераст - a derogatory term for homosexuals, used like this also in Poland).

Damn morons, saboteurs, traitors and punks.

Those people by their irresponsible and selfish action endanger security of Poland, they aim to destabilize that country and they don't care for consequences.
Saboteurs or morons are just very mild names for such a people.

Again - democratic opposition and protesters in Russia are called exactly the same and accused of exactly the same.

Decibels and compliant media like the Michnik rag and TVN only show that some agenda is heavily bankrolled (by Soros, the Kremlin et al?!).

And again - people (including media) opposing Putin and his United Russia (/Kaczyński and PiS) can't possibly be doing it out of their own conviction. Someone must be behind this "bankrolling" them. Or they must be stupid sheep listening to media influenced by hostile governments (and the Jews :)).

The only difference is that according to pro-Putin Russians the opposition media are payed by USA and the West and according to PiS supporters (or nationalists among them, at least) the non pro-PiS, non-right wing media in Poland are payed by Germany (and the Jews, according to the more anti-Semitic ones lol) and nowadays, according to them, probably by the rest of the EU lol

When fanatical agitators herd crowds into the streets on a weekly basis that causes commotion, disrupts normal traffic, disorganises nomral people's lives as well as requiring street closures, rerouting traffic and police protection at the taxpayers' expense.

OMG, the disruption of normal traffic got me the most!!! :D I remember one Russian guy from Moscow, a mild supporter of Putin (as he claimed) and a vicious hater of democratic Russian opposition (he claimed they are mostly Jews and are payed by the West + commented that Garri Kasparow looks like an ape and he's not a real Russian anyway) complained on regular basis about pro-democracy and anti-Putin demonstrations that nobody wants them, nobody cares for them and they only disrupt the normal traffic in Moscow! Who cares about democracy and an authoritarian leader - people want to get to home from work, they don't want traffic jams! :O

People in Russia know their priorities, unlike those weirdos in Gayropa (and Poland, until recently :/)! :D

Btw, when my anti-Putin Russian friend came to Warsaw to sightsee she was so amazed (in a positive way) about all the demonstrations taking place in Warsaw (like, for example, families with kids and balloons on some pro-life demonstration) and small presence of friendly police - that was during PO-PSL rule.

Also, PiS supporters didn't seem too bothered about the destruction of Warsaw during the Independence marches. Oh the hypocrisy...

I remember all those comments from Russians about "the hienas waiting in line for paychecks outside the US embassy in Moscow" (about democratic opposition and protesters), that all the liberal opposition wants is to get to power and steal money as they did in the past and they want to sell Russia to the US and to the West and all the US and the West and Poland want is to put Russia on its knees or destroy it altogether. And democratic opposition in Russia, of course, is ready to get to power by the means of bloody revolution, they would do anything just to get those dollars, eh.

Bringing country from its knees is also a common rhetoric for both Russian supporters of Putin and Polish supporters of PiS.
Also, I don't know what it looks like among supporters of PiS in general, but what I've noticed here is disregard for democracy and autocratic mentality (something that usually Poles were accusing Russians of!) with all this love for II RP and Piłsudski and stuff like Polonius3 writing that Piłsudski was tired of "squabbling parliament" in one of the threads some time ago. Also I think I recall Ironside wrote something about killing people in the streets. I didn't comment on all of that but I must say that it chilled the blood in my veins and got carved in my mind, as you can see.

I just wonder when PiS will stop to pretend that they care about democracy at all. And whether their supporters care about it and to what extent.

Russians don't seem to care about it anymore. I've seen Russians calling it "**********" (дермократия - gównokracja) and democrats - "**********" (дермократы - gównokraci). According to Putin Russia has it's own original version of democracy that fits the enigmatic Russian spirit or whatever (in reality it's just an ordinary autocracy and there's nothing "special" or "original" about it) which is called "sovereign democracy" lol:

I wonder whether also in Poland normal democracy will be considered an invention of the "degenerate West" and PiS will think of sth fitting the "unique Polish spirit" more lol

Actually, what am I saying... They're already doing that...

And of course any criticism by the West (and Poland) against transgressions against democracy and rule of law are considered to be "political" and "hostile" and an attempt to put Russia into a corner or "on its knees". We are already hearing the same from the Polish government talking in such terms about opposition and the EU.

EU/foreign governments/foreign media, etc. "interfering in internal affairs" - that's a Russian mantra (and a mantra of any autocratic regime and dictatorship, for that matter) that is becoming also a mantra of the Polish government. You really don't have to be a genius to see that. I hope EU leaders and diplomats are seeing this too and won't turn a blind eye (it seems to me that Cameron already did that in order to make a deal with Poland - shame).

