post-election political scene
PO is doing everythingn possible to stoke the Polish-Polish war which it launched back in 2005. Tusk and Rokita were so shell-shocked and traumatised by their dual defeat at the polls that they lost their minds and when they came to PO started doing everything in their pwoer to sabotage and undermine the work of the democratically elected government.
Now they're back to their old tricks, even worse, acting like a spoilt brat that didn't get his way. At least the Petru group can be admired for holding their own and hurling questions at the government, whislt the Platformers stormed out and held a briefing, now get this -- one the stairs. Any honourable oppositon would have stayed, voted against or abstained without throwing cry-baby temper tamtrums.
They thought they werte so clever last summer when they forced through a measure that would ensire a Constituional Tribunal fully controlled by PO. Although they didn't have a majority in the Sejm or Senate, they felt at least in this way they coudl obstruct or overturn the government's measures. PiS luckily caught onto their little ruse and has prevented the planned take-over by a losing party.