According to Russians NGO's are paid by the West. Amnesty International is a Western organisation (ah, Venice Commission and its "non binding opinions" come to mind :))) and hence is "political" and lies about everything that concerns Russia (human rights violations, journalists ending up dead, war crimes, etc. - lies, lies, Western lies lol).

Putin didn't care about demonstrations (despite the fact that they were much more numerous then in Poland), demonstrations didn't seem to change much in Hungary and PiS doesn't seem to be impressed by them either.

I don't know how many people would have to come to the streets in order to make PiS change their ways. As many as during Solidarity protests during commie times?

I really don't know.

It seems to me that PiS is like Putin - it will go as far as we'll let them (and they will be lying in our faces in the meantime, just like Putin does). And since it's a democratically elected government I'm not sure what we can do about it except protesting in the streets. But there would have to be some really mass protests and I'm afraid that by the time Poles will wake up it's going to be waaay to late. PiS is doing everything much faster than Putin (this has its advantages and disadvantages). I remember arguing about the experimental law in Saint Petersburg banning "homosexual propaganda" with that Russian guy (the one who called Kasparov an ape) before the West and Madonna took any interest. When they finally did it was too late, of course.

And I'm afraid the EU may be our only hope. I hope they won't leave it be :/

You know, there was a time when I found it funny how Russian and Polish nationalists are alike (well, nationalists everywhere are alike, I guess). It was so funny because they hate each other so much.

It would be funny how PiS seems to be parroting Putin (not Orban anymore, it got too far already, I think) and hating on him at the same time if I didn't live in this country. But I do and I care about Poland and it's not funny anymore. It's scary.

It looks really bad. I can't believe this is happening in Poland. That people like those in PiS were actually born in my country. How's that possible? In Poland that fought against totalitarian regimes, against communism? So much sacrifice and for what? To be all of that thrown away after less than 30 years?? It's heartbreaking... I can't believe what's happening... :( Damn, people must have felt this way in Germany when (democratically-elected) NSDAP came to power...

But simple decency requires them to be loyal to the democratically elected government and officially reconcile themselves to their electoral defeat.

Wow, this is rich coming from a PiS supporter! lol How can you people be such hypocrites? I don't get this party fanaticism. Have people lost their minds? Is this party your family, or sth? They're just politicians, ffs! And crappy ones at that! ;/

I could go on like this but don't have time atm. Maybe some day I'll even make a thread because there's lots to write about, if I have time and will and some funny things won't start happening to my computer like when I was writing about the Ukraine crisis and I wasn't able to write on the internet for months ("greetings" to "sad gentlemen" from Russia if they had anything to do with it lol). Because nowadays my mum is warning me about "sad gentlemen" from Poland spying on the internet lol :/ She's afraid I'm going to get "internowana" for writing on the internet... lol That's like the term from commie times for people who were ending up in prison for "anti-communist activity" lol I hope it won't come to this. I was laughing when she was saying that she's afraid of "those people" (PiS) before the elections... I thought she was exaggerating, but I don't think that anymore... And I'm not laughing anymore... :(

This is all depressing, to be honest... Especially considering all the sh1t that's going on in the world and with the EU and Trump in the US...

I wouldn't like to be Lathspell, the bearer of bad news again, but all of this doesn't look good... This is not 2007, people... The world has changed and Poland has changed too... The question is - how much...

I've seen Russians calling it "**********" (дермократия - gównokracja) and democrats - "**********" (дермократы - gównokraci).

The censored words are "sh1tocracy" and "sh1tocrats".
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Apr 2016   #1644
The censored words are "sh1tocracy" and "sh1tocrats".

In the current Polish reality, those words sort of fit PiS instead.

A very good post Paulina, you've hit a lot of nails on the head.
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Apr 2016   #1645
PiS supporters

I say that absolutely doesn't describe me unless you are like one of those fanatics on the Polish political forums with their ass deep in their own backside to whom sombody who doesn't hate PiS and Kaczynski is automatically labelled as a PiS- supporter and an enemy.

sound like Putin's supporters in Russia.

Bah! Aren't we being dramatic a tad too much or just repeating BS from biased papers seeded there to stir emotions of the people?

Again - democratic opposition and protesters in Russia are called exactly the same and accused of exactly the same.

Well, there are a lot of significant differences that seem to be escaping your attention. Anyhow you are comparing apples and oranges here.
The fact is that if significant par of the establishment in Poland, including political parties are slandering Polish government in the eyes of the foreign powers in this way their are endangering stability and Polish national interests.

That is clear to all people who know what what.

A very good post Paulina, you've hit a lot of nails on the head.

That would make a good carpenter but political savvy she isn't.

the non pro-PiS, non-right wing media in Poland are payed by Germany (and the Jews, according to the more anti-Semitic ones lol) and nowadays, according to them, probably by the rest of the EU lol

A lot of mush mash here.
There are some behind the curtain struggles and that is a fact. Including other undeniable fact that 80% of the press in Poland is in Axel springer hands - a one of the four huge German corporation which are working hand in hand. What says you?

the disruption of normal traffic

Let them protest and march as much as they want. Fact is there no coherent idea behind it all save for a denial that PiS has won a democratic election and that is what probably is annoying people.

PiS supporters didn't seem too bothered about the destruction of Warsaw during the Independence marches.

Sorry that is a very biased or a very ill informed sentence.

I've noticed here is disregard for democracy and autocratic mentality

Where have you noticed here? Different opinions are seen as high mark of free and democratic society and freedom of speech is another - should people have no right to freely speak their mind about KOD opinions and such?

It seem to be you cannot get your head around that concept and just because you side with the so called opposition and hence you take all critical voices as a sign of an oppression by the autocratic government. That is a pure BS. Has sombody been arrested or has been one of many KOD's march attacked?

Had the leaders being locked up their freedom of expression or their lives in danger? No and no and there is some more NO!
So what are you talking about? About your feelings? Are you offended that some people who have absolutely no afflation not only to the government but to any political party? Just because they express their unfavourable views on KOD?

Grow up and apply in practise what you preach i.e. democracy and tolerance will you?
I think that so called opposition is just a retarded constipating blast that need to go for Poland to progress and succeed. I'm entitled to my opinion and if you equate my opinion with actions, words and deeds of the Putin regime is simply nothing more but a childish hysteria.

I think I recall Ironside wrote something about killing people in the streets

Really? Care to provide a quote or at least tell us what is this 'something' that I allegedly have said rather than spread wild rumors and gossip like washerwomen?
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Apr 2016   #1646
I say that absolutely doesn't describe me unless you are like one of those fanatics on the Polish political forums with their ass deep in their own backside to whom sombody who doesn't hate PiS and Kaczynski is automatically labelled as a PiS- supporter and an enemy.

Well, you're defending PiS in what they're doing. If I remeber well you're a Ruch Narodowy supporter which is even worse. Plus shooting protesters in the streets comment - what kind of Pole are you? That's ZOMO mentality, ffs.

Bah! Aren't we being dramatic a tad too much or just repeating BS from biased papers seeded there to stir emotions of the people?

Ironside, after 7 or more years of discussing with Russians and reading stuff on Russian internet I could teach many Polish journalists (and probably some Western ones too, and you too) about a thing or two and how "dramatic" they should be right now, believe me. Most Poles don't have the knowledge that I have, unfortunately, and probably don't understand the gravity of what's going on and where it could lead Poland.

And don't pretend that you don't know that I can think for myself.

Well, there are a lot of significant differences that seem to be escaping your attention.

Yes, Poland isn't Russia yet, it's just heading that way. It's all very comforting, indeed...

Anyhow you are comparing apples and oranges here.

It looks like both apples and oranges are prone to going bad and rotting.

The fact is that if significant par of the establishment in Poland, including political parties are slandering Polish government in the eyes of the foreign powers in this way their are endangering stability and Polish national interests.

Sure, when PiS was in opposition and slandering Polish government (including accusations of being in cahoots with Russia and behind of the "assassination" of Lech Kaczyński and organisating manifestations with torches and slogans as if they were going to make a coup d'était and claiming the elections were rigged etc.) was all good and dandy and wasn't endangering anything lol

Please, Ironside, I'm not a moron. I have a brain. And I'm actually using it. And it works. I've proven it many times before on this forum.

That is clear to all people who know what what.

What what what? Make some effort and use arguments with me or I shall destroy you, like many before you ;D :P

That would make a good carpenter but political savvy she isn't.

Of course nooot. When I'm criticising liberals or leftists you, Ironside, say that I "hit the nail on the head" (like when I criticised smurf in the thread "Should Poles help Germans organize protests demanding free media ?")

But when I'm criticising right-wingers that just makes me "a good carpenter" :)

You are no better than jon357, smurf or Harry. When I write what they like or I criticise whom they dislike I'm "hitting nails on the heads" but when I criticise them or sth they defend I'm treated like the greatest retard on this planet :)

Humans... lol *smh*

Btw, one journalist said on TV that Jarosław Kaczyński in one of older interviews he conducted with him said openly that civic society in Poland should be eliminated because it gets in the way of the power of the state. How do you like that, Ironside?
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Apr 2016   #1647
"interfering in internal affairs"

Time you consider that concept seriously instead of making fun of it.

that's a Russian mantra

I think you know too much and at the same too little about Russia for that to do you any good. Comparing Poland and Russia? Russia never had any democracy and all that patients and they don't understand that concept.

It seems to me that PiS is like Putin

I guess maybe because you are clueless? Feelings and similarly sounding expressions doesn't automatically translate into sameness of the issues. Comprende?

And I'm afraid the EU may be our only hope

Just you wait, they will help you to become yokels of the German empire.

I hope they won't leave it be :/

I see calling for the foreign intervention into Poland's internal affairs you are just one of those people who doesn't deserve to be called a citizen. I'm deeply disappointed - expected better from you.

Enough I can't stomach more of your mindless drivel. You are talking utter tripe woman. Wake up and smell the coffee beans
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Apr 2016   #1648
I'm treated like the greatest retard on this planet

Nope, just like a gobby and hormonal youngster who argues for the sake of it, making overlong posts with too much (usually inaccurate) information - and who always loses.

On the matter of PiS, however, you are right.
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Apr 2016   #1649
Well, you're defending PiS in what they're doing

They are bringing a climate of change into a stale, inefficient and corrupted state.

Plus shooting protesters in the streets comment - what kind of Pole are you?

Bah, that emotions were talking and I stressed that. Anyhow many from those people deserve to be shot after due process. No, not because their are protesting, but because what they done in the past(not all protesters) . That justice

And don't pretend that you don't know that I can think for myself.

You can be influenced or misinformed like anyone including me. Russia and Poland have different cultures, so different that I say they belong to different civilisations and what happens in Russia doesn't necessary needs to happen in Poland - that simple enough.

Yes, Poland isn't Russia yet, it's just heading that way. It's all very comforting, indeed...

Only in your mind.

It looks like both apples and oranges are prone to going bad and rotting.

Drama and some more of a drama. Stop looking at Russia look at Poland and learn about facts.

Sure, when PiS was in opposition and slandering Polish government

I'm not aware of the instances that PiS was slandering Polish government. If they attempted to talk about Smolensk (I'm guessing) then because it was obviously a major failure of the Polish government and all the world could see it.

That failure to investigate properly Smolensk lowered position of Poland significantly.

I'm not a moron. I have a brain. And I'm actually using it.

I know but you belong to majority of Poles who don't understand politicks and who don't understand of so called west. Also you are often misinformed.

In fact most Poles feels more than think. Those who think do so in such weird categories when in comes to politicks that it renders their thinking void.

I shall destroy you, like many before you ;D :P

Go ahead. :_) I'm looking forward to it but use some real arguments. Compering Poland to Russia really doesn't cut it.

When I write what they like or I criticise whom they dislike I'm "hitting nails on the heads" but when I criticise them or sth they defend I'm treated like the greatest retard on this planet

If you are right I say so if you are wrong I have no calms to say it. Simple.

How do you like that, Ironside?

What is to like? If he really said what is implied then I disagree with him. I think that society in Poland should be rebuild around Dmowski's idea and I'm all for a grass root movement rather that around parties or a leader..

However his words were misinterpreted and misrepresented so often that I wouldn't take a word of any journalist for it.
12 Apr 2016   #1650
(I would be amazed if my post makes it, since usual they are censored and binned immediately, but here goes).
In all seriousness members who post on this site should be aware they are being monitored and be wary of what they write, since the new government doesn't appreciate criticism and as we shall see over the next year a crackdown will begin soon.

Immediate expulsion of "subversive foreigne elements", "seizure of property". "Nighttime arrests." "14 holding with out charge."

Given that Poland is 98%, this law targets the 2% of which the fanatical Islamic element is probably 0.001% max. So the question is why is such a law needed?

Could it be that a non-Polish national protesting at a KOD demonstration could be perceived to be an agent provocateur, arrested in the middle of the night, held for 14 days without charge and then expelled from Polish territory and then have their property seized. Answer is alarmingly it seems so.

So again in all seriousness I would counsel those who post on this forum to be aware that PiS don't play by western rules.

oops, that should have read 'Given that Poland is 98% Polish............

To the spooks that are reviewing this site, as Withnail said on Monty's entry into the bedroom, " we mean no harm......."

